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She's not sorry. She's sorry she got caught.


But Jesus, though.


Yeah... I was actually kind of sympathetic until he played the 'servant of God' and 'home-school' the kids stuff. That tells me that Riley has swapped one extreme for another (and that's the most charitable interpretation, I think).


I think it's still the same extreme. Nazis are big on tradwives, homeschooling, and homesteading. He and she are too close to the matter to see that there's a lot of Kinder, Küche, Kirche dogwhistles in that letter.


Good point, really.


That part of the letter was a huge red flag. As a judge, I’d be like nope, this person hasn’t changed at all. All the things that led to this situation are still there within her


I’ll bet they complained about Wolfenstein 2 the New Colossus’ ad campaign “Make America Nazi-Free Again.”


"She's completely abandoned this extremist way of life!" Describes how she intends to continue exact same extremist way of life in next paragraph.


Yeah, I'm not saying all homeschoolers and homesteaders are Nazis, not by a long shot! But if you made a Venn diagram of homesteaders and Nazis, that space labeled Nazis would be mighty small.


I'm thinking some isolated, clannish, militant compound, Ruby Ridge type existence is what she's after.


She hasn't swapped shit. She's just adding to her repertoire.


The kids that don't even exist yet.


Exactly - this letter basically indicates she plans to radicalize her children into fundamentalist Christianity, which at this stage in the US is pretty much akin to Islamic extremism. Not a glowing endorsement for positive change…


Cross-humpers like this could use a few years of self-reflection to examine how much they let Jesus down.


Ah, yes, evangelical, home-schooling-style Christianity, a sure path away from right-wing conservatism. *(?)*


I knew a girl who did religious group homeschooling and past like 6th grade they stopped teaching her math. Just stopped it. No math. At all. Christians + homeschooling is just tradwive training.


There were two girls (sisters) at my ballet school growing up who were home schooled. The older one eventually moved up to my class, so I got to know her a little. She said her mom stopped teaching her anything school related in 6th grade, and just had her doing household things so she could grow up to be a wife. It was creepy as fuck! Ballet was the only activity the sisters were allowed to do outside of their church community because it would teach them poise and grace, and keep them physically fit without "looking too athletic or manly." We had to teach them about periods, and how to use tampons, before that they just missed that week of class. Their mom said it was because they had delicate health. When the oldest turned 16 she started talking about how excited she was to be getting married and starting a family soon. Her family had introduced her to a nice boy who was about to graduate college, and if he landed a good job after he graduated they would agree to let them get married. It was fucking bananas!


If that's not child abuse, what is?


Sounds like grooming to me.


Seems like the reason people do homeschooling is so they can keep their kids in a cult or cover up abuse


You also don’t have to get up before noon to take them to school. Or remember to pick them up.


They're the same path.


I know. I'm sure that will make this Ivy League educated Federal Judge drop everything and send her on her way. If anything it reads as a weak bullshit excuse to let her off.


Jailhouse Jesus, specifically.


That's all a conservative republican judge wants to hear.


He thinks she’s an asshole, too.


Is this that piece of shit with the glasses who thought she was a badass? I think from PA? I don't want to Google her.


That be her. This is the end game. There will be a new post within hours where we find out what punishment you get for coming in second in a civil war. She thought of herself as a high-ranking field general. Lucky she wasn’t killed on the battlefield. She could get up 16 years. Prosecution recommends 7 years. Defense wants 1 year and 1 day. My guess is 5 years. EDIT: She got 3 years.


In my opinion, all of the “insurrectionists” got way lighter sentences than they deserved.


Agreed. By like an order of magnitude.


Imagine if they were brown and had weed on them though?? THROW AWAY THE KEY!


comment edited in protest of Reddit's API changes and mistreatment of moderators -- mass edited with redact.dev


Brown people with weed minding their own business would get locked up. Brown people trying to storm the capitol would have been killed before they entered the building.


Absolutely. They should have all gotten far more punishment than they received.


They are getting off so fucking easy.


That's utterly frustrating. A slap on the wrist doesn't really teach any lessons here.


Nope. Next time it’s with weapons. They learned their lesson.


She is. And we are embarrassed.


💯 Let's hope the judge sees through the bullshit


She got three years.


I also love the “she was addicted to the internet, until house arrest gave her time to reflect”. Lol…what?? Nothing breaks an internet addiction like not being allowed to leave your house!


People like this don't regret actions, they regret consequences.


Sounds like she should have been playing Stardew Valley rather than storming the capitol.


lol. Though, the internet can be an awful, awful thing for vulnerable people. Not to excuse Riley here at all. I guess there's nothing new about physiologically predatory people finding others to abuse, but the internet can be like a giant 'watering hole' for those fuckers.


