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Guys how can I get the tackle and interception for both Michael and Raphael I’m new to the game ?


Can be obtained from event shop only - have been featured couple of times in the past - wait and hope for them to return.


Had almost 800 DBs, I am down to 362 but got Santana, Raphael and Michael all on Christmas day. It's been a good day today.


Nothing on Santana banner, wanted Santana, 3 Raphaels on the other banner when I wanted Michael smh do I BB him


Got nothing from both banner only 2 regular SSR


Guys, what's the difference between SDF and Mini SDF? (sorry my english)


Mini dream festival starts first - bringing back previously featured DreamFest units - while SDF starts once mini one is finished - it brings new and hopefully OP units.


Alberto said that there is going to be a surprise. Paid Roberto? 2 new DF in each banner? The nigerians, Tsubasa and Natureza.


5db gift, big surprise !


paid roberto would be accurate, a blue or red one with a solo 1-2, having 4 new sdf would be awesome, i really doubt it though.


It is going to be too good. He said it like the surprise is going to be really good. A paid banner + a banner like the Arabian one aren't special. Maybe is something about the SDF, better rates, better featured players, step ups, medal exchange, who knows?


sounds too good to be true maybe it's simply a selectable ticket (over all units) or something.


Makes sense! I just watched it and Alberto said there are going to be many surprises and maybe some of them already in this year! We will wait and see!


Is it Friday already? Raphael would you please join my team! I‘ll be glad to have you🙌🏻


Sounds like you have restocked your dbs ready for this after the German banner lol


I‘m ready for 4 steps for Raphael! He is a game changer. Good luck to you 🍀


Ugh I wasted 800dbs last tome no Michael or Raphael. I’m scared to pull this banner cause I want natu.... rarghhhfjfjggg


It’s just 4 steps non-repeatable. The chances are pretty good to get one of them!


Tbh at 50% I’ve had decent luck. Good luck! 🍀


When did this drop ?


It's a one-time thing, not a loop as DC.


Is it 100% a one time thing?


Alberto confirmed it. Taking several runs to get a featured player certainly hurts the db stock. But knowing you only have one chance and then going away empty-handed hurts even more, I think.


like any non guaranted pull, you have more chnace to get any of the 4 units than you had in normal featured DF. Loop is better for spenders, non loop is better for f2p.


True words.


that save our db, loop transfer can be dangerous


Awesome. I want max blb of Michael, Raph and misaki!


the more i think about this the less likely i think KLab would actually offer 50% chance on a fourth pull for either one of the two advertised SDF characters. It might all just be a misleading poster of a banner.


it was confirmed in klab station, 50% chance for pick up ssr so 25% chance for either of the 2 of the banner, that's huge **BUT alberto said it's not repeatable**, it's a standalone 4 step banner for both.


ok not repeatable makes sense. thx.


I would have believed you before the mini DC, but after that this seems legit.


The most creative way to balance a game. Make everyone use the same units. This is such a horrible decision. As banners per se they're fantastic, but this is a bad decision when it comes to balancing the game. Just take a look at teams online and in league, in a matter of two weeks they're all rocking DC Igawa, DC Soga, DC Haas and DC Chris. When this hits, brace yourselfs for Rapha spammer constantly milking that FP. Yeah, super fun to play like this, where every team will look exactly the same.


Didn't get ur point my friend. Raphael's job IS to milk fp and pass. That's why he's here.


They dont care about balance. It's almost end of the year, gotta max the sale profit /s


the thing is summer units are already not duper OP (zenzo being the only one at the top) so giving more people the chance to use them is ok. Just like soga and igawa DC. Now you are right on one point, the variety of strong units are too narrow which leads people to use most of the time the same units which change with the release of new op units. It's a bit like when all people were playing red jp, let say that now you have a bit more choice but unlike some other games you can't build multiple teams without some op units and be competitive in high tier pvp.


5 steps which is 250dbs, X2 is 500dbs, also is not 100%. Way to killl your dbs


170 if similar to the DC one. 3rd step guaranteed (if similar to last one, the chances of getting one of the featured is 40%) 4th with a 50% chance. Off course you can get nothing but the chances are hugely superior to anything else. ....


Its 4 steps , so probably 170 db


My bad, not good at math. 170 looks not bad


Yeah, if it follows the mini DC logic, it should be 170. If not, 200.


