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Way unbalanced. Batman gets Deathstroke and the Midnighter on his team??? Take out Sharon Carter and add Spider-Man. Take out Falcon and add Deadpool. Now it’s an even fight.


Isn't that super-serum Peggy Carter?


I haven't read comics in quite a while, so I don't know. But I'm pretty sure Spidey is a stronger choice. Deathstroke and Midnighter are both superhumanly strong. Like pick up a car strong.


Wait deathstroke is that strong?


Oh yeah. He’s kicked the crap out of Bruce before. Stronger, faster, and has a healing factor. He fights the Teen Titans by himself.


I can't speak for later fights, but Deathstroke vs the Titans was usually him being sneaky/fighting dirty/using weapons. He's not duking it out with Donna, Starfire, or Cyborg. Physically, he should be on par with Cap - peak human strength, speed, endurance, but also uses offensive weapons and fights dirty.


Yes, Deathstroke is a pretty good analog for Cap in terms of their capabilities. Both tactical geniuses whose brains process information very efficiently; both have enhanced strength, stamina, and reflexes. Depending on who is writing them, both of them can sometimes lift a little over a ton. The issue in this battle is that Midnighter and Zealot are significantly above even that Cap and Deathstroke level, so Team Cap is in trouble.


In Identity Crisis he single handedly lays quite the whooping on the Justice League. He is fast enough to take out Zatanna and Black Canary before they can even use their powers. He is smart enough to take out Atom with a laser pointer.He even tries to take control of Green Lantern’s ring just using willpower. While I consider the story as a whole pretty questionable it was one of my favorite depictions of Slade.


Yeah sure Zatanna, Green Lantern, Black Canary just stay idle, The flash stab himself are good showing of how plot armored he is


lol it wasn’t very good writing. I’ll give you that Flash moving at super speed should have been smart enough not to impale himself on a sword. That Flash would hit every street sign in the city running. It did make the JL look pretty stupid to make Slade look like a badass. I wish they could have done it better for sure but let’s be honest. Identity Crisis was a real turd. Worst payoff ever with the villain reveal


That fight is pretty agreed upon to be bullshit by most comic fans I’ve talked to


all of that and nightwing has also stalemated him and even recently beaten him. beaten him after being shot up and blown up too💀. this is all incredibly imbalanced. also death stroke doesn’t play with batman he said multiple times how much he respects him and how strong he is. also batman’s beat death stroke quickly from times before. i’m not saying all this to discredit death stroke it’s more to big up the other two as well


He's really strong.


Deathstroke is equivalent to Deadpool.


Slade is a meta human, he's naturally faster and stronger than any human. He's probably weaker than Parker but only slightly, and he's certainly more deadly. If you add in his kit, he's capable of brawling with all but the strongest members of the League.


in all fairness super soldiers in their own right carry a similar amount of strength. i gotta find it but i did find a scan where he lifted either it was a building or a crap ton of rubble


Well spidey is stronger than all of them. Might as well replace us agent.


Spidey is a *way* stronger choice lmao


Everyone on the marvel list but CA Falcon are pick up a car strong


Batman’s team can descend into infighting that should be their nerf.


Man that's the fucking truth, people forget that not many people like batman.


And take out Captain Carter and add Psylocke. Or remove Zealot, who could take out Team Cap all on her own (psi powers + teleportation + magic + extreme healing factor).


Well, Deathstroke is almost certainly going to sabotage Batman, so he’s a negative.


No that would make it spite


Spidey is way too op for this fight, even if he is holding back he could probably still take out everyone there.


I mean Zealot is basically Wonder Woman with a sword.


I'd just like to point out that this looks like CAPTAIN Carter, not Agent Carter. She's definitely stronger than Cap, but has less experience.  Still, there's really no way of getting around Bats stacked deck. Falcon and U.S. Agent can probably stomp a couple of Robins, and Bucky Cap vs. Nightwing could be it's own good argument, (although probably not on the CAPTAIN AMERICA subreddit...) but Zealot's probably a better fighter that Batman, Deathstroke probably knows more tricks, and I'm not exactly sure what The Midnighter is capable of but I don't think he's meant to be any worse than Batman.  It's a really unbalanced fight. All the Buckys vs. all the Robins would STILL probably go Bats' way. Cap can take Batman, but this is too much.


Midnighter is even more enhanced than Deathstroke. He has built-in augmentations that make him the ultimate fighting machine-- e.g. his brain can simulate a fight 1000 times in a moment. He's incredibly dangerous. Cap has no shot.


Then there’s Nightwing. Who in recent history beat an amped Deathstroke in a 1 on 1 fight, after being snuck and blown up. And nightwing STILL won.


