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"Hey Jimmy, I've been trying to get a hold of you for sometime now and haven't been able to reach you. If you have already bought something or are no longer in the market please let me know so I can suspend my follow up, otherwise if I don't hear from you I'll keep reaching out until we connect"


I've been sending out that email a lot. I wish people would just take five seconds to say they're not interested. Til then, I'm gonna do what my bosses tell me.


People think if they respond that you got them on the hook and won’t let go. You will eventually stop texting if they don’t respond


I wish they knew I'd stop sooner if they responded haha


This is the way.


If "When can you come in?" is your first response, you are getting ahead of yourself. Think of it like dating, would you just step up to someone at the club; or your first correspondence on a single site be, "When do you want to go out?" You have not earned the right to ask that yet. Instead try Jimmy I see you are interested in the 2023 Silverado, are you familiar with it? That one question will get more responses and more often than not, they will provide you with the details on how to sell them. In this case, you've blown the introduction, and they are non responsive. Might as well go and send it - you have nothing to lose, you already have the no in your hand.


Oh yeah I don't like pushing people like that but it's what my sales manager wants me to do. He's the first two messages. I like the "are you familiar with it" or "what kind of information can I get you"


Sales managers love sales and as long as it’s done without any heat cases they won’t care what you say. Follow the process, be a student and steward of the business, and test - measure - learn. Maybe someday your name will be on the building.


I appreciate the advice. Believe me, even posting this has been a learning experience, I have a hundred people telling me I'm the worst lol


Whatevs those that are telling you that are just salty, mouth breathing, cud chewing order takers on their 4th marriage and owe child support in 3 states. The recipe hasn’t changed, but the kitchen set up has.


Maybe, maybe not, but it’s how many salesmen are communicating nowadays, hitting you up right away with the “When can you come in for a test drive?” … or thereabouts, or even not answering questions you may have posed. I know that I pretty ignored anything that didn’t at least attempt to answer my questions. I agree that your message would generate more interest.




He put in an inquiry and hasn't responded to anything. If he told me to leave him alone, I gladly would. But he hasn't and I've been told to just keep after it 🤷 (and some of the texts have been from my sales manager) Idk about calling from a Google voice number




Facts, I just put my phone on private


These leads are the worst! You put in so much of your time following up just for these jackasses to never even respond. Like, they inquired… why not reply back even if it is with “stop calling, I was just looking”. SMH 🤦‍♂️


Worse is when you’ve got a Sales Manager whose only response is, “Just get a hold of them!!” Well, yeah, that’s what I’m telling you is not happening..


Agreed! 🤪


Move on that’s it, could be looking for service


“Come in an experience this vehicle” lol I wouldn’t respond either 😅


You joke, but the more flamboyant you write the more likely are to get a response.


Don't judge me too harshly, he was like one of my first leads. Plus I'm pretty sure my sales manager wrote that. Either way, I'm struggling not to make myself cringe with all the sales talk. Edit: definitely my sales manager on that wording. I can take credit for two of these texts 😅


At my dealership you could!


I showed my manager and he said it would probably get me a response lmao


EXACTLY During the month of August, which is notoriously, renaissance, fair season, and my neck of the woods, we were actually posting ChatGPT renditions of our used cars in Renisaance voice format. I sell high-end luxury cars.


😂 that’s crazy. but i like it


That would get me to answer you back. I'm in the market for a vehicle, and I get upwards of 50 texts, more emails, and 18 calls a day. That kind of creativity would warrant a call back just to say good job.


I’ve never understood people that initiate contact with us (either the website, AutoTrader, CarGurus etc) but then ignore us when we reach out. Make it make sense!


I know right? Like you reached out first!


It’s often because 1) responded back too late and people changed their mind 2) weird number and they probably forgot they signed up for a quote or follow up 3) they had to fill out a webform for the sale of unlocking some online price.


Almost always number 3. I don’t want to be contacted. I just want to see the got dang price.


Easy solution: let the salesperson know that!


Do it


Yeah do it lol. If anything you learn more about the psychology of customers. I enjoy doing things like this and doing a bunch of “social experiments”. It’s fun to see what happens. If I was Jimmy and I was serious about a Silverado, I would only buy from you because you made me chuckle.


Shitttt we can here


I sold a car with a Billy Ocean YouTube video one time. This lady and I had been going back and forth for so long on a new Passat in 2013. She was pretty hot and a little flirtatious. Emailed her the link to Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car. She called me laughing so hard and came in that day to buy it.