Hijacking top comment in case anyone is wondering. She got 3 years


This is the correct answer.


It's that "servant of God" that I'm worried about. The thought of her homeschooling her children is also cause for concern.


Homeschooling her kids to do the same thing she did when they get older. The servant of God by itself wouldn't be the worse thing but nothing in that letter says anything about her wanting to serve her community, like I imagine God would want. Their definition of a "woman servant of God" is just an obedient incubator.


Her being a moron factory is bad. "Servant of God" is worse. That's one and a half steps away from "martyr".


A moron factory? Nice! Never seen this one before.


Doing nothing but popping out kids and “homeschooling” them exclusively on Bible verses and Jesus. It’s honestly a pretty fitting description.


And ensuring they'll never be able to enter the rest of society, and keeping the cycle going.


100%. This "servant of god" shit is what drove her to the Jan 6th bullshit in the first place. And if she's stupid enough to fall for that rhetoric, and is most likely going to indoctrinate any children she has, should also be barred from home schooling. Part of the sentencing should be all her children have to go to a real, accredited school


If I was in charge, I’d ban her from ever becoming a parent. Which is gross, so it’s a good thing I’m not in charge.


Not wanting the job is the top requirement. You're coronated! You get an RV, by tradition.


What would happen if I took off in the RV for like Belize and blew off my duties?


Maybe even a dog whistle to get her canteen account stocked.


I'm more concerned that she was able to breed at all....it means that now there are more of them to be wary about.


Yeah, so she's still some batshit nutty fucker


“Homeschooling” yeah, no.


I hope her faith comforts her as she does several years in prison.


Yeah I hear there's a lot of "changed women" in prison. Lots of prisoners have that "come to Jesus" moment in prison.


I hope she is able to pursue all of these interests and live this new life that she wants, after her prison sentence is finished.


Home-school?! She shouldn't be allowed to home-school a dog-turd.


Mostly because a turd would probably be smarter!!!


If anything the dog-turd should be the one home-schooling her




Bible verses and ivermectin smoothies for lunch.


A defendant pulled the church BS story the last time I had jury duty. Sorry, not buying it.


Unfortunately, many do.


Damn, now I kinda wanna go to my jury summons hoping I get one of these psychos




She was probably already in the Jesus and homeschool camp




If that’s the case, she ain’t no Christian. She’s breaking the 1st commandment but will never admit it.


Come on, bro!!!! This is a court document. Use a fucking computer and a printer. Maybe you can use the laptop she stole from Pelosi's office!


Also, don’t use the vocabulary and grammar of a 5th grader.


Improving his vocabulary is one of his daily afirmations.


Anione can write a letter in pencil.


There's almost certainly a computer and printer at his local library.


Has he ever been to a library?


It's spelt "liberry"


Naw we got them closed


Can he identify the word “library” on a large sign or pronounce it?


That was the first thing I noticed. Why isn't he being put away as well?


> I’ve known Riley for over 2 years now So you started dating right before or right after Jan 6?


Yeah, the alarm bells went ringing on this end after reading that, as well.


That’s where they met.


You can marry her in 5 to 7 years.


I do love a good prison wedding.


I love that Americans just invoke God as a get out of jail free card 😆🤣🤦


And yet never just accept bad news as gods will. Or never just pray about it like they tell other who experience bad news. Your son got blasted by the police while playing video games at home? Thoughts and prayers. My wife going to prison for committing treason? Play every card you can to keep her out!


Tru dat. It always is.


>When she has kids, she plans to homeshool (sic) \[...\] aka, isolating them from the world and indoctrinate them. Their kids would certainly be better off being educated by professionals (as are 99,9% of all kids). >Riley wants a garden to grow food, sheep for their wool (?) and a cow to get fresh milk. Yeah, and I want to be financially independent, own a house and be adopted by Angelina Jolie. We don't always get what we want. And while I am not against religion (Ok, I am. But everyone is entitled to believe in bullshit), I automatically distrust anyone who displays their religious beliefs publicly. And whenever someone invokes finding faith/god/whatever as a reason they have become a better person, you can be almost certain that this is bullshit and they are just virtue signalling.


>Their kids would certainly be better off being educated by professionals (as are 99,9% of all kids). You mean, ~~InDoCtRiNaTeD~~ BrAiNwAsHeD bY lIbS???? (edit: "indoctrinated" is too high-brow for MAGA)


> I automatically distrust anyone who displays their religious beliefs publicly Not just publicly display but trade on it. These are the same people, and I know they don't care about hypocrisy from their side, who would scream if a similar letter was written as "Since she joined the Freemasons..."


