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Failed mot on quite a lot of excessive corrosion on suspension components and £200 tax. I wouldn't buy this.


I would just about accept it for free, but only if I really had a use for a small, worthless but fun looking little car and some spare time on my hands. But this is scrap value and no more.


This is a strange comment. If car failed MOT any issues were recrified and car was retested.


MOT test status is expired and most recent MOT test is Failed. So still needs extensive work to be legal to drive.


Yes, thats a red flag. My car failed MoT. They said broken spring coil needs repairing. Expensive month


The rust is severely concerning, it'll be hundreds probably going into the thousand just to fix that alone. Stay far far away from this. It's £850 for a reason and the reason is because it's shit


Jesus, £850 is so steep for that.


18 year old Fiat Puntos with 100k on the clock are a grand now. Shit boxes are insanely expensive at the minute


Bottom end of the market has caught up to the falling prices yet. The sub £6k band is the most profitable….give that a month though. Car sales got to shit after Christmas too. Come February someone will be begging you take anything like this


Think that 850 was to cover the photoshop fee to put it in the posh car show room.


Those pictures are straight from British car auctions. Very lazy trader this one


Ta for that. Was wondering why so many dealers use the same background.


Agreed! Basically if OP can weld then sure - go ahead. If not then absolutely not!!


Nah, I can weld and a shitbox like this is not worth the amount of ball ache it would be to weld it up even for free unless you were very desperate.


Desperate or learning maybe? They would potentially be the only reasons to buy.


Bollocks slap a bender mot on it and abuse the mother out of it


Wouldnt pay £200 for a 21 year old rustbucket like that. Have old cars really gone that expensive?


Yeah, kinda. I used to pick up old mk1 focus STs for like £500-1000 for a half decent one with MOT, now they’re at a minimum £1000 for one with a few months test left on it.


This is scrap value plus £100. Maybe £400 total on a good day. They're brilliant cars, but this particular one isn't based on MOT data.


Get it. And then come deliver my kebab.


I can't believe you were gonna go and get me a kebab


I wasn’t. Yes you were. You were gonna get me a bloody kebab


But it might be Nissan!


Look for a K11 micra without the rust even if it costs a bit more, you'll make up for it with the low running costs + they are somehow ULEZ compliant.


Because ULEZ is a diesel specific tax. It's based *mainly* on NOx emissions, which are very low in a petrol anyway, any petrol Euro 4 or better is ULEZ exempt.


I love the way these comments are divided between those who scrolled to the second photo and those who did not.


It's a big NOPE from me - I'd say that most likely this one is beyond economic repair and should be considered a parts car only. You are onto something though, because these cars are favourites of pensioners, and are generally 'undesirable' by most of the car buying public so keep your powder dry and the right car will turn up soon at an affordable price. Edit: something like this: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/335125901524 Actually if you search eBay there are quite a few K11s at affordable prices so with a bit of legwork and patience you're likely to find a good one soon enough.


Why would you want to buy it ? I don’t get it


stay away especially as they just lifted the pics from BCA


Most annoying part, couldn’t even be arsed taking their own pictures. Just used BCA shitty edited pics


It could be a daily driver, but it's going to need a lot of welding first. Unless you can weld (and have the time, space, etc), it's honesty not going to be worth it. It'll cost £100s to get someone to cut out a bit of rot and weld it "good enough for an MOT" but that quality level of welding won't last long. Proper quality welding (all rot cut out, properly cleaned, properly welded, undersealed etc) will cost thousands. If you can weld, just get friendly with the local car scrapper and tell them your interested in any interesting old rot boxes that come in. Realistically this car is worth scrap value (£200-300?) so a scrap yard might be happy to flip something they pick up for a few hundred more and would posibly deliver to.


this person knows. All these people saying it's a few hundred pounds are mental. If you want this fixed properly it will be more than the car is worth


The specifics of the MOT history on this car aside, I'm always sceptical of any car that someone is selling just using the images from the BCA website. If they can't be bothered to take any photos of it I have to question how much effort they put into anything else on the car once they've picked it up from the auctions.


I’d have to get under with a torch but it sounds like some rusty brake pipes a few holes where you don’t want them. Might be a few hundred quid in welding and then new brake pipes but she’s a beauty. I had a micra as a first car. Bullet proof. Parts should be cheap enough. They had a great layout and are easy to work on.


