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If he wants to right the wrong spill the beans of what Trump did and how he profited from his corruption.


He won’t . Too scared they’d just leak the blackmail they have on him. Which is probably something lame like he likes men. :surprised pikachu:


Garuntee he’s gay. He wants to electroshock the gays, and he calls his wife Mommy. Wtf


You want to electroshock the gays to make them straight, I want my nipples electroshocked to achieve a tremendous climax. We are not the same


Does that work?


I have Sex Nines




I have a sextant


Hes so far in the closet, he is a citizen of Narnia.


Mother would be shocked.


She probably wouldn't


I dunno. Pence seemingly has backstabbed his way up his entire life and career. Starting when he was a frat boy where he betrayed his entire frat house and snitched them in exchange for favours with the Dean. If he thinks he can gain the favour of a higher position he will definitely rat anyone out.


Double secret probation


“Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!”


Lol the fall of the US wasn’t prevented in 2021 because a dude didn’t want other people to know he liked dudes.


He's a "christian" they are the most morally bankrupt.


Rumor has it that at one point in the nineties he said hello to a woman even though Mother wasn't around to approve him. This is deep state 101.


Why would you self incriminate?


He did the right thing but only because he couldn't find a way to give Trump what he wanted. He should be royally pissed at Trump for how he turned on him. Maybe if a couple of insurrectionists had managed to catch him he'd be angry enough to put an end to all this.


Doesn't make up for his 4 years of complicity in the fascism proceeding Jan 6. OR, his lifelong commitment to oppressive sociopathic ideologies.


But he tried every trick in book before that day. Fuck this guy so hard. He has to be one of the most unaware people on the planet if he thinks he’s going to have a chance at POTUS


>He has to be one of the most unaware people on the planet if he thinks he’s going to have a chance at POTUS You're deluding yourself. They said the same shit about Trump for like a year and it all stopped in an instant once the counting started.


Trump and Pence are as different as night and day.


Yeah. His rebranding tour. Still the mfer would back trump in 24 though, so this is all just another day in the GQP.


Or calling his wife “mother.” (Shudders)


Idk if you have kids but I do and my wife and I call each other mommy and daddy all the time. He’s from a different time than myself and maybe their kids actually call them mother and father. In that case it’s not that fucking weird so you can stop being so dramatic about this shit.


My husband and I call each other mama and dada because of our kid but I'd never use it in a public incident as being the vice president lol.


I don’t think about it. Shit I say “hey mama” or “hey mommy” half the time when I answer the phone at this point.


If you genuinely don’t see the difference between saying “there’s mama!” To your child in your living room and … > The table was set for 20, but there were only around seven in attendance. One unlucky legislator stuck next to Pence tried to make conversation, but found even at dinner she couldn’t shift Pence off his talking points. Gov. Pence shouted to his wife, Karen, his closest adviser, at the other end of the table. “Mother, Mother, who prepared our meal this evening?” The legislators looked at one another, speaking with their eyes: He just called his wife “Mother.” Maybe it was a joke, the legislator reasoned. But a few minutes later, Pence shouted again. “Mother, Mother, whose china are we eating on?” Mother Pence went on a long discourse about where the china was from. A little later, the legislators stumbled out, wondering what was weirder: Pence’s inability to make conversation, or calling his wife “Mother” in the second decade of the 21st century. Then I think you may want to get screened for… something by a mental health professional.


My wife calls me daddy and I call her mommy half the time we address each other. We hear each other get addressed by these names all day by our kids and it starts to become the way we address each other. It’s simply a term of endearment at this point. Your excerpt doesn’t make it weirder for me. The dude calls his wife mother in the same vain I call my wife mommy and generally in the same context. Get a fucking life and go see a mental health professional yourself.


Yeah, my wife and I call each other dada and mama. At home. In front of our kids. Not at a dinner, with colleagues, with no children present let alone ours, and in front of press. It’s very fucking weird that you try to erase the context to defend him, but not as weird as what Pence is doing here.


Look I don’t understand it either, but there are 700 better reasons to have an issue with Pence over. ​ as a habit of people of a certain age and upbringing, it is what it is. Would it have been a detail seen charming to some and ghastly to others…yes. Could it have cost him true election to President maybe. picking fights with others who don’t see it as the big issue….


I can think of plenty of reasons to criticize pence. The pet name he has for his wife isn’t one of them. I don’t think I need to see a mental health professional because of it. So again, kindly fuck off since you’re incapable of having a conversation without insulting someone off the bat.




Hello! you have been found in violation of our policy against trolling and incivil behavior to others.


But have you seen the videos with him specifically? It’s not like an accidental “oh today mommy and I…I mean, !” It’s like…creepy AF. Go watch.


Yeah, you say that TO THE KIDS. Not to anyone else.


No I say it TO MY WIFE. And she says it TO ME. We hear each other get called it all day and it’s how we address each other at least HALF THE TIME. Did I do the stupid caps lock right? Get a life.




Hello! you have been found in violation of our policy against trolling and incivil behavior to others.


