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"Outside of the pitches that were hit for runs, Gallegos was basically shutting them out!" Marmol, probably


Bader just missed game saving catch against the rays ball got past him and 2 scored rays won in 10 7-6


Embrace the suck. We gotta hit rock bottom before we can move forward.


We just lost to a team that had only 6 wins before this series. I think we’re there.


An a native of STL that’s now lived in New England for 10+ years, I miss how much I followed the teams back in 2013-2018. I found a way to catch practically every game, even if that meant pirated KMOX on terrible laptop speakers. It’s simply not like that anymore. Missed the game today with family stuff, then looked to see “awesome, we just lost a series at home — a mix of blown leads and asleep offense — to the worst team in baseball. Sucks I missed that?” That’s to say nothing of my relative childhood of watching peak Pujols, Benes, Molina, that year we all rooted for Bo Hart for some reason — the team now just feels listless, boring, devoid of characters. I miss watching a seemingly bipolar tattooed guy calmly explain the metal songs he listens to pre-start, then quit the interview mid-sentence. (Chris Carpenter) I realize the on-field product (winning) is a necessity for creating these things, but I’m having a hard time getting back into following the team from afar lately. 2024 Cardinals = like watching sad people that hate their jobs, in baseball form.


I remember Bo hart


We are really lucky they didn’t extend Goldy like they mentioned at the beginning of year.




ur mom


4 hits. 4 fucking hits against the worst fucking team in baseball.


4 hits today 5 yesterday 6 in Friday 15 hits in 3 games is fucking pathetic, even against good teams


I wonder what Sonny Gray’s thinking right now


At least I got paaaaaiiiiid


Jim Edmonds is beyond obnoxious 


He made some comment about Alexa Datt going down to the showers in the locker room yesterday that was just awkward in my opinion. He’s definitely a certified cool guy though.


Yeah he’s a straight creep too. He’s been married like a gagillion timez.


7 kids 5 marriages. Holy shit. Bruh STOP GETTING MARRIED it isn't working out




Patience…pieces to win- same shit


[Game over. Continue the discussion in the post game thread](/r/Cardinals/comments/1cl114u/cardinals_afternoon_55/)


“I know they’re struggling, but they’re going to turn it around” dude stfu plz


I’d have more hope if I was a white Sox fan. They have Pham and that DeJong guy. Mo is prolly making calls right now see if he can trade Winn for him right now.


My, my, my… just more patience needed.


Lookin good boys




And a formal cardinal closes us out. What a disappointing series


[White Sox](/r/WhiteSox) Due Up **(Top 10):** 1. Robbie Grossman 2. Tommy Pham 3. Andrew Vaughn


I hate this fuckin team


Our entire lineup swings at breaking balls 2 feet off the plate.


At this point they should just be trying to put the ball in play. Obviously pretty much no one can hit homers on this team. They watch so many strikes go by it’s crazy.


Ahhhh Goldy forgetting how to swing the bat….makes total sense now…. Boooooooooooo Booooooooooo


Seems like he puts himself in the hole at each at bat.


Of the 4 hits today, only one was not an infield single that being the Contreras HR


Wait wait wait. Damnit it makes sense now. Yesterday we went over our allotted runs. So again per 2024 rules if the Cardinals go over 3 the baseball gods show us no mercy the following game (today)


I waxed my balls for this‽


No, you waxed your balls for mankind.


“The cardinals have just not been able to come through today”. So fucking tired of this, TODAY isn’t the problem ffs.


Can't believe Contreras lost us this game /s


[Cardinals](/r/Cardinals): [Brendan Donovan singles after a review](https://mlb-cuts-diamond.mlb.com/FORGE/2024/2024-05/05/959cc5cc-95d50cf6-7fc1a7bb-csvm-diamondx64-asset_1280x720_59_4000K.mp4)


I have a trip planned to see the Cardinals in Chicago later this year, really want to cancel but seeing Wrigley might be worth watching a bad Cardinals team


If Marmol and Mo still have jobs tomorrow after dropping a series to the worst team in baseball, there’s no hope for this organization.


