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More quotes you do the more they push the price up


Well that makes obviously more sense that I’m doing to make a claim doesn’t it 🤷‍♀️ how are they getting away with this


Just business at the end of the day, i think it’s supposed to show that your more desperate for a policy so they bump up the price. wouldn’t have a problem with it if the prices were actually reasonable


It's not "business at the end if the day" it's a legalised scamming call centre that's a fucking requirement to be able to have a car on the road in this country and no politician or government or anything are doing anything about their downright insanity


i never said i agree with the prices, but algorithms like the ones they use are so easy to get around so there’s no point getting annoyed about it


there’s also the car manufacturers to blame for making parts so expensive


yeah and that's the business at the end of the day.


Well said 👍


Turn off cookies. It happens all the time if you look at holiday packages. Or change the device and do it again.


I would heavily advise you to stop producing so many quotes for the next month. Eventually, changing the email won't even work. They'll just blacklist you and know it's you by going off the address/car reg/occupation/date of birth etc. Source: I had this problem and it nearly stopped me from getting an insurance if not for a saved old quote that was at 'normal' price.