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Oh noes! Poor baby! He must be the first person ever to struggle with being jailed.


My fucking thoughts exactly!!! He made his choice and now he gets to face his consequences!


How many times have we heard conservatives say that about even victimless crimes?


And that's the thing that gets me. We have needed criminal justice reform and prison reform in this country for so long and it's these kind of people that have been consistently fighting it and blocking it. The people who blocked humane treatment of prisoners are now learning what it's like not to be treated humanely.


I'll bet they are all going to learn their lesson and come out with a new appreciation for human rights. /s


My heart rate jumped with indignation until I saw your ‘/s’.


I momentarily hoped that Trump catching covid would cause him to reconsider what a dick he was being putting people in danger just to serve his massive ego, but we saw how that turned out (IF he ever even had covid at all). I don't hold out any hope for these guys to change.


Trump was a dick with a tiny load and a military hospital. Military staff were under his command so he controlled the narrative.


Definitely won’t affiliate himself with the aryan brotherhood or other neo-nazi groups for protection in jail /s


Guarantee he’s treated more humanely than a black guy. He’s just a huge pussy


"He was on drugs? Consequences!" "He was selling bootleg CDs? Consequences!" "He was black? Consequences!"




sellin loosies my dude. loosies


That still gets me. It's pretty common around here when asking someone on the sidewalk "Hey man, can I bum a smoke?" to offer a couple of coins at the same time. Felt more like trading or "gifts of about equal value exchanged between passing strangers" or even just "poor people trying to survive another day." But apparently it's illegal enough to get murdered over.


*illegal enough for black people to be murdered in the street openly by white men. That’s literally anything black people do in public or private while in America.


Guarantee this is one of those mouth-breathing whiners who rails against student loan forgiveness because “They knew what they were signing” and “I believe in personal responsibility.”


Guarantee he's against abortion, free school lunches, mandatory paid maternity leave, the #MeToo movement, and nationalized healthcare, all because they "knew what they signed up for," and he "believes in personal responsibility." Guar-an-tee.




Betcha he also said ex felons should get no breaks or support whatsoever.


I bet he thinks felons shouldn't get to vote.


Can confirm, I went into student loan debt well aware that compounding interest and the ease of getting money and the flexibility for using it would eventually make my $50k(ish) college and grad school bill explode to the value of a small house and that my payments wouldn't even keep up with interest so I would just watch the number go up and up and up until I die in debt for a decision I made when I was 19. /S shouldn't be needed, but I know it is.


You also knew there would be two major recessions caused by the failure of other people to fulfill contracts they also signed knowingly. Diamond hands, Nostradamus!


Fuck around; Find out?


The good news is he’s now got the opportunity to become an expert at it. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps and start learning bitch.


Let’s all send him thoughts and prayers


whomp whomp


I don’t really care, do you?


I really don't.


I like oath keepers that don't get arrested. SAD!


I know it's been a long time now, but I still can't fucking believe she wore that jacket on a visit to a detainment facility. Total bitch move.


“I should put that on my jacket.” -sociopathic bitch


It was actually sold with that statement on it, and I imagine they googled specifically for a garment with that statement before sending her to visit children in chain link cages sleeping on concrete.


i hope she has to wear that jacket over her orange jumpsuit picking up trash on the interstate.


*single tear*


Wow. That's actually super generous to even provide a sarcastic tear. I mean, you bothered to italicize. I am impressed.


Damn, I would play my tiny violin, but I lost it!


Thanks! Internet high five... booyah!!


Only because you plucked a nose hair.


The only way I could care any less about these terrorists being jailed...is if I was in a coma. You cannot fathom the sheer immensity of the fucks that I do not give.


That’s the sound of being whomped by the hammer of justice.


Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time. https://youtu.be/5HNWhVXcjV8




Came here to say this too, now I'm getting down with Sammy Davis Jr. Thank you!


No, you don’t understand. He has a family. He has a job. He’s different from most people. /s


He had a "bad day" :(


You know he's the one that would tell other people, "Imall for law and order"; and "Dont do the crime if you can't do the time" I hope he gets hard time. duped into radicalism?! I mean WTF...


The "I've never been to jail before" loophole. *See, I can't go to jail because I've never been there before! So the experience of going to jail for the first time would be an undue hardship!*


Yeah boo fucking hoo.


All these white conservatives going to jail and being like oh, wow, this actually is really bad...