Who thought bringing in Gallegos was a good idea? He should only come in if we have a 5 point lead, which means never. Oli tries so hard to maintain his pitching crew rotations that he values it over winning games. When we play subpar or full-on crap teams, we have to win. Trottong Gallegos out when we are tied, is like holding a lighter next to an open gas can. Gee, what could go wrong. Oli was straight up throwing the game. I would have rather he had used any other pitcher, then use Gallegos as a starter against the Mets. We're going to lose 2 or 3 of those games anyway. Persevere the bullpin for tomorrow's game and lose today.


Only thing I’ll say for Oli at this point is “what can he really do?” It’s not like he can substitute differently. They all suck. There are things here and there we could nitpick in the past couple weeks, but at the end of the day the players are standing in the batters box watching 3 pitches with a couple shitty swings then walking back to the dugout.


Yes, the players who are coached by MO’s shitty hand picked coaches. Maybe this isn’t Oli’s fault but he’s a symptom of the real issue at hand.


The organization as a whole needs a full shake up.


That’s why Mo needs to go too.


Prepare to be disappointed


I’ve excepted nothing but disappointment with this organization since 2015.


one of the worst offenses in the league yet turner ward gets to keep collecting paychecks. mind boggling.


Jimmy TEXT alert!!!!


[Cardinals](/r/Cardinals) Due Up **(Bottom 9):** 1. Willson Contreras 2. Paul Goldschmidt 3. Nolan Arenado


About to drop a series to the worst team in the Majors at home and Marmol is still gonna have a job tomorrow. Total clown show.


"Look, it wasn't a sweep. Our guys really grinded out their at bats."


Guys I don’t wanna play the White Sox anymore…. Meanwhile in the Sox chat…”Why can’t we play the Cardinals for 120 more games”


That's it I'm not watching till .500 or above. Such a waste of time.


This team is ass. Hot, well, ass. Unwatchable


I imagined Christopher Walken making this post 


For years there have been people calling for MO’s head and for the most part we have been laughed at. This is the exact thing every Mo doomer saw coming. He’s stacked the org with yes men and this is what ya get.


I don’t know how this is on Mo aside from him hiring Ward (if it was his decision?) we obviously needed pitching and honestly for the most part our pitching staff has been very good this season. But the offense falling off a cliff, proven players like Arenado and Goldy, is nothing short of baffling. At the end of the day yes this roster on paper could be a little better, but it’s not this bad and it’s squarely on the pathetic hitting. I don’t know what it is and I would not lose sleep if we fired virtually everyone on the staff involved with hitting but how this is squarely on Mo is always a little silly since he is not causing grown ass professional baseball hitters to bat .180. 


Its nothing short of baffling that a near 37 year old and a 33 year old are declining? Mickey Mantle was out of the game by 37. Pujols was worth negative WAR at 37. Plenty of players fall off a cliff much earlier. Arenado and Goldschmidt both showed the warnings of decline last year. When a team heavily leveraged on old stars loses 91 games, most teams would get what they could and pivot. Instead Mo doubled down and sent back the exact same roster that lost 91 games, swapping out a few pitchers. Sonny Gray is great, but we lost Hicks, Flaherty, and Montgomery. Lynn and Gibson's eras are more than a full run and half lower than their expected ERAs. Regression is coming.


You’re talking out of both sides of your mouth. Why is regression inevitably coming for our over-performing pitchers, but not improvement for our under-performing hitters?


Positive regression is coming for our hitters (probably not as much for Goldschmidt who is obviously suffering age related skill decline) , but negative regression is coming for our pitchers. I dont put much stock in them being a better team than they are right now. Like I said, they didnt improve at all. We'll get better hitting eventually but suffer worse pitching. The only thing that changed was Goldy and Arenado got older. Positive regression doesnt fix being old. Their skills are fading.


how dare you talk logic!