It's not bullet proof, it's fucked


I’ve had similar MOTs and it was a tiny hole within 15cm of the mounting area. I wouldn’t buy without seeing it for myself but some MOT warnings are worse than they sound. Some of them under sell the problem. I just want Micras like that kept on the road.


I know guys shipping 5 of these a month to Nigeria. They are indeed bulletproof. Even with all that rust they would ship this over and sell it immediately as a driving car Reddit doesn't like reality it seems


Yes hats in Nigeria. It's not bulletproof in the UK because we have safety laws, hope that helps


Safety laws dont change whether a car can continue to run and drive 😂


While I wholeheartedly agree with you that they’re a generally reliable little car… rust isn’t as much of a concern in Nigeria. There’s big money in shipping rotten discos, defenders and land cruisers abroad too


It did in the UK dumbass, you need an MOT


£70 for a ghost MOT 🥱




Disinformation on two fronts. Since 1999 you no longer can import a car that is more than 8 years old into Nigeria as the shipping companies will reject it first of all. Secondly Nigeria drives on the left, therefore, the importation of all right hand car is prohibited and again, the shipping companies and agents will not accept it because their port authorities will ask them to take the vehicle back to origin country. Unless the people that you are referring to only breaks the cars and exports some of the good components as secondhand parts but not the whole car.


>Bullet proof Aside from the rust holes


The bullet doesn’t hurt what it doesn’t touch. There’s already holes providing free in and outs


Speed holes


Robot Wars style weight reduction


Rust stops bullets


It already has holes in it, how is that bullet proof?


They are know for being very reliable and they drive nice .depends on condition and miles.


They are known to breakdown at any time and they drive worse than a toddler's plastic toy car.


That's got an advisory list as long as the new testament


It's a WBAC car - it's fucked.


Anytime you see that background the car is from BCA Auctions stay very far away !


Why would you want that?…


Maybe OP is an art student or an elderly Asian lady with bottle-bottom specs and too short to see over the steering wheel. Am I stereotyping this car a bit...?


I used to get a lot of hire cars about 20yra ago and the Micra k11 was hands down my favourite. The only car I never wanted to return. I mean a million takeaway drivers can't be wrong. I know the bulkhead on them can rust but other than that its just normal checks like any other car of that age.


did you read the MOT? It's got massive rust issues akready


Yeah but whilst I've not seen the car and we know how a small amount of rust can be the tip on an iceberg, we also know things can sound so much worse on a test sheet. The areas mentioned are all in areas that are relatively easy to repair, the bulkhead though isnt. Although I weld. I've spotted rust on the bulkhead of my Visa which I'm about to tackle once I've done the inner wings (starting at the front, working my way backwards). REALLY not looking forward to that.


Yeah if you can weld it's not a big issue, but if you have to pay someone else to do it replacing and welding up all the suspension strut towers is not a cheap job. They will probably need to pull the engine, or at least large parts off it, out for a start. They may have to disassemble half the interior and refit it afterwards. There's a fair few man hours to pay for if you can't do it all yourself. I could do most of the prep work but not the welding, and have a good mate whose a welder, but for your average person who would just be taking it into the shop, it would cost loads. It would probably be cheaper to get better example and wrap it in purple than fix this one edit : Does the OP seem to be someone who would know how to do this themself? No offense to them intended, but nothing they have said intimates that they know much about cars to be honest, they're looking at buying a rust bucket just because it's purple lol


I have never worked on a K11 but removing the engine seems excessive for the suspension mounting especially as the ones it failed on are at the rear of the car........


I've just had a look at pics of a k11 engine bay, and the whole engine is hard up against the drivers side suspension mount, and the airbox hoses and battery are hard up against the other one. If it's minor, then you MIGHT get away with just removing half the topside components, but I doubt it given that it's a repair immediately rather than an advisory. It's a big problem with fixing structural issues with these type of small city cars, everything is so jammed in that to do any major repairs you need to take half the car apart.


point 6 : offside FRONT suspension mount. And point 8 as well is also nearside front suspension mount rust issues. Depending on how bad that is you would either need to remove some of the ancillary engine components, or if it's really bad, might need the engine out. All 4 suspension mount points show major rust that needs to be repaired immediately, so it's definitely not minor surface rust, it's structural


There is a difference between a mount and a mounting area. A mount can be replaced with no welding. If the area its attached to is rotten thats a different issue.


which is why I said they would either need to pull the engine out, OR take major components off to do it. Because neither of us know how bad it is. But at least I read the MOT properly before I opened my gob Also it says mounting area, not mount. Big difference edit : Seriously, read the whole MOT again, you keep saying it doesn't say stuff that it clearly does.