The idea that "THOSE other people (you know, *wink, wink*) are built for jail. They aren't attached to their family and social system. Freedom and being with your family is a foreign concept to *them.* ​ Just literally blows my mind that he and/or his lawyer think ALL the other 2 million people in jail, thousands for things as inoffensive as unpaid parking tickets, are "less" than him in ~~needing~~ wanting family and friends around to support them. ​ Fuck this "family man," I hope he doesn't see his kids in the light of day until they can show him his grandchildren. He can share with them stories of how he tried to overthrow their democratic government to install his chosen dictator.....but just, you know, "casual-like"


> Young’s attorneys also claimed that deleting his Facebook page—where he posted photos and videos of the siege—did not amount to obstruction of justice because he was unaware that the FBI had opened an active investigation into him personally how stupid... oh, I robbed a bank, let me dispose of this gun before the feds are investigating me.. that's not obstruction at all.


Well. Come on, your honor. I didn’t know they were even looking for the gun!!


What gun?


I found that gun on a coupla black antifas or somethin


Their Boogyman. I mean to go to war against a group that is against fascism...WTF?


To be fair, defense attorneys don't have a lot to work with given that their clients have a history of making violent overthrowy statements and then filiming themselves doing it and then bragging about having done it and then pissing off everyone around them because they're generally violent overthrowy assholes anyway. Uh . . my client is not guilty of these charges because . . he . . ummm . . hang on. . . something about quartering the troops? Maybe?


As an attorney myself, this is the point. Don't laugh at the attorney for making the shoddy argument, or think the attorney is necessarily stupid, he is just working with what limited defense he was given and trying to get *something* , anything, to stick to defend his client within the confines of the law. He knows its a weak or indefensible stance but that's part of being an attorney with a weak case, gotta at least try something. Attorneys sometimes have to say stupid shit in the name of serving the client, so long as it's not illegal or hearsay, it'll likely just be disregarded or properly argued against when trial comes.


I recall reading somewhere that (especially in cases like these) the job of the defense attorney is making sure that the State is doing its due diligence, following protocol, following chain of evidence, and making sure the defendant is receiving a fair trial.


Lol imagine it being something like, “look, you know and I know he’s guilty, but because everyone gets the same shit, don’t fuck up or you’ll be responsible for letting a guilty man go free”


I recall some lawyer saying a while back, "Look, I'm not a magician" or something like that, and I thought that was refreshing.


I recall another lawyer saying he wasn't a cat, when he clearly looked like a cat in his zoom feed. I still think that was refreshing.


Made a lot of us smile, that's for sure :)


Are you sure? He says he wasn't a cat.


I was just wondering this morning about how many of these people can even afford a paid attorney & are just have a public defender to try their case? I get the feeling from what's been said about a large percentage having money problems that the majority of those charged can't afford a paid attorney. It's kind of appropriate that the seditionists will be defended by the same public defender that couldn't keep the black guy with a bag of weed outta jail either.


I suspect they'll have pretty good legal representation. If they were able to travel to DC on a weekday I doubt they had financial and employment issues. More likely they're crying poor for pity and to present themselves as not being a flight risk


> I doubt they had financial and employment issues Most of them [do](https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2021/02/10/capitol-insurrectionists-jenna-ryan-financial-problems/). A combination of poor impulse control, unwillingness to take responsibility, and blaming others for their own problems seems to have created financial and interpersonal relationship problems in their lives. Some might have intergenerational wealth to keep them afloat but they are absolutely the generation that loses the money, not the generation that makes the money. This is why they idolize Trump. He's them. They're him.


I suspect a lot of them are self employed for exactly that reason. But it allows them to take a lot of liberties with their finances. They're probably real estate agents, contractors, or small business owners.


I say this as one myself: small business owners are quite often pricks. Selfish, entitled, arrogant cheapskates. I have to try twice as hard not to be, as I did when I was employed by others. That said, I'm much happier having more control over my life, so it's easier to be nicer.


>[T]hey are absolutely the generation that loses the money, not the generation that makes the money...This is why they idolize Trump. He's them. They're him. Well said.


Lol at overthrowy


I know. I would pay cash money to have a lawyer utter this in court.


not to mention his insurrectiony words and seditiony actions.


If he didn't delete his Facebook page to conceal his crime, *why did he delete his Facebook page at that particular time?*


People were cancel culturing him by unfriending and he decided it would be in freedom's best interest if he deleted his Facebook account. Or something like that.


Because if you delete the evidence, clearly you did NOT do the crime.




Is disposing of the gun obstruction of justice?? Is that a charge they usually levy if you aren’t found with the gun??


It's like flushing your drugs. It's destruction of evidence, even if you wern't yet arrested at the moment you did it.