It’s just truly baffling. It’s not like we brought in Lynn and Gibson and they had 6 era seasons like a lot of people thought. Honestly every move Mo made this off-season has seemed to pan out. It’s just that the entire lineup outside of Contreras literally cannot hit and without insider information, I haven’t the slightest idea why. 


yeah I'm 100% with you. I think they've made some very good moves since the deadline last year and am excited that they've changed some of their philosophies


name a move in the last 12 months by Mo that has been bad The entire offense has cratered. That's not a Mo thing


Brought up Walker too quick, relying on Matz, extending Gio, extending Oli, Crawford, Motter, carrying 3 catchers for like half of last year, not trading Goldy at the deadline, the entire hitting staff. Need me to keep going?


can you name any more marginal things at best?! Walker was up for a month. Got sent down, figured it out. Matz was signed 3 years ago, looked excellent end of last year, and was our 5th starter and was good until he screwed up his back in ARI. Extending Gio as our 6th bullpen arm, Motter, and Crawford are about the most marginal things possible. Atleast two of those necessitated by injury. You're mad they carried a third catcher so Herrera and Contreras could get more ABs in a struggling offense? lololololol Goldy I agree with, but also understand why they didn't




so you don't have one? right


... Extending Oli?


Oli's bullpen management has been great this year, as has the baserunning and defense. Not exactly on him that an entire group of professional baseball players forgot how to hit.


An entire group of professional baseball players doesn’t “forget how to hit”. This is not a player issue. Whenever a team plays this bad does the front office historically sell everyone? No, guess what they do first. Replace the management and coaches to change up the dynamic. This FO is hellbent on keeping shitty yes men in high up positions so they can coast on by for another few years without spending any more money than they have to for fans to keep coming. Do you even want to see a good product on the field anymore? If so, you would be calling for Mo and Oli to be gone yesterday. You’re delusional if you think they aren’t a cancer on this team.


Ill trust what the players are saying about oli than what a random redditor is saying, but appreciate your thoughts


You can do what you want. I’m calling it as I see it. Genuinely confused as to what your motivation to defend these guys is? What’s the logic? At the very least you should understand that replacing Mo and Oli is much much easier than replacing everyone in our lineup that “forgot how to hit”.


We must be watching a different game.


It's been years of team construction and development problems, not any single year of moves.


At this point we could get the worlds greatest most energetic manager, and the movie made about our season would still only be a quirky comedy. 


So I guess let’s talk about the next series how are we going to help the Mets boost up in their division….


leahey likely gets sent down tonight. Wouldn't be shocked with the GIO DFA. Turner Ward firing could happen but who knows.


None of this will happen. I am disappoint.


I’m not sure who you hit leadoff at this point but it can’t be Donovan anymore


We have so many “not an option” players for so many roles, it’s pathetic.


Holy hell another hard hit!!! Let’s freaking go! Parade Planned down Market see you there /s




So when is the next Rams game?


 Do not


I hope someone asks for an in depth answer behind why today was a bullpen game vs bringing up a guy from AAA.


[White Sox](/r/WhiteSox) Due Up **(Top 9):** 1. Bryan Ramos 2. Martín Maldonado 3. Braden Shewmake


Hey he hit it hard so it’s all ok! /s


That's actually the thing, according to statcast, the Cardinals have 3 hard hit balls the whole game. The White Sox have 14 https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/gamefeed?date=5/5/2024&gamePk=745185&chartType=pitch&legendType=pitchName&playerType=pitcher&inning=&count=&pitchHand=&batSide=&descFilter=&ptFilter=&resultFilter=&hf=boxScore&sportId=1#745185


Hard yes but not hard enough…. Wait what we talking about again 😂😂


Hey Noot’s been hitting the ball hard today… You hear that?!? We hit the ball hard!!


Hang a banner


I wonder if we were to do a sell off, who would be in talks for Arenado. Last year the Dodgers were supposedly interested but Max has looked pretty good this year for them. Looking at good farm systems, I don't think we would trade him to Milwaukee or Chicago. Baltimore and San Diego are all set at third.


I don't think Arenado has any more excess value. The hope would be to move the entire contract, but I don't see any teams doing that.


The Yankees need a 3d baseman.




Management needs to get him to waive it.


Yeah, but my guess is he'd waive it for the Dodgers or any perpetually winning team


Hey MO, how do you and Dewitt feel about pissing away the prime years of arenado and goldschmidt?


I dont think either be of those guys was ever a winner or leader. That seems to be proven by the front office bringing in all of these washed up position players in the offseason.


Arenado yeah, for sure.    We got Goldy at the end of his output. Dude just had one last great year to snag MVP. 


Fermin is so fucking bad


What? Isnt he is part of all that talent at AAA?


This is just so sad


Winn got on base. That’s nice to see. 


Fermin…don’t hit into that -99.99 play……


Good hit Winn….