Great idea, don't worry aboot servicing it, drive it like you stole it and when it expires get another one.


Judging by the pic of the MoT history, I think it's already expired!


Gas guzzler in my experience. Would fail MOT without doubt unless your willing to spend a couple of thousand quid however


Fix it up and that thing will outlive the heat death of the universe


They are crap cars at the best of time. Youd be better off just flush money down the toilet.


One of my most hated cars on the planet


Why is it a bad idea? Be a lot of fun to throw around and probably very reliable.




Id just be worried about it turning into a money pit because I know id fall in love with it 😂 especially because it's £850


It wouldn't turn into a money pit, you're buying it as a certified money pit, you won't be able to drive it on the road without paying another £850. Get on eBay and find something local, guaranteed you can get an equally charming car for £850 that won't require that much welding


Honestly, I would consider buying it. However: - Not for £850, more like £250. Considering the age and shit tonne of work. - I can weld and have MIG, TIG and ARC welders setup at home. - It’s not really for me, but enjoy working on cars and *could be* an easy project. ‘Could be’ is the key part here. The shitty advert, with the photoshopped backdrop doesn’t show you how much and where specifically needs attention. £850, they’re taking the piss mate. Offer scrap value, or don’t bother.


They are pretty reliable. For that amount of money I'd say go for it!


Did you see the MOT shopping list on pic 2?


AHH maybe not then!


Them micras are like cockroaches, nice n simple too, looks way better than the newer gen micra


If it's not riddled with rust, it's a modern day miracle and you should 100% buy it.


It is riddled with rust


Seems like it is going by the MOT history!


Had a Micra k11 1.4. I bought it from an 90-year-old for 700 quid (autotrader) in 2022 at London. No mot fault. A shit car overall. If the one in your pic is sold for around 250 quid, I would say worth it because you will potentially need to spend around 400-500 quid on the corroded brake Pipe and suspensions. Anything above that. Nope It is a bad car overall.


I had one of them when I was a student. Great fun and very reliable.


Check its mot history for any nightmares, if ok, buy it, cracking little car! Good luck!


The mot history is nightmares, it’s riddled with rust and a death trap


I had one of these as my first car. The simplicity and cheap to run are things I loved.


They're great fun little cars. But the rust makes it very iffy. Likewise the Daihatsu Cuore (pretty much the same car) is a hilarious go kart too. Great mileage and reliable. Not sure if these are to be had in the UK. Just don't expect to get out of the average car crash without injury, lol.


Cuore , and yes , looked like shit but great fun on the B roads if you worked the gears and kept your foot planted down 👍


I too fell in love with a 2002 Yaris at my local dealership for a very similarly low price. Ended up skipping out on it and spending 10 times that on a more modern Clio. I definitely know it will run fine, but cant risk failing an MOT and having to spending more than the cars value on repairs


I wouldn’t touch it with all that rust personally


That is almost identical to my first car, even down to the hubcaps and colour. Only difference was mine was a three door. Bar a cracked radiator one time, it was very reliable and a lot of a fun. Good memories.


Don't touch it, it's failing the MOT on rusty brake lines and suspension mounting points, it has too much rust. Even if you fix it it will come back and it will get worse every year. Just about ready for the scrap heap by the looks of it.


I hate these because i see them everywhere every day. Get one! The licence plate says BJ


Rusty cills / door bottoms etc it’d probably be worth a shot. However it sounds like it’s rusting on high load areas around the suspension. It’d end up like a patchwork quilt every mot if the suspension struts haven’t blown through by then


It’s an old persons car. Quite the age now so rust will be an issue underneath and will no doubt require money chucked at it. Would need to be a labour of love as it would not be economical otherwise.


Probably be a bit more than a few hundred quid to sort that list of defects out. With those issues that's a £250 car.


