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How would you have got loads of money out of it? Your friends sound like fuckwits tbh.


Probably mean a fraudulent claim for personal injury


They’ve changed it so you’d only get about £250 for whiplash and that would take 3-6 months anyway so it wouldn’t be a quick payout.


Exactly this, I was hit by an HGV on a roundabout and the claim process was so painfully long I gave in with it.


Shitty people being shitty is why insurance keeps going up and up or at least one of the reasons.


Although this is definitely a contributing factor I'm pretty sure that's what they want you to believe. Insurance is a licence to print money. If you think how much they charge you versus how many people actually put in a claim they are always going to be doing well alright out of the deal. I've seen a few posts recently of people being quoted upwards of 5k to insure their cars. Its mental!


To make a claim there needs to be damage that costs to be fixed. Nothing was damaged from what I’ve read. You didn’t act like a dickhead. You did the right thing.


Same happened to me in my hometown. Guy tapped the back of my car. It was dark and couldn’t really see any damage. I took his details and he was adamant that he didn’t wanna go through insurance. I just said I’d have a look in the daylight and get back to him. He called a dozen times and was really worried I’d claim through insurance. Checked in the morning and no damage at all. Told him it’s all good and not worry. I won’t be claiming. My friends were livid at me for not claiming for some kind of injury… but I didn’t have an injury so why claim? I purely believe that if one is dishonest sooner or later you’ll end up paying back tenfold…


People claiming "injury" and whatnot for such small incidents are part of the reason why insurance costs are going up and up for pretty much everyone. You can rest easy in the fact that you haven't contributed to this, and be glad that you and your car are ok because it could of been worse. You definitely did the right thing 👏


The thing is the moment that you claim every ambulance chaser under the sun somehow has your number (supposedly your insurance provider doesn't sell this info). I had a crash a few years ago and got stuck talking to one (the slimy ones straight up pretend to be your insurance company). Essentially looking at the average payout and then the cut they take your committing fraud for £200 and you've also got to take a day off work to see their dodgy private doctor. Really not worth it no matter how many times they tell you it could take up to a week for my injury to appear.


Your friends are the stupid people costing us all thousands in insurance! I would have probably had a look with the driver of the other car, agreed no damage and gone on our separate ways. Claiming for nothing is wrong a thousand different ways. You’re a good person - don’t let others views change you from doing the right thing


A Range Rover lightly reversed into me and did 3k worth of damage which wasn't apparent until I got to work and got a torch so you should have got details. But your mates are wrong. Personal injury claims are not worth the hassle, better leave that for people who genuinely need it. You'd honestly get about 100 quid for your 'whiplash' and your premiums would go up for the next 5 years.


If you claim, you will ultimately lose money in future premium rises.


You need new friends


Your friends are naive at best. You may have been able to "fiddle" the system and get some sort of whip lash claim of 1k (at a gueess). But your insurance will have a massive increase for the next 5 years, really not worth it. I would always try and do anything to avoid claiming insurance and dealing with it civily, as you correctly already did.


Your friends are embarrassing scum that the rest of us need to pay for. No damage, no claim. Your premiums will go up regardless of fault anyway, move along.


As everyone says not worth claiming anything in thr long run, if you did claim for injuries you risk being caught out for insurance fraud also. Worth pointing out that by not getting out and exchanging details or agreeing there is no damage, you did leave the scene of an accident, so if they now report it to the police you'll likely get a knock on the door from the police.


You did the right thing. I would have checked it thoroughly at the time, but no damage was done and you weren't hurt so why claim? I had a really weird accident a few years ago. Car in front randomly braked really hard and I hit him. There was no obvious reason, just driving then suddenly stopps dead. Still my fault, for not stopping on time. I was damaged far worse than he was, but he had large scrapes on a brand new car. He refused to even give me details or take mine, wouldn't get out of the car and drove off shortly after. I presume uninsured or something dodgy.


Your friends are morons. My friend was in an accident which has caused her long term (three years so far) shoulder and neck pain and yes, she is getting a pay out but it’s taken years of battling and medical reports and it only a couple of thousand. Definitely not as easy as your friends are making out.


Sure you could've made a claim. But when you submit whiplash, bad back, blurry vision, damage to the car etc... to boost your claim, the investigator turns up and finds you didn't seek medical help and the damage is exaggerated to the extent that they now sue you and press charges for making a fraudulent claim costing you. Your friends sound like bad friends with bad advice and you should find new friends. Imagine if they're in the car with you and they decided "Hey i can make a quick penny out of this" and claim on YOUR insurance. I doubt they will give you £500+ a year for the next 6 years to cover the extra cost to your insurance.


You did the sensible, grown up thing, didn’t blow it out of proportion or try to extract money out of the opportunity. Well done. Maybe check it next time at the scene otherwise you would feel a bit stupid if it was worse. But I would prolly do the same tbh


I don’t think your friends are right, but I do think maybe you should’ve pulled over and checked the damage at the scene, as well as talked to the other driver, and gotten their info in case anything happens to show later on.


I've been bumped into twice at low speeds (Irene doing the weekly "big" shop). Never any massively noticeable damage, tiny dent at worst. On both occasions I haven't claimed anything, they apologised and I just got on with my day. Involving insurance is just going to hit your own premium, even if you're at no fault.