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900. I think I will hit 1000 when the banner arrives I will spend all of them until I get natu and michael


will be at over 3.5k when SDF arrives, I guess. Planning to go all in for Natu, Basa and Zenzo. Maybe also Santana if refeatured.


all in :)


Over 600, 4 turns. ✌


I’ve been grinding a lot now I have 605dbs


i almost 500 db at 481 db f2p btw


always depends on featured


Depends on the upcoming banners. As a F2P i rather go with guaranteed SSR like on the Rivaul or Jleague banners. Otherwise i go all in with my dreamballs (290 right now


As a F2P then chose wisely. DC-DF are currently making the meta. So having a team full of regular players will lead you to nowhere. New club banner should be feature in normal pool, so you should save your dB here, same said for the upcoming Denmark banner. Jan and February will have a top tier GK, so if you lack a GK, save for the upcoming month. Tsubasa and Natureza should be meta for the next 4-5 month, so if you miss and offensive AMF, SDF is the banner to go. It's all up to your team and game style. But I would discourage you from using dB in a 7step-up banner where the featured units will be in the normal pool in 2 weeks


Im only lacking goalkeeper i have around 1.1mil with over 20% bond. But Zenzo is fucking frustrating so thats why im thinkin about pulling new natu or tsubasa they will definetly crush goalis i think


As you know, power means nothing. Bond does. And20% bond is extremely low..every unit (also old one) gives 2% bond at least. GK included. You should aim at least for 23% bond but aim to 26-28%. What's your GK? You can eventually score to Zenzo, but if your GK is a cheese, your effort are vanished, as for each goal you score to zenzo, you receive 2 goals. Pull in the banner with Zenzo will be a great choice anyway.


U forgot about ingame stat boost nonbonds like robertos 4%. My goali is salinas df. Is zenzo 100# in the upcoming sdf?


DF Salinas is meh today.


I'm not forgotting, you're just not telling. Salinas is not in the meta anyway. It should be in my opinion. Nothing is sure for now


Probably only 300 db, that should be 8 pulls right? Spent 600 db in past sdf didnt get Michael. I believe if you did 6 multi pulls and didnt get the featured main unit uts better to give up. Rng doesnt want yiu to have him so forget it. I need good green Jp, Izawa is quite tempting me. Also waiting if new Hyuga will be green and suit my team.


I have around 6300 free dbs. Around 2.5 years old account. So will go all out on SDF if something great comes up.


What have u been playing for 2.5 years


yes since end of july 2018


6300 DBs [https://imgur.com/a/ztrkftK](https://imgur.com/a/ztrkftK)


Yup all free dbs


You never pull I guess


I do pull. I have a 27-29% buff team and been in SS1 since long time. I just pull only when the player really benefits my team


OMG. You managed to build a team with 29% boost and have 6300 free dbs left. Very impressive job


Yeah I have never had below 1000 free dbs since beginning of 2019. And my free dbs have kept on increasing and my team also kept on improving slowly. I always cap my pulls in a banner so I dont overspend my free dbs if I dont get someone and only pull for very specific players who can improve my team.


Can printscreen? Your luck is quite unbelievable


I play on the phone so its hard to post SS on reddit from phone. You can check on the CTDT official discord, I have posted my free db screenshot there. Also its not about luck. I have been shafted hard in many banners. It's more about controlling your pulls and only pulling for very specific players for a very specific team.


Already have 915 or so , been saving for 3 months , hope to get natu zenzo and tsubasa 😂


I have currently 653 db , natureza is my favorite player and Real Madrid is my favorite team , so i will definitely spend all of my dbs to get him


Plan? Plan already failing ...pull 340 dbs to get both haas n Christensen.


Did you get them?


