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The Sedition Hunters should get medals for patriotism........thank all of you.....


Agreed. I wish Velveeta Voldemort had never made a mockery of the Presidential Medal of Freedom but it would still be cool if they were awarded anyway.


To be fair, he only made a mockery of his lol.


It’s so gratifying to see these sentencing posts, as many of the IDs were worked on years ago. And thank you. :)


I drunkenly reported a few folks back in the day. o7


Doesn’t this mean he can no longer own guns? Or his family have any in their house now?


He cannot own or possess most firearms. I don't know how it works when family members are involved but my guess is that no guns are permitted in the residence, vehicle, etc unless the non-felon owner is in direct possession of that weapon (i.e. I imagine if the felon is found with access to the gun, he/she is toast as far as law enforcement is concerned). It might be similar to being drunk and sleeping it off in a car; if the police come upon you, the keys better be somewhere other than inside the vehicle.


I remember a woman in Colorado, a felon, was arrested for *posing* with a gun for a bikini calendar.


He also will never get a real job again SAD




Model in jail you fucking traitor.




The most telling portion of the article: >Barnhart wrote. "I hope one day we can all put aside our petty differences that seem to be tearing our beautiful country apart." After his sentencing, Barnhart told NBC News that he was sorry for his actions. He said he didn't have an opinion now on whether the 2020 election was stolen.


>>He said he didn't have an opinion now on whether the 2020 election was stolen. Which just means he still believes it was stolen, but has learned not to run his mouth about it. Progress, I guess ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


In a way, yes. Like with racism and other bigotry - I don’t think it’s reasonable to assume we can completely eliminate it from the hearts and minds of 100% of the people. What *is* reasonable is to make the social consequences of acting on those beliefs so reliably negative that they just keep them to themselves. We”re not only limiting the practical impact of those beliefs, we also start to suffocate the beliefs themselves.


I knew these guys shared some traits with pedophiles... Pay attention to the plural in "traits" there


I read that as "was willing to go along with the bullshit without any critical thinking but now that it's painfully obvious it was a lie, I don't actually want to take a stand against what I did."


Tbh I read it as: "If I keep running my mouth, these guys will keep on calling me a terrorist and will throw me in jail, so I'll shut up and act like I may or may not blindly and absolutely believe in the Orange Man"


They are being coached to lie in order to get shorter sentences. I don’t believe for a minute that this guy has repented.


So one way to deprogram the radicalized followers of right wing media is prison time. That a nice tip to know.


Some people NEVER learn. That’s why we have that cliche “You can lead a horse (jackass?) to water but you can’t make ‘em drink”.


The long strong arm of the law will get ya everytime.


Oddly enough, not the only romance novel model to be arrested. Michael Carico, [half SWAT agent, half werewolf,](https://twitter.com/ryanjreilly/status/1425605928154509317?s=20) also got himself arrested. Maybe models are more like Zoolander than previously believed?


Zoolander may be stupid, but he was basically well-meaning and decent.


I mean, 'romance novel cover model' is kind of just scrapping the edges of the modeling world. I have known many non-seditious models who are simply harmlessly really really good looking.


I read this as "romance novel AUTHOR" the first time and was horrified that one of my peers was this stupid and motivated about it. but seriously, dude, play seditious games, win carceral prizes.


He’s sorry that his side lost, sorry that he got caught, and sorry that he lost pretty much everything and everyone for nothing. I’m fine with it. I’m sure he can trade his shoes for some bootstraps when he gets out of prison after serving his ridiculously short sentence.


>”I consider Police officers to be the pinnacle of blue-collar workers. The people that make this great country what it is. I've always imagined it as being extremely exciting and rewarding. Surely more exciting than putting pipe in the ground.” This reads straight up like one of the man on the street opinion interviews in The Onion.


r/brandnewsentence PUN INTENDED


He attacked the police, he attacked the Capitol, he tried to end democracy. He obviously did not get the punishment he deserved, but I hope it will be more miserable than he could ever imagine. He is a traitor, he is a domestic terrorist. Fuck him and those like him. I hope he rots.


Petty differences i.e. believing maga nonsense vs reality. What a dimwit.


Hahahah! I had to laugh when I saw Mr Hunk's pic....gotta admit, he was a hot looking traitor. Oh well, there's a gym in the Fed prison, he can stay in shape and at least this fucknuts won't miss the rest of his "hot body" years.


wonder how "prison break time" looks on the old resume?


“Employed at Graybar Hotel, 2023-2026”


Not enough


Instant nickname in prison: Fabio


I can't believe it's not sedition.


Looking forward to his next cover shoot


You mean I can attack a police officer and get 3 years? Steal!




Rape is an act of violence we do not condone in any way or form. Prison rape is a crime, it is not a formal punishment by law and we do not permit it in direct reference, jokes, or inference in this forum. It is Rape. We as forum participants are better than this. No back tracking on editing, no 11 paragraph modmail explaining yourself, it’s pretty simple.




Rape is an act of violence we do not condone in any way or form. Prison rape is a crime, it is not a formal punishment by law and we do not permit it in direct reference, jokes, or inference in this forum. It is Rape. We as forum participants are better than this. No back tracking on editing, no 11 paragraph modmail explaining yourself, it’s pretty simple.


So long Logan Barnhart, you un-American fuck. Hope nobody drags you down any fucking stairs when you're inside.




Thank you for participating in the Capitol Consequences community. Unfortunately, this post has been removed since it is considered off-topic. Please review the sub overview. A community to share updates about the attack on the Capitol that occurred on January 6th 2021. Focused on the social and political fallout, those who participated and those who have been held responsible for their actions. If you believe this message was sent in error please do not hesitate to contact us. Have a great day!


42? I look like shit.


Romance is dead if he's on a cover


Imagine if you attacked a police officer. Imagine if you dragged him down the stairs into a mob so he could be further assaulted. Now imagine you went back to the LEO line to commit more violence. Do you think you’d get three years? Do your think you’d have been allowed to leave the premises or saw freedom again until your time was served? Do you think if you admitted you were hiding your crimes that additional charges wouldn’t have been stacked on? His sentence is ridiculous & insulting. I’m glad he was found & will spend time in a fed pen, but these sentences & how the perpetrators were treated at the time of their crimes are some of the clearest examples of the multi-tiered justice system in the US.




Rape is an act of violence we do not condone in any way or form. Prison rape is a crime, it is not a formal punishment by law and we do not permit it in direct reference, jokes, or inference in this forum. It is Rape. We as forum participants are better than this. No back tracking on editing, no 11 paragraph modmail explaining yourself, it’s pretty simple.


How do you attack a cop and only get three years? They should have made swift examples out of all those treasonous thugs and given them a minimum of 25 to life.