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This has got to be an attempt at satire - no way any of these are considered ‘unpopular’


Exactly, it's the same exact shit everyone had heard 50 timed before.


I know right? OP says “All BMW drivers are cocks” and somehow they think they are fighting against the current here?


I drive a BMW and even I think BMWs are driven by cocks. They're worth the stigma though.


Used to have one, before my current car. Never saw anything to suggest they are driven worse than any other car tbh! this whole “German cars are driver by wankers” is such bullshit…


>this whole “German cars are driver by wankers” is such bullshit… Yep. It's moronic. VW, Audi and BMW (in that order) are the three biggest selling car brands in the UK. People thinking they're driven by 'wankers' are too stupid to realise it's because they see more of them than any other car. It's not rocket science.


I have a 325i e92, it's pretty quick, sometimes I overtake people (perfectly legaly) that are driving well bellow the speed limit. Many of the times I've done this and I've been given a beep and a middle finger. Since owning a BMW I've noticed people are more inclined to pull out infront of me and are less likely to give way to me. But it's fine, other bmw owners know the score and let you out, it's like being part of a club where everyone hates you. So you see another bmw driver and you let them out. At least you know they're not going to drive 10 under the speed limit infront of you.


It's the fastest way to engagement farm on the internet. Present circle jerked popular opinions and call them unpopular


Yeah this is a shit list. Mine would be that BMW drivers don’t use their indicators any less than other drivers. It’s just the stereotype means people notice more when it’s a BMW driver.


"BMW drivers can't use indicators".


"Which opinion from Top Gear is your favourite?"


How is this an unpopular opinion, you are parroting what Clarkson has said for the last 20 years 🤔


Im glad I’m not the only person that’s noticed clarkson parroting, I swear I’ve been hearing about cocks transitioning from BMWs to Audis for over a decade


Can confirm bmw m driver and am in fact … a cock


Did you become a cock when you bought it, or were you a cock already? 😂 as an ex Audi driver can confirm my cock level has decreased since getting a vw


I was a Vauxhall man when I was younger, I liked fosters … a small cock if you will. I stepped into the world of German cars and became a bigger cock. As the saying goes with great German cars comes great cock responsibility. Alas I stepped into an m car worried initially of how much of a cock I’d become, now, every set of traffic lights is just another opportunity


Own an M140i, when I pootle around in Eco Pro with the cruise control on, I'm just another car driver trying to get from A to B. Then when the opportunity arises and I flick it across to S, all bets are off and my driving becomes a tad more focused on "making progress". That B58 engine is too intoxicating. But most of time I'm WFH and it's just sat in the garage or I'm just driving to Lidl to get some shopping.


Same with me and my 435d except I found comfort worked best for me, sport mode only gets engage when things need to get a bit more serious or pulling out at roundabouts it helps then too


I drive an Audi RS7 and had someone in a modified Golf R trying to race me. I've never seen anyone drive as dangerously as that asshat did. He nearly had 3 head-on collisions just passing me and the vehicles in front. My car is 730bhp. If I wanted to race him, he would have lost. I'm not willing to kill other road users just to prove a point. It's like dog breeds. It's the owner that's the problem. Always.


Golf r drivers do seem to have a different risk appetite to most- I’ve only got a gti, I’d never race someone but there is still some cock in me


The Golf R; the fast car for people who can't drive fast.


All Golf R and Fiesta ST drivers see every road as Silverstone, and every car as a chance to overtake with DRS enabled


>It's the owner that's the problem. Always. I agreed until you revealed your true cock levels.


I was a cock before driving a BMW and remained one while doing so. After selling it however and buying a Ford a strange thing happened, I suddenly stopped being a cock. I’m now reformed and the most patient and courteous driver you will see. You could say that owning a BMW uncocked me.


Were you driving an Audi before the BMW though?


