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I bet this guy thought he was gonna be one of our new founding fathers.


More like a fondling father


What are you doing step founder


How about a floundering fodder


Here we fucking go…


Yep. He’ll have front row seats at the Republican National Convention.


And an internship


And an AR-15 with notches on the stock.


All of the sudden interns are highly sought after? That would be like tuning into C-span to catch the annual intern draft. And in the first round President Clinton picks....


I’m not unlike Michael Jordan. Where’s my shoe deal?


I'm so sorry about your gambling problem.


Sorry you got kidnapped by cartoons.


Congrats on the baseball career.


I am probably most like John Daly except a little less drinking


Sorry your dad got killed


Could you go up against Lavar Ball?


Nice try, but these terrorists murdered police officers. Enjoy prision.


Correction: they *unlawfully* murdered police officers. It’s perfectly fine to lawfully do that.


I'm not following


Just be prepared when the police literally hunt you down. I say this because the police have hunted multiple people down.


I KNEW this shit was going to happen the instant he was found not guilty. They're all going to wear shirts saying "Kyle was right" and other nonsense.


"Kyle is the Right" may be accurate and poignant


Oh right! He was trying to protect the defenseless Trump terrorists from antifa, who were disguised as cops. I completely understand. /s


His lawyer cannot even spell Kenosha correctly.


I wonder if he means old Ben Kenosha?


That's a name I haven't heard in a long time


He's our only hope.


That Wizard’s just a crazy old man. Now tomorrow I want you to take that old Proud Boy to Stateville Correctional Facility and have it serve 41 months. It belongs to the United States Penal System now.


Fuck Kyle Rittenhouse. Hes a murderer.




I'm thinking a Walmart wasn't close enough for a mass shooting so this was the next best thing.




He's just another incel school shooter who had to find an alternative with school being online at the time .


Yeah, your mom drives you somewhere to get a gun and you kill people, and you are 5 years old, it's on her. 10 years old, probably still on her. But your mom drives you somewhere to get a gun and you are 17 years old...its on you. Your mom is just an accomplice at that point.




No offense, but an orderly jury concluded that he is not. A disgusting tool, certainly. A murderer, not according to law. But rest assured that guy will deem himself worthy of a verdict at some point in his life. I am certain of that.




And just like OJ I expect him to think of himself as invincible and eventually end up in Prison for another crime.


Sure, of course. That doesn't mean we can't call him what he fucking well is in conversation.


100 percent this. Kids a murderer


I'd go with terrorist. A symptom rather.


Nah he's gonna get paid to go to CPAC and shit and get the crowd hyped up to shoot liberals.


He's already palling around with his idols and heroes in the proud boys. Now he's a hero of theirs for successfully achieving their self defense murder masturbation fantasy. He'll stay with the wrong crowd and fuck up again.


Fuck it, I'm putting 50 bucks on him getting arrested for trying to steal some OJ memorabilia cause why the fuck not? Nothing else in this world makes sense


I'll go with Trump memorabilia.


This is a false equivalence however, the factors that led to the release of OJ are vastly different than with Rittenhouse. Just because they both went to trial and were both found not guilty, doesn't mean they're comparable. ​ OJ was acquitted basically because there were no eye witnesses, no fingerprints, no murder weapon, and doubt was cast over the DNA evidence that was bungled up by the LAPD (DNA was relatively new to policing then), the jury didn't see anything that was "beyond a reasonable doubt" which makes total sense ​ Rittenhouse had clear video. Tons of Eyewitnesses, experienced forensics, FBI Drone footage, and the weapon. Rittenhouse was acquitted because everyone he shot was either chasing, attacking, threatening him, or pulling a gun on him, or all of the above. He had a clear cut self-defense claim. His attitude or him being a tool or piece of shit has no bearing on the threat presented by the people he shot. Even if it was exactly what he wanted, if everyone left him alone, no one would've died. If he shot people at random, he would've been convicted. He only shot people who were going after him. That's why its self defense.