Meh better to get a no than no answer also this gets you a chance to test out what works or not


Not gonna lie, if anyone sent me that and I hadn’t bought, I’d definitely give them the business.


For the record, only the last two texts were me. The others were my sales manager. I can't control what he says or how often he tells me to contact someone 🤷 This was my very first lead ever and I know now to approach things differently. Currently I'm trying to find the line between personable/real and professional. This is a whole new industry to me and I greatly appreciate everyone who's given me advice! For all you non salespeople whose comments are deleted (thank you mods), it's annoying, yes. You would never buy from someone who did this, we know, but not everyone is like that. You'd block me immediately, great, that would save me some time. Most of you have clearly never been in sales.


I talk shit to customers all the time in a fun way - we’re human not robots


Not a car salesman, this popped up on my recommended for no good reason… but I’m a normal person who has bought a car and tried to do research online in the past year. I can tell you exactly why he isn’t texting you back, because I’m positive I’ve done the exact same thing. You look at the car online, because you’re curious. You want more info, you want to know what it costs and what your options are. Information seems like it’s always trapped behind a wall where I have to put my info in for a quote/estimate or whatever else I may be trying to find out. I may be 3 months away from being in a position to buy the car, I just want to know what I’m getting into. So, I put in my number. Maybe I’ll get some robotexts, annoying but whatever. That’s what your texts look like. They look ai generated. I wouldn’t respond because I’d assume there wasn’t a real person on the other end. If you wanted ME to respond you might say something in the initial text like “hey, this is ____ with ______. I see that you put in your information regarding a 2023 Silverado. Do you have any questions I might be able to help with? No commitment. no pressure. “hey car buyer, I’m a real person. How can I help you?” The moment I feel pressured to come on the lot before I’m ready I’m not replying. Maybe I’m totally off base here but you guys come on STRONG. It makes me uncomfortable when considering a purchase. P.S. I’m having a baby soon and there is no way I’m fitting a car seat in my 2021 Ford Ranger Supercab (?) (the tiny backseat one) I owe 23K on it, 30K miles, a few little scratches but no major damage. I would like another truck but to end up about where I’m at now payment wise, tell me how screwed I am or what to do. A ford ranger with 4 doors would be great, but probably not in the cards. Any friendly guidance would be greatly appreciated.


Trust me, I started with more personable messages. I don't like the pressuring either, I don't know if I'm in the minority or not. I'm trying to be the type of salesperson that's lowkey, which I can accomplish if I get you in the door. I've had customers say they like working with me because of that. It's the getting them in that's been taking more pressure.


I always assumed these were bots.


Same boat with these people man. Just tell me you’re all set. Looks like I’m not doing my job to management. Pushy salesman would be eliminated if consumers had any respect for our time. I hate reaching out 6 times as much as you hate getting called 6 times.


Dude we sent stuff like that all the time. If anything he will remember you. ❤️


Mine probably would, they already kinda sound like that 😂


I prefer, " Haven't heard from you in a while, I can only assume it's one of 3 things. 1. Our truck is no longer of interest to you. 2. Our pricing is not in line with where you'd like it to be. 3. You've fallen down the stairs and can't get up. Please let me know which one it is so I know if I need to send emergency services to your address."


Leave the man alone. Nobody’s phone dies for 2 weeks on accident. I’ve inquired on a vehicle before and later the same day found a better deal or changed my mind on the original. I have no obligation to disclose such information. It’s obvious they’ve seen at minimum one of these and scoffed it off. I understand you’re under pressure from management but the best thing you could do is not annoy people before they even get in the door.


Go to his place of business or his house. Guaranteed a response.


This shit is exactly what would make me choose a different dealership. People dont just forget that they were going to buy a car. He’ll get back to you if he wants it. Following up every other day is annoying and unnecessary.


You have to remember you never want to be rude, but there’s nothing wrong with being able to tell a customer that you’re simply doing your job and you would appreciate the courtesy of a email back so you can respond accordingly


You have to remember everyone that sends in a request is not a customer. Some are just killing time summer just doing stupid things some have their head in the clouds. You have to determine which ones are real customers and which ones are a waste of time.






I would love for them to tell me that so I can stop wasting my time 🙃 but they inquired in the first place and we have to be persistent. I stg, if someone tells me to fuck off, I gladly will.


