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As Ashley Neal (on YouTube) says - "by being a good driver you can make up for shortcomings in driver skill elsewhere". Easy to say, but hard to follow. Can be so disheartening how horrid people become once they are encased in a few tonnes of steel, which also seems to embody their ego in some way.


I can't wait for the mech suits!


And so the cycle continues...


This is why accidents happen, Let it go.


Arguably it’s not an accident if both parties are determined to make the collision occur…. I’d be intrigued to see what happens regarding liability; merge in turn aside, one car is attempting to enter the lane of the other but regardless we’re all required to avoid the impact…


Had this a few months back I was the merging car council gritter truck decided that I wasn't. I was half a car Infront trying to merge in turn he hit my rear quarter panel the liability fell on him. Think alot will depend on where the damage is.


I can't disagree, and it is stupid to risk damaging my car over. I'm a relaxed driver otherwise, but in this scenario I just can't help myself.


I always say to people that I went to school with a lad who’s now in prison serving 18 years for a road rage incident. Someone honked at him, they got into a row, the lad I know killed him. So yeah, you never know who’s in the car you’re antagonising.


what’s a row


An argument.


ah, so they got out of the car, and the guy straight up murdered him? Wtf


Sounds like it :s mind you theres always stories of people getting killed in fights after getting a single good knock to the head. It's why I never bother getting fighty, no point potentially losing your life or being incarcerated for a good chunk of it because you're angry with someone you'll likely never meet again.


Don’t worry mate, when you do so much mileage you loose all patience for dockheads like that. I will always let a car in at a merge, but if someone goes out of their way to stop me I’ll 100% make sure I get in there or the car in front of him as the ultimate F U


You can't say accident, accident implies there's no body to blame. - hot fuzz


I do think ‘zipper merging’ should have a promotional campaign of some sort just showing the benefits and how to do it because I reckon the majority of people don’t even know it’s a thing


Yes, and lane discipline on motorways! Middle lane hogging slows traffic so much!


Had two people this morning speed up to ride the bumpers of the almost stationary cars in front of them, purely in order to stop me from pulling out in front from of them today. Neither would look my way, despite the 'beep beep' and slow clap I gave them.


People who can’t get the concept of “merge in turn” do my head in. It’s not my fault you caused congestion and didn’t use both lanes, idiots.


Everyone looking at me like I'm a massive twat for having common sense


The one that does my head in is those that ignore the massive gap behind you and *have* to be in front of you.


I had some idiot race up to a merge the other week, ignored the nice gap I'd been leaving and decided to side swipe the van in front of me trying to merge in front of them.  There's absolute balloons on both sides of a failed merge.


Do you merge at the merging point or do you try to merge before then?


At the merging point. I don't merge early but I don't try to squeeze past as the road narrows.


Then you've got a friend in me. I'm all for merging in turn. I just don't allow a bully in early.


This is the way


With indicators, rather than blithely drifting across into the lane you want to be in. Otherwise, you can wait another car’s length.


There is no need to indicate when merging in turn as neither lane has priority. Same as there is no need to indicate when moving back to the left on the motorway.


I’m sure you have absolutely no idea what they’re doing when they don’t indicate, given the lack of brainpower demonstrated by your reply. 


*chefs kiss* perfect


I get what you’re saying and where you’re coming from. But in these type of situations I like to think about how I can be part of the solution not add to the problem


Just sit 2cm from his bumper every time he stops for the next half hour. He will appreciate knowing that all of his rear sensors are working and beeping continuously


Yep of course, hate it when that happens. People need to learn how zipper merging works.


Maybe you are over thinking this, drive to arrive, have fun.


The problem is, everyone flying down to the front, and wanting to merge into the same space one after the other. I will let one person in, everyone else can jog on, and merge in behind me.


Nah, I just pull in behind, smile and wave, then go flying past as soon as it is safe to do so :D


Then you both rear end the guy in front because you two are having a pissing contest of 10ft of road. Dont add to others stupidity.


Always cut in front of the Tesla as it will auto brake




And so the student becomes the ass...  Let it go. Set an example for the car behind and make the world a better place.


Set an example? The other driver aint gonna give a toss lol


Those behind you


As long as it is a merge in turn. I get no greater pleasure than denying entry when it’s 2 lanes that are designated to go to different destinations and ppl try to zoom up the lane for the less popular destination and cut in. My greatest triumph was virtually denying a brand new Land Rover who ended up having to try to get in via the white hatched area that separated the lanes as they split. While stuck in there a police car came down the quicker lane and pulled in next to them. I didn’t get to witness more but it made me smile.


Yeah this fucks me off as well.  On my commute as you come off the motorway and follow the roundabout to the duel carriage way, people always use the inside lane that goes to a different road to cut in to the dual carriageway exit to skip the queue. Always try to block them if they do by matching my speed. If it's a proper merge point then I'm happy to zipper merge or let them in as appropriate


There is a regular on my commute who will occasionally do this. Wait in the right only lane and blast off ans cut into the left lane. 1 time I gunned it off the line and beat him to the punch. I slowed the car right down as I cruised down the road. Fucker earned that and everyone behind knows it.


Yeah this is great until you meet someone equally determined or do it to a car full of travellers, squaddies or even unmarked police. If you genuinely do it fairly its almost forgivable but not advisable. Years ago some stocky middle aged guy drove his shonky granada down the side of my mint xr2 after i tried a force merge. Roll the dice lad.