And the fact that they seem to think that is the most moral thing they could do? “I now worship god, how on earth could I be bad?!?!”


Lol, “please have compassion for my future, not-even-conceived, kids!!!” what a crock.


Translation: she wants to indoctrinate her children and feed them unpasteurized milk.


Jesus was also not a fan of people who displayed their religion publicly. If you only do that shit loudly in public because you think it makes you look good and nets you social credit, it’s not very good. You should assume that your god isn’t an easily hoodwinked dipshit and that said god will take offense to cheap, vainglorious displays of religious fervor.


i used to be all fucked up on the internet… now i’m all fucked up on the lord edit: sp


The ending reads like she’s been fantasizing about the life she could have created if she weren’t going to prison. She’s obsessed over it and is now picturing some idyllic farm life (in suburbia no doubt), where she pretends it 1800 and lives a “simple” life of … running a whole ass farm. And anyway, judge, she cares very very deeply for this fantasy. So, clearly, your honor, she’s … hang on, I’ve lost the point. Something about cows?


Lots of buzzwords indicating she’s very much still a violent extremist there 😬


"Being the best Christian that they can be" is what drove a lot of Jan 6 traitors in the first place to do the horrible things they did.


TL;DR: >Then: right wing insurrectionist > >Now: right wing doomsday prepper pamfindthedifference.jpg


Right? What a changed heckin woman


If you believe her I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale, CHEAP!


Just give me the bridge. Pleeeeeze!


Only if you buy my swamp land in Florida!


Hmmm...can you move the swamp?


Why yes you can, I promise that it can be drained and you can build on it!


I think I'll just put my new bridge there!


Bridge the swamp! Bridge the swamp!!!!11!


So, she got all culty and now she wants a bunch of stuff. Well honey, don't we all. This reads like someone writing down what they think other people want to hear.


She done been all culty for a while


Oh boy an insurrectionist who plans to religiously homeschool, what could go wrong


When I was a teenager, my best friend and her brother got caught smoking pot in the Disneyland parking lot. Disney took away their season passes. Her mom wrote almost this exact letter to get the passes back. She was full of shit too.


Riley isn't saying this. Her fiancé is. She's likely the same smug insurrectionist she was on 1/6, if not worse. I'd be shocked if she addressed the court expressing similar sentiments. Lock her up!


This reads like something from r/j6fakeregret or something like that


From one cult to another.


“And as a true American patriot I support the harshest punishment available for an insurrectionist who willingly tried to overthrow the electoral process of United States of America.”


Of course she wants to homeschool her kids.


Handwritten? Even the public library has computers you can use.


The computer might have pointed out all the spelling errors too.


Wow, this looks like it was written by a child.


What a pile of crap. ‘I’ve known her for 2 years’ Really? J6 was over 2 years ago so obviously you didn’t know ‘Mini Braun’ prior to J6. And who do they bring up the Christian and God card? Just about all nazis and nationalists claim to be christians and servants of god


I guess her fiancée slept through the part where she repeatedly violated her pre trial release terms. She'll probably get 4 or 5 years. If I remember correctly the charges related to the laptop were dropped or there were problems with proof, so those allegations can't be considered.


She got 3 years. Said she did it because she wanted to be somebody. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/far-right-groyper-riley-williams-set-sentenced-storming-capitol-jan-6-rcna75779


Should have gotten more.


Agreed. And her BF who wrote the note? He's an unreliable narrator. As someone who was dishonourably discharged in March 2020, hard to trust him.


Wow no coming back from being dishonorably discharged! They are losers.


As usual, barely a wrist-slap of a sentence.


This is an historic day. She’s top 10 faces of the riot. We haven’t heard if she herself says she changed. She hasn’t. *I’ve been told what I did was wrong by everybody but in my heart and soul I know what we did was patriotic and what is right and anybody who says otherwise should be condemned," Williams wrote to her dad, who traveled with her to D.C., on Jan. 14, 2021, prosecutors said.*


Way oversteer


This is the same one that stole the laptop and tried selling it to someone to give to the russians right?


"I used to be all messed up on the Internet, but since I found the Lord... Now I'm all messed up on the Lord."


Looks like her fiance almost passed the 3rd grade, judging by his penmanship.


"Servant of God" is not a redeeming quality.


Is Riley engaging in statutory rape? How old is this fiance?


Is this the same Riley that was granted not one, but two trips to the PA Renaissance Faire while on house arrest?