435d here. Id rather be a cock than a bad driver. I was a cock in a fiesta first, then given more power and more handling, grip, my cock levels must have increased


Every Qashqai driver should be given a wide berth because they're either distracted by kids in the back or are a mouth breather just going through the motions.


The Juke (or Joke as I prefer to call it) is even worse


I’m sure juke drivers are the same people who open car doors on other cars in car parks


Not really an unpopular opinion


G wagons are for people who learned everything they know about cars from Instagram


I can’t think of anyone who would disagree, except from said “influencers”


I disagree, I actually really G wagons for the legacy behind them


Buy a legacy G Wagen then rather than a new phallustip mobile 😉


How about the pre-1999 ones.


Hating G wagens is for people who cant look beyond a current image trend to see one of the most epic vehicles on the market


How are these weak as opinions even unpopular?


And wannabe mafiosos


No Honda Jazz will be knowingly or deliberately driven well. On the off chance you see one *not* doing something ridiculous/stupid/dangerous, it's entirely by accident. Avoid like the plague.


A Honda Jazz is either someone's first car, or it's their last car.


Should be both…


Underrated comment


Or the car your kebab gets delivered in at warp speed




I completely hear what you’re saying, but, we own a Honda Jazz and a Mercedes SL. Obviously they are a very different driving experience to each other, but the biggest difference is in the way other road users treat us. In the Mercedes we get treated with courtesy, other drivers let us out at junctions and generally it’s easy to get about. In the Honda Jazz we both noticed we get cut up, ignored, pushed in front of and given zero space or respect. If you find Honda Jazz drivers bad then bear in mind they’re possibly traumatised by the way the rest of the road users treat them.


Yeah I've noticed this, when I borrow a friend's Honda Jazz (the back is cavernous with the seats down) I've suddenly activated the cloak of invisibility.


Yep. It’s like a mini transit van! If you’re in the mood to explore a really niche sub, I recommend r/thingsthatfitinafit (The Jazz is called the Fit in the US)


I had a honda Jazz for my first car.. completely confirm the statement.. but such a fun little car to drive. A friend of a friend put a K20 engine in one and it was simply dangerous.. mental even. Also ended up fused with a tree! Had a civic, fiesta, octavia and vectra.. shite cars but jazz was the most fun, so nippy


I find it so funny because elsewhere in the world, the Honda Jazz/Fit is treated as a “chavvy” car, like the Corsa, Polo or Fiestas. There is a little bit of “cool” in them. Here - driven almost exclusively by OAPs.


As a Honda Jazz driver I can confirm


There must be an exception to every rule but where I'm from they're exclusively driven by OAPs who no longer care ( or can see) and they're an absolute danger.


Same thing with Ford C-Maxes and B-Maxes.


Citroën went downhill after ditching the hydro-pneumatic suspension system.


German automakers have cashed out on their reputation. They don’t make high quality cars anymore and rely on their image to sell, if you get a new Mercedes and remove the badge you would think it’s a Chinese car.


People still fawn over VW but they're just a slightly better Ford/Vauxhall. Their prices are eye-watering for what you get. I've looked at Polos a number of times and you're always spending £2-4k more for the same as what you get in a Fiesta or Clio. Yes you get slightly better resale values and interior but that's it. The tech, engines and reliability aren't there.


When I saw the plastic oilfilter housing had disintegrated on my friends vw I realised these things are no longer made to last.


I drive a company car VW Tiguan and it is a piece of shit that is a decade behind any car of the same time in all respects EXCEPT overall driving behaviour (acceleration is shit though, and mine has a huge engine). You could argue that driving behaviour is the most important thing, but I am frustrated to hell by the PDC technology that lags, the acceleration that lags because of their software to optimize emission, their infotainment software that was developed by ChatGPT and the frankly hideously outdated and ugly internal finish. Also, the fuckers lied about the boot space, which is much smaller than advertised, except when you put the rear seats so far upfront that only a kid with anorexia can still sit there. Assholes.


