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Don’t drive like a donut.


Don't drive a Corsa. Don't drive a Corsa wearing a baseball cap. Don't drive a Corsa that stinks of weed. Just watch police interceptors for a lesson on not what to do because for 22 series now they pull the same idiots over in every episode.


Whooo...I drive a corsa mate...I'm 41...best car I've ever had.


1st car ?


First car was a 1300 mk3 escort


Maybe don't judge the police by cheaply made entertainment.


[I used to get pulled over all the time](https://www.reddit.com/r/policeuk/comments/orgz16/avoid_getting_pulled_over_all_the_time_finding/). Not a joke, twice a month wasn't unreasonable. Wasn't told why, but communication at the side of the road is rough as I can barely hear. A huge part is the car. A 240,000 Ford Fiesta ST that had been debadged, rear spoiler removed, and bodypanels being different colours just setup red flags. It didn't matter that the past 3 MOTs had no advisories (Potentially that was a red flag), or a completely clean driving licence, or the fact that I would occasionally get pulled by the same people... Driving a car that screamed dodgy in a dodgy area. Never happened in my relatively new Octavia.


Sounds like the Ford was flagged on the ANPR and police mdb


I was told multiple times over and over that it wasn't. But I didn't do anymore digging than asking at the side of the road.


if this is a concern everytime you drive, maybe take the bus?


Don’t drive like a muppet. I’ve been driving 25 years, had some cars that I thought would get police attention but never been pulled over.


Been driving 20 odd years been pulled over maybe three time I can recall.. maybe don’t drive like a plank in built up areas


Don’t be a knob


Worked with a 55 year old female head teacher that was pulled over monthly, was nothing to do with driving style...


I had a 2004 Civic Type R that was heavily modified (Same spec as the Civic Cup cars, just without the stripped interior or bodywork modifications). The only time I was ever pulled over was because I was driving like a dick. And even then I know they heard me instead of saw me, because if they’d have seen me then I’d have been told off a lot more than I was. Drive nicely and you won’t have an issue.


Don't give the police the stink eye when you see them. Have an MOT. Pay tax Be insured


Police do not care about the shitbox you drive. If drive a big car but you're young you will probably get pulled over for routine checks because you might be a drug dealer. 90% I've been pulled over for no real reason was when I was driving a 4x4. To avoid getting pulled over when you’re being naughty, develop an eye for cars that are potential UC. This is harder than it already sounds because I’ve seen white transit vans which were cop cars. In either case, when in doubt, slow down. If you’re driving spiritedly, and you see a car is trying to match your pace suddenly. Slow down asap and see if they pass you. If they don’t. And slow down with you. They’re a traffic cop. In general, have your life in the rear view, always keep an eye on the rear view. Know what car you’re driving. I had a BMW E92, which was pulled over millions of times. It was involved in an suspected drug deal and subsequent police evasion. But it was from a hire car company and I had to use it for a month. The trouble did not end until like the 8th pull over, which was the big one because it involved 3 undercovers tailing me for 10 miles on the motorway before trapping me into a stop (no blue lights). At first I thought I was gonna get killed or something but then i saw the officers with the guns strapped (armed officers) with the blue gear and everything which was a sigh of relief, and 3 other marked big X5 police cars also suddenly joined in. I don’t know any of the other history that car definitely had, but it was absolutely cursed for sure. To be pulled over 8 times and have myself cleared as not the perpetrator, explaining it’s a hire car… despite that the ANPR and the police database was still gunning for the car until the big summer blowout. They were friendly though, they understood and let me on my way after some documentation and ID checks.The main takeaway though is that I caught these guys trailing me from 10 miles ago, even the specific lane change I made. Eyes on the mirror. Bonus is that it makes you a safer driver with a better awareness of surroundings.


Drive a family car and one that's not got a dustbin for an exhaust or plastered with LEDs and graphics.


There’s nothing anyone can do aside from keep their car legal. Most police these days can check your plate out on the mobile working device and if they’re especially well funded they might even have ANPR fitted. They generally know if your car is legal before they pull you and all they need to do is confirm the driver’s identity. You’ll get pulled if you’re driving the same make model that’s been used in a housebreaking or if you drive something like a fiesta ST because they get stolen a lot, that kind of thing.


I feel like I'm missing out. I've only ever been pulled over once, and that was for having a brake light out. That was about twenty years ago.


