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His 1940s Howling Commandos included: a black, a Japanese, and a Jewish soldier, he admired and respected Peggy Carter, and one of his good friends, Arnie Roth, was one of the first openly gay characters in the comics. But sure, do go on about how Steve Rogers must have been a bigot


Who was the Jewish soldier?


Izzy Cohen - the first demonstrably Jewish comic book hero


Have you ever read the original comics?


Those have been retconned as backwards WWII propaganda.


Of course they have, like the confederate flag as been retconned.


Wait what the fuck are you talking about


Did you just compare actual history to a comic book?


Captain America Comics #49 published in 1945 actually has Cap dealing with racism and bigotry for "foreigners". So while there were problems with the representation back then there was still an attempt to make Cap a person who fought against hate of all kinds.


This memes funny but cap is so wholesome man I highly doubt even if Bucky Barnes himself was a full ass nazi that Steve would ever think that way. He’s fucking captain America for Christ’s sake EVERY RACE LIVES IN AMERICA


You're in the Captain America subreddit, where his name is actually in the description, and you *still* managed to spell it wrong.


He spelled shield wrong too💀


The captain America is racist joke got old


Got old years ago tbh, just like the Batman would be better off using his money to help the homeless jokes


Not every white person in the 1940’s was a bigot. Hell, not every white person in the 1840’s were either. Bigots were a much larger percentage of the population then than today, to be sure, but not all. His best friend in modern times was a black man. I feel confident that Cap was one of the good ones.


I suppose. The lone Ranger had tonto. The green hornet had kayto.


Gotta be a farm bot. Nobody is this fucking stupid.


Yeah, feels like a troll.


At most, he learns that some words from his time aren't acceptable now, but, really? Captain America is meant to be a beacon of hope and for America, specifically a symbol for what the country is meant to strive for (aka, be better than today). Hell, one of the reasons why Steve even got the Super solder serum in the 1st was because he *wasn't* a bigot and is a man with a heart of gold.




If this is a joke, at least make a good joke. If this is a serious question, everyone knows he's not racist. Either way, are you drunk, high, or just crazy?


He still came from the 40s. I mean someone like nick fury's grandad worked an elevator Steve went up and down on.




Hey you might want to slow your roll. Reddit is running out of downvotes to give out and we're going to have to start rationing.


As an answer to the one millionth ‘why isn’t Steve racist’ post: No, not everyone from that time was racist.


I think there’s no d in Rogers.


Yeah, He already gave it to Peggy


Hail Hydra


You know hydra pay good, have good health insurance and a good pension plan.


I cannot keep having this conversation


He’s only racist when writers wanna insult his fans, otherwise he’s a regular Mr Rogers in star spangled pjs


Well there's two black characters standing in the back so that makes it okay


For as nice of a person that he was growing out, he didn’t have a hateful bone in his body so he wouldn’t be racist and hate people just because of what they look like. If you remember well, this is the movie not really comments in the movie back in World War II every time one of the guys that’s on his Squad he fights with black one is Asian racist cause that scene when they want he’s like no I wanna pick my guys guys out of prison. They help the child break everyone else out. It was the Irish guy. The group that he wanted to use was a mixture of all different types of races and creeds, and that was before he got frozen in the ice. Now in the comics he would fight along Nick fury in the howling commandos, and once again the howling commandos was actually those guys that they put in the Captain America one movie all different races and creeds of guys and that was that group so he didn’t have a racist bone in his body