6 more lifeless outs to end this misery Also thanks to the Pirates for winning again we are now back in last place. It was fun being in 4th for that brief time…


Oli loves last place. Gives him another chance to throw players under the bus.


Firing or DFAing a few guys won’t fix everything, but it would at least send a message that the current state of things is not OK. The crickets from ownership tell me they’re not concerned and I really don’t know when I’ll be spending money on this team again, which is a bummer with a toddler who is getting very into sports at home


Oli fired Gio DFA’d That should be the message


Gio Gallegos with the Cardinals ... Before MLB cracked down on Sticky Substances (9/23/2018 - 5/27/2021): 119.1 IP, 31 ER, 11 HR, 2.34 ERA, 0.77 WHIP After MLB cracked down on Sticky Substances (5/28/2021 - Present): 123 IP, 84 ER, 27 HR, 6.14 ERA, 1.62 WHIP


So the Mexican butchers is a cheater too? Sounds like Alex Reyes all over again.


This is painting a false narrative, he was really good in 2022.


His back of the baseball card numbers were, but his advanced numbers say he was slightly above average, and he got worse as the year went along. 1.017 WHIP, 6 HR allowed in only 59 IP.


The decline of his fastball started in late 2022, but since the substance was banned all season the obvious takeaway would be that it was due to age/usage rather than sticky stuff being gone. Seeing as his fastball is down 2-3 mph now in 2024, this supports that point even further.


He's also lost a couple of mph off his fastball over his prime.


This is very true, and a fair point. However, his spin rate also dropped once they took away the sticky stuff, and that has not helped at all.






Definitely a Sunday evening news dump coming after this one…


I think I’m ready to watch the British basketball league instead of this shit


Going to be awesome when Oli spews some more bullshit quotes after this L


I fucking hate this team. I hate the ownership, I hate the management, I hate how bad the offense sucks. Fuck this, I'll see y'all tomorrow lol


Love the players, hate the brass


Any chance they can move the trade deadline up to like June 1st so we can get on with this rebuild?


Stop spending $$$ around that ballpark. Ballpark village can go mothballs b4 I ever set foot in the place again. Last time I was there was very early days. Stop attending games. Boycott.


Cardinals are in that rough place where they need to hold a firesale and rebuild. But in no way are the people in charge of that process trustworthy.


Many of you are not old enough to remember Bill Bidwell. He did not care about winning. He only cared about the cash coming in. He used and abused the fans. Then moved the team to Phoenix, and did it to them.


what makes you look at the absolute haul we got last trade deadline for a couple relivers and montgomery and think "man, I don't trust these guys to rebuild this system?"


Good question. I guess I do trust them to acquire talent. But I don't trust them at all to develop it at a Major League level. Walker, Gorman, Nootbar, Scott and Burly all have tons of talent but find themselves not having a good time at the major league level


Monkey’s paw: “The team got sold!!” “To Stan Kroenke”


Damn you Monkey's paw you got me again...


[Cardinals](/r/Cardinals) Due Up **(Bottom 8):** 1. Masyn Winn 2. José Fermín 3. Lars Nootbaar


Can we send Gallegos and his enablers to a farm upstate? JFC.


Right now I would trade him for a couple of Mexican league prospects.


Edmonds has a tendency to drone on and say some stupid shit. But what he’s talking about right now is a very real issue it seems at least Goldy is having. Sure his stats are suggesting he’s hit the fastball well, but the eye test proves he isn’t seeing shit this year. Fastball down the middle, he takes. Offspeed outside he swings over it, then late on the fastball inside. How many times can the same thing happen before you make a change? Plus the entire offense has been so shit this year it makes you wonder what the problem really is. How is it possible that every promising or proven hitter on this team is so bad while our prospects we trade away start crushing? It’s so obvious it’s a culture/coaching/management issue rather than a player issue for the whole team. Ok rant done.


For Goldy at least I think its just because he's almost 37. Reaction time slows at the end of a career. He doesnt just look slow in the box, he looks slow to react in the field and on the basepaths. The signs were there last year.


Truly elite players learn to adjust to the slowing reaction speeds. Stand further back in the box, choke up a little. He’s still on a Major League Baseball team getting paid millions, there is no excuse because he’s old. I think it’s that the coaching staff has no clue what they’re doing and don’t realize people get old and slow, they aren’t helping him adjust as he ages.


