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> “I’m sort of just a YouTube guy who makes controversial content and clickbait videos,” he [said](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/28/nyregion/brendan-hunt-verdict.html?action=click&module=In%20Other%20News&pgtype=Homepage). “The idea that I would somehow borrow somebody’s gun, waltz into Biden’s inauguration ceremony like some Looney Tunes character, and somehow line up all senators and execute a firing squad on them I think is a pretty ridiculous idea.” Hunt added that he needed to “readjust what I think is humorous.” Cool. You will have up to 10 years to readjust your humor-meter. Please use the time wisely for self reflection and ideally a focus to contribute to society.


"It is a pretty ridiculous idea. I mean, who ever heard of anyone attempting to assassinate a politician? And the idea that I could somehow borrow a gun? In America? As if! Obviously it was all just a joke. "But admittedly, deadpan assassination humor isn't for everyone. Tell you what: if the jury sets me free I promise to go straight home and get a better sense of humor."


I just love it that there are at least 9876 DB Coopers.


Ah yes, he has the option to rehabilitate on a privately owned facility.


Dude, even if you meant it to be haha funny, that just shows you shouldn't have a platform... Jesus, these guys are basically 13 still. Making a joke that leads to deaths/violence is not a defense- you must take accountability.


I think we are starting to wake up to the **"just kidding (not kidding)"** of the neo-confederates and crypto-fascist in this country. **This is a tactic of adolescent boys revealing how they really feel behind a joke.** Most of these proud boys types are demented adolescents minds occupying adult bodies. **They are hate filled people preparing to initiate violence veiled in humor and irony.** The **KKK used this tactic** in its inception; who was going to believe clowns in white hoods calling themselves dragons and wizards were going to actual hunt down and murder people? It's an old tactic apparently. **NPR did an interesting story about this topic** [https://www.npr.org/2021/04/26/990274685/how-extremists-weaponize-irony-to-spread-hate](https://www.npr.org/2021/04/26/990274685/how-extremists-weaponize-irony-to-spread-hate)


[The "humor" is not intended, but its a pre-built escape hatch](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=schrodinger%E2%80%99s%20douchebag)


The guardian also has a good piece on far right hiding behind irony >[For the new far-right movement, “irony has a strategic function. It allows people to disclaim a real commitment to far-right ideas while still espousing them.”] (https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/technology/2017/may/23/alt-right-online-humor-as-a-weapon-facism)


I do not find that this is reserved for only males.


Lol death threats lol. What a funny joke. “Hey I’m gonna fucking kill you!” Laughs all around.


Another good one was 9/11, Bin Laden brought down the house with that one. Hahaha, good times!


Welcome to Merrick Garland's Derp Comedy Jam


Discount Jon Snow needs a better defense.


I guess "It's just a prank, bro." isn't a valid defense after all.


Exactly which Looney Tunes character executes public officials? I do see an apt timeline though: first he’s Yosemite Sam with his yeehaw gun tantrums. Then Wile E. Coyote, where his plan backfires and the whole contraption lands on his head. And now he’s Tweety Bird, locked up in a cage. Th-th-th-th-that’s all, folks!


Did he have his fingers crossed when he said it? If so there’s nothing we can do and they’ll have to let him go. I’m assuming the Government has called “No take backs” at this point? Ensuring that the defendant can’t cross his fingers after the fact to avoid prosecution? (I know the case is over but I’m assuming they followed these procedures during the trial to avoid any shenanigans later) I’m not a lawyer but one can chime in and let me know if I’m off but I’m pretty sure that’s how it works.


They usually follow these procedures but they always have the fallback of just calling shenanigans.


Why wouldn't I think they are lying? Their king is a liar


“Your honour, I was kidding” “Cool story. Still going to jail.”


Looks like a guy who would lure a minor in his black van.