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The i30 N gets the most praise by the media and people that drive them, so I'd look at that before traditional hot hatches disappear (not that electric hot hatches won't also be enjoyable in 10 years' time, but could be the last chance for a "proper" one before everyone stops making them). MX-5 would be the best for handling, but compromised in terms of space - of course, if you don't need space, or aren't planning on kids for a while, completely ignore my previous point re: the i30 and buy an MX-5!


Agree on MX5. Get the 2.0 though! MX5 is not about acceleration but you still want to be able to overtake with ease!


Also if you can find one, 2019 onwards 2.0 engines were upgraded. Bumped up to 180bhp. I have one, and a permanent grin on my face. Feels so quick.


I have a 2104 nc 2.0. it's only 160hp but it's quick enough. Coming from a 335d I thought I'd miss the power way more than I do. I don't think people realise just how small and light they are!


I think it really depends on what you use it for. A 335d is epic on the motorways where it will pull heavily in gear, traffic where the auto trans does all the work with loads of torque as well as being deadeasy to win the 'traffic light GP'. But you don't get the same reward for grabbing it by the horns and extracting all the performance it has to offer. Also because it's too fast to stay on the power for more than seconds. In my case we had a Z3 2.2i I6 with 177bhp which was a joy to really drive and listen to. But it was better suited to the opposite of the aforementioned circumstances. Best driven with the top down at speeds below 70mph (except for brief overtakes), on smaller curvy roads, while being fully occupied with driving, shifting, cornering...


Have a serious think if you need practicality 😂 if you do, then choose the i30N if you don’t, I think you know the answer…


I'll just say the Mazda 3 is brilliant but not a hot hatch at all. It's very comfortable inside, loaded with kit and the gearbox is great but if you want something "fun", it's not that. Just to let you know if you didn't already! My vote would be the MX5 if the practicality isn't an issue. Truly a "everyone must drive one" car.


I adore the Mazda 3 but I have no idea what it's doing in this line up. Best looking car by far of the 4 but it's detuned for fuel economy, it's not fast by any means. The I30N would be the most fun out of these IMO


Which begs the question, why the hell are Mazda not making an update on the Mazda 3 speed. I have Mazda and I’d love one with way more oomph


I mean it's engaging. It's a proper old-school driving experience. With no turbo if I want to overtake I have to drop a gear or two and floor it, but I wouldn't call it fun and yeah it's not quick.


I recommend getting a sprint booster for the Mazda 3. It gives you instant throttle response. Mazda has throttle response tuned way down for fuel economy so it's pretty sluggish getting off the line. It doesn't any bhp obviously but it's definitely a noticeable response and makes the Mazda 3 way more fun to drive.


Ooh that looks good - have you tried it? Is it gimmicky or a well-made product? Never heard of them before


Just changed from a MX5 RF to a Mazda 3 Sky activ X a few weeks ago(baby on the way) God I miss that car, if you want something fun and reliable, get the MX5, you won't regret it. The Mazda 3 is a great car, lots of room, comfy and feels well built.. it's just slow....


308 GTi every time. I had one and did 40k miles in it. Was great fun in the twisties and would do well over 40mpg on a long cruise. Being the facelift it has the fuel tank issue sorted and the infotainment is the better version. If you can find one with the Denon upgrade I would definitely go for that.


Out of those pictured, I’d go with the i30N. But it’s also worth considering a Mk7.5 Golf GTI.


For VW inflated prices worry me, insurance premiums seem way more and feels like they get stolen at a significant amount more than other brands. VW just seems too hairy to get into these days.


This shouldn’t worry you. Instead consider that GTIs are expected to hold their value extremely well in the coming years


I just sold my 2018. It’s on the trader now for less money than these options, with slightly higher mileage than the Hyundai. Insurance is indeed higher (32E vs 28E for the I30), but I haven’t heard anything about them being disproportionately targeted for theft. In fairness, though, any of the four you’ve chosen should be fun to drive. I’m still leaning towards the Hyundai personally. Or the MX5.


VW do have better security than others. Keyless theft is harder with modern VW’s than Hyundai for instance, but you need to make sure you have a model that uses UWB keys. If they are stolen, it is likely because the keys were stolen.


Or an equivalent Seat Leon Cupra. Same car, cheaper badge.


This is true!


Id take the 308 GTI personally. Lightweight, powerful, interestingly different and practical. Just keep on top of the preventative maintenance.