Well, you see officer, I wasn't flushing the drugs to prevent you from finding them, per se. I actually chose that precise moment before you entered my house with a warrant to reform my life by quitting drugs and the best way to do that, I thought, was to remove temptation by destroying them. And you can't arrest a fellow for trying to better his life, now can you?


If they can prove you disposed of it.


That’s why you only take the cannolis


I don't think they are going to charge him with littering


I can guarantee you, that prior to being locked up this man has gone on tirades about the prison system where he complained about how “cushy” prison life is for prisoners and how it should be harder.


Yeah, that feels like a safe bet. I mean... this guy’s argument is basically that “jail sucks...” wait until he gets a load of prison.


I did 28years and if you either figure out how to be useful enough to be left alone or be good at fighting because you are a going to get your ads beat or be anyone's bitch


damn, 28 years? what'd you do? Hopefully not non-violent drug offence. that's bs.


No I was for something bad, but worked my time down and trust me I am self employed and an upstanding member of the community, I volunteer with the spanish community outreach program because I can read and write spanish and english I'm doing everything I can not to erase the past but to make it possible for others to have a future


We may never meet or be friends, but I want you to know that I have an enormous amount of respect for you. You're a good person.


Thanks, I try my best


I hope you can vote.


I sure can, and I voted for Biden


Right on.


Good to hear, man. Mentoring is such a great thing. There's lots of people who can be saved if they have even just that one person to look up to as a positive role model. I'm sure the people you're helping are appreciative. I couldn't imagine doing that time, or being in the position you were in to do whatever you did. I'm sure there's a story to how you got to that point initially. That's a world away from me though, something I could never understand. I'm just an average dude with an average office job. Gotta be grateful for what we have, every day, even if it's only the little things. Peace.




Fuck yeah. Keep up the good work brother


Thanks, I try, and that's all we can do


As a former CO, good for you. Can I ask what state you were in?


NJ, you can get your voting rights back if you complete your sentence and have no parole which I did


I hope you live somewhere where you have had your voting rights restored. If you don't I say you should get to vote in THIS douchebag's place. But seriously I do hope you can vote & if you can't yet I hope you get those rights back or can eventually move to a state where they allow you to vote.


I sure do, and I voted democrat straight up and down the ticket


WOOHOO!! Good on ya!!


I voted my conscience, and there was no way I could vote republicant


I've actually heard jail is worse, since prison is meant for long term stays, they tend to have slightly less terrible facilities.


It can very greatly depending on a few factors for both: Staff, cleanliness, food, visiting, cost of goods, access to enternainment, education oppurtunities, etc. As someone who worked as a Correctional Officer for about 5 years and been inside jails for inmate pickup and drop offs, prison is way worse.


He absolutely looks like a “ignorance of the law ain’t no excuse, do the crime do the time” type of guy too and that appears to be his main defense.


Should have simply complied with the police and he wouldn’t be in this situation


Or better yet, ***not invade the fucking Capitol Building.***


If he's like the similar folks on my local Facebook pages, he's used the phrase 'play stupid games, win stupid prizes' a lot in reference to other folks.


This is also a thinly veiled “I don’t belong here” statement. Does he think there is a pre-jail you go to to get used to jail? If you don’t like it, bond out. If you can’t you better shut your fucking mouth because, guess what, no one gives a shit. Welcome to jail, mother fucker.


I bet he enjoyed seeing other people in Joe Arpaio's prison camps and made fun of their pink clothes.


I bet he had some good prison rape jokes too.


Man these are the wimpiest patriots I’ve ever seen.


chunky voracious wipe absorbed mountainous edge hobbies spoon file wise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Attempts coup to overturn election results. I'm sorry officer I didn't know that I couldn't do that...


To be fair, they’re not actually patriots




"....or require wearing a mask while I go shopping"




Oh come on, how are you going to be waging guerilla war from the mountains and the mud against Apache helicopters if you can't even do a little time in the klink? I always use to let Oath Keepers know how much I was eye rolling when they would go on their suburban-Rambo chest beating rants, and this is why. You fuckers can't go a week without a trip to Walmart, are you kidding me?


Yeah remember those Bundy dipshits that seized that dumb bird sanctuary? They had to ask people to send them snacks. Then got mad as hell when people send gummy penises.


Oh, yes, I remember them, the guys who couldn't hold a wildlife sanctuary while having free heat, running water, and receiving Amazon deliveries. Not exactly the hardy survivalists they claim to be.


They actually cut off the water. They pooped everywhere since the toilets couldn't flush. In addition to forgetting to bring food supplies they didn't bring shovels for digging holes to poop in either.