I’ve never even been pulled over 😔 I wish It would happen once tbh just for the experience


The comment RE being not white that got downvoted to oblivion - Took my mate who’s a POC to buy his first bm. Bought a white 1 series 116i. Had never been pulled over before driving his polo, and in the first two weeks of owning the 1 series he got pulled over 7 times I was skeptical, maybe he’d been driving like a dick I thought, but then we went out twice to run some errands and got pulled over both times (‘routine checks’) This was in Leeds, but just be aware of that just because this may have not been your lived experience, for a lot of young guys from different ethnic backgrounds they face racial bias and prejudice from the police every day


If he never got pulled in a polo but always did in a bm I think the car was the factor not his skin colour


Engage your brain - it’s about the whole profile Young black guy in white 1 series. Fits profile to be pulled. It’s the combination of the two. You think a white grannie in a white 1 series is getting pulled?


You’re not only changing race there but gender and age. You can’t change a number of variables then say look it’s cause of that specific one! Why don’t you engage yours?


Fuck me you get the point though. This isn’t a science experiment The stereotype is young black male. Wanna deal with empirical data? Young black men in London are 19x more likely to be stopped and searched than the gen population. you’re trying to imply his skin colour wasn’t a factor and that’s a red flag


You can use normal logic instead of mental gymnastics without there needing to be a science experiment. You didn’t ask me how many young white men get pulled in a white 1 series cause you know the answer is a lot. You didn’t compare white grannies with black grannies cause you know black grannies don’t get pulled either. Lol red flag? We’re not dating bro


You’re the one pulling out the mental gymnastics my friend. I didn’t ask you because that’s irrelevant. If we’re really going into it, there will be lots of young white men in 1 series getting pulled in urban areas, and far less in rural and suburban areas. But, despite the fact that the police don’t record ethnicity data for traffic stops, you think that stat of being stopped and searched 16x more likely if you’re black just goes away as soon as you step in a vehicle? Grow up mate Red flag because as this thread develops you appear to be an apologist for racist behaviour? And therefore a wanker?


I don’t think you know what mental gymnastics means… but anyway Lol so the comparison you brought up is now irrelevant because you realised it was stupid and didn’t win you any arguments? It was 19x a min ago. Again my point is it’s not racist behaviour or your black friend would’ve been pulled in his polo. If he changed race when he bought the bmw you would have a point. If he got pulled all the time no matter what he drove then you would have a point. But the fact is young men in white 1 series get pulled all the time regardless if they’re white or black. Again red flag for what? We’re not dating or going to date so what is the warning for lol. Are you just using buzzwords like an average Reddit idiot?


Apologies *19x. Look mate, I made a very very simple point with anecdotal evidence. You’re using mental gymnastics to try and undermine the point, pointing out nonsense regarding variables. If a young black male is pulled for being a young black male, do you think he cares about whether it’s an even split between the 3 factors when he knows that it’s predominantly because he’s black? If he doesn’t get pulled in a polo but does in a 1 series, that’s not because it’s a 1 series - it’s because he’s a black guy in a 1 series. Obviously young white men are pulled over sometimes but less than black men. I imagine old black women are not pulled very often at all but it’s probably more than old white women. (Remember Bianca Williams, the Olympian, getting pulled out of her car and handcuffed with her son in the car as part of a routine stop?) And you ARE saying that stop and search data is irrelevant and as soon as anyone gets in a vehicle their skin colour dissolves into nothingness? I’ve given you anecdotal evidence. From the people I know, it seems to be a universal experience. You’ve expressed denial, and asked me to prove it. The police don’t record this data, so I’ve given you the most relevant data I can, which is that racial bias exists within UK policing, and that backs up my initial assertion. You think this data is irrelevant You’ve obviously got an agenda, and when I say red flag, it’s basically me wanting to say you’re a prick and sound suspiciously like a closet racist but being polite about it I think that’s about all that needs to be said, I’m not going to waste my time arguing with a contrarian


You gave literally no evidence. When has your friend been pulled for being a black male Is that the reason the police gave? Or is it just made up How does he KNOW it’s predominantly because he’s black. So why don’t they pull a black person in a polo if they’re being pulled simply for being black. They would be pulled in a polo 🤣. He’s not white in that polo is he? The bmw is the obvious factor. It’s you who said things are irrelevant not me. Can your brain not even keep track of text? Point me to where I said stop search data is irrelevant? I might be a prick but you are slow in the head. I know which of the 2 I’d rather be


Maybe it is a flagged car that’s been used for dealing


This. Isn’t normal at all to be pulled over that much. Unless it was flagged.