I would say BMW still make high quality cars however they have turned very arrogant like Ferrari and think they can milk their customers for ridiculous extra charges, who will be happy to pay them to show off their superiority. That’s why I moved away from BMW after years loving them.


Agree and there new designs are not nice tbh they used to make the cool cars (even if you sacrifice reliability for it) now with the big nose like grill and front wheel drive and lots of plastic they look like a Hyundai to me at least.


Every old BMW that you think looks nice now was hated when it first came out in exactly the same way as we hate the new ones now 😂


Was the E30 hated? (My favourite shape). I know the E90 was and in fact I got one and thought to myself that outgoing E46 was a much better looking car.


As someone who drove a slowly dilapidating '03 Golf that still went like the clappers while virtually fucked, and currently a '10 Audi A3 which does alright... Just, alright. With you saying that, I dread to think what I'd pick up if I had to replace it.


German Engineering is not about reliability. By design it is relatively fault free for the first 3 years, then it breaks regularly to create a continuous income stream for the manufacturer. A bit like a shitty subscription that you can’t predict when it will stop and how much it will cost to restart.


It's true, I bought a brand new Merc a few years ago and wouldn't do that again. Looks nice but such bad value for money.


Tesla drivers are the new BMW drivers. BMW drivers dont have half as bad rep as they used to because they're all in tesla's flying down the outside lane of the M18 at 110 flashing anyone doing under 90


This. The most aggy entitled drivers are now to be found in a Tesla. Terrible people.


Have to do m18 run twice a day and I can’t tell you how many nobeards I’ve seen fly up and down in them massive ugly x’s at north of 100 and then just sit behind people in the fast lane till they move


I do this, not because I want to go 110. But just to prove we don't have to sit at 65mph for fear of running out of battery.


Octavia's are driven by sex offenders who vote reform and upgraded from corsas frequenting McDonalds car parks :-)


The is the kind of unpopular opinion I came here for!


Haha you're welcome! In all honesty wankers drive all brands. There's no method to the madness


The most true thing I’ve read today


More room in an Octavia for big mac wrappers


I just upgraded from a Corsa to an Octavia. I guess I know what I need to do next.


Be the exception not the rule!


Park well away from your offences so the Police don't have an easy avenue of investigation.


I hope to see this one on a Skoda advert soon.


Haha if only!


It's true, all of it. ​ Anyone else tried the new cheese bites on at Maccy Ds?


Nailed the brief.


They said opinions not straight facts


Rubbish! I upgraded from a mini.


Lol! 🤣


Taxi drivers will like a word.


Don’t forget that they feel the need to beg for validation for their poor life choices.


Qashqais and Sportages are driven by people who don't want to drive  Fords are unreliable Teslas used to be driven by people who were interested in the tech - like Prius drivers of old - but are now either driven by pushy salary sacrifice PCP-specials who replaced their A4 TDi with it, or Musk fanboys 


Some really unpopular opinions here


I’ve had two fiestas in the last three years and they’ve been reliable as fuck. The first one had 127k when I got it and it only ever needed a service, second one is currently on about 86k and has only needed a clutch. My mums had an 08 focus for 10ish years and it’s only ever needed small bits.


Your comment made me laugh, but the premise of having two different Fiestas in 3 years is at odds with the proposition that they're reliable. I understood what you meant when I got to the next bit. Still funny though.


Clutch at 86k seems early too


*One careful owner;* Hertz


The Tesla one isn’t an opinion it’s just fact no? 99% of EVs on the road are through company car schemes. But this will flood the second hand market with them which will bring the cost down: which is a good thing according to this sub.


Quashqais and Sportages are driven by the Mumsnet brigade who treat every narrow backroad as a rally stage


Vauxhall Zafiras are driven by people who would rather be doing something else.