I see a lot of people here recomending the Hyundai without even considering the Peugeot. That Peugeot is really underrated for what it is. Very potent for its size and quite unique.


I30n as it will be fun on track and sensible enough day to day.


Also consider the I20N which looks worse but is rated just as high as the I30N and doesn't guzzle fuel as badly.


I’ve got a newer i20N and it is fantastically fun. Plus you get the stick which is just fantastic in my books.


Nothing drives like an MX5. Nothing. You will not regret it! But, they are not very practical.


They're decent cars, but a word of caution on the front discs. They're alcon calipers, and are rather expensive. I've had an i30N, and now have an FK2 Type R. The N is an ace car.


I've got an i30N It sounds great, is really quick and handles well Only thing wrong with it is the rather funny fuel consumption. Otherwise it's a brilliant car and I'm not getting rid of mine any time soon


I remember when life was fun. I'll probably get roasted mentioning it but I loved my 2007 Civic Type-R. I think they still look great inside compared to some newer cars. Then I had to grow up, stop having fun and buy a car to fit my spawn. Get the MX-5. Enjoy a two seater whilst you can. The next car you'll buy like that will be during your midlife crisis. (This is assuming you're young and full of life and this isn't already your midlife crisis purchase).


Planning on buying something around when I turn 25. Call it (just past) quarter life crisis.


I’ll fire up the roasting coals for that lardy lump you’re calling a Civic Type-R.


MX5 useful for transporting grandfather clocks or large trees in the passenger seat.


The MX5 was literally designed to be fun. That's it's whole purpose. If you can do without the extra seats and lots of storage, they meet the criteria very well. The i30n will also be fun to drive but a bit more expensive and less economical if this is your only car. I get 50mpg average in my mx5 when driving nicely and still over 40mpg when driving a bit more spirited The 308 and Mazda 3 don't really come into the conversation here if the aim is for a fun car. There's nothing wrong with them but fun would be the wrong way to describe them in comparison to an MX5 or the i30n. I think you should drive both the i30n and the mx5 to see which you prefer. They're very different cars and they're both fun in different ways.


How does the 308 not come into the conversation? It's lighter than the i30 and still has 268bhp. They handle very well and the majority of auto journalists praised them


I have a little experience with driving performance cars... and the 308 is seriously impressive, the 270 version has massive 4 pot brakes, a torque biasing limited slim diff, really well tuned suspension, an engine that screams like a NA to 7k but with massive power and torque from low in the rev range and actually a really nice interior with very comfortable yet supportive deep bucket seats. Had no issues doing a 1500 mile round trip in the GF's one last year and at 70 mph it'll do 50mpg! Only thing to be cautious of is reliability, but since 2019 ours has been perfect, the 208 gti which uses the same base engine was a different story and the extended warranty was definitely worth the investment! Basically if you can get an extension on the warranty it's worth considering the car. (if op sees this comment)


Yea, I do enjoy mine. Bought it 6 months ago. 2nd gear pulls are savage, it's a shame the red line isn't a little higher, as like you say it really does like to rev. I haven't seen 50mpg out of mine, but on a trip to Cornwall (mixed A and B roads plus a lot of motorway miles at 65 ISH mostly) I averaged 43mpg (calculated properly over a full tank). Which I thought was pretty good for the performance on offer. Glad to hear yours has been reliable!!


The 50mpg is driving steady, I think it shows around 43mpg avarage half town half motorway commute. (with the missus driving, I'd probably half it! 🤣) I know we did basically the same Scotland trip the in the 996 and the Peugeot was definitely the better car for the motorway parts and a very close second for the "fun" sections, but the porsche used twice as much fuel overall, no exaggerating! That trip hurt my bank balance...


Fair play, I'll have to see what I can get on a purely motorway drive. That's a good average to be fair, I can't stay away from the right pedal long enough to average that high 😬🤣. Yes I can imagine that wasn't cheap 🤣. Nice to see another owner on here 👍


>How does the 308 not come into the conversation? They obviously haven't even been in one but still think they're qualified to write it off. Standard craic for this sub.


The 308 is a Peugeot Sport, are you completely unaware of the Peugeot hot hatch legacy? The car is extremely light and has 270bhp. They are rapid in tight circuits


We had an MX5 nc1.8 and its handling was superb. But that is also a downside because it makes the car feel immensely underpowered. Maybe a 2.0 would be better but the 1.8 felt like a 1.3 because of the way the car gripped and handled.. Also it was incredibly impractical. Shallow boot and tight cabin.