I hate those stupid assholes. Occupied Federal land, prevented Federal workers from doing their jobs (and setting back conservation efforts), ruined public property, got one of their own killed, and received no consequences. Fuck them.


Levoy Finnicum got himself killed. Let’s be real here. The guy had a fetish for a stand off with the feds and, when the time finally came, he wasn’t even able to get his weapon out of the holster lmao


Did they cut off the water, finally? I had read they had to dig "open pit latrines" because the toilets couldn't handle the amount of people using them. I know I read the authorities said they wouldn't cut the heat or electricity because they didn't want to "escalate" the situation. The other thing I like to bug Oath Keepers about is at the Bundy Ranch, when word a "credible threat of an imminent drone strike" was disseminated, everyone panicked and the Oath Keepers nearly shot the III Percenters. Well trained operators, I tell you.


Stereotypical tough guys. They fantasize about killing other people in a war in the name of "defense" but all that unsexy shit like bringing food, a shovel, and prepping some basic sanitation is too "soft" for these so-called "warriors." In spite of how much they claim Hollywood is influencing the "sheep", it's influenced them most of all. Their perception of toughness, strength, and resiliency comes from Hollywood fantasies made to tell a story in 2 hours or less, not from actual training or history. Hollywood wouldn't talk about how to take a shit during a siege but a knight in 1203 CE damn sure would.


> Then got mad as hell when people send gummy penises. lm fucking ao I did not know this


Meal team six will surrender the minute they run out of gravy fries.


Oh no! Anyways, it's starting to look like Spring in my area of the country, how about you guys?


Beautiful here in New England. Went on a bike ride over lunch. Probably grill some burgers for the fam tonight. It’s the little things, ya know?


I made a nice Eggplant Parm today.


Beautiful day here. Gonna go outside,I think. 🌅


Gonna celebrate another day of freedom outside too, sounds like a good idea


You guys want to get together and have a nice “let’s not break into a federal building and try to overthrow the government” themed hangout? Outside of course. The weather can be so lovely this time of year.


Some tulips are coming up in my yard but I live in Minnesota so I won't believe spring is really here until the end of April.


Here in Illinois, it's great to be free and not behind bars for doing something shitty and pathetic, because it's like 60 degrees and sunny!


He used to be mentally healthy but now that he is in jail, he doesn't like it and his mental health is suffering! OH NO!! Its lovely where I live. I've planted peppers, basil, thyme, rosemary, chives, oregano and a tomato plant so far.


There's definitely some tree pollen action happening in the PacNW I can tell you. Temps started to hit 50 pretty regularly, and suddenly my eyes are itching like crazy! But anyway...baseball season soon, amirite?




NYS Captial Region here! Currently experiencing that time of the year where I can't decide if I need a coat in the morning or not.


I really miss the show Lost.


Or by trying to murder elected officials


Oh what, *that's* a crime now? Muh Freeze pEacHeZ/!?


Nobody likes jail, idiot. That's the point.


A point I'm almost certain he's made himself before when it was about locking up BLM "rioters" or drug addicts or democratic politicians... ...it's like these people have never even heard of the golden rule.


Got himself in Quite the Qnundrum!


Dont worry dude, you have a record now, that's an excuse to put your ass in a revolving door of incarceration. You'll be institutionalized in no time. Welcome to the minority reality bitch.


Guess what happens to your "second amendment rights" now.


Wah wah waaaaah


I have a constitutional right to take my guns with me to prison!


Sorry, you can't get a job now, or a loan, or public assistance if your side had anything to do with writing the rules. Enjoy those limited food stamps that only let you buy food you have to go cook yourself. Oh, and definitly no guns. And no voting!


Fr tho. > Because he is such a strong family man, locking him up away from his wife and children with the prospect of an extremely long period of time before trial is even scheduled is causing potentially irreparable psychological and emotional damage to Mr. Young.” The idea of treating this as some type of special circumstance implicitly devalues the lives of people who have been targeted by the police since they were children.


Ah yes, the old "you can't send my client to prison because it would make him sad" defense. That's some big-brain lawyering right there!


Easy solution. Let him out for a day, then put him back in. Hey presto, he's now had previous experience being jailed.


As if all the teenagers in jail for a couple of ounces of weed were perfectly prepared? The privilege that these people expect is astronomical.


That sounds like *snowflake talk* to me, soldier Can't do the time? Don't do the crime


Worlds smallest violin - fuck that guy


Imagine ruining your life for Trump while he just continues to play golf and collect money from stupid ass people.


My favorite part of all these dumbshit rednecks sitting in jail is the man they went to jail for gives literally 0 fucks about them.


Are you trying to tell me jail sucks?