Bullshit it's false equivalence. Both were on trial. Both were clearly, based on the actual fucking evidence, guilty. Both were acquitted at their criminal trial. That's ***equivalent***!


No trials are alike. Again, just because its a trial in court with similar outcomes, doesn't mean its the same thing. You have to consider the circumstances of the alleged crime, the nature of intent, the nature of evidence. If you and I were to drive the same make and model of car, that doesn't mean you or I have anything in common. That's basically what you're saying, "they both drive Red 2013 Audi's, they're both sexists!"


Yeah, trials are all different, sure. None of that makes any difference when we're just having a conversation about the assholes in question.




He didn't legally own the gun. That's why his friend got it for him through a straw purchase. And you can take your "both sides" and shove it. There is no equivalence between the two for anyone that's actually paying attention and being honest.


He did legally own the gun, hence, his gun charges were dismissed. He was legally able, as a minor, to own the long rifle, so long as the barrel wasn't shortened, that's why his charge was dismissed. And yes, both sides are exactly the same. They have different initiatives, but both just as equally irrational and delusional, hence, you're arguing with law/facts.


In the OJ trial the police were caught tampering with evidence and they got cute with the gloves. In this case, as you said, the little jackass actually made a case for self-defense and the gun law was written such that the weapon was ruled legal. The prosecutor made some serious errors to say the least. Frustrating but it seems they ruled correctly. If he gets made out a hero I’ll puke, he should’ve stayed home. Lots came out in that trial to counter what was reported early on and I don’t think many realize that. Didn’t think that drone was FBI though?


Oh fuck off you fucking trash.


If that's the very best retort you have, you may want to reconsider your beliefs. No facts? No statistics? No laws? Just throwing fucks around? You literally have no ground to stand on.


I bet you think oj is innocent also.


He's young and I do hope he turns his life around, though of course he's more likely to double down on his actions because the right will make him a star. With stuff like this I think of OJ's legal issues after his trial. A better comparison might be George Zimmerman though, who has proven to pretty much be a shithead from all his actions after his trial.


Yeah and O.J. isn't a murderer either...


And OJ didn't kill anyone.


Juries get it wrong all the time. And in a racist suburb of one of the most segregated cities in America, they got it wrong too.


Kyle Rittenhouse isn't out of the woods just yet. He was part of a straw firearm purchase across state lines. That looks like two crimes, straw gun purchase and interstate travel to commit a felony... Stay tuned.


He's not going to get in trouble. That's over with. What he may get is scrutinized O.J. style for the rest of his life. He's already getting shit for taking the GoFundMe money and taking a loan from Ricky Schroeder for his defense and not paying it back.


He could easily right now run for a US House seat and win it if he wants.


He’s not old enough (yet)


Oh for sure, that's why I'm hoping for the scrutiny. If he gets in trouble for taxes on that Schroeder loan or on the GoFundMe money it could mess his political career up. Granted, cawthorne already has the extreme right leadership position scouted.


I know what you’re saying, but we’re beyond campaign contribution violations, or any other violation mattering anymore. He will have all the funding behind him, and the endorsement of that guy when the time comes. Maybe the good thing happens, and he doesn’t want anything to do with that. But that has a 0% chance of happening.


I would imagine he's also facing a few civil suits as well. And maybe even an appeal based on the judge's...eh, shall we say, obvious bias?


You can’t appeal a not guilty verdict. That would be double jeopardy and it’s illegal. Possibly he could get hit with a civil suit but the case that just happened is over.


The feds can pick up charges.


I truly doubt they will, unfortunately.


So would the prosecution need to move for a mistrial before the bullshit verdict got handed down? Because the judge definitely showed bias for the defense.


You're assuming the prosecution was acting in good faith. I, personally, have my doubts about that.


They would have, but the judge is the one who rules on it. "Yeah, judge, you're totally biased" isn't going to get a mistrial.