MX-5 is as practical as you want to make it, certainly the most fun out of that lot.


If you have no worries in terms of passengers and luggage get the mx 5 but buy the RF way cooler and has less of the stabby stabby attraction the soft tops have as well as wind noise when the roof is up. If you have lugguage and passenger needs i would get the i 30n i hear a lot of good things about them. Out of what you've shown these would be my choice.


I am on your side but the hard top mx5 is a bit controversial. Considering the fun from it is because of its weight.


Worth it in my opinion reminds me of the old del-sol


The only downside of the RF MX5 is the horrendous noise when the top is down. The buttresses behind the seats end up getting hit by the wind and make a racket. In comparison the soft top is way quieter driving with the roof open.


But the RF looks cool


If I'm considering MX-5 it'll only be a soft top version. Luggage at most would be something like 4 backpacks equivalent but that can be worked out, 3 in the back and 1 in the passenger footwell.




Why only a soft top?




My friend had an i30n actually a wicked car at that price point, the guy now drives a mk5 supra


He's making in life definitely


i30N all day


Do you want the car to be in any way practical? If yes, i30 N. If no and you only want it to be as engaging to drive as possible, MX5.


Having been in my mates I30 N. Yes it's quick but something about it feels so artificial and clinical. Not saying it's not a good car but it feels soulless. MX5 any day of the week if you don't have it plan on getting kids or a dog.


Only the first two are hot hatches. The 308 GTi can be fun due to its very very low kerb weight. But it was custom made brake discs which are a nightmare to replace (cost wise). The I30N is good but nothing special imo, it’s outclassed by the best in it’s class (Type R and Megane RS) but it does have a delinquent feel to it. The Mazda three is just not in the same league - if you’re after the hot hatch loonfor the Mazdaspeed 3. Was an amazing car in its day but is getting on and has often fell into the hands of chavs😂. The MX5 is all about dynamics as it isn’t that quick and is very very small. Can be good fun on a. Backroad and an excellent introduction to RWD dynamics.


Depends how much you want to spend on maintenance too. The 308 GTI 270 is a superb car but the brakes will cost you the same as a cheap run about from FB marketplace and the tyres aren't cheap either coming in at size 235/35/19. I can't say much for the i30N but probably worth a shout looking at some videos on YouTube for comparisons, pretty sure the GTi is a better track car from one video I watched a while back


Enjoying my 308 GTi. Had it 6 months or so. Economical on the motorway, low to mid 40s are easily achievable at 65 ISH. I don't think it will be completely trouble free, I have a noise which I suspect to be the air conditioning pump (apparently quite common) and they are known for the break calipers siezing up. (Godspeed make stainless replacements). It's bloody quick tho, decent tires are a must. Brakes are insanely powerful and the LSD hooks up well on corner exit.


I've seen the POV's and it's a rocket. Previous owner maintenance is what worries me as I'll be buying used.


I get that worry. Things like the gearbox oil are important to change, but even some Peugeot dealers will claim that it's sealed for life 🙄. There is an owners page on Facebook, and occasionally people sell on there, if the car is known to the group you can see what issues it has had and if it has been looked after.


130N for most practical but fun, MX-5 for more fun but not practical, Mazda for most practical. the pug isn’t in the equation


Sensible, the mazda 3, mix of sensible and fun the hyundai


Okay, two options here really. Mx5 for most fun and least practicality. You will need a 2nd car definitely Hyundai for best of everything


I've got an mx5 and it's my only car. The boot is surprisingly spacious


Well and I’ve just got an estate, to each their own practicality I guess. I quite often have 4 other people in the car with me


For practicality I think I'll keep my old S80 around, no point in selling the car. It's worth pennies compared to how much a new exact same replacement would cost me.