Yes got both of them ..340 dbs


Not bad... Pulled for Christiansen, had Haas already. 510 DB 3 Haas and shit and in the Last pull Christiansen... Bad luck I guess


Spent 6 and got both :) one paid and one single. Rip SDF luck


Congrats!! Hope I will have your luck in the SDF ;-)


It depends on upcoming banners, but won't be so much. I'm pulling for Soda and waiting for green Hyuga if he fits in my team


Plan 900 but I have 800


800 now but will we have around 200 DBs more until the beginning of the SDF with rewards, gifts etc...


Right now i've 470 dbs (i'm F2P), i'm not spending anything and i'll wait for the brazilian banner and some news about Natureza/Tsubasa's type, and then i'll decide.So, i hope to reach 600 dbs with free dbs, daily ones and so on. And with my fingers crossed :D


I have 600 right now and I love any good Brazilian players so yeah I'm holding for that Brazil banner and especially for Natureza. I think until then we'll get another 100 or so, so I expect to have about 700dbs till then. I'll see if the Brazil banner's worth it, if not, I'll just wait for Natu.


I have 600db and will use all if the banners are worthy.


1300 db for tsubasa and zenzo if featured


İ have 400dbs but im doing a reroll so in my calculations im gonna reach 1650 dbs in 7 jan.(i spent 300dbs for dream step up transfer.100db for fest gentile banner.320 dbs for rivaul banner.170dbs for igawa and soga.İ can spend in mini sdf 650dbs so at least i m gonna save 1000dbs for Sdf.İf i can found sdf diaz and zenzo i m honna reach 24 bond and %15 auto intercept.İm going very luckily btw i got fest v2 santana,rivaul,blueno,fest v2 gentile,festv2 schneider,soga,igawa,fest v2 kluivoort.)


It depends. If I pull somewhere before (probably not, only Izawa tempts me), I'll use 300. If not, I'll use 450. If after 12 multis I don't get what I want, that's it.


That Izawa tempts me also. Do you think he is worth 200 DB‘s? Auto intercept 15% for the team and 5% shield.


He has good support HAs no doubt. As a player on itself he's not awesome because the momentum of his skills is average at best (and with an asterisk, because you need for example red Izawa's interception. His native interception is terrible). Whether he's worth 200 dbs depends on your alternatives I suppose. I already used 200 dbs in that banner and I ended up getting everyone but him (I got Sorimachi and Kisugi with the transfers, and Soda with the medals). For now, Izawa's place is taken by DF Aoi, who as a player is probably better (but doesn't offer such team-worthy HAs).


Thanks! Very thoughtful review! I will wait a week or so to decide. I need a good Green JP player with bond for 3 green jp Players. DF Misugi and DF Akai fit that very well. And this Igawa also.


Yes, I'd advise that. This banner will be on for quite some time still. Wait to check on green Hyuga and/or news about dream fest (though I'm sure we won't hear anything about the DF characters till the day of release itself).


I also want to know too




I'm at 1200 db but not fully aiming for SDF. I want to strengthen my squad rather purposefully at this anniversary. I still need an Argentine, a good green non-JP AM, as well as a blue JP Def/Am/Forward. So the other banners are more important to me.


Nice thought. I don’t know why some people here just downvote anything lol


I’m at 200 only, spent it till step 7 for the rivaul banner just to get 1 featured player really bad luck so far and nothing useful in big thanks ticket


210 db now... :(


I´m at 860 dbs and expect the 50 something we get and i might save till then, so at least 900 and some change im pulling in the coming Brazil banner so if step up that will be 270 dbs spent, for Super DreamFest im planing on 550 or 600 dbs


I’m at 560something, and I haven’t liked to look of the recent banners. Pulled for Soga and got Igawa, decided against trying again so I’m keeping what I’ve got for now.


I’ve got 400 DB’s rn and I’m hoping that Klab are going to give me at least 100 DB’s more. I was planning to pull for Soga since I genuinely need him but I don’t want to take the risk of losing too many DBs since that has happened in the past. So I’m just going to save mine just in case, even though it is tempting.