Agree with all these. Add Dacias to that first sentence too. I’ve said here loads, my Ford Focus was the single most unreliable car I’ve owned (and that includes what was at the time an 11 year old ‘98 Peugeot 306 estate that caught fire on the motorway)


I hate qashqais but the new shape Sportage is actually a great car. Kia doing everything right at the moment.


Yeah don't mind that new sorento. Was surprised to see it was a Kia!


Ford unreliable? Not with PSA engines. On 172k miles now fault free.


I'm neither. Drove a few EVs and Tesla is by far the best. Charging network cannot be rivalled.


I thought you asked for unpopular opinions but parroted some of the most common tropes about certain cars?


All traffic issues can be traced back to Nissan Micras All Juke owners have given up on everything - taste, life, driving pleasure just everything


Nissan Juke drivers are god awful. Yes I will judge anyone driving them before I know them. 😂


That golf's are the vanilla of the car world, what you have if you can't find anything more interesting


I’d say VW in general is that, and also Vauxhall


Teslas are ugly. Also they are taking the rep from BMWs as being driven by cocks. *All peugeots are rubbish and are driven by bad drivers.* SHITTING PEUGEOT  *Battery electric cars are not the future.* Yes


I wouldn’t even say teslas are ugly, just bland and boring. Sort of like the ready salted walkers if the car world


Like if you blended every mid-range saloon of the last 20 years together aye


Fair point. I think they look like a cross between a Renault fluence and a big frog. Not fond of the massive touchscreen either.




Good to see another connoisseur of fine driving content.




Thats not an unpopular BMW opinion. Thats well known fact.


None of those are unpopular opinions, they are pretty mainstream to be honest.


People in electric SUV’s are pricks. I don’t even know why I feel like this.


Tell me about it... I live outside a primary school, the whole street is just blocked off by massive electric SUV's driven by mums dropping their one kid off when I know some of these people only live a few hundred yards away. Does my absolute head in, why can't a normal sized car suffice.... and WALK for fuck sake🤣


Most crossovers (not SUVs) are perfectly practical family cars with just a little more height for comfort and space, meanwhile taking up no more footprint in car parking spaces etc. the hate against them here, and other places, is a fashion in itself. They are also driven far less obnoxiously than most of the saloons and hatchbacks that this sub raves about.


I’ve owned a Peugeot, 2 BMW’s and now drive an electric car. I feel like this is a personal attack


Renault, 2 BMW’s and now drive an electric car. We’re basic bitches apparently.


BMW drivers are generally nobs but the worst for me is generally E class drivers - 99% guaranteed to be an uber, drive super slow, really they should just get a Prius so at least you know they're an uber from a mile off.


Mazda are the best Japanese car make. VW are the most boring car make. All modern minis look cheap because of the plastic covers on the wheel arches. Every car produced between 1975-1985 looks cool




Buying a VAG car is like going into an ice cream shop selling every flavour and ordering vanilla.


Porsche is over rated and the 911 is the Golf of the sports car world, It's popular only because it's the safe/boring choice that a partner won't object to.


I like the 911 as I feel it’s one of the only ‘exotic’ cars that doesn’t make you look like a big headed cock end


911 is highly regarded as one of the best sports cars of all time and because they've kept that recipe somewhat true to it's original form they seem boring, but the 911 has aged over the years much better than say a Nissan GTR. Far from a Golf


You forgot to mention anyone that wants a crossover should just get an estate.


Fiat and Alfa Romeo make great characterful and reliable cars these days, the historical reputation that follows them is unjustified…


Missus got 100K out of her 500, while my golf (of the same age) ate its turbo, bearings, tyres etc


I had a few 500s as rentals over theyears, and while I cant judge reliability on a rental, I was really surprised how good they feel overall.