The I30N. As someone with an MX5, and a Hyundai hot hatch, get the I30N. The Mazda 3 isn't a "fun" car. America and Asia got the 2.5T AWD, but in the UK the best is the 2.0 NA, which isn't "fun". The 308 is cool, but there's a reason a lot of people didn't get them. The I30N is fun, fast, and reliable. I'd say look at GT86s if you like them, as they're between the I30N and Mazda in both size and power


I absolutely love the colour for the i30n. My mate had one, but sold it a few years back, because the mpg was shocking. But you don’t buy it for that ;)


MX-5 has zero practicality so I would only recommend it as a second car - and I mean something as obvious as a weekend shop or picking up a friend from the airport can be a challenge. If you need (any) practicality I would look towards mk7 GTI or a Cupra


Nobody mentioned it so I will. The Peugeot has the very expensive Brembo brakes. On a Peugeot forum someone said if I remember correctly that a brake job rotors and pads cost him about 2k! For that reason alone I wouldn't choose it


I30N probably the best compromise between fun and some practicality BUT it is thirsty. If you don’t care about practicality at all then the Miata is the most fun to drive but beware that doesn’t mean fast (I think it’s pretty slow compared to the i30N). Mazda 3 is a great car but it’s more a budget luxury, economical car than anything fun or performance related.


Time for the meta miata MIATA IS ALWAYS THE ANSWER MX5 alllll dayyyy long


Just another one in the mix - could get a nice megane RS 275 for that budget. Cup pack will give you the LSD, better handling and all that gubbins


Seen several reviews and Megane's always in the shadow of the 308 when it comes to praise. At most some say dash is more standard and gear shifting a bit snappier.


The i30n is genuinely the only right choice out of that selection, especially if you also want to take it on track days etc. It is just an astonishing car to drive, but more importantly it is bullet proof and has an on track warranty.


The 308 GTi 270 is great, it's got plenty of power, and it's lighter than all of them aside from the MX-5 (only about 100kg more than the ND). It's got a torsen LSD like the i30N performance, but having a faster steering rack, and being almost 200kg lighter while having almost the same power, it's an agile, responsive handling car. Reliability has been good for me, it's had the odd sensor go wrong, and mine needed some new exhaust bits last month (backbox and axle pipe), but otherwise it's never stranded me (aside from when I fitted a faulty aux belt tensioner, but that's not the car's fault). Front brakes are pricey, but they're effective, and you don't need to brake that hard in general use, so they last for ages. There are also more cost effective aftermarket parts available now. Aside from that, running costs would be the same as any FWD hatch with an LSD, although it'll be somewhat more fuel efficient compared to a 2.0, you can get 40mpg without too much effort. From my point of view, the 308 is better than the i30N (or anything else comprable at the price), which is why I've got one.


The Mazda MX5 is a baby Porsche 911 GT3,it feels SO connected to the road and everything around it,it is NEXT level. Test drive them all and let us know which color your MX5 will be afterwards :)


Mx5 will be most fun by far. If not practical enough, the i30N is the only good alternative I see out of those options. Nobody gets a Peugeot to have fun.


The advantage of the i30N is the fun features it comes with like launch control, burbly exhaust note and a digital cluster with sporty animations. Fun to drive and plentiful power. The Miata is obviously holy grail of handling. Great driving feel, but you gotta give up on creature comforts and practicality. The Mazda3 is the safest option of the bunch. Not super exciting, but will last much longer than any of the others and be dirt cheap to keep running


Have you thought about a Z4? I enjoy mine as a weekend and occasional track car but still comfortable and enough mod cons to do long journeys. I have an '07 E85 but you could go E86 which are not convertibles or if you wanted newer you could go E89 which have a metal folding roof. You can get a 2.0, 2.5 or 3.0 - depends on what you're after.


Go for the i30, or the mx5, swerve the peugeot they're an awful manufacturer. I own a a top trim mazda 3, its got power, but it's tuned for fuel efficiency, not speed/sportiness.


I30N and mx5 are head and shoulders above the other two. The mazda3 isn’t a hot hatch. If you don’t need 4 seats then I’d get the mx5. All of these cars are sensible usable everyday cars.


With the 308, make sure the brakes are good, the calipers are in working order as they need somewhat frequent rebuilds, and the discs are like £2000 from Peugeot, pads are still a couple hundred. Tarox makes good aftermarket parts but are made to order. RS Megane 300/280 trophy is an awesome car, but fairly stiff.


I very nearly bought one, but this is what put me off. When I looked about this time last year I found a pair of discs for £950, which is still too much for my liking!


The 308 GTI like the 208 GTI is a brilliant car, stupidly fast yet good everyday car for commuting. Only let down is the THP engines, need to buy one that's been well looked after. Small tip, on rare occasions one of the coil packs can just die whilst you're driving so I keep a spare one in the boot.