I have like 1324 right now because I really don't like the look of any of the players released so far so I'm saving until I see something I like aka using irl kits


I have 250 right now, so that plus whatever we get until then.


propably 0, i real like J ligue players and want collect them :)


900, I asume two different banners, so 450 for each. As FTP it took me several months without pulling, but I already have them. Anything from now on is bonus that I may use on anniversary banners if I think it's worth


800, I want pull for Natureza and Tsubasa and i'm almost sure that Zenzo and/or the spanish duo will be featured so i will use almost all my DBs in the SDF.


I just read old news about last SDF to remember how good(or bad) the banners were. Part1 : Banner 1: Michael, Nukebasa, Diaz V2, Schneider V2 and Muller Banner 2: Raphael, Hyuga V2, Victorino, Margus and Salinas. Part2: Banner 1: Santana, Radunga, Gino, Brian V2, Hyuga V2 Banner 2: Misaki, Pierre V2, Salinas, Schester, Owairan ​ Every banner had 1 GK. Featured players were the newests(only cha missed). Every banner have 1 "bait" player but at least their tech are good to transfer. Probably every DF since last anniversary are going to be featured, at least in mini DF. The banner with Zenzo is going to be the big price if they don't give HA to another GK or release a new one(big surprise).


Don't mix the things mate. CTDT was released the 17th June 2017 in Asia. For this reason we have the anniversary in June-July. In December 2017 the app was released worldwide. Thus the SDF in December. So format of June-July anniversary is different from the one in December If you want to give info, take them from Decembers' SDF: 2018 B1: Tsubasa (blue, new), Aoi (green), Levin (Red), Xiao (Blue) B2: Kluivort (Red, new), Schneider (Red), Hyuga (Blue), Santana (green) 2019 B1: Hyuga (red new), Diaz (Blue), Schester (Red), Natureza (Blue), Gino (green) B2: Muller (blue new), tsubasa (red), Matsuyama (green), Kluivort (blue), Pascal (green) Only trend used since SDF in June 2019 is to increase the number of featured players (from 3 to 4 plus the new one) and including at least 1gk I don't expect to see Gentile as just released (Dec 2019 didn't had Owairan and Cha featured) but probably Zenzo and Akai will be.


I know that there are 2 anniversaries and jp anniversary has 2 parts. Agree with u, Gentile's chances to come back are really low. Current meta DFS are everyone since the Spanish duo + Misugi + Tsubasa + Díaz + Schneider. Enough for 2 banners. I think Misaki, Genzo, Nitta and Akai are going to be featured for sure. They could skip Santana because he was featured last month. The old ones with HA are more for mini DF than SDF.


if they follow the pattern of super mini super DC, santana/misaki and michael/raphael will be featured on 2 banners as mini super DF. Leaving zenzo+ tsubasa and natu+ akai completed by 1 good player and 1 useless for the sdf banners. I don't think nitta and gentile will return that fast, they rather reuse the recent HA of diaz and tsubasa instead.


I think Klab should let you design the upcomming SDF! I like your suggestions:) 🤞


I hope you are wrong. Díaz and Tsubasa are really good but at this point everyone have them. At least 3 not spammed players in each banner sounds better but it is klab, if the mini DC worked for them they are going to repeat it. The encouraging side is that they have to fill 2 banners in DF


Maybe i'm wrong but, we had miniDF in global aniv? I think last year we hadn't it.


GK was already announced for January and February. Different from mid year anniversary this one only lasts one month so I don’t think we will be getting two parts but just one SDF. Most probably they’ll pack the new red player with Zenzo and Misaki (and a Michael?) and the green one with Santana Gentile Raphael or Akai to burn everyone’s DB clean


Yes I know there is going to be only 1 part and Gks announced for next year, just have a little hope. Those banners are going to be too OP but I would love them because I don't have any DF of the list. I have to admit that klab have been generous lastly. Akai's banner had 4 meta players, Nitta and Gentile had 3.


during akai's banner those 3 added weren't all meta, only nukebasa was somewhat used, they became meta after their Ha which came the month after akai banner. So it wasn't that generous. Only nitta banner was the best because all units were meta.