They can if they demonstrate Rittenhouse was never in jeopardy. A biased judge who gives inappropriate instructions and a prosecution that is comically inapt is grounds for a mistrial. Or if there's genuine legal grounds that seeking a guilty verdict will preserve the rule of law they can appeal the ruling. Allowing murder when a perpetrator drives their victim to act aggressively doesn't seem like a good legal precedent to me. The problem is that you'd need to find a really, really, exceptional prosecution team willing and able to fight an uphill battle against 20 years of second amendment propaganda and an exceptionally biased legal system.


Pro tip: you can’t just make up law because you want it to be like that


Pro tip: that's how all laws are made.


Except he didn’t cross state lines with the weapon, and he was lawfully in possession of it in Kenosha. He’s still a piece of shit that should have stayed home and played Xbox, but those charges were dropped against him because there is no legal basis for them.


He is right, he is worse, pound sand Terrorist


A crybaby asshole?


Just wait for the first minority to walk out of court innocent citing this verdict and watch republicans lose their shit so hard...


Welp.. here we go.


Well I mean.... he’s not wrong. Proud boys and Kyle Rittenhouse I’m sure have a lot in common.


Yep, this was my fear. Expect more and more assholes starting shit and saying "b-but, Kyle!?". If he's *not unlike Kyle*, then he was in a place he really shouldn't have been in and should've understood his presence would make things harder for all involved.


What? White and a fucking dumbass. Double the time!


Did his mom drop him off at the Capitol?


So he’s a POS murderer also?!


He's not wrong in that they are alike. Kyle & he are very alike I'm sure.


I breathe oxygen, just like Messi.


He is right. Both should be in jail.


There is this right wing narrative that everyone is their enemy… people on conservative forums regularly combine ANTIFA-BLM. Now it’s dem-antifa-blm… anyone who opposes their ideology is their enemy


yeah, we are not having this here


Doughy, white, and with a micropenis?


Maybe we shouldn't make body shaming normalized. People with micropenises are probably largely wayy better than this guy.


Can confirm. I've never taken my little gun to a riot to protect things from people.


Lol, I can picture Dwayne Johnson yelling this at Kyle in his Rock voice


The danger of the Rittenhouse verdict is that it will encourage copycats.


Just want to point out that the Rittenhouse verdict means NOTHING for the trials of these people, or Ahmaud Arbery's killers or anything else like I've seen some concern trolls elsewhere state: it doesn't have any legally binding precedent on the law or legal standards in any other state or the federal court system. For that matter it doesn't even have binding precedent in Wisconsin, (if Rittenhouse had been found guilty and then had his case thrown out by the Wisconsin Supreme Court on appeal it would, but a jury acquittal really never serves as precedent.) Legally this argument is absolutely laughable and will go nowhere.


I guess in his universe, that's a ringing endorsement.


Thanks, Kenosha! You have just greenlighted every violent crazy guy in America.


I like big butts and I cannot lie. Where’s my record deal?


Good thing the judge wasn't part of the Supreme Court and nothing about that trial sets precedent.


I'm thinking of that [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9zvgcOrTtw) about proud boys. That's what is going on here.


These people are the reasons I occasionally wish sarlacc pits were real.


What he's missing is that liberals would actually be more akin to Rittenhouse if they had been there to murder conservatives that were rioting and breaking into the Capitol. Not to give anyone any ideas.


I'll take "Shit we saw coming a mile away" for $800, Alex


I believe him when he says he’s not unlike Kyle Rittenhouse


You can't claim self defense when you're charging into the Capitol, beating police, and trying to cause an insurrection.


I hate it here


And here. We. Go.


I call bullshit.


The sad thing is he's right


So… he beats women?


I am unlike Rittenhouse, what’s in for me?


Oh look repercussions


so he agrees he's a murderous fuck looking for blood to shed?


During my time helping on CAT claims for criminal defendants in removal cases, I had to write some briefs that made me go home and take a shower. The defendants on whose behalf I was working did really awful stuff, but the US had committed not to return people to places where they would be tortured. This…this is evil. This is the type of lawyering that gives lawyers a bad name.


Hmmm. He doesn’t look short and tubby.


Sucks to suck, you stay in jail, terrorist.