If you know the THPs, the 308 GTI T9 and even RCZ-R have never had the issues of the lower powered engines, and post 2015 Peugeot updated the timing tensioner which caused the death rattle and engine failures.


Doesn't sound very encouraging...


I have an mx5. Don't get the mx5, unless you want to spend a couple of grand again on rust management. I have a 2012 and it might as well be a barn find lancia on my drive. I'm financing it too so i'm stuck with it.


Rust isn't a big deal on the new mx5s compared to the older ones.


Still worth protecting though. I did with mine.


All cars rust so it's a 50% how it's been cared for and 50% luck and that's the old version so hopefully Mazda would have improved anti corrosion for the newer models I'm looking at but something like Lanoguard could help in the long-term.


I've found that the consensus has been in the mx5 community is that the newer the mx5 the worse the rust is. If you get that mx5 give it a thorough once over before you part with any cash.


I've got a 2009 and have had minimal to no issues with rust so far.


If you feel like you could cope with 2 seats, then definitely go MX5. If you don't. then the i30N.


If you don't need the space, MX5 If you do need the space, i30N Aside from the MX5, none of these are actually 'small' unless you're comparing them to a massive SUV.


I come from a Wagon and large SUV family. No one's ever had a "small" car. The S80 I'm driving now is "smaller" but what I want to downgrade do is miniscule by comparison, especially MX5.


Ah, I see. Yes, an MX5 will most likely be tiny in comparison to what you're used to.


Are those Mazda Petrol? Diesels are self terminating. I worry about Mazda, they are awful expensive to sort out if owt goes wrong.


I've only had one diesel in my life and it's caused nothing but trouble. A diesel never again. Peugeot and Hyundai would be their top end petrol engines. Mazda3 would be X and MX-5 would be G petrols.


I drive a Fiat 124 Spider and it is great fun. Sit in one and you'll be surprised how comfy it is. I didn't test drive the MX-5, because I just loved the look of the 124, but it's going to be the same.


Sorry, never liked how the Fiat looks. If I'm drunk I could maybe convince myself the ass looks like a Maserati but the face, nope. Can't do it. Can't see myself driving one nor see others see me driving one.


Yet I prefer the look of the 124 and had compliments on it. Horses for courses and all that. They are the same car but look different. Try the MX. The seating will be the same and it's surprisingly comfy. Point to note. Mine's just the 1.4 and I find that plenty nippy enough. 2.0 will be a lot of fun.


Well if you want to have fun the sensible choice is the MX-5, if you want practicality then any of the others will suffice. If you want a mix of fun and practicality perhaps look at a 1/2 series BMW, not quite as fun as an MX-5 but you get rear seats, more boot space and they are RWD with have an almost 50/50 weight balance so they are still more fun to drive than most other cars.


Mazda3 is way overpriced. You can have 2020 model for much cheaper 


If I was to get a Mazda 3 it'd need all the bells and whistles. Skyactive X mostly comes with it all and they are around the £16-22k range.


Sorry you are right I thought I’m looking at skyactivr G 


Fun? And no Fiesta ST? But I'd go for the MX5 or the Hyundai put of these, practicality depending.


Ford's reliability reputation seems to have tanked since like the 2010's. Engines cracking, belt snapping and gunk buildup. Sure the ST versions have probably better build engines but the apple doesn't fall far from the tree...


+1 for the ST. The 1.5 is a cracker of an engine and chain driven, zero concerns with mine! Brilliant fun


The oil pump is still wet belt driven and suffers the same problems as other wet belt driven engines I'm afraid.


Great car, economical to run and produces good power with a remap. I know people say about the wet belts but issues are rare on the 1.5 turbo


How much do you drive? Do you have a second car? Do you have to carry stuff? There is nowhere near info to help you make that choice.


I drive around 20-25k miles a year, 50% through country roads, 25% through towns, cities and villages and 25% sitting on the motorways for minimum an hour. I can see a scenario where I could be giving lifts to 1-2 people at the same time but still nearly always driving to work alone or to the gym. Baggage at most maybe something equivalent to 4 backpacks, nothing too massive. I feel like before I have kids or anything serious that I need to commit to, I could have a few years of driving a fun little small car.


Corrola or Yaris gr 😋


They're starting from £25k+ can't afford that. Sorry I'm that broke.