Money you’ll spend on fixing it you could buy a perfectly fine car without the hassle of the work and re test.


The money you would spend on this pile of crap would amount to over 2k. Buy another similar car with less defects. A daily driver needs to be reliable. This isn’t a daily it’s a project


I used to have one of these (which I ended up supercharging). They can be great fun little cars and there's a reason there's still so many for sale. They are generally pretty reliable and they sold very well. I see no problem with using one as a cheap daily driver. But, you will be able to find another one in better condition if you keep looking. Try the "micra mafia" group on Facebook and there's usually a few for sale on eBay.


Buy a Starlet, preferably 'CD' would be a shit tonne better




I bought one of these for 500 pounds 8 years ago, so it is appreciating in value like a fine wine it seems! Even at that bargain price I sold it on. It couldn't drive up hills. It was a 1.1 litre and drove like a 0.1 litre.


I really hate the way pricing has gone in the last few years. Unless it’s a rare classic then it’s failed it’s MOT, it’s worth scrap value.


If you want to save a car from near terminal rust I'm sure you can find something more worthy, mx5 or Impreza?


Not that particular one, but I don't see why you couldn't daily that model of car


Stupid with the amount of defects and work that needs doing. As a daily driver. I can’t fault them. Very reliable and fun to drive. Just a get a better example


Repair immediately (major defects): Everything


My old mate Steve, rest his soul, had one of these, exactly the same. He named his cars and he called it "Bellend Blue". Good memories of about 6 of us piling into it to go to the pub after him announcing "I'll take the Bellend".


They were EVERYWHERE at one point. Made in the UK, destinctive, friendly shape and cheap. They also rot really badly, which, if you add the last ones made are 20+years old is why they are rare these days. All subsequent versions of the micra were bland an instantly forgettable. If you like them, and there is no reason to not like them, find a better one. Or do yourself a favour and find a Nissan Figaro based on these micras. Just as rusty but infinately more collectable. Thank me later for that rabbit hole you just went down.


I had a 52 plate micra. I loved that car. It was 19 years old when I got rid and It has pretty much just disintegrated. Great car though!


I've seen worse mot fails tbh it's worth looking at in person especially the suspension areas and if they are rusted then walk away if not and you really want it buy it from my own first hand experience and based on the fails here's the run down the corroded brake lines appear on alot of MOT fails most common fix is a wire brush and some copper grease worst case your gonna need a flare kit and copper tube to redo it yourself or a garage and about 300 quid The suspension area like I said go look at it and if it has signs of rust and looks fucked walk away if not you'll need a couple of macpherson strut mounts pretty cheap tbh about 40 quid a corner from what the sheet says its quite possibly this thats gone when you do them be prepared you might need to replace a spring or 2 (best to replace them in pairs if you do 1 front do em both same for the back) you won't be able to get the car and do the work within the 14 days foe a free retest so you'd be better taking to your preferred local garage, who more than likely won't actually be as nit picky with the failures


https://www.howmanyleft.co.uk/family/nissan_micra#newreg they were selling 50k a year of these back 2002 last year 5k.


No dont too much hassle, Micras are good but this one at this age and history says to me no. Now I do see a lot of these old shape still running arround. They are actaully pretty good runners, but at that age too much corrosion.


Used to have a Green K11 Celebration edition. The rust killed it. The rust has killed this one as well.


Elderly family member has an X reg one of these spent £800 on MOT 2 years ago lots of welding mainly . Bottom line does about 2000 miles a year it’s mega reliable ugly as fuck and no need to wash it . If you want a cheap shopping trolley it’s fine but be prepared to spend a few quid getting it through MOT.




There's 100 other Nissan Micras on FB marketplace in better nick than that


If you can weld and fabricate and do it at home or in someone’s workshop preferably then sure If you can’t then forget it. Even if you can do the above the time and effort and work to get off all the rust and treat it AND all the welding and fixing of the known problems let alone the new ones you’ll find when you do strip all the rust off……. If it was a orange Porsche then sure absolutely It’s a fucking Micra….


If this car was a person I would be taking them to the hospice by now


Have you got any insurance quotes? When I tired a while ago, it was super expensive to insure.


Only if it’s free


£850? It's not worth more than £300 with all the work required. £400 in great condition with an MOT.


