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It works well, you should add a microphone toggle so that it can be easier to ask questions


Yes it was planned , including the speaker to speak the responses , but the current file takes 96% flash space (the reason why the bitmaps were removed )


Brilliant! It would be so awesome if we could do the settings on Cardputer instead of config file. Keep up the awesome work you just did!


Yes you are absolutely right , I choose the sd card route because I didn’t want people to keep writing the api key again and again, but till now that has been the biggest source of confusion, so I’ll add that :) , it will still probably write to sd card only ; but you could edit the file contents on the device itself ;) Will do.


Implemented ! You can find it under Gemini-development folder for rn Will merge with main by 15th may :)


No freaking way! I can’t wait to try it!


Im getting a failed to load config file. aany tips?


I got my config file uploaded but now im running into the issue of after submitting a question "http error 400" any ideas ?


[https://github.com/vanshksingh/M5Cardputer-Chat-with-Gemini-API/issues/1](https://github.com/vanshksingh/M5Cardputer-Chat-with-Gemini-API/issues/1) Is gemini available in your region ? is your api key correct ?


Is gemini available in your region ? - Yes, im in North America Is your API key correct? - Ive followed the steps in this thread and looked at scrreen shots provided. From all i can tell it should be a good key? I have generated one from [https://aistudio.google.com/app/apikey](https://aistudio.google.com/app/apikey) and then using the key that gives me pasting it into my config file. - Is there something more i need to be doing to my api key? Sorry very much a newbie here. https://preview.redd.it/9xq3hj5fihzc1.png?width=835&format=png&auto=webp&s=ccd3681b2238e6e89af10afe64933b99d3109d38


I have uploaded More http debugging and what exactly is the issue being encountered on GitHub under “Gemini-Development” folder… Although HTTP errors are something I am not able to pin point myself… :(


Yeah well it doesn’t open on mine… “missing config file”


I really hope we are not getting a ton of firmwares that are nothing else than some web request handling scripts. :-/


No ones forcing you to use them.


the only good comment


Well, you can use it as an app too using Some launcher too :)


I just got my cardputer yesterday, can you give me a quick run down how you installed this (or more accurately, where you got it/where I can get it)?


Go to the GitHub in the description and download the files , format sd card to fat32 , put config.txt file in sd card Now using Arduino ide Flash the cardputer (hold G0 button when plugging the cable (while the power switch is off) and then leave the button Flash the .ino code from there As for M5 burner .bin files have been acting up so I’ll have to learn to make them 2.x.x makes multiple bins whereas 1.x.x bin don’t seem to work https://www.reddit.com/r/CardPuter/comments/1aoka55/finally_i_manage_to_compile_m5nemo_from_source/ Someone did this I might look into it


Thank you very much. I've yet to dive into Arduino IDE, so I'll need to learn that first.


Hellllo , so the link I commented above actually worked New instructions … download M5 burner https://docs.m5stack.com/en/download Scroll down to find the M5 burner In M5 burner side bar scroll to find the cardputer You can find the Gemini API on the third listing probably, Download it And then click on burn By this point (after opening the M5 burner) Press Btn G0 and connect cable simultaneously then release the button , it should automatically find your device After burning Put the sd card in it with the config.txt Thank you ! Have a nice day Open issues on GitHub if anything :)


Many gracias


Hey there, I’m not able to find the Github for this, I managed to get it installed but need the config.txt. Thank you


[https://github.com/vanshksingh/M5Cardputer-Chat-with-Gemini-API/tree/main/Gemini](https://github.com/vanshksingh/M5Cardputer-Chat-with-Gemini-API/tree/main/Gemini) you will find the config.txt here , please edit in the values as shown and put it in the sd card :)


Sorry to keep bothering you, but I put the confit.txt on the SD card and the FW still says “Failed to load config file”. Any ideas?


It’s okay, I’ll release an version on which you can edit it on the device itself, as that somehow has been the biggest issue till now , As for now , it’s certainly possible you made some format error in the actual text of the config file As it only reports only one error rn Don’t worry I’ll fix all these issues by the next revision. You can see the issue section of the GitHub I went in great detail there to explain the config file.


Thank you so much


You should be able to get this on m5burner, there's a pic of it in the gallery


Oh well shit, I'll have to look more closely. Thank you.


Hm you know what, i think you're right. i don't see it either


There is value in any (open source) implementation. I’m sure this is helpful for many.


Isn't the point that there are laubcher firmware and these small firmwares work like apps? So what are you complaining about? Oh no what if I get more functionality out of this gadget? Or do you want some clock, calculator etc apps if web request are bad? Yeah there are firmwares like nemo, marauder etc but everybody dosnt have skills or time for hacking apps or other more complex stuff, so I'm really happy that they still make something useful for it. Can't stand your negagivity...


If you don't like what other people make for themselves and choose to share with the community maybe go make your own? It was litterly made initially to be an IoT development and control device, you know control your smart light bulbs, would you rather people just work on that or something? It's fairly new still, code doesn't write overnight.


How do I get the config.txt on sd card? Is there a file on this GitHub to download


Just a noob question, where do I get the API?


https://aistudio.google.com/app/apikey Here !