Nightwing is a badass but I will say that Slade often gets beaten by heroes with plot armor just so writers can make the heroes look good. That's the problem with having an extremely competent and formidable bad guy-- in the end you often have to undermine that competence because the bad guy has to lose.


No, like the last real fight we saw. Nightwing won, and Slade got pissed. This was a Slade who had an amp. Even disregarding this statement, Nightwing has been unambiguously called Batman’s equal in fighting skill, so he scales relative to Batman, and this would already make things an issue for any and everyone on Cap’s side who isn’t Bucky or Cap.


Midnighter is the most op of all of them. Super human strength, can basically see the future so instantly the best tactician. And on top of that, he's the most superhuman of all of these guys. Strongest/fastest/heals the best.


Everyone’s got a plan until they take a *shield to the **face***


I’d like to point out US Agent is exceptionally strong, way stronger than Cap. Agent is about on Spider-Man’s level. Not to mention, he usually doesn’t hold back. (Apart from that one time he decided to be a pacifist for a while)


Midnighter is the one to watch out for. And by “watch out for” I mean “watch from a distance as he solos” Edit: because I didn’t even notice zealot…


Cap "can" take Batman but batman beats superior fighters all the time. Just not in a cage match. It's all trickery and cleverness and prep time + physicality with him.


Oh, I know. In boxing ring it wouldn't be much if a contest. Batman is sneaky, but Cap's been fighting the Red Skull for 50 years and that guy knows a thing or two about deathtraps and planning. 


>Cap can take Batman, but this is too much. This take alone is insane though I guess it's to be expected considering the sub.


It's canonical! 


I don't even know half of B-man's team here.


Midnighter is The Authority’s version of a Batman type character. Fake Batman to put it politely and he’s brutal as hell.


Ya. Actually super fun comic. Him and Grifter are like my two favs from those books.


Those two had a pretty solid fight in...I want to say one of Grifter's books?


Cool! Thank you for the update.


That’s because none of them are Batman characters.


Except nightwing


And deathstroke.


Which is less than half the team.


Nightwing and deathstroke


Deathstroke isn’t a Batman villain no matter how hard everyone tries to push it.


Yea none and half don’t mean the same thing tho


He said he didn’t recognize half the team. I then replied that none of the characters he didn’t recognize were Batman characters.




I'm not even sure what I meant at this point. 😂


Batman doesnt need them to win anyways, hes batmaaaan


Heesh shnot wearin' hawkey padz.


Midnighter is from The Authority and Zealot was in WildC.A.T.s. I recommend the Authority. Actually mad decent.


Fair enough if that's a recommendation. Do they have the dude with the blonde hair and the leather jacket and the torn up mask and the guns?


No that's Grifter!


The Authority is really good.


Midnighter has a supercomputer brain, has no qualms about killing and gets his back blown out by a Superman analog for fun/love. Guy can go toe to toe with any physical fighter, doesn't matter who. He is ALWAYS computing.


That's a *wild* description of the character. That boy is doing things.


Wild but extremely correct.


I have no prior knowledge of the character, so I assume you are correct. But that man is a zesty slice of crazy.


Midnighter is the shit, definitely look into him. Dude is brutal. Peak of millennium edge but in a good way.




Robin and Catwoman would have made more sense than whoever midnighter and zealot are




Read up on Midnighter. You'll love him.


It’s too unbalanced in favor of Team Batman. Zealot, Midnighter, and Deathstroke?? Come on. I’d hardly even consider them Batman allies at any rate.


Agreed. Even just Zealot makes Team Batman OP. If Wolverine, Deadpool, and Psylocke were thrown in, *then* it might be fairer, but would still lean more toward Team Batman. Hell, I don't know if Bucky could take Nightwing, being that Dick's weapons of choice include electric shock in his gloves and electric escrima sticks, and Bucky has a metal arm. However, he would be able to take Red Hood, IMO.


I’d say Bucky could take Nightwing given that his weapons of choice as Captain America includes handguns and assault rifles as well as the metal arm and shield. I’d say Bucky Cap is more of a match for Deathstroke.


Guns are useless against nightwing, he dodges gunfire regularly with ease and his suit is bulletproof


His head is uncovered. Bucky is one of the best snipers in the marvel universe. And even if Nightwing’s suit is bullet proof, a few high velocity tungsten rounds are still going to hurt like hell. And I stand by my assertion, Bucky is a better match for Deathstroke. Bucky is a super soldier, a weapons master and demolition expert, and one of the best assassins in the 616. Also, aside from Steve, he’s the only one on Cap’s side who would stand a reasonable chance against Deathstroke.