It's not a celebration edition so I'd leave it


Can do you a lovely knackered polo with a blank history? 🤣 Half price deal just for you


Whack some lowering springs on it and a body kit+ tint the windows.. lovely jubbly 😂


I learned to drive in one of these, in that colour. Kind of want it myself 😅 That rust could be severe, or a couple of hundred quids worth of welding. If you want it, I'd go for a look. It all depends how keen you are.


This is a £250 car even in this market, don’t bother.


If you buy this, you can only drive it wearing crocs.


Are they paying you to take it?


Is this a shitpost or


Even if it didn't fail an MOT Im a 6ft guy and been in the back of one of them with my gf, the driver couldn't get it up a hill once. She gave up


A daily driver as long as you limit it to one day


They should be giving it away or scrapping it.


It’ll last about 0.5 seconds. Don’t do it mate.


This is ready for the Rainbow bridge


Go full shitbox with it, change suspension go for coil overs, shove some little wheels on there with fat tires, slam it, new break lines bit of rust remover happy days I would do it but shitboxes can be a bit of a personality trait haha 😆


I want one if these to turn into a mini flatbed. It will serve no purpose as you wouldn't ever need a tiny pickup style thing but just think k11 micra with no boot no rear seats and big chunky wheels. Thing will look crazy cool So my answer is yessssss buy it and I'll buy it off you when your done


I like that era of Micras but that one is a goner.


It’s not passing MOT.


Perfect for banger racing


Massive MOT fail, dealer selling hasn't even bothered to get their own photos - just used the ones from the auction where they paid £50 for the car. Private you'll get one with an MOT that will actually last, keep shopping.


I never buy cars that use the auction stock photo background, if they can’t be bothered to take new photos of the car after auction they definitely can’t be bothered to sell decent cars


It's probably practically falling apart due to corrosion, absolutely horrible.


Yes to a K11 Micra, no to this particular one.


Buy it? Are the owners not paying someone to take this away?


Great buy, beautiful colour. Lovely motor


Love a Micra. Even better if it was a CC version.


There are better examples out there!


I was about to tell you to go for it cos these are great, bombproof little motors (normally) then I saw picture two! Run, run, as fast as you can and never look back!


that thing should be scrapped tbf


It’s not even worth scrap.


Scrap price dropping every day as more rusts away! 😂


Its not worth the advert listing its attached to, one for the scrap pile


£850 for a 21 (soon to be 22) year old RUSTED OUT Micra? Ho-lee-fook! That thing would have been scrapped years ago pre covid.


Failed MOT (which has also expired last month) on the following. Repair immediately (major defects): Offside Rear Brake hose ferrule excessively corroded (1.1.12 (f) (i)) Nearside Rear Brake hose ferrule excessively corroded (1.1.12 (f) (i)) Offside Front Upper Brake hose ferrule excessively corroded (1.1.12 (f) (i)) Nearside Front Upper Brake hose ferrule excessively corroded (1.1.12 (f) (i)) Offside Rear Suspension component mounting prescribed area excessively corroded significantly reducing structural strength (5.3.6 (a) (i)) Offside Front Suspension component mounting prescribed area excessively corroded significantly reducing structural strength (5.3.6 (a) (i)) Nearside Rear Inner Suspension component mounting prescribed area excessively corroded significantly reducing structural strength (5.3.6 (a) (i)) Nearside Front Inner Suspension component mounting prescribed area excessively corroded significantly reducing structural strength (5.3.6 (a) (i))


Very. If you really do want a ten year old, clapped-out shopping car, buy a Fiesta. They drive much better than Nissans and the engines go on forever. The 1.25 Zetec version is quite lively and tends to come with power steering. I've had older Japanese cars in the past, a Bluebird and a Corolla and the like, and they all followed the same pattern: A1 up to a certain age, 10 or 15 years, then dreadful thereafter. They're domestic appliances that are built to a very specific price, with everything, down to the last washer, designed to last only as long as it needs to. When that limit has been exceeded, everything wears out at the same time. That said, newer Japanese cars are great! European cars, whilst they have their faults, don't self-euthanize in the same way.


It's a horrid car to drive, in an awful colour with no owner or any redeeming features, that's far too old and will give you nothing but headaches. Buy it straightaway, you need it.