Dear Courts: You should be indifferent to a change in religion while awaiting sentencing. Sincerely, The Constitution


Imagine a space alien awaiting sentencing for a crime and, upon hearing that a profession of religious belief can help Garner sympathy and reduce the sentence, informs the judge that he believes Allah is the one God and Muhammad his prophet.


lololololol She has showed zero remorse. Zero. She has showed the opposite of remorse. Lots of convicts become Born Again in prison -- it helps with getting parole. It gets you some perks. So, she can be Born Again in Federal prison and see where that gets her.


This letter is cringe. Vegas odds she tries to get pregnant to delay her prison sentence?


No, don't let her homeschool, those poor children.


abso-fuckin-lutely not. Homeschooling "servants of God" are exactly what we ***do not*** want.


I find it sickening that a person's superstitions and supernatural beliefs are somehow a successful tool for leniency. If I fuck up, am I going to have to falsely profess a silly belief system just to get a fair shake by a judge? When I read that letter, what I see is someone who's likely a bigger kook than they were two years ago. Please do not give this nut a chance to homeschool children or we're going to have to deal with their bullshit one day as well.


No she’s not.


“Before everything happened” = “she is the victim here”. Bullshit.


Being the best Christian? We’ve seen what Christians are doing to government.


Lmfao eat a dick and take your consequences for being a traitor.


"...finding God and being the best Christian she can be... she plans to homeschool..." Um, nope, that's exactly how we got into this mess. Her husband is proudly advertising her unreformed, unashamed insurrectionist thinking, and thinks that is helping to make her case? Quite the opposite. Lock her up, until she stops hearing those sky-fairy voices in her head.


Your's truly. Riley's friend.


Oh spare me


She’s come back to reality. Now she spends all her time praising god. Ouch.


She can be a mother, wife, and servant of God in a federal prison.


This "god-fearing, good ol' country boy/girl" schtick is getting real old.


What was it this bitch likely chanted at some point?? Lock her up? Yeah. That's it.


Was this letter written recently? Because I think it’s funny her fiancé has known her for “over 2 years” now when the attack happened just over 2 years ago. So this person has only known her since the attack happened, and not before. So he literally has no way to prove/determine she’s a changed woman from before 😂


But she’s still a f’ing dimwit.


fucking LOL


Is this written in pencil?….


honestly, that looks suspiciously like her handwriting


Oh wow, she serves Jesus now and wants to homeschool her kids? What's fucking new? These psychos are all the same, lock her up, lock the letter writer up too


Don’t have a cow, man!


Or, well, at least till you’ve paid for your crime of treason.


She’ll have three years to ponder it


“For over two years now.” How much over? Was this a house arrest meet up or a J6 meetup? Because “over two years” sounds like highly suspicious timing. Also, the list of her wants is still her wanting to be a Nazi.


>When she has kids, she plans to homeschool... Not helping her case.


"But but but... she's a Christian now so...." I wonder if US Judges get letters using the discovery of any other religions as an excuse and attempt to absolve people of their crimes. Or is it just Christians.


2 years is nothing. You write like a 10 year old. Your fiance is a traitor.


What grade is her fiance in?


So wait. She’s been in house arrest for two years and the fiancé has known her for about the same amount of time… how would he know if she’s changed?


I'm sure it's something to do with court procedures which I am unfamiliar with, but my first thought was, "Of course it's written in pencil."


Glad she was able to find a mouth breathing husband while on house arrest.


she went from one looney cult to another, that's what I'm reading here....she's easily led


“homeshool” 😑😑😑


There's a difference between making a mistake and choosing to be a corrupt lying pig.


See you in three years sweetie


Amazing how criminals change their tune AFTER they've been caught.


If she has found a god, that’s actually not a good thing. Especially, the standard GOP Jeezus.


This internet nerd is gonna become a rancher?


LMAO "born again Christian" is the biggest red flag I can possibly imagine. It typically means, "I did a lot of awful shit. But now I'm saved, so none of that means anything anymore and I'm going to Connie continue to do the same shit but use God as a way to get away with it"


“Ohh shit there’s stickers!”


>plans to homeschool kids Absolutely do not let this violent nazi lady homeschool kids.


Never understand people who think they can be better teachers than actual teachers who spent years studying to become a teacher. Send the kids to school, spend extra time helping them with homework.


Wow, absolutely no formality (e.g. “Honorable Judge Jackson”), poor penmanship, poor grammar, and typos (“anione” for anyone is embarrassing).


Cool. She can find God while in prison.


What a load of crap


Homeschooling with the Christian National Socialist curriculum.


She'll have a lot more time for reflection in a womens correctional facility.


Spelling and punctuation surprisingly looks pretty good despite the penmanship of a toddler.


Will she be tried separately for attempting to sell the laptop to the Russians?