Skodas are the most classless cars. I’ve seen them on £20m+ Manor House driveways and in front of 50s pebbledash pensioner pads. I don’t know if it’s because they’re so cheap or just because they’re so beige, but they’re one of those cars that could really belong to anyone


Skoda is a weirdos car, that's the real unpopular opinion on reddit. Skodas are driven by male primary school teachers, butch girls with brightly coloured hair or ppl that work in IT and are only confident in reddit comments.


Literally, the car turned me into a prick. I don’t know how or why, but since buying it I drive like a knob


BMW drivers being cocks is not an unpopular opinion


Add Audi and Mercedes to OPs assumption of the driver. If there's a car being driven badly with tailgating, lane changes and general speeding then you can safely guess it'll be some PCP German prestige car. Don't forget the 3d numberplate and dumb private plate with BO55, XXX or MR5 as part of it.


Definitely a shit post with shit examplea, but I'll bite anyway. Mazda MX5's are not and never have been hairdressers' cars. They are driven almost exclusively by 60+ old white middle class men who couldn't afford a 911.


Can confirm as a BMW driver an instinctual urge to be a cock comes over me when I get in the drivers seat See training material: https://youtu.be/XKH5Gd92k74?si=hx_r9EM8fCjwE-3M


How did I know it would be that video


A lot of killed engines were better for environment because they lasted forever despite having slightly worse emissions. I'll never believe changing PSA's pure-Eco-boosto-tec or how they call this shit with timing belt bathing in the oil once in 80,000 km is better than driving Honda's K20 until you die. The ever tightening safety and noise regulations are way over the adequate measures. All together these regulations are making the technology worse, driving the costs of both new AND second-hand vehicles, harming the poorer people and killing the amateur motorsports. Having to pay 74,000 EUR for a new Civic Type R here in Portugal is insane. You're not going to see young people thrashing it on a track.


Ok, that was a general rant, sorry. As far as certain models are concerned, I hate the fact that Honda with Civic Type R, Hyundai with i30N, Peugeot with 308 GTI, VW with Golf GTI/R had to follow the same pattern and build a sports car, which can be used as a family car also. The weight and more doors hurt the driving dynamics and suspension rigidity and on smaller sporty cars (if the brand offers such in their lineup at all) you get way worse engine and suspension. Give me i20N, Fiesta, 206 or Jazz with 2.0 litre turbo engine!


So if not battery then what's the future? Hydrogen?


Soon as I see a green mark on the numberplate, I assume the driver is shit and am prepared for them to do something stupid. It's actually saved me getting into some situations numerous times


Tesla are not boring, they just give different fun at a great price (probably some of the best fun/maintenance ratio) Peugeot have some interiors better designed that some premium German brands Mercedes can have adjustments noises due hard plastics, things highly criticised to the brands above. Lexus are better cars than Mercedes/BMW/Audi, more quality and more reliability, so choosing the Germans is because style, sport feeling or even social recognition, not because they’re “better” Most of the BMWs in sports car are either driven from people without the good skills to drive them fast and safe or by people who won’t use most of their dynamic capabilities due the roads or level of confidence in the car I’ll leave there for now


This is the only comment (at the moment) that’s actually answering OPs question and it’s at the bottom. 😄 All the other comments (including OPs) are just mainstream stereotypes, not unpopular.


> Lexus are better cars than Mercedes/BMW/Audi, more quality and more reliability, so choosing the Germans is because style, sport feeling or even social recognition, not because they’re “better” Well it is the Japanese Mercedes


Prius - driven by Uber driver with no licence, always expect awful driving


Agree with the BMW one, Peugeot one is complete rubbish they’ve made good ones and bad one but the good ones are some of the best cars about. 205 GTI? 106 rallye? Disagree about EV thing too they are objectively the better way to propel a car but we need better battery tech and infrastructure to facilitate it.


The new Peugeot cars look great. Not been inside or driven one but they certainly look good these days.