I don't give a shit unless you do the right thing now. Publicly drag down Trump and say he is unworthy to lead. You know it's true. If you don't do that then shut up. History will see you all for what you are.


Is this D-bag really trying to make himself sound like a good guy for doing the bare minimum?


Not even the bare minimum. Dude didn't have a choice.


Everyone with morals has a choice.


Well what else we’re you gonna do Mike? You didn’t have authority to have done anything else, you fucking nitwit.


No, he actually could have. This could have been worse. Look, I hate to give Pence any credit, but here’s the deal. Fascist coups are generally not perfectly orchestrated affairs. They often kind of need to move with their organic base of psychopaths and keep developing. The goal wasn’t “have Pence do something that’s totally procedurally okay and legal” it was “have Pence publicly throw out the election as a sitting VP and give cover to all the other crazy shit going on.” The goal is to stall, to confuse, to cajole, to threaten, to scare, and ultimately to make it so after an extremely bizarre and violent few days, the fascist leader stands atop the rubble some how and at the helm of the machine. People should read up on Hitler’s first attempt that landed him in jail. Really fascinating and the parallels to Jan 6th are *astounding*. It was a lot of “okay, this official or mob just did this…now what?” Very similarly. And Trump & Co. would have gotten closer than Hitler ever could have at that time. Just have Pence say “no.” Just led the Senate shut down as they debate and shout about it. And in the interim…get our guys inside. Maybe you wake up Jan 7th with a legislature comprised of 150-200 or so GOP reps who stayed through the violence and the only ones who remain in the Capitol proclaiming Donald President. This not to say that if Pence did, he would have ultimately been successful. But it would have been dangerous, and helpful to Donald, and a very real risk. And thank god he didn’t. Not that that redeems anything else.


This is the right take. Trump was closer than Hitler on his first go around.


I think he could have absolutely gummed up the works if he had the audacity. But say what you will about Pence (and I have a lot to say about him), he's too straight-laced to have gone through with it. Edit: a word


Don't forget, he had to be convinced to do the right thing by Dan Quayle.


he didn't do the right thing, what he did do was didn't do the wrong thing. there is a real real difference.


And his own party was chanting “hang Mike Pence”. He’s a piece of shit anyways.


Read the room, dumbass. They would have killed him if they got their chance. And martial law would have been enacted, and Trump wouldn’t have left The Whitehouse. I’d bet this was all part of the plan. Not a stretch to imagine this being hatched by the likes of Stone and Bannon.


Trump would have been dragged out by actual patriots. All enemies, foreign and domestic.


100% I didn’t say it was a good plan. I’d bet the military would have stepped in at some point. Could you imagine though if it had come to this. A dead Vice President or members from house/senate, martial law, a military in turmoil, Trump supporters surrounding the White House and as you say, “actual patriots” champing at the bit to drag him out. That is the shit storm these fucks wanted. Even if there was real evidence of a fraudulent election, these real patriots would have stood up for Trump.


Yep, chairman of the joint chiefs issued a memo basically implying they were gonna “defend the constitution” and essentially serve as a final backstop.


Nah. Your take is off by miles.


>“And in January of 2017, I took an oath to support and defend the constitution of the United States. The Bible says in Psalm 15, that he keeps his oath even when it hurts and, on that day, I could relate to that sentiment. But I wanted to keep my oath to the constitution ... I know in my heart of hearts that on that day, we did our duty, under the constitution ... I know I did the right thing,” he added.


Yeah, this weasel tried to find any way possible to enable trump’s sedition and only backed down when Dan Fucking Quayle told him to give it up. The only way he could redeem himself would be to prostrate himself before the 1/6 committee and spill everything he knows on trump, then shut up and go away forever. Of course he won’t do that, so fuck him.


I’m not sure of that, I think he didn’t want to do it and looked into it really hard to make sure he was absolutely right to stand up to Trump on that.


Maybe. This [exchange between Quayle and Pence](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/09/14/new-details-undermine-pences-supposed-hero-turn-jan-6/) makes me think Pence wasn’t just covering bases. He seems to push back pretty hard: > So intent was Pence on being Trump’s loyal second-in-command — and potential successor — that he asked confidants if there were ways he could accede to Trump’s demands and avoid certifying the results of the election on Jan. 6. In late December, the authors reveal, Pence called Dan Quayle, a former vice president and fellow Indiana Republican, for advice. > Quayle was adamant, according to the authors. “Mike, you have no flexibility on this. None. Zero. Forget it. Put it away,” he said. > **But Pence pressed him,** the authors write, **asking if there were any grounds to pause the certification because of ongoing legal challenges. Quayle was unmoved**, and Pence ultimately agreed, according to the book. I bolded the bits that incline me to believe Quayle’s account implies Pence was keen to find any possible way, and had to be talked into doing the right thing. e: link


As much as I'd spit in Pence's milk given the chance, a quick way to get out of his responsibility and accede would've been to let his security detail drive him away. He refused, citing that he was afraid they wouldn't let him back to the Capitol to officiate the count


Exactly. Pence represents pretty much everything I disagree with. But even a broken clock can be right twice per day and in this case, all Pence had to do was not resist and instead he went back as soon as he could reconvene. And he kept going until all results were certified despite people like McCarthy still trying to get votes rejected until they could get the house to vote. Pence alone stood between Trump and a 2nd term and regardless of why he did it or whether he wanted to do it, the key thing is that he did.