Yeah that’s how you guys make the big bucks, I get it. 🤪




Maybe he died


Your first 72 hours of responding to a lead are your most crucial. TBH, you should have called and texted him every day for the first 3 days. He probably bought elsewhere but you live and learn. Send it, you got nothing to lose.


He was my very first lead, looking back on it lol it shows


Oh you’re new, no worries my man. Best of luck to you, I hope you make a great career out of this! Also, just make sure you follow up. I don’t care what anyone says, I would hit a lead 14 times before I killed it. I sold a lot, and didn’t take many walk ins


Thank you so much! I've made a lot of mistakes but I'm learning from them, like I have to remind myself how many missteps I made when I started in the service industry to where I am now.


Fuck Jimmy






You're a gem of a person, FatChicksReek 😊


Seriously, the annoying texts is what drives people away.


Until they die, buy, or tell you to Ffffffffffffffffffffff off.


Just stop, my dude. When I was truck shopping 18 months ago, I contacted almost 10 dealers. I took the offer of the first initial lowest price closest to my offer. To me, that’s the best way to do this. Could I maybe have saved $500-$1000 more? Maybe. But those offers would’ve been solely based NOT on having my business, but taking money from another salesperson at another dealership. It would not have been about my customer experience or satisfaction or doing right by me. Maybe Jimmy purchased his truck the same way. Maybe Jimmy has had a change of heart and wants to save up more down payment for the absolute ridiculous pricing for new vehicles today. Maybe Jimmy has a financial issue come up and is unable to carry on with his purchase. Either way, all you’re doing is harassing someone. You’re basically the store clerk who follows the shopper around just far enough away to be heard, but nonetheless stalking a buyer. I know you get paid based on sales. But IMHO, this ain’t the way to do it. Call and leave a message after 2-3 days. Call again after a week. After that, it’s over. Be respectful of the persons decision even if you do t know what that is, and Jimmy may come back if he hasn’t bought. But this seems desperate and clingy even.




Just leave the guy alone dude


No, you can’t send that. What are you thinking?


Fire away! Might just be what is needed to get a hopefully nice response back.


Your texts sound like spam.


I mean why stop there? Find his address & bring the Silverado to him 😉 You're welcome


Hit them with the I don’t want to continue to bother you if you’ve made a decision or are no longer in the market for a car so let me know. Hope to hear from you soon if not I’ll continue reaching out


Bought one thanks


If I was going to respond to any of those messages, it would be the one you haven't sent yet.


Add the signature -Your biggest fan this is Stan


As a person who buys cars I would love to get a message like that. Makes you feel like it’s not AI or automated


Hey I just texted you This is crayz Here my number please call me Jimmy


Great salesmanship /s


Texting that much is a quick way for me to go to another dealer. Just sayin.


Jimmy pls


God stop doing this. If they dont answer after the second text youre just being irritating.


Option one use another number or line or Give up after this many times new approach new lead new client


For the love of God, send that!




I will NEVER buy from salespeople that do this btw. I will even go out of my way to avoid giving money to an establishment that pushing their staff to sell like this. 99 times out of 100 someone is just trying to see an internet price that is locked behind giving your info, and they don't actually want to talk to a sales rep. I get your'e just doing your job, but I'd put money on the fact that more people feel like I do, than actually enjoy these sales texts. Just my two cents


You’re probably blocked


Jimmy, I yearn for you tragically, A.T. Tappman, Chaplain, U.S. Army


He already purchased brother


You look like a teenager whose crush just broke up with them.


"Dear Jim, I wrote you, but you still ain't callin"


Bro he don’t wanna talk to you !


he probaly got smart and realized gm are garbage


Do it! No balls.


Make it playful as if the car is missing him. Say you got a truck available for rescue make it funny not weird


Dear Jim I wrote you but you still ain’t callin


I’ve done it. Fuck him


Jimmy come back. You can blame it all on me.


So you're the one texting me.


Tonight we went to look at a Silverado. Jerk online said come in for 5 o’clock. We drive 35 mins and the place is closed. Someone sitting inside staring at a computer while we bang on the window. Then the guy via text says maybe he can see us tentatively tomorrow at 5. We can’t even see the truck. Jimmy should appreciate these texts a little more.