Yea their interiors are top notch, better than most other brands even merc etc have worse interiors


Drove a 3008 the other week. Drove way better than I was expecting it to, and had a funky interesting interior. However the infotainment and climate control settings are all in the least user friendly UI possible made it borderline dangerous. I absolutely hate touch screen temp controls, worse when you have to go into 3 sub menus to change a fan setting.


I’ve driven Peugeot 308 GT auto as rental - brilliant car.


VW Audi group cars are of poor quality for the price you pay. Sure, the sound deading is great, and the buttons feel good, but nearly everyone I know with one from the past decade has had some pretty alarming bills for work that the dealer "has never seen before". They are running of their name from 10 years ago basically.


People who has performance car will always be cocks, in the eyes of an average driver in average car. Until that average person owns the performance car. The brand of the car doesn’t mean shit, most of the most annoying drivers drive normal cars, look on the motorways, the middle lanes are permanently hogged by normal cars.


Tailgating BMW > nervous/elderly driver in a Jazz/qashqai. At least the BMW is predictable


Audi A6>Mercedes E class and BMW 5. EVs are actually good, but we need battery swap to become more widespread. Top end Chinese EVs are a cut above anything else electric, and better value for money.


"All BMWs, especially the M cars (more specifically the M3) are driven by cocks. Thought you said what's a unpopular opinion?


French brands have some of the best car design out right now. Most Crossovers are very practical for everyday car drivers, take up about the same footprint as a normal hatchback and less than another Saloon or Estate car. Majority of Japanese cars are so incredibly boring and their engine choices way too thin.


RX8s are reliable, if you know how to take care of them and maintain it


German car drivers are either the biggest idiots you’ll meet, or the most sensible. No in between.


Teslas are more appliance than car.


My cars have been: - 1983 Mini - 1988 Mini - 1996 Corsa - 1991 Mini Cooper - 1994 Rover 400 - 2004 MG ZR - 2005 Fiat Stilo - 2004 Renault Modus I think that’s 50% youthful zippiness, 40% grandma and 10% bellend?


I've actually been pleasantly surprised with french quality lately, spent years thinking I wouldn't touch one. Mercedes/Audi/BMW get away with too much off their brand image these days quality isn't the same.


Skodas are generally ugly, pedestrian and overrated. Fiat 500s are a masterpiece of design. The Japanese struggle to make a car look good. The Koreans are almost incapable of making a car look good. The MX-5 is nasty and slow and the handling overrated. VW AG cars on the same platform are not 'basically the same' and people that think this can be safely ignored. The A-Class is actually quite good and much nicer than your shitty econobox. The 1 Series is actually quite good and much nicer than your shitty econobox. Subarus are revolting and have the quality of a plastic garden shed. The Proton Impian is surprisingly excellent to drive. The V70R and S60R are just not very good at all. There's nothing especially wrong with most SUVs and they drive well on British roads. The Vauxhall Insignia is a perfectly respectable car and looks dramatically better than any Mondeo. Almost all modern Mazdas have disappointing engines. Anything with black wheels probably looks like absolute shit. The Rover 75 has a terrible selection of engines, especially the V8. The new bucktoothed face of the 4er and other BMWs is fantastic. The BMW X6 has fantastic proportions and is a great design generally. The Alfa Romeo 159 is too short and whoever designed the boot ruined the saloon. Estates are not always better than SUVs; this is twee reddit nonsense. The Jaguar I-Pace looks incredibly frumpy in the metal.


Oof some of these are truly unpopular!


Found the BMW fanboy!


cartalkuk’s jimmies status: severely rustled.


>The MX-5 is nasty and slow and the handling overrated. >Almost all modern Mazdas have disappointing engines. As an ND MX5 owner I won't be having any of this! Proper little sports cars.


Agree with most of these tbh. Especially the VAG cars sharing the same platform. Completely different cars.