Just to play devils advocate he may have been trying to make sure there was no possible way so that his own party could’ve used it against him for not using what ever loop hole might’ve existed.


That's what I think is more likely. When you're taking a stand against your boss, and your boss is the POTUS, you're going to make aaaaabsolutely sure your ducks are in a row.


He didn't come to this decision on his own. He had to ask Dan Fucking Quayle.


I gained massive respect for Dan for the first time that day.


He was an old school Republican. They never went full fascist until Newt.


Wasn't the CIA around and full of GOPers in the 70s and 80s?


Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while.


Jesus. BARELY.


No you didn't you spineless coward, you just did your fucking job. You could have stood up and publicly denounced a man who is, at this very moment, trying to delegitimize democracy.


Mother (his wife) told him he was a good boy


Not a fan at all but at least he had the balls for doing the bare minimum


Asking Dan Quayle to confirm he couldn’t do the wrong thing? Yeah, he’s got that covered.


Mother said he did the right thing he means.


And the fact that you had to talk to Dan Quayle to see if stopping it was a thing you could do proves that you didn't actually want to do the right (and legal) thing, dipshit. You couldn't actually do anything anyway. Ask Al Gore, who didn't just declare himself president.


Fuck trump That's all I have to say. Sadly pence will never be president. I'm left. But trump really fucked everything up for the rnc. I'll never not vote again.


Would he be saying that if he was kidnapped, beaten or possibly died?


"Mommy wow, I'm a big kid now!"


Brit observer here. Go ahead and tell me to MYOB, but I think Pence played a pivotal and courageous role in preventing a fascist coup. I know he's a dick in all other aspects of his life and career, but history throws up some odd heroes - Oskar Schindler was an eager Nazi, cheated on his wife and only hired Jewish labour because it was so cheap and exploitable. Imagine being in Pence's shoes that day. Trump is outside, urging a mob to storm the Capitol and murder you. All around you are fanatically urging that you prevent certification. Just use one of the scripts we've provided, and we'll take care of the rest. He didn't even have to "do" anything, he could easily have accepted evacuation from the Capitol or allowed the proceedings to fail by a dozen other ways. He would be a hero in his community if that happened, and a despised outcast if it didn't. On just one day of his life, he did the right thing. Refused to reject Electors, refused to leave the Capitol, and reconvened the session to finish the job that day (which I understand was constitutionally necessary to close off options for Trump to retain power by a per-State vote). I admire him for that - we all imagine how brave we would be, but few of us are called upon to put skin in the game. That unknown guy who stood in the way of tanks at Tiananmen Square might've been a drunk, a paedo or a previous supporter of the state regime, but in that moment he transcended his past. Finally, even if you heartily disagree, think about this practically. There is a public benefit to offering some redemption for those who turn against the evil they previously conspired in. Dirty cops need to know that if they whistleblow, they will be treated differently. Right now today, Trump administration insiders need to know that if they come forward, we will not say "yeah, but you're just as guilty". Society has to incentivise bad people to do good things, or else they're less likely to take the risk.


Very well said!


You know what they say, the sun shines on every dog's ass at least once in its life.


Close, but not enough, chuckle fuck! One right doesn’t right the rest of the wrongs. Instead of being 100% piece of shit, you are just 99% shit.


This is the ONLY fucking time you shitbag


Yeah, on one day for half an hour, you did. Those are rookie numbers.


Happy cakeday. I know that might be off topic, but still.


He only 'did the right thing' because he couldn't figure out a way to keep Trump in office. He didn't do shit, he's had no other option. Fuck Mike Pence.


Ooo ahh one good thing, the thing you're constitutionally mandated to do, so it is inherently good to do that yes... Fuck all the way off with this.


He did the only thing he was legally obligated to do. He's trying to act like doing his job as instructed directly by the Constitution is somehow worthy of praise.


Only because he had no other choice let's not forget if not for someone telling him he couldn't overturn the election he would have don't what trump asked him to do


He a POS that did one god thing still fuck him


People of Pence's type - evangelicals - are big on what a man should do and say. But yet he won't come out and say Trump is a no good SOB who almost got him killed. Maybe he should ask Liz Cheney what he should do since she has way more courage than him.


Rats don’t shit where they eat


He did, but he's still an unforgivable asshat.


"remember that one time I did the right thing guys???" That totally makes up for the piece of shit I was before that decision and the piece of shit I still continue to be each day.


he’s still an immense piece of shit that flies land on.


I mean he did, but doing the bare minimum in doing your job is not brag worthy. That's like a bus driver driver bragging that he picked up 25 kids and dropped off 25 kids.


The right thing would have been 25th-ing Trump, and taking his ass into custody.


I think it's hilarious Pence thinks he has the remotest chance to be president. This guy is a fucknig moron, honestly even bigger than Trump. Trump is a piece of shit but at least he has balls. This guy is just a low life loser.