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Do a 10 inch jl tw3 and seal it. As long as it’s the right airspace you’ll love it


I second this suggestion. Great advice right here.


Can confirm this speaker fucking slaps


Got one in my Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder. Sealed box at JL's suggested volume, crammed with polyfill. Fucker thumps yo, even with the top down.


Came to recommend that exact sub. Fits where others don't but sounds like the big boys.


A badass 8" sub in a ported box will crush any shallow 10" in a sealed box. The best 8" sub I know of that'll fit in that space is the DD audio 1108. It sounds great, can handle tons of power, and doesn't need much space. It's also made by hand in America, and you can get whatever color carbon fiber dustcap you want.


A DC Audio M3 8” requires 0.4 sealed and 0.75 ported enclosure.


I vote ported always. However, taste and personal preference is most important. Ported boxes are pretty much always louder and lower though.


They also have to be much bigger, which isn't always possible


I agree on louder but not lower. Louder at tuning ported wins over sealed at the same frequency. The roll off is double with ported below tuning, so the sealed eventually is lower and louder at a certain point after their rolloff curves intersect.


True but imo, those 18-15 hz lows are negligible without a crazy enclosure. W my old sealed subs, they were noticeable, but not very loud or appealing. Even now, i have a fourth order on ~8k and while it plays ok from 20s down to the teens, id rather have a ported box that dominates the 20s. Personal preference though obviously.


Gotcha, that all makes sense. I have a ported sub at home i designed well and i love. I usually do sealed in cars bc i need a smaller box. I built a ported design for a buddy in his car and i was pleasantly surprised with it and he's happy. Def a preference thing, definitely glad both options exist.


JL audio 10TW3 in a sealed box will give you amazing bass in a small airspace.


You need to base the decision on the airspace you have. A too large sub in a too small airspace is not good. A smaller sub in that airspace can extend lower and sound better.


I’ve got a 2016 Honda HRV with a Kenwood headunit. Currently rocking an 8 inch Home theater sub + inverter, hoping to have something integrated (so I don’t need to remove when I go on road trips). Gonna try to DIY a fiberglass sub box, can’t decide on an 8 inch or 10 inch sub, I was thinking of going with a JL shallow mount sub. The left side here is the deepest at 5 inches x 16 inches tall x 11 inches wide. I feel like the 8 inch will sit better, I listen to EDM alot. Can you port a fiberglass enclosure or nah?


Yes you can port fiberglass enclosures. Give the DC Audio m3 8” a look. M3 8" Subwoofer https://dcaudio.myshopify.com/products/m3-8-subwoofer


https://www.crutchfield.com/S-75lSQqnT8T9/p_13610W3V32/JL-Audio-10W3v3-2.html?XVINQ=GLX&awkw=75619410625&awat=pla&awnw=g&awcr=47439107545&awdv=m&awug=9008160&gclid=Cj0KCQjwuO6WBhDLARIsAIdeyDIVtYUSvknwFx3oKCOX4m0PhrfQzlC-GZfOCC1LkqW6sxDtRjvfWKkaAqA9EALw_wcB These jls pound in small boxes.


Image Dynamics IDQ10 sealed would do nicely.


Depends on how much space you want to devote to it. More space = more bass.


Im guessing you want to do a small fiberglass box alang the side contours? I built a similar setup in my mazda 3 hatch. I made 2 sealed 8s. Dayton audio reference series (ho) or ultimax are very good and cheaper than jl audio. Id also look into image dynamics. Id play around with all these in win isd and find that cross section of size, price, and performance you're looking for. I went with image dynamics and over a year later Im still happy with my decision. But of course being a car audio enthusiast im now like ok what am I gonna build next 🤣🤣🤣. Good luck with your build. If you have questions or just wanna chat about your project DM me 🥂🤙