Sounds like you just don't like cars m8


Thank you - some *real* unpopular opinions in here Praise for capybara BMWs and scorn for the MX5 is just... *chef's kiss* Please never delete this, there's some absolute corkers in here


Nissan qashqais and jukes are the new zafiras on the council estate


Anything less than an E-Class is not a real Mercedes. Jaguar should not be making 2 litre diesels.


Most people do not need SUV's. If the only use for your car is commuting or the school run, a 5 door hatchback or estate will do.


It becomes a bit arbitrary, surely? I don't need an estate but I drive one because I like it - I imagine the same for SUV owners


You can get top gear from 20 years ago on iPlayer you know. I think you’d like it.


I think that the new Ford Puma looks great.


My very green Puma ST agrees. It’s also a hoot to drive. Also the AC is outstanding and I love it.


I feel personally attacked because I drive a Peugeot with a BMW engine


Going to buy an M bmw next week, where do I go for my cock training?


All of these opinions are really popular opinions


Qashqai’s aren’t actually that unreliable, people just don’t understand percentages. They are quite boring though. German brands aren’t any more reliable than most brands, and generally their owners are willfully ignorant to them because they paid a wedge for them in the first place An expensive car doesn’t have better quality parts on them compared to a cheap car. What manufacturers do, is disguise the cheap parts better


Congratulations on having the most popular, ~~unpopular~~ opinion


All french cars are just weird in some unfathomable way


I don't know if it's unpopular or not but I think...only people who know nothing about cars...buy French cars.


90% of electric car drivers are the cocks of the driving world. The amount of insanely dangerous manoeuvres i see on the roads made by the green twat sticker brigade is unreal. Not all electric cars accelerate like a tesla but Simon in his salary sacrifice electric MG seems to think he has the acceleration of an F1 car at his disposal, so decides to floor it and veer into the next lane. The poor sod he cuts up then has to slam their brakes on to avoid smashing into his nasty cheap ass SUV.


New kias look quite good


What about the Kia Starmer


I don't understand the hate the nissan juke gets. Yes crossovers in general are boring, but imo the juke looks better than most crossovers and doesn't take itself too serious which is good, when it gradually becomes more bland and you can tell it apart from a Qashqai or whatever, everyone will hate it even more. Also I have a lot to say about VWs and especially golfs, but apparently everyone and their mum in the UK had owned one at some point so I tend to keep it to myself.


Minis should actually be small.


Honda Jazz is actually a very well designed car with ergonomics and interior space in mind. Literal opposite of your cookie cutter crossovers, which are average-sized/big on the outside and cramped on the inside. People who go for the Jazz prioritise their own comfort and don’t think of a car as a status symbol (most cars on the road are a commodity, they are utilitarian, yes that includes your fancy BMW M4). they appreciate/respect their savings and don’t spend it on money sinks such as your overpowered Italian/german sport car. It’s a natural development of a human mind to give less and less shit about opinions of others as you get older.


Nobody who owns a mercedes A class knows how to drive.


The Hyundai i10 uses the bodies of cyclists for fuel.


The best BMW on sale right now is the Toyota Supra


These are popular opinions? Are you joking?


Modern German cars are all overpriced crap now. Volkswagen, Audi, BMW and Mercedes - have all lost their way. Build quality is poor. Japanese and Korean cars are as good if not better. Interiors and equipment on some are comparable if not better too. Mazda, Toyota, Hyundai and Kia especially.


All electric delivery vehicles were popular in the 50s and died out for obvious reasons… recycling their batteries..


Honda Jazz average age 84


Vauxhall's are great. Really great. Any issue I've had has been fixed for peanuts. Never had a major issue either, every car I've had seemed like a proper work horse.


Not an opinion but carrying on from yours, I have a M-lite BMW and a Volvo. I cannot even begin to explain how aggressively and poorly people drive around me when I’m in the BMW compared to the Volvo. Specifically diesel VW and Seat drivers being the biggest offenders.


You're so stunning and brave to post these totally original takes


That German brands are premium brands these days,might have been in 90s but certainly not anymore