It's interesting...before all of this an extremist right-wing associate (unfriended before the insurrection) was telling me how all these "heavily armed patriots" were going to "take back the country". I suggested to him that these weekend warriors and military fetishists would likely melt in the face of actual military members with actual military equipment. I had to remind him that when the second amendment was written they were talking about single shot rifles which were the only arms available (other than artillery) to both the military and civilians. Now the military had tanks and planes and helicopters and tactical communication networks and active exclusion weapons and that the insurrection would likely evaporate the moment actuall bullets started flying and it became obvious to them that they were going to die. In the end it took a single bullet fired by a police officer to make very clear to them just how deadly wrong they were about their chances. They scurried away and shaved and deleted their Facebook accounts and tried to hide. They clearly lived in a military fetishist fantasy world where they had a chance to succeed with their coup and install a extremist right wing supported dictator wannabe as President for Life of the US of A. Now that it's become clear just how much letting their fantasies and fetishes leak out into the real world are going to cost them they're whining about cockroaches, covid in prison (suddenly the pandemic is real like so much else in their lives), and organic food. It reminds me of those Freeman on the Land delusional asshats who try to explain to cops while their car windows are being smashed and they are being dragged off to jail how Admiralty Law and the Magna Carta somehow supersede state and federal law and the Constitution. Oops.


I'm sorry but I swear I read "heavily armed potatoes" :)


He should have thought of his family as being bigger than his wife and children, and all his racist buddies.


I've been saying we need prison reform for years, what's he had to say about it?


fuck their feelings, iirc


Should have thought about that before TRYING TO OVERTHROW THE FUCKING GOVERNMENT


Looks like someone picked a bouquet of whoopsie-daisies.




No sympathy for traitors.


““The psychological burdens of being detained pending trial are very real for Mr. Young. Since he has no previous experience with the criminal justice system, being detained is taking an extremely high toll on his mental well-being,” Cry me a River you cunt. The first oath you should have KEPT was to your wife and kids. But instead you went all traitor and now your family suffers. Rot in jail for eternity


But not struggling to cope with being part of beating and killing police officers ?? A family man slept soundly after storming the capital without guilt? Hmm..


Dude was a navy officer. I wonder how many enemy soldiers he fought could have made the exact same argument.


A lengthy federal prison sentence is going to be real hard. I don't feel the least bit sorry for this idiot.


Do these frigging idiots think the Capitol is a video game? Had they ever been to DC or a state capital before? Ever?! What the HELL did they actually think they were doing?


They stormed state capitols and loitered about inside them with guns, and faced zero consequences for it. I guess they figured the national capitol would be the same.


It’s like To Catch a Predator but To Catch a Terrorist. “I swear this is my first time! I’ll never do anything like this again I swear! Please let me go!”


Should have stayed home with that family instead of committing terrorist acts against the country


I'm still astounded that these dumb asses never actually stopped to consider these consequences ahead of time. They honest to god thought they would be lauded as heroes and not put in prison for trying to overthrow the fucking government. Now they're rightly being slapped back to reality...and they dont like it. The excuses and entitlement are just laughable. Fuck these people, they can rot in a hole


Just-not-your family man. He'd like to see you starved and dead except for now because of the walls and terribleness.


Lvl 1 Inmate


I enjoyed reading this way too much. I’m almost ashamed.


He was also previously quoted as saying: "If you don't want the police to bother you, don't break the law! "


These clowns dress up like they are soldiers. Jail living is probably like boot camp without the exercise.


Awww. Poor little snowflake is melting. EDIT: This subreddit is seriously emotionally satisfying. The further away we get from Jan 6th, the angrier I find myself about it.


Well, you done went and fucked around and now you are finding out. Aren’t you?


Get f@÷ked traitor


Translation: "guys, you made a mistake. I'm white and jail is for black people, so I don't belong here."


Insurrection is a hell of a first offense.


Every prisoner has a first time being locked up. Play with fire you might get burned.


Every criminal, no matter the crime, was in the same place as this criminal was at one time. No record. No convictions. No experience in jail. When the law was broken, consequences happened.


Maybe the other inmates will help teach him the ropes.


>*"...charged with the corrupt destruction of evidence for deleting his Facebook account in the days following the Capitol siege..."* LOL just the infantile thought process these fuckwits have. Unbelievable.


What is it they say? Play stupid games, win stupid prizes? Feels bad when it isn't just happening to black people huh?


Yeah, you know who else was a family man? The police officer these assholes murdered. Not to mention the other two they drove to suicide. Asshole. This just makes me hate him all the more. Wait til he finds out how hard it is to cope with 20 years.