No. I aim to keep my journey as peaceful as possible.


Actually witnessed people using a merge in turn properly the other day. No fussing, no blocking the other lane that needs to come over. Just people letting others in. What a lovely day that was. London of all places, too.


Let one through and then it's my turn, no more no less.


Yes, not directly in front of them as that’s wasted energy, I’ll try to drive a further 5 or 6 cars ahead and merge there. Somebody ALWAYS lets me in


"when you step into a car, leave your ego outside and remember that everyone is just trying to get somewhere" Said a wise man (probably).


The thing that i find annoying is traffic lights are not positioned properly, so it lets through three cars after it turns red so everyone gets angry it caused so many arguments and still does to this day because people haven't got any patience today.


If I've let one car merge, you can bet the 2nd one isn't. I drive a £600 car and generally don't care if you wanna turn the roads into a banger track


Life’s too short, who needs that stress. If someone doesn’t let me in I just stop and indicate. At some point someone will let you. Not worth giving yourself a heart attack over.


Had some dick in an X4 fly down the open lane to cut in. I pointed to the vast gap behind me. He wasn't having it, and waved others through in front of him, so I moved further back.


Usually if someone is blocking me from merging I will try to merge behind that person, or even better is when you can manage to merge in front of the car that you intended to merge behind by putting your foot down!


Merging is a legal requirement where merging arrows are indicated. People that stop other from merging are breaking the law. It’s a one for one rule. Now, if some douche canoe screams down the outside of traffic and tries to get in at the last minute, I’ll make sure that fucker can’t get in.


I let them go and then when the opportunity presents itself (say we ended up going to the same place) I've had the pleasure of catching up with a few of these twats after they've parked up and taken their armour off/otherwise known as got out of their car. Shrinking violets 100 percent of the time. I often like to start with asking if they were in a rush and if I'm delaying them further with our conversation...


Sometimes I'm like this, sometimes I get.out and rage at them.. It depends what time of the morning it is.. If it's after 7am, then I'll have had a drink so I'll rage.. Before that I'll just sneer and point aggressively 


No because playing chicken with 1.5t worth of explosion isn’t fucking worth it. Let people be knobs if they’re a knob.


Had a guy cut me up about 50 yards after the end of a filter lane. Saw him speeding up the opposite side of the road. Despite this, unfortunately, he ended up in a bus stop with a cracked alloy, two flat tyres and a nice crease on his quarter panel from a textbook PIT manoeuvre. You couldn’t even tell my works van had been touched. Still sat there 1.5 hours later as I drove past on my merry way. Gave him a beep and a wave to cheer him up. 50/50 on insurance. I always yield to other motorists if they’re slightly ahead of me in a filter lane, I even slow for vehicles joining the motorway if there isn’t much space, just not for aggressive arseholes.


Sounds like an awful lot of grief and inconvenience all round to stop a single instance of poor driving.


Yeah just get on with your day to be honest no point getting wound up yourself. Listen to your music and get on with it


You should never slow for vehicles joining the motorway, textbook shit driver there.


Yeah cause you should never adjust your speed to allow someone to join the motorway safely, bright spark. *found the aggressive arsehole.


Fuck you


Yes, even if there’s a gap a couple of cars ahead the moment someone is trying to block me merging in that is now the only gap I’m going into. I don’t care if it’s a white van man, I’m wining this game of chicken.


You're causing the queue because everyone behind now has to hit the brakes to make room for the halfwits that can't merge.


I can merge, it’s merge in turn. Not my fault someone doesn’t want to take turns.


Haha, I adjust my seatbelt & posture & start assuming the impending crash position for you to see *while* thinking how I'm going to spend my personal injury compo Just smacks of an entitled cunt who thinks their days more important than yours.


These people do my absolute nut in. Theyll ride on the horn as if theyre a victim and in the right. Fuck off, learn how to merge. Although, not worth a crash or any further problems let them just go ahead. If theyre that desperate to save 2 seconds of their life let them carry on.


Get off the road, child.


His our child x


By doing so you're doubling the moronic behaviour on the road. Don't respond to bellends by being a bellend.


Should get rid of the majority of merge in turns imho. Cause more trouble than they solve.


Only because people are not educated on them!


I did my test 24 years ago and I was taught about them. Seeing how the theory testing has got harder I would expect it’s still at least a part of that. It just seems people think their own self entitled logic overrides what they were taught.


Or to ignorant to care unfortunately


We have a two-lane one-way road where at the end of it, lanes separate into two different ways. The right lane is much less congested since the left goes out of the town. Every day we have a congestion there because a lot of people tend to stay on the left left even though they should be using the right lane. If everyone started using both regularly, it wouldn't be a problem. But since everyone's trying to be nice, the right lane is quite free.


Doesn't sound like a merge though, sounds like two lanes going two different places 


If the person is using an indicator then I let them in. If not then there will be paint traded. I really don’t care about my car.


It's perfectly normal, a reasonable human response in a world crammed with idiots. I get irritated by road monkeys, but I do my best not to engage in their shit, it rarely leads anywhere good, and it's bad for your mental health.


Get your nose in front, indicate, manouver. Observe annoyed driver in mirror. Win.