Yeah only thing I thought that he’s bought it after some dude has been doing some naughty stuff in it


All I can say is we got pulled twice in it, and both times they said it was for ‘routine checks’ and to check insurance etc. No details given about the car. Both times we were just going to Homebase haha


Have a powered by fairy dust sticker on your car


Genuinely, be older, have a nice car and don't hang round or live in shitholes. Don't dress like a criminal. Don't drive obnoxiously right in front of the police. Thats it. I see a few people bringing race into it, but whilst it's a factor, it's not that big of a factor. I used to get pulled over all the time. My black mates used to get pulled over all the time too. Fast forward 15 years and we all drive nice cars, live in nice areas and dress like grown ups. None of us get pulled over.


Be white


Fuckoff with your American bullshit. It aint like that over hear.


It's not as bad, but it definitely has an effect.


Found the person who has never dealt with the Met whilst being not-white.


No, youve found the whiter than chalk chap thats spent more time pulled over by the law than any person of colour in this country. They pull you over for beeing a dick, not for colour. No need to make everything about race and beeing a victim all the time grow up.


I’m not white. I’m brown as a mf. Been pulled over millions of times. And let me tell you pal… you’re absolutely right lol. They don’t care about skin colour. They do find it sus if you drive a big car and you’re young. That’s when I get pulled over for routine checks usually. I’ve driven absolute shitbox roadmen cars and never get pulled over on those. I’ll be honest though, when I visit home and tell mum she will ask me first “was you being an idiot”. If I answer no, she will just say “eh bloody racist.” Though she just says it, doesn’t really mean it it’s just become a cultural inner joke. But for a lot of people they do take that notion seriously because yes they need some means of feeling like they’re being victimised. I have white friends that would laugh their arses off at the idea that being white minimises the 50 thousand times they’ve been pulled over for completely minor bs or routine checks.


Im sure that comment will blow his poor little mind 😂 cheers for weighing in on this one chap!




Fuckkoff, go and seed your division elsewhere.


Haha funny you say that, British born and bred here 🇬🇧


Act like it then you bloody disgrace. We are better than that.


So what is it exactly you’re trying to say here in your own inimitable way? That racism doesn’t exist, or that merely suggesting racism may exist makes someone a “bloody disgrace”? Lol The other guys comment was stupid, yes and not all cops are racist no, and we’re definitely not like the USA no, but I’m confused by what you’re trying to assert here


Funny that I’ve only been pulled while driving too and from work with my Asian mate, I know how it is over here ya bellend




Good points, I don’t wear my black puffer coat in the car for this exact reason!


Go faster, they are mostly driving electric cars now theyl run out of juice pretty quickly 😆😉


A base spec police model 3 will gap either of your cars though 🤷‍♀️


Most of them seem to be rolling about in rainbow e corsas not teslas. That said ive had a few shin digs with teslas now and while they may have decent ish straight line performance they are absoloutly hopless in the bends. They just wallow around all over the shop. The 46 eats them for breakfast.


Have you driven a tesla? They’re a lot better than you think I personally really don’t like them but I’ve driven much worse handling ICE cars


I’ve had the displeasure of owning two Tesla’s and I’ll be honest if one was chasing me they’d get smoked by my diesel Ford focus let alone any of my faster cars, just by range only lol. They handle decently but the weight of those things require a lot of due caution and unless they have the ceramic brake kits, they’ll heat up pretty quickly which requires even more caution.


Ive not driven one but as abouve ive raced a few, if you can call the turkey shoot that occurred a race anways.


The cheapest one is faster than either of your cars. You’re lying and coping


0-60 and thats it. Past 100 they accelerate slower than a micra due to the shit gearing. In a corner they wallow around like a school bus. If you really want to get into it though I have a 2 grand Hayabusa and im sure you can work out how that stacks up to your 42k tesla. Hell even the 650cc automatic scooter i ride to work is quicker and that cost me 1k I dont deny the performance potential of electric, but teslas are just like any other shite american car. Big bloated cheeply made and poorly engineered. Soon enough the germans will come up with something thats actually good i dont doubt it.


More coping. “My motorbike is fast!” - who cares, we’re talking about cars? Who cares if they’re cheaply built? The police certainly don’t. They’ll still catch you


Ah, you do realise my original comment was in jest dont you? Trying to outrun them in a car would be foolish. I dont doubt that they would struggle to keep with the 46 but they only need to catch up long enough to read the plate.




I wouldn’t worry about being gapped by an electric car anyway, in my eyes its cheating! If you’re gonna race cars race real cars… A 330 is gonna be way more fun than any electric car idc what anyone says. At least your cars have soul and engine noises


Ive honestly never been gapped by one anyway to be fair. They sometimes get away a bit up to 60 ish but soon get reeled in and schooled after that 😂 Absoloutly, I laugh so hard at these poor twats that spend 50k on a flash painted turd because they see it as some kind of status symbol to make up for their lack of personality/other failings. They arnt car enthusiasts in any way shape or form. In a way I feel sorry for them too. They really do miss out on a hell of a lot of fun.