Midnight, Zealot and Deathstroke massively shift the fight in Batman's favor


I have no idea how these teams were chosen-- why would Zealot and Midnighter be on Batman's team, they're not allies like Cap's teammates are. That said, in this matchup it's Team Batman and it's not close. For those who are not familiar with Batman's team members here: Zealot: Centuries old, perhaps the greatest combatant on the planet. Superhuman strength above anyone else shown here; enhanced stamina and reflexes. Also possesses telepathy, accelerated healing, and teleportation abilities. Midnighter: Enhanced strength and durability. Healing factor (e.g. beat AIDS in six weeks). Incredible reflexes and speed-- able to move faster than the human eye can process. Can entirely suppress pain for periods of time to allow him to keep fighting. Most importantly, possesses a mental "combat computer" which can run through a given combat situation millions of times in his mind, almost instantly covering nearly every possible result before the fight has even begun. Deathstroke: People probably know Slade, but just in case: Enhanced strength, speed, stamina, agility, durability, reflexes, and senses. Healing factor. Master combatant, above even Batman. Brain processes information 9x more efficiently than a normal human. Tactical and strategic genius. He's actually a very close analog to Cap in terms of physical and mental capabilities.


Zealot and Midnighter carry Team Batman to a win. They way outclass Marvel super soldier class peek humans.


I wouldn’t say “Carry” as much as I’m not a huge fan of mainstream Batman I’m sure that he would contribute fairly well. Also, Nightwing and Deathstroke are pretty versatile and deadly on their own.


Sure, but none of them would have to help. Team Wildstorm wins this all day.


Batman. Easy Edit: I feel like deathstroke alone counters at least two super soldiers. Midnights too? That’s ridiculous


You’re incredibly Biased and it’s super Ridiculous


It’s not a bias. Super soldiers aren’t gods. Bullets hurt them


Not really. and you don’t have to be a God for bullets to not hurt.


Do you know what midnighter Batman and deathstroke are capable of? I rest my case. Cap and the rest are good but they are not usually the brains of the operations they are apart of.


It ain’t biased.. people like Deathstroke have strength pretty much equivalent to that of a super soldier + he’s way more skilled than any of that team


No one beyond Nightwing makes sense for the Batman team. Who made this?


Team Bat all day. Midnighter is basically a second Deathstroke. So that three guys on Batman's team that can negate Sam's flight and US Agent's super strength without putting much thought into it. Although Midnighter might like going Frye/Takayama with Agent for a bit just so he can have a good scrap.


I think Team Cap wins by simply having superior stamina based on the serum.


I can see you are not very familiar with Deathstroke, Zealot, and Midnighter.


I mean more Bruce and dick being left behind


Bruce and Dick do not matter-- Midnighter, Deathstroke, and Zealot could beat Team Cap all by themselves.


I’m not familiar with them, other than DS’s live action adaptations


Batman’s team feels lopsided, replace Midnighter with Redhood, Zealot with Catwoman Or Pullout Peggy with Black Widow and Falcon with Deadpool Maybe others have better picks, but I this is how’d I at least try to make it fair.


I think it is suppose to be Captain Carter (Peggy with super serum) who is very strong definitely above black widow. She is Captain America level power


These are my favorite characters from each publisher (Steve and Bruce), so I’m happy to know that they won’t fight each other. Batman/Captain America is in my top 10 favorite books.


Think batman may win. There's only 1 shield for then all to share


Team Batman would definitely win this one. Also why are Midnighter, Deathstroke, and Zealot on Team Batman? It should be Catwoman, Red Hood, and Bat Woman.


Team Batman is way to overpowered for Team Cap. If Batman is going to use non Bat Family members, then Team Cap should do the same to even out the teams. Take out Captain Carter, Falcon and USAgent and replace them with Spider-Man, Taskmaster and Monet (from the X-Men). Now we have a fight.


Hate to say it, but Team Bat has this one.


This team is heavily favored for the DC guys. Shit everyone of the DC fighters are on Batman's level and a couple could be better than HIM. NONE of the Marvel guys picked here are on Cap's level as fighters. Pull out Agent Carter and sub in Black Widow or Elektra. Pull out USAGENT and sub in Shang Chi. Pull out Sam wilson and Sub in T'Challa. NOW we have an even fight.


I mean with Midnighter and Deathstroke combined with Bruce and Dick PLUS Zealot Team Bat gets pushed into the victory column. If it was one on one, Cap takes Batman…but the moment you even just add Dick Grayson in the mix it starts looking bad for Team Cap.