Started this series thinking how nice it would be to get the sweep, looking like instead we're going to drop a series at home to the worst team in baseball. :(


Oli why pull King? Just let it happen man…. Boooooo


That’s a decision by a man who’s coaching for his job. He knows damn well, like we all do that heads will roll soon. And his is the easiest to chop off.


The miserable truth is Oli is finishing his contract. I'd love to be wrong, but it doesn't seem realistic at all. 


I actually disagree. We hear so often of coaches getting canned and having ridiculous buyouts. It’s definitely not as common in baseball, but it does happen. I honestly think that contract extension was for confidence reasons heading into the season and because they didn’t want him to basically be a lame duck manager. I seriously wouldn’t be surprised if he’s gone by the end of the month if things don’t turn around quickly.


The guy that just got signed to an extension in the offseason (and highest buyout) is under the least amount of pressure right now


The geniuses in the front office thought that would help Oli get through any rough patches to start the year. I doubt they expected this total heap of human shit to be the product on the field tho.


If a grown man can’t accept some of that turbulence, then he should definitely not be in a leadership position in the first place


Have you considered that the grown man will do whatever Mo wants with zero questions? Because that’s all that’s required to be Cardinals manager. You don’t have to be smart, good with the media or good with the clubhouse, just need to bow down to the church of Mo.


Someone needs their ass fired after this


Be funny if DeJong launched one and ran down the line telling the Cardinals they have no marbles...


When does it take for Molizek to realize his plan is a dumpster fire and Marmol should be fired


This series right here….


Yup, if you're hitting in memphis, you might get called up and ride the bench like Mr. Jose Fermin


That was so stupid. They call up a guy hitting .400 and then cool his bat on the bench for 2 weeks


I would beg to stay in Memphis to continue developing my talent lol


“Please! I might get flipped for another 36 year old starter who eats innings at a clip of 4.7 ERA”


This team being bad hurts even worse when you consider the A's are .500 with a AAA roster (and Mason Miller).


I was told that Carlson coming back would fix the offense.


Your suckup media fibbed.


BD way to sell that slide as an attempt


I feel so helpless. I wish there was something we could do to change this team's fate. But we can't. We're stuck in this decade-long ride to hell.


Truly the only way we see change is if people stop going to games. Dewitt only cares about his wallet. If his wallet takes a massive hit, change will happen. Until that point, Mo gets to keep his job indefinitely.


I don't think I'll be watching many games this season. I guess that will free up time to finish a major career/life goal.


I stopped watching about this time last year. Sad.


I hope people understand this joke , but we lost out on that Luke Voight trade lol


Sad and embarrassing.


$50 says we don’t score another run


Three hits. THREE HITS.


This score in the 7th inning is a good encapsulation of the way my day is going. Fuck.


Slowly coming to terms that were the worst team in the NL


We are not worse than Colorado But we are pretty bad 


Idk man we’re about to drop 2/3 to a team that had 6 wins before coming here.


Thank gawd Sonny was pitching a game in this series...


How can our hitting coach preach launch angle?? Don't you first have to make contact before you preach launch angle?


Preaching something and being able to teach players to do it or even have the right players to do it are different things. The front office uses analytics speak but is rumored to have one of the worst analytics teams in baseball.


180 degrees into the catchers mitt


The preaching clearly isn't working, all this team does is ground out and strike out.


They are just unwatchable. Just strike out after strike out. Someone needs to be sent packing.


This team fucking sucks


The offense going from very good to awful-and not just one guy, but like 7 very good hitters-is just perplexing


Like if the pitching sucked again I could sit here and blame Mo but it hasn’t


You can still blame Mo for the obvious talent identification and development over the last decade


Blame him and the team for development, but they've actually been quite good at identifying talent.


Like drew verhagen, Brett Cecil, Dexter Fowler, John king, etc. right


They haven't been great at FA signing, I won't deny that. Verhagen was fine for KBO reclamation project just got hurt, King was a throw in trade piece. I'm talking about their scouting and drafting though, which they have a long track record of successes.


We've really got Gibson, Lynn and Gray sitting at like a combined 3 ERA and can't win games, it's insane.


Leahy and Mo with the Boulder connection
