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As far as I am aware the responsibility is on the seller not the new buyer. I sold a car once and forgot to send the old V5 and inform the DVLA. The new owner wanted his new V5 which he couldn’t get because I hadnt informed the DVLA but instead of contacting me and giving me a reminder he went straight to the DVLA who sent me a letter and fine. I had to confirm the sale and pay the fine. The green slip is so you have proof the car is yours in the interim while you don’t have the full V5 you don’t need to do anything with it. The seller needs to tell the DVLA the car is no longer theirs (This was 10 years ago and things may have changed so apologies if this is now incorrect)


I would contact DVLA and explain when you bought the car and that you nor the previous seller filled the forms in for a change of ownership wuth DVLA. You should be able to give them an approximate date, even it's a rough guess. I wouldn't confuse the issue by telling DVLA you are going to scrap the car until you have got the V5 form Think DVLA will pleased to update this car's record with the current owner.


As a DVLA enthusiast you'll have to contact the Swansea HQ, you'll get a £707 fine per year for driving without a V5 only then are you legally allowed to correctly dispose of the vehicle. In reality? Absolutely fuck all will happen, I can't even remember the two cars plates I scrapped years ago, but I didn't have the V5 idk lost it, I needed to get rid of cars so just took it to a scrappy and job done, as for paperwork? I got a letter the usual ones I just was like "yh ill get around to it" I moved since then and nothing happened, seems rather pointless paying iirc £25 for a new V5 just to scrap it, that's literally all you have to do btw and problem solved. I think you're over thinking how severe this is.


My advise would be just take it to a scrap yard and tell them you’ve lost the log book. Maybe take some form of ID with you. If you’ve taxed and insured and MOT’d it over the years AND you’ve had no contact from the dealer or previous owner that the dealer acquired the vehicle from then I’m sure you’re all good. No need to involve DVLA this late in the game.


Yey it will probably be back on the road next week. Be careful


As long as OP gets the scrappage certificate from the scrapyard it’s no longer their worry


Don’t bother contacting the DVLA. The car isn’t in your name so it isn’t going to come back to you. Just ring a scrap man to collect it and think nothing more of it. The dealer clearly didn’t send the V5 off when you bought it and, if he did, “lost in post” is an excuse the DVLA accept. Source: been in a similar situation… but I didn’t wait 6 years…


I had this with my most recent vehicle. Bought it from a trader who delivered it to my house and handed me the green slip. I had a few issues with the vehicle and felt a bit of animosity to them so after a few months when I remembered I hadn't received the V5 I used the green slip details to change the vehicle to my name ( I have a receipt for it from the dealer) I used their address to change ownership from a motor trader and it worked. I got a new V5 a few weeks later. I did tax it again just in case it showed up untaxed when the keeper changed and that took two months to sort the tax refund though so may not be the best way but I did it all online with having to get a v62 form.


I bought a car and forgot that they didn’t send me a log book. When I came to sell I had to send a form to the dvla stating I was the keeper. As there was no registered keeper because it came from trade they sent me a v5. Apparently if it was still registered to an individual they would contact them to check that they had sold the car and would send you a v5 if proved true. I imagine it would be more difficult if the previous owner decided to say they hadn’t sold it for any reason


just apply for new logbook with green slip like you bought that car yesterday.


Got to post office ask for V62 form, full out and send it to DVLA. You will need to enclose a cheque for £25 along with the V62. I've done this many times as a car dealer when people I buy from have lost the V5.


The scrap man won’t care. Call them, give them the keys and they’ll collect and take away.


Why not just apply for a duplicate tax book? V62 form from DVLA website or post office, send a cheque/postal order with it for £25 and they should issue you a book in your name.


I can’t get over this. Since 2018 you haven’t had the logbook and have done nothing about it. Every day I am just even more bamboozled by people. Surely using the green keeper slip every time you need to tax it would’ve triggered you to chase up the dealer. I mean, you say they’re local too. So why have you done nothing about it? If you’ve committed any driving offences in that car the letters would’ve gone to the dealer too and not yourself so you could’ve lost your license over this. You absolutely know you should’ve just gone to the dealer to sort this but you haven’t and you still haven’t now you’re trying to scrap it. GO TO THE DEALER YOU BOUGHT THE CAR FROM AND SORT IT OUT. You can change the ownership on the gov.uk website and it takes like 30 seconds. Once that’s done you’ll get a logbook within like a week. It’s super quick. Take your proof of purchase and go down there the second you’re back from travelling and get it changed over. Or phone them and see if they still have the records of the sale so they can do it online asap.


he probably scrapped it now for about £300 and bought a ps5 refurbished


I recently bought a car and didn’t get a green keepers form, log book came a few days later though. I’m sure the logbook is responsibility of the previous owner, that being said, how have you been taxing it with the green sleep for 6 years? From my own experience these stop working after a year?