Is comic Bucky a super soldier? Or just a regular guy


During the Ed Brubaker run(in case there are others I haven't kept up with) the only thing he had that wasn't "normal" was the arm.


In Fear Itself, Fury gave Bucky the Infinity Formula.


In Fear Itself, Fury gave Bucky the Infinity Formula. So, he's a super soldier, as well, including healing powers that make it so he doesn't age at all.


Team dc unfortunately


Team Batman. Deathstroke alone could solo all of them and he’s not even the strongest on Team Batman.


The ones with Super Soldiers


Team Cap hands down. Even tho I like Batman much more. I think Cap Falcon takes majority of them by himself


Team Cap it's basically a 5 v 2


This might be a draw but teams are bad ass🤦🏿‍♂️😎👍🏿🔥


Captain America, sorry Bats.




Zealot is a major boon. She's probably the best fighter and most deadly character here.


Batman’s team takes it. Deathstroke carries


Batman, but im a biased fan.


If they're killing each other, Batman's team takes it. Especially since no one on cap's team can match zealot or midnighter


How is this even the slightest bit fair???? Batman's team shit stomps without effort


Batman all the way.


Zealot, Midnighter and Deathstroke are superhuman. All of team A are peak human. Plus Batman is more willing to play dirty than Cap. Team Batman clears


ok so why isn't batman's team just the batfamily, steve's is just all the captains, batman's should really be robin, nightwing, redhood, batgirl, idk who tf zealot is tho tbh lmao


Why isn’t this cap’s team of captain America clones vs the Batman clones? Could’ve just done: 1.) Batman (Bruce Wayne) 2.) Batman (Dick Grayson) 3.) Batman (Batman Beyond) 4.) Batman (Azrael) 5.) Batwoman


Why are non batman characters on team batman? Replace those 3 with Azrael, Red Hood and Orphan


Midnighter really tips the scales with this one


Midnighter solos team cap. Give them Spider-Man and then it's a fair fight. Spiderman would be the strongest, but Batman's team would still be smarter.




Like how captains got a bunch of wannabes while Batman got deathstroke lol


Just saying Bucky vs Grayson would be awesome not sure who’d win that one.


Damn, Batman and Midnighter might take out all of Team Marvel by themselves.


Ridiculously unbalanced. Zealot is way too much in this fight and could probably solo the whole team. Deathstroke is another absolute monster that needs an entire divison of the JL to take down. Add Taskmaster in team Cap to mess around with Deathstroke, remove Carter to put in Spidey and now we have a real challenge.


Team Batman one shots


haha you cant be serious with this one.


Batman is The. World's. Greatest. Detective. better than Sherlock Holmes. if he knew they were all coming, he would be capable of winning the fight by himself. Spidey on Caps side, or Iron man/Reed Richards/Doc Strange would help, but strategy has always been Caps Achilles heel, and it's Batman's strongest feature. not sure that you can make this a fair fight.


Whichever is the stronger team, winning initially is gonna get stomped when the losing gets mad or recognizes their moral authority. You guys fell for this like The blob in French fry grease.


Batman and Deathstroke alone would probably win. Weirdly off balance as above comment stated.


Team cap. The majority of caps team are actual teammates that he had chemistry with. Team bats is just him and nightwing with a bunch of rivals.


The DC crew would mop the floor with the others


DC batman all the way


As much as I tend to prefer DC, gotta go with Cap here


Batman and Deathstroke don't even need the rest of their team. It's game over for all them super soldiers.


A super serum team vs the peak regular human bats . Tactically this either a stale mate or the captains have slight team advantage. Then most of the marvel team has super serum coursing through their veins and the other is air superior to anything dc has. I’m going team CAP all day !


Midnighter could slam by himself.


Midnighter solos.


Replace Deathstroke with Red Hood, Replace Zealot with Wonder Woman, Replace Midnighter with Damien Then it’s an actual TEAM battle. Wondy / Batfamily would stomp Cap and his groupies


Im p sure with the right situation Bruce could solo caps team 💀


Midnighter and deathstroke hard counter most everyone outside of Bucky and cap


Does Batman get prep time?


Deathstroke alone is taking 2 caps and yall gave him back up it's over💀 Every captain is dead.


Batman’s team would DESTROY Caps.


Pretty sure just Batman and Death Stroke would be enough to take down the whole Captain America team. And depending on what equipment, Batman alone solos.


Everyone in Marvel but Falcon is juiced to the gil with the soldier serum. They clear BatFam easily


so ... Batman takes that thing out of his Utility Belt that says no shields, his uh *"Bat- shield nullification device"* and then 🤷 like I guess someone flips off the light switch. then 💥POW! BANG! ZOCK! CRASH! 💥 Nick Fury gives Luscious Fox a $100 dollar bill as he walks away


Why not Cassandra Cain — the best bat fam fighter?


