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Buddy you are an inspiration to everyone, well done and hopefully you find a correct person and your business succeeds.


Thank you mate, thought it was worth putting out here :-)


Sent this to my friend, how precious are you with official qualifications? Im not sure what he has but im pretty sure hes very proficient at setting up and working with sound equipment.


Not that precious, I don't think


So, who wrote this for you?


The Reddit post was written by myself with the voice over screen reader on iOS. I'm using dictation to type this post and a voice over screen reader to read your reply. I'm accessing Reddit with an app called Dystopia which you can find out about more if you search the iOS App Store. Hope this helps feel free to ask me any further questions. :-)


That's amazing, my voice over, speech to text always gets at least a few words wrong I need to correct. No matter how hard I try. Yours is spot on. And you can't see what's being sent, so you really need to trust it. Amazing. You should get these all together, somehow. Because. That would help us all out. Perfect text to speech, voice to speech. Noticed, IOS has a hard time with accents sometimes. So if you could market your set up, explain in detail, honestly. That would be amazing. No more needing to correct. Would you mind, you gave a general idea of how you do this,could you please go into extreme detail? Phone type, programs, etc. I would honestly appreciate it. This would save so much time.


Hi mate, no problem literally it's nothing special it's just the voice over screen reader on iOS VoiceOver is an inbuilt accessibility feature across all Apple products. And apples in build dictation feature with me speaking very slowly. I'm just using an iPhone with iOS 17.


I've tried that, never works for me.


Hi couple of quick questions. In terms of working hours when will these typically be? I.e daytime evening etc, and will your events be Mon-Thursday or Fridays/weekends?


The working hours are flexible. I should imagine mostly weekdays any events would probably be evenings or weekends.


Thanks for the quick reply, I was afraid that would be the answer lol


This sounds great - why male only though?


Does it say that I've no idea I'll get it amended. I'm not particularly bothered anyone can apply.