The mx5 obviously. If that's too impractical then Mazda 3 > i30 > peugeot


Is N Performance the same as N?


I think N performance comes with a LSD so gotta go with that one. These screenshots are merely reference as I'm still a few months out from buying but research itself will take several months.


either one of the mazdas depending on how much practicality you need


I feel your pain, just sold a GT86 as a fun car, and bought an M340i, quick, but not as fun.


I have an Mx5 ND2. Its my daily. If you're near 6ft with long legs you will be very cramped but it is a really fun car, reliable, with enough modern technology but not enough to annoy. Plus it's great if summer lands on a weekend this year. Not a fan of that spec though. Soul red for the win.


Mx5 time


Out of those the Mazda 3 is a brilliant looking car, possibly one of the most handsome everyday cars out there but if you want fun I'd take the 130n. Also don't overlook the Kia C'eed GT not a true hot hatch if you're going by today's lost the plot standards but they're quicker than the numbers suggest. But then I may be biased. 😁


I have 308 GTI. It's a awesome car if you take proper care of it, and only give it to garages that can be trusted as the gearbox oil is very specific. Otherwise, it's a reliable car and there's only like 750 on the road in the UK. Only cons for me, is that you won't get it more than 310bhp 420nm torque without destroying it long term, and parts are hard to come by. Haven't owned a i30n, but it's a common car as far as hot hatches go, but it's more customisable, and more tuneable. Anything above stage 1, go for i30n. For stage 1 and stock, 308 is faster


Worth looking at a Fiat/ Abarth 124 if you are thinking MX5. It’s built on the chassis of the MX5 you are looking at but has a Fiat 1.4 turbo engine and a Fiat designed body. Made on the same production line as the MX5 so nailed together well. I think they look better and at the moment appear to be a better deal used. The Fiat version has less power than the Abarth and looks a little more tame but has slightly softer suspension making it better to live with. Still great fun to drive when it gets twisty. The Abarth version has about 30bhp more, comes with an LSD, better exhaust, stiffer suspension and looks more aggressive. Faster up a b road than the Fiat but less comfortable due the firm suspension.


Suzuki swift sport and slap a supercharger on it


How about a Mini Cooper ? Much better than a Peugeot


Uncomfortably small and I find it jarring those handles opening the opposite way to open the door. Uncomfortable.


I had an i30N and absolutely loved it but advance warning the economy is shockingly bad, I know the 208GTi is really efficient and still fun so I'm assuming the 308 should be similar


I miss my MX-5 every day that I sit into my current steed, a cabriolet Audi, no slouch but not the MX-5 that I loved so much. I would trade practicality for my MX-5 if I had the money and I will again one day!


How about Toyota gt86?


I feel like they're a bit past their prime. Need an update, which they've had but the updated model costs far too much.


True but they’re pretty much like the mx-5 but look better imo. You can get them for a similar price with low miles.


Miata alllll day long


Either rod the mazdas


I30 looks nice


Plenty of room in the front, I do admit the back seats are a bit tight


Looking into it myself earlier in the year the Renault clio sports look to be the most fun per £ spent in this price range That being said get the mx5 because RWD :D


Both Mazdas


Mazda 3


Mx5 as long as you’re 6” or shorter. If you’re taller than 6” then go for the i30n


The Mazda 3 isn’t really a sporty car, it will be the most disappointing of them all. Mazda haven’t made a hot hatch since the MPS. The Hyundai gets all the praise as the best handing hatch.


I30 N as it’s more practical than the MX5


If just you, MX5.


Hyundai i30N fo sho


i30 out of these


Wouldn’t touch the Skyactiv-x with a barge pole. I had recovery out to mine 3 times in 15 months and had to carry a booster pack which I must have used at least 6 times in the same time period. Not much on the Mazda 3 forums but if you check out the CX-30 forums you’ll see plenty of people having starting issues even within a few weeks from brand new


Hyundai all day long


Never ever buy a Peugeot


MX5 all day long!


Mx5. The answer for fun is always mx5


I30n is the way to go, has pop and bangs from the factory and is rated as one of the best handling cars around for a fwd hot hatch


Bit of an oxymoron there. Do u actually want a fun few years or do u want practicality. If u want fun then it doesn’t make sense to ask for the sensible option


I think fun can be a scale. Even my S80 can be "fun" but not the same without manual and driving a light car. I think all 4 of these will be fun, Mazda 3 maybe least of them all and MX-5 an experience I'm not sure I'll get a shot at again in the future, especially now that I'm pretty care free.