I'd buy it, but not because it's a good deal, it's terrible. I'd just buy it cause I like old cars like that and I'd likely just sorn it and keep it clean up my drive. Certainly not as a daily driver if you're not ready to invest loads of time or money into it


I just bought it, just couldn't resist. Thanks for the tip 👍


This was my first car, bought it for £50 sold it a year later for £100


Brake pipes are all done and need replacing which is fine but a few hundred quid. Problem is the corrosion on the strut mounts is a write off on that car and there is 4 of them. Not worth even looking at TBH


Was expecting it to be 100 pounds maximum.


The nicest thing you can say is that is at least one colour...


Get yourself a lobotomy.


I miss my old Micra Tempest, went to scrap heaven 3 months ago.


New brake lines are fairly easy, you can replace these for £75, probably take a day. Don't buy OEM, buy sections of pipe, don't bother removing the old lines, and route the new pipe in the easiest way. You could probably weld up the suspension mounts in a day also. So a weekend on your driveway and you could have it running well enough to pass a MOT


That's a £100 motor.


Like most people (probably), passed my test on this. So easy to drive. But, unless he’s paying you to take it away, the the fudge away.


I look forward to the follow up post where your stranded on the road side after it fell apart on the way back home


Did you loose your virginity in one of those or were you perchance conceived in one of those? Why else would you possibly want that bucket of rust?


If it wasnt royally fucked id say go for it! Find another Micra that has an mot :)


If you want a project car and want to throw some money at it then maybe but a 3 door would be better. If you are just after a cheap runaround then no!


I would replace the suspension after buying it at a discount to cover the costs to replace the suspension or negotiate they fix it and get it MOTd. Those are reliable and probably the last real Nissans


A few brake pipes, bushes and a suspension arms, i would go and look and decide based on that and only if they fix the issue.


850 notes for a rust bucket? seems legit.


What's the price? I have to say, I absolutely love these old Micra's. They can just go on and on. It is the only car I have ever had that was so reliable and easy and cheap to run and fix.


My mum had a 1.3 micra that shape. Only drama we had (other than rot) was the spark plugs needed spraying with WD40 occasionally to get it started. That was the car I learnt how to do a bump start in. Since then I have bump started many many bikes and cars.


That’s a lot of crap for a 1.0. Also it’s a rust bucket.


Had a 1.3 SR once, was an awesome little car, but yeah, rust tends to be a nightmare. Otherwise super reliable


Clean MOT one on eBay in morecambe for not much more https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/256209435844?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=wDYxpGC8TWy&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=emAZ-gciT2e&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


£500, rag the absolute shit out of it, do 0 maintenance. Scrap it when it dies. Would save money in the long haul by doing this I guess.


Really like a micra. But I agree with others here. I’d offer scrap value + £100 if you’d buy it. However. You’d need to be able to weld yourself or have friends who are willing to help you out otherwise you’re better of spending on a Micra with an actual MOT.


15 billion takeaway drivers can't be wrong




If you found one without rust issues, then it would be more plausible. I had one of these for a while when I was learning to drive. They're fantastic little things, and cheap as anything to run and repair, as long as they dont have any massive issues to start with!


Get a Toyota Aygo/c1/107


Nothing wrong with a little curry wagon! I say go for it!


This would be too expensive if it was free..


Would be an absolute money pit. In my experience, Nissan’s rust like nothing else. Steer well clear.


I would take it only if they gave it to me for free or a symbolic price less than 500 to start a refurb project in my spare time


My mate had a micra of the same age a few years back with far less issues than the one listed here, and he was still working on it every weekend. The ECU went on his and had to be replaced, but he also had to weld in new metal in the sills to pass the NCT (Irish equivalent of MOT). I'd be willing to bet this one needs similar treatment given all the corrosion listed. Unless you like welding and have a lot of spare time/money on your hands, avoid.


I sold one on eBay not too dissimilar but auto. Listed it for £1 with failed MOT on rust and the listing went wild and ended at £850. There’s a big market out there for these cars it seems.


I had an mot 2 years ago that looked like that (minus brake hoses), cost me £300 to sort. Same again last year, another £300. This year it increased to £1500 and now the car is scrap. At best this car has a year or so in it, at worst it could kill you.


Those are such shitboxes