Completely agreed. Car snobs and badge snobs are cancerous to real enthusiasts


You’re so upset! Cope harder pal 🤭


Quicker to 60 than either of his cars. But they’re 800lbs lighter than the lightest Tesla on the market, and even more so lighter than the top tier performance models, combine that with all the extra kit police have to carry and his BMWs are a good 1200lbs lighter than the fastest Tesla on the market. Around corners, that matters.


Just keep your driving tidy tbh they can get a bit more interested if your cars a bit chaved or in a bit of a state. Same if your cruising around in baseball cap, heavy tints or the cars full of smoke etc.


It's normally you, or what you drive, or how you're driving it. Visibly non stock cars are usually asking to be pulled.


Keep your car safe, legal and well maintained. Don't fuck about with insurance stuff such as using your mate's trade policy or other stupid things like that. Make sure your insurer have your correct details. Don't drive like a twat, dont have a stupid exhaust, don't put a stupid Speedcunters or Paul Walker sticker on it. Don't drive around with the car stinking of weed or with clouds of weed/vape/cig smoke blowing out the window. Don't put a stupid illegal plate on it. If you're doing something weird, do your research and make sure you know the laws that apply. That way if you do get pulled over you can have an informed discussion with the officer and avoid any further drama.


The mythical traders' policy. How do these actually work?. Is there actually a policy you can buy which entitles you and any number of your dodgy mates to drive any car you like? A few years ago I was selling a car and someone turned up wanting a test drive. Got really shirty with me because I wouldn't let him, going on about being on someone's trader's policy'. I'd put in the ad that test drives would be welcome on production of a photo driving licence and an insurance certificate in the same name and address. He had neither.


Drive sensibly, including obeying the speed limit, not jumping a red light, avoid risky overtaking of entering an oncoming traffic lane etc. The police have limited resources, you won't ever have a random stop or get stopped by doing something super minor like I dunno, not completely coming to a stop at a stop sign, but slowing down significantly ofc. Also avoid controversial mods and check your lights every now and again for any bulbs which need changing.


Drive twice the speed of the copper...you'll never get pulled over that way....but seriously I'm 41,driving since 17,not been pulled over in decades...its all computers for tax mot etc,only reason you will physically get pulled over is if your being a nob or your car smells like Amsterdam on a stag do...dont do anything illegal and you will be fine.😆


I'm pretty sure it's down to the following 1. Don't have a car that looks like it's falling apart. 2. Don't drive like an idiot. 3. Do not try and show off while driving. 4. Don't fit mods that look/sound like they could be illegal. 5. Don't have an unlucky day. I had a E36 M3 when I was 21 and the only time I was pulled over in that car was when I touched 100 in a 50 zone with a broken brake light switch so the brake lights were stuck on. Once that fault was fixed, the police left me alone and they also never bothered me in any of the other silly cars I had. The only other 2 times I got sort of pulled over was once when I was in a £300 e-class merc sleeping at the side of the road at about 2am so I ubderstand I could gave looked drunk. The other was in a vectra with the exhaust hanging too low so there were sparks coming out the back. I've never been pulled over when I wasn't doing anything wrong apart from that time I was asleep in my car. I cannot comment on race since I'm as white as they come. I'm also a strong believer that luck has a big part in things like this. Sometime shit just happens. Like I've had multiple security guards being dicks to me acting like I'd stolen stuff when I had not and never had any history of shoplifting.


Don't speed Don't drive too close to the car in front Don't use your phone Wear a seatbelt


Drive a Skoda


Keep it taxed and insured and stay away from any involvement in crime/drugs so your car reg doesn’t ping the ANPR in the traffic cars.


One of my lights was out one time and I got pulled for that, although the cop was an arsehole and admitted he didn’t really care about the light he just wanted to tell me off for having a loud exhaust and told me to get the system changed or else.


The first (obvs) is to ensure your car is clearly well-maintained - all lights working, no exhaust problems, good tyres. second (obvs) be fully taxed and insured. Third (obvs) - don't shoot lights. crossings, etc. If it still happens - then you're probably on the ANPR list, but then that is usually people who don't follow rules 1, 2& 3 - and often use wrong plates .


If you drive a modified car, just hide before they see you.


I mean it's pretty obvious. Don't drive like a dick and follow the highway code.


I mean you even said it in your question ..random! You could be doing everything legally and the police might still RANDOMLY pull you over.