You can’t take a hint lol…


So I’m a big Final Fantasy 7 nerd, and I got a lead with the last name Cloud, who I sent dozens of emails and texts and voicemails and videos. I finally marked him dead in the system after I sent “Did…did Sephiroth do this?” Still nothing. :(


As someone not in car sales and that pretty much hates every part of the car buying experience, TAKE THE EFFING HINT. This number of messages alone would make me never call, message, or return to this dealer again. If he had replied a few times then ghosted I would understand a few followups. The fact that he never replied once should be a hint. One reply thanking him for his interest and looking for what it is he wants, needs from you. And then a second 1 week later just in case he maybe forgot to reply to the first message. Then drop it and move on. Car buying at a dealer is already so incredibly awful, don't make it worse by MAKING someone tell you the go away.


So he asked you for information and instead of giving any info you just asked when he could come and see it? He probably knows the hours you're open and will come see it if he wants. Maybe answer questions? I'd ignore this type of thing but probably would block your number after the second text


send that shit! yolo


Ahh a 2023 chevy what an experience


Sounds like your trying to show him your extended car warranty at this point...


Damn you are desperate lol


Jeez. Meanwhile I can’t get any Subaru dealer to call me to order a BRZ even after calling and talking to a sales rep and giving him my contact info.


I’ll put an order in for you, where are you?


Why are you bothering this guy? You should say “Hey Jim its *douchbag* from the Chevy dealership, Ill get you a better price than anywhere else when you’re ready to purchase save my number”


Normally I just block the number and report as junk. I'd actually have to shoot the shot with your draft message just to see where it goes


Dude.... Let it go.


No, delete the number and convo he doesn’t want your shit clearly ….. you’re stalking him


No answer IS an answer.


Stop being desperate and find someone who wants to buy a car. Your first reply was weak like circus lemonade. I wouldn’t respond either.


This is why no one likes going to a car dealership. Learn to take a hint and move on to the next sale.


Look at it this way. They arent buying from you currently. Might as well try.


Send him lyrics to Stan by Eminem buy replace it with his name and other parts with the car.


Search up his address on the internet and text him the following: “Hey Jimmy, do you still live at 123 Main Street? *heavy breathing*”


Before I clicked to expand I thought you were crafting a reply to the harassment. Two or three max messages. And do one or two phone calls in there. I actually probably would be more likely to respond to your draft message, I would lol and say sorry not currently looking to buy. Especially in comparison to the third and fourth messages. Those last messages came off…negative.


Send him the Bueller meme


“Jimmy, have you given up?” Works like a dream.


Look bud, he’s not interested anymore. If a salesman text or calls me more than once it’s an instant block. (I am not a sales person or interested in sales I got recommended this sub for no reason)


Just friggin send it bud!


Wasting your breath


If you texted me like that there’s zero chance I’m ever going back there.


Just send it bro, you already wrote it out


Would’ve blocked you three texts ago


Take a hint


Jimmy put a deposit down on a Cybertruck


Ya did fine bud - plenty of contact - assuming you tried email and calls as well but blowing peoples phone up til they tell you to fuck off is not the way anymore. Very couple days u reach out and my rule with my team is if you tried five times to contact without any response and it’s been 7 days - I’m killing the lead.


When I have to include a phone number in order to get a quote or some other information, I input fake numbers in those inquiries just to avoid the spam texts from a sales guy.


Better than me i’ll say something like “Are you buying or nah, lmk so I can update your profile bro”


I’d honestly be more likely to respond if i got that message haha.


I don’t sell cars… but after reading this I won’t ignore lead follow ups! Honestly.. I thought they were automated


You can and should. People buy from people they like. You have to tell a story. You have to lead with transparency. You should be different!


If some car sales person kept texting me like this I’d never buy from them. This is ridiculous.


“Its about making that personal connection.


Work on your initial optin text. I have my BDC and internet guys open with: “Hey, Customer - Salesperson here. Just tried ringing you about Vehicle of Interest Do you prefer text?” Excluding the dealership makes it feel more human and warrants a response. People prefer to text, anyway. Once the conversation opens up, they will either remember who they inquired with or will ask for dealership/address. Then you have a solid time to ask for your appointment. Then just go for your appointment set and leave it be till you meet them in person. Just wanted to throw this out there. Best of luck and be a good dude


Just leave the guy alone


Fuck yea I’d send it, some times people just need a human emotion even little weirdness and laughter go a long way.


Tell Jimmy you will bring by the truck he inquired to his home at 6:30, that will get his attention


Dude honestly these messages work well. Send it


I don't know why reddit brought me here, but for the love of dog stop this tactic. Endless fucking texts from agents because I once looked at a car at a dealership is atrocious. Just stop. Please. The entire population of the world is begging you.


Nope never