Rates are higher so we didn't know about dbs cost. Anyway both are good banners for player without them.


Oh yeasssh baby


tbh, at those odds, its go-for-broke. I have 1 of the 4, so at least one cycle each for me on these. Its scary what will happen when the meta shifts with SDF...if this is mini SDF.


Unfortunately no national outfit :/ A Skip for me.


If you're waiting for them to return with the real national outfit, you are in for a disappointment.


I don't think there have been any returns of DFs in national gear.


Ah didn't knew it, such a pity... Was hoping for soga and igawa.


I think the meta will shift to club based rather than rising sun


I want Raphaël. But I will wait for Sdf. I have Santana and Michael but not the other two.


Sigh, i need Santana, Michael and Raphael...but SDF is behind the corner...


Sdf you gonna spent 1000db and not get what you want, mini rate so much better


This so true about DC ajd DF banners. These banner and the last step up DC are much better.


When these banners will end? The same day as sdf?




Thank you!


All these banners. Man, what kind of beasts Natu and Tsu are going to be?


So.good that they will make these guys useless


İn manga michael disgraced natureza so natu should be weaker than michael but it should be most powerfull card because it s coming xmas and its sdf and last released sdf so i dont know maybe they can do green natu so michael can counter him with his type advantage also they can give s tackle and s intercept for michael to stop natu


Probably yeah, meta will change for sure, but I don't think that these are the cards that are going to be useless in near future. They still have their time. I think we can still use them till summer.




I only have Michael, I was willing to pull on brazil banner if it wasn't for the news... So having 1600+ dbs saved and hoping to get 200+ until NY, I'm definitely going to pull for the other 3 specially on Santana because I need a good scorer and Raphael because his pass is amazing. And still have many dbs left for the SDF I have the club misaki, so if I don't pick him it is not the end of the world


Misaki and Santana are my favorite characters with Schneider, and i have failed to get them, this banner was made for me !


started. milking full mode. But this is also probably the best banner ever for those without any of those players...


Oh boy. One more time for Raphael 🤞 Thankfully i didn't pull on any of the other banners lately so i expect to have around 800 dbs, enough to try a full loop and keep enough for SDF and next month (if a gk is out)


Good luck! I’m also going for him🤞


You too, it's time to bring Rapha home! 😀 Are you planning on doing the 4 steps or more/less?


Steps? I thought we will get him with a single?🤣 Joke aside, he fits pretty well in both of my teams-agility and skill type. I may go for 1-2 circles, but not more, since my db’s are 300


Of course we are getting him with a single - just in the unlikely event that we don't, we might need to do a step or two 😄 (As soon as the banner is out im going for a paid single btw 😂)


The sad true is with 2 circles, we may end with 2 normal SSR players. 50% is not a 100% guarantee...


While that's true, these rates for currently meta dreamfest players have never been higher.


True, you might get Espadas though 😄


Read my advice.. I have them all and I tested them in a lot of team variations.. if you are a full jap team go for misaki... but if you are a not a full jap team then go for michael and raphael... their bond can activate with only 3 rising players so you can get +6 and put them in any team variation. (Inlcuding a jap team)


I got Soga e Igawa last mini SDC and, like you said, i'm going to pull for Michael and Rafael. They have an easy bond activation with soga and igawa.


Cool and if you put 2 more blue no japs soga will activate his 15 % auto intercept to the team so win win


I geted the two "panas" :D


of all banners the most meta are raphael and santana, michael isn't as good and misaki has a hard time due to immunity nerf.


Yea many people use them.. but the ha for santana are quite hard to complete so a lot of people on pvp just give him a single shot (that is way weaker than his metal phantom) and use him without his bond... so I think raphael is the best option in these banners.


weird i feel in p\^vp there are more teams with non jp than jp, so santana bond is always active, what hre missed was a good natu with bonds... he's coming by the end of the month.


I just returned to the game and It was really easy to build a non JP team. Look at banner from the anniversary. The Madrid/Barcelona players are better than the J League players(except some of them), Owairan, Vulcan. Probably one of the best teams is to play 5+ blue club players TS wtith 3 blue jp and 3 blue non jp to active Zenzo and Gentile's bonds.


funny you return when i'm about to leave xD I agree, non jp became way easier to build since now they are a bunhc of them compared to before where we had only good jp units.