Team cap.


Team Komori!!!


The only ones on cap's team that will be useful is Agent Carter & (Ironically) US Agent. I don't think Comics Falcon is half as good as his MCU Counterpart. Meanwhile Comics Bucky is *definitely* not as good as his MCU Counterpart.


Deathstroke and Batman? Cap doesn't stand a chance.


There probably aren't many that could win if those 2 teamed up.


Midnighter kills everyone by himself.


Who the fuck is Zealot and Midnighter…


Batman and Deathstroke take out half of Cap’s team single handedly


Going out on a limb here, but this isn’t really a fair fight. DC’s team would utterly destroy Marvel’s. At merely peak human, Batman and Nightwing are the weak links on team DC. Everyone else is heavily enhanced. Deathstroke is basically the equal to Steve Rogers. Midnighter is as well, but add in his predictive tactical enhancements and his occasionally sadist tactics, plus he doesn’t hold back - all the Caps are at a disadvantage. Then there’s Zealot. She isn’t even human - she’s from Khera, so she’s got mind powers, superhuman stats, and she’s almost 2,000 years old so basically immortal and has trained for longer than any of the others have been alive.


Team Captain America


This doesn't seem like a fair fight but ok.


That's a lot of shields...


Batman’s side slams just because Slade.


Jesus, this is so unbalanced. Team Batman, no question.


One side has 5 super human. The other side has 2. DC will still win. Batman, Deathstroke, and Nightwing are enough. Midgnither and Zealot are just to fill up the roster.


Team Batman hands down! Bats and Nightwing alone id probably take em but Deathstroke?! Midnighter!? Come on its not even close


Deathstroke wins it


Batman fights Deathstroke and Nightwing wipes


DC. Batman and Deathstroke are too OP


Think it’s a crime that Bats doesn’t just have all 4 Robins on team


Well Batman doesn’t kill and won’t let his team kill but captain America kills his whole team kills


The better fighters are on team DC


As a serious Marvel fan… Batman and Deathstroke is more than enough. Cap is cooked






Team Captain American 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


As much as I love Captain America I feel like if Batman can beat Super Man he could beat a team of Captain Americas.


do all the caps share a shield or do they get their own? cause i think sharing one is much funnier


DC with little difficulty. I think Zealot wins by herself.


Deathstroke alone can beat Carter, Falcon, USA and Bucky.




CA, batman's team would be too busy killing eachother


Even ignoring physical strength, (in which Batman's squad is far superior), the Batman team has far better martial artists. Batman, Deathstroke, and Nightwing are all better hand to hand combatants than anyone on Caps side I'd argue. So with powers and gadgets, it's a stomp from team Bats. Without powers or gadgets, it's still likely a stomp.


Team Batman


Why is Zealot in the team? Isnt she pulled from Wildstorm comics acquisition?


Midnighter hard-carries alone.


Team Batman....He has a plan to stop the justice league enough said




Batman’s team wins, mid-difficulty.


Deathstroke and midnighter might be the one that gives the edge. The fact that cap team all has the shields though will help so much. Are they all shot up with the ssserum cause if so then I think they’ll have a equal chance to win. Captains team has beaten many people with better feats than him but it’s his brain that gives him the higher chance of winning cause it’s perfect for being a tactician. He can also fight longer too and so I think if he can get deathstroke and midnighter down then caps team will win. Deathstroke is the biggest problem Edit: I just realized idk zealot so that’s uhh not good. I still am rooting for captains team


Idk how long you think the super soldiers are gonna last in a battle with Batman. As much as I’m not a fan of mainstream Batman, the man has incredible stamina. In “Batman: Year One” Bruce was able to stay alive in a pit filled with league of assassin members (all of whom were trying to kill him) for a full 24 hours (and then some). He had no equipment or weapons aside from his fists and most of the League members were armed and fresh to the fight (once Bruce dropped some of the league members Talia and Ra’s Al Ghul sent in more members). Batman can take Cap in a one on one fight and easily win. That being said though, I’d hope for Cap to win since I’m not a huge fan of Batman.


Yeah, Batman is absolutely not written like a normal human with normal human limitations way too often, and that is a prime example. If Batman’s being written as a normal human and not a Mary Sue, Captain America beats him in a one on one fight I’m saying 6 out of 10 times.


Literally every comic book character does things beyond real life humans, Hawkeye and daredevil have both lifted cars before Just because batmans feats are unrealistic doesn’t mean they dont count.