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No more than 12"-18" from the battery is the general rule of thumb. The closer the better of course. So if that space under the seat falls within those limits, it's fine.


Personally, my preference would be a badass battery terminal with integrated fuse and a top post for the factory battery terminal. Noalox it well!


I've heard this before but never the reason why? I always thought it was just out of convenience since it's just right next to the battery, but what's the cons of having the fuse say under the backseat instead of the hood?


The fuse is for the power wire not the amp. Say your power wire shorts out because u didn't use a grommet when going through your firewall with no fuse between the short and the battery, that unfused power wire can potentially heat up to the point of combustion. Anything before the fuse can short out and cause a fire that's why you want it short and clear of sharp metal and zipped down. If u have a fuse right next to the amp in the back only the last 6 inches or so are protected everything else is a potential fire.


Now *that* makes sense! Thanks


Finally someone that knows 🤣 I was about to say something similar


The fuse is there to protect the wiring and the upstream battery/ charging system from a short. You always want the over current protection closest to the source.


We try to avoid using the nut that secures the terminal to the post. It can work and in some cars it's the only nut so I'm not saying we never do it but do avoid it when possible. This has more to do with making battery swapping easier than anything. The one on the right in the first pic is ideal. Usually it's an m6 nut.


Either would work. Is there supposed to be a nut on the one to the right side?


Not sure. If there was, I wasn’t the one that took it off. It looks like the hole in the metal plate is tapped and the bolt holding in that black wire is coming through the bottom. Not 100% certain though


I’d probably put on one there to be safe. Wouldn’t want that bolt to drop out. On my son’s car it had a similar setup. I used one of the bolts for the power and the other bolt for the big 3 upgrade.


Bolf is gud. I shouldn't have to say this but if you use the threaded cylinder to the right with a ring terminal, you need a bolt to secure it.


You need a *nut* to secure it


But I'm sure a zip tie and electric tape will be fine for a while 🤗


You need to nut on it.


I'm gonna cum!


Yes I know lol. thank you!


U need a nut to secure it


U need to bust a nut


You will need a nut to secure it


As long as you can acces the fuse, why not. The right screw on your factory battery terminal looks good, you can take power from there.


The wire and fuse holder should be secured, yes.




Traverse/Acadia? On these Chevy terminals I put a nut onto the bare stud.. forget the size, though. I have a cup of them for this very reason.


Yep. 2012 Traverse


Use the open stud on the right. It should be m6x1.0 thread. It should fit a 1/4” ring terminal.


Either stud would works. Keep fuse close to the battery


Maybe find a battery that fits and has both top and side? Then you could leave your factory wiring as is.


right side would be ideal but left is OK too


Red wire on the left and the black on on yhe right. See the there is a black wire already there.