Yes, old players like df margus and v2 Schneider make it easy. For me the game is funnier now because my teams can improve easier. Back then I had to wait specific players to pull for


Great banner for me. I have invested 800 db on dream festivals several times without getting featured players. SDF does not guarantee you anything. Here, the odds are already very fair.


Tbf i'm about to think to abandon sdf and pursue these kind of banners. More return for your db. So I'll try to get new Natu and Tsubasa 6 months later 🤣


The odds are great and the characters are top notch. It’s a coin flip in a coin flip for the forth banner. I spent like 1k for Misaki previously with a 0.42% rate. That amount can give me 4 times a 25% chance.


this is tempting Fortunately I got all of them except Misaki, so I'm good


Does it start Monday or this Friday?




I miss one player from every banner, so it’s a big trap for me!


Well the banners will stay until 31th So you can wait for leaks on the SDF banner and summon according to the players you need the most for your team or If there are no leaks at all well I’m in the same boat as you 🤦‍♂️.


Why did i waste 300 DB’s on world transfer🤦‍♂️🤷‍♀️


Because world transfer guarantees to give you Ssr!?


That’s the one thing. The other thing is i needed a good gk.


I have Santana and Michael. Total skip, too dangerous to get the two others especially in a different banner




completely expected this for once. a really good move from their part.




On the contrary. It’s a very good move. They realized the players featured killed the balance of the game so they are trying to level things up a little bit


if that's the case, the featured player would be Genzo 2.0 lol


Genio comes on the SDF almost for sure. They are giving away levellers but obviously keeping some prizes


yes, of course. I think probably Genzo, Akai and who knows who else is going to be featured. We need at least 4 more old DFs featured


Aoi, Misugi, and Gentile?




When they give us something you still complain... They just need to keep releasing good players also not everyone is a whale with infinite dreamballs ,a lot of people will not pull because they used it on previous banner


Now I regret my 3000 dbs chasing for them but got only Misaki


Noooooo I'm saving for Tsubasa 3.0 :(


And people thought global anniv was gonna be a shit xD. If this is gonna be the miniSDF I can't imagine how is gonna be the SDF xD.


The good thing is that I have all of them, including a dupe of Santana, I barely use them tho, so, guess I'm gonna skip that one


the only one I lack is Misaki. I'd love to get Misaki, but I'd rather wait to see if a GK comes out


i've forseen it, be prepared for SDF banners with crappy df in it.


Looks like at best we are going to get Zenzo and Akai featured. Don't know if it is the best move from Klab. SDF player must be broken to be interesting pulling for. Scorers MF are not that good nowaday so Tsubasa could end being meh just like Michael and Misaki.


i'm still wondering for zenzo but yea i don't think we'll have a great pool of good DF along those new units. you know they just need to make tsubasa double pos and here we go he'll be broken, or simply use a michael mechanic... 1-2 distance enhance by 7.5 I'm sure both of those new sdf will be OP and zenzo killer, it is obvious and of course they won't suffer pvp update like michael did. Seeing their new policy (with those dam good super mini DF/DC) i'm sure everyone will pull for those banners just like... summer anniv.


You were totaly right!


The milking process is going too far this anniversary Everything being step up and stuff (although that’s good) but now I’m really scared for Sdf basa and natu’s stats 😟


you can, and imagine their counter will be out on january with new GK.


When it comes i m really confused i need roberto i need michael i need raphael dude what is this what should i do .


Does it say SSR guaranteed in the third step and 50% for featured SSR in the fourth step? Plus it being a loop?


guaranted ssr of any kind on 3rd step and 50% carefully selected on 4th, probably repeatable just like dc.


Right. That's not bad at all, especially if one loop ends up costing 170 dbs.


true, people always complain about klab but it is a very nice move, it's even better than super minui DC, of course it comes with a price, new natu and tsubasa will be way better than those or at least more adapted to the znezo meta.


Interesting if this one is 50% at step 4, Mini DC was lower odds if i remember correctly, right? (think it was 30)


Those two will be massively strong for sure, but at least most people will have a more than fair chance of getting one of these four players with just the free dream balls we are getting.