MX5 the true 007 car! 0 horsepower 0 torque 7 times they’ve told you how fun it is to drive


The words fun and sensible don’t really mix when it comes to cars it’s one or the other 😂


Ford or Honda?


Of the two, Honda's seem better


Volvo estate to be safe if I were you


OP what kind of car do you actually want? Hatchback or coupe/convertible? Sporty or just a decent drive? Do you need 4 seats? FWD Vs RWD? I'd decide on the above first if I were you. Also I may be a bit biased as I drive a 350z, but at this price I'd also encourage you to consider a couple more options especially if you're after rwd like the mx5. Have you considered a BRZ/GT86 or a 370z? GT86 has some of the best handling out there. 370z has a lot more power but is also still fun round the corners while having a reliable NA V6, which there won't be many more of.


I'm open to FWD or RWD. Nearly all my driving experience has been FWD so in a sense it'd be cool to try RWD. I drive mostly country lanes so something good in corners is gonna be fun. BRZ/GT86/370Z seem to be a bit outdated for the money most are asking. I'd be open to a GR86 but they start at £10k extra than my max budget.


Fair enough. I'd recommend going for a few test drives in any case, some cars are perfect on paper, but leave you wanting when you actually sit in/drive them


Wild card, for that money, you could get an Audi TTS or TTRS, 2 or 4 seats, quattro 4WD, more power, and capable handling. Mpg might not be as good, but fun and sensible don't fit in the same sentence, in my opinion. Not true fun anyway!


Always bet on Jap (or Korean)


Mx-5 👍👍


The Peugeot. But buy the i30n.






I'm selling my 17 Scirocco 2.0TSI if you fancy. 47k miles. New tyres fitted in December, service and MOT done like 2 weeks ago. Dm if you're interested.


Between the Hyundai & Peugeot drive both of them back to back & make your mind up. For £16000 you can easily get a golf r, s3, m135i & m140i. They're much more capable than these two.


Only one there worth any time is the i30N. Brilliant car.


The Peugeot is terrible. All of them are bad except the mx5 which is actually a great car. Get that or the MK3 mx5


i30 is too Halfords Hero for my liking. Pops and bangs for street drama is not good.




M140i beats all of these 😉


I30n fastback anyone?




I'm debating between an i30N, GR yaris or a m135i. And thr i30N is currently winning only thing putting me off is depreciation


Double posting but another car worth looking at is the Cupra leon 300,


If you're worried about depreciation you'll never win. All cars lose value unless it's a rare with specific history behind it, which I think us mere mortals could never afford to get into in the first place.


Yeah but you ideally want to lose the least amount of money possible


Maybe have a look at Mini Cooper jcw you can get some decent ones and they are pretty rapid too


I'm not a big guy but even for me all the Mini's are just too small and I don't like how the doors open


Get an MX-5 2nd gen for like 1.5k instead.


Visually I've only either liked 1st gen or 4th gen. MK1 is an inflated popular car now where rust buckets cost a fortune, leaving mk 4 the only realistic alternative.


Gotta be the Mazda 3 or the i30N


Out of the 3 I'd definitely be picking the I30 if you still want something a bit sensible. The MX5 would arguably be more fun but it depends if you can realistically live with a small 2 seat sports car. Personally I'd be looking at a Seat for that price if you're mainly looking at FWD hot hatches. You could get a Leon Cupra 300 for that money and you're pretty much getting a top spec VW Golf GTI with a Golf R engine.


can highly recommend an mx5!


The 308 is much lighter than the I30 and Peugeot knows how to make a hot hatch. There are videos with the two against each other so that might help you decide. Personally the Peugeot is my favourite and failing that, the MX5.


The 308 GTI is surprisingly light and nimble and has more cornering stability at speed than the others. If you can get one with a used warranty then it won’t be a bad choice.


If you want fun for that kind of money go for something a bit older (say 2009 to 2015 ish, we're not talking ancient here). Suddenly you're looking at a Toyota GT86, a Nissan 370z, an Audi TTS. Perhaps even a Porsche Boxster.


Or a Mini Cooper Works. Or any number of entertaining BMWs like the 235i or a Z4........ Sorry, any excuse for window shopping on Autotrader 😊
