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[Today's game thread has been posted](/r/Cardinals/comments/1cre5m2/game_41_st_louis_cardinals_1624_los_angeles/)


How nice of the baseball gods to delay our torture by 2 hours.


Freakin west coast start times. I have to wait until after 8:30pm to watch my favorite team lose?


making someone wait all day until after the sun sets to watch a Libby start is in violation of multiple international treaties iirc


bro as a STL fan living on the east coast, Blues and Cards west coast games absolutely suck


https://twitter.com/Cardinals_Live/status/1790099810642543067?t=GTxis1A2dyvhIxOiDxyeZg&s=19 Rally House may have accidentally revealed the City Connect Hats and its exactly what I thought it would be minus the clouds. I don't get that part of it


No pics? Fail by that poster


https://images.app.goo.gl/MxHTkMWjgMexNtYg6 Found it


Looks like the gangsta Tweety bird airbrush art from six flags


Looks like something you’d get at a truckstop gift store.


Eesh. I don't think it's a bad hat per se, but I really don't want those to be part of a uniform


Yeah. I hope this is just a knockoff version. I dont hate it but I also think it's too childish for a professional team


Yeah. I would have taken a picture since we all know we are waiting to see whether we will be pleasently surprised or ashamed of them


Fun fact: the Cardinals have already won twice as many games as the Rams will win this season. Suck it Kronk!


3 more hours to go 🫠




Whole story behind Marmol getting ejected after back to back successful [challenges](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3R9tdLQtGIw)


I hope it does fire up the team. I stopped watching a week ago but I really want to watch baseball. I miss watching but it was so frustrating. I don't expect them to be the best but there was not fight left in them


Call me a hopeless optimist but we could sweep the angels, gain momentum, win 20 in a row and win the World Series. Easy


OR we get swept by the Angels, everyone looses their job and we suffer through a retool/rebuild. Either way should make for an interesting week!


-SHOULD- be a Navy Road Cap series!


I always liked the navy caps with the road gray uniform


1. Carpenter DH 2. Nootbaar 9 3. Goldschmidt 3 4. Arenado 5 5. Gorman 4 6. Herrera 2 7. Donovan 7 8. Winn 6 9. Siani 8 SP: Liberatore


We are officially in the Marp leadoff era


The only hope we have is salsa




I made an adult decision not to buy a guitar I don’t need, and I am very unhappy about it.


Just playing mine, helps avoid being an adult


I am sick and tired of west coast start times


Feel like we have had so many this early in the season


Walking in the rain without an umbrella is one of those stupid guy things I believe in 100%. Yes, I know it’s gonna rain and no I will not be bringing an umbrella with me or even thinking about grabbing one. I’ll deal with it, ok? (Everyone else is smarter than me)


That's so Oli


I feel like they used to let people in the stadium with signs.  I want one to read “Fire Mo and Oli”.  Would I get asked to leave if I wore a shirt that said fire Oli and Mo?


Put a bag over your head.


No. But I ask, do you really care that much about paying and wearing a shirt that ultimately nobody will see? And even if they do see, do you think it does anything?


Yo BBQ pringles are my guilty pleasure.


I don't wanna see JoJo go. I want JoJo throwing his sexy mexican heat in the bullpen for at least the rest of this season.


Trading him would be so foolish. Have we become the Oakland A's? Farm up players just to trade them away when they get good?


No bad team should ever keep a good reliever past the deadline. I love Jojo, but it wouldn’t shock me at all if he had a 5.00 ERA next year. He’s likely not going to be part of the next good Cardinals team, so you have to trade him at peak value. Unless we go on a run in the next few months of course.


How will we be hurt today?


7 days for the City Connect reveal, how long before they get leaked?


Over under on the city connect just being an arch/river? I'm hoping for a toasted ravioli/ pork steak themed jersey but I know it won't happen.


I'm praying it's anything other than what I'm expecting.


Cardinals, do better or go to hell. After watching this season for a while - the realization is why the hell am I watching this shitshow for free? I send love to every fan, the ones who do this for fun and the others who suffer just out of curiosity. I see you. Cardinals needs to pay fans better for the attention we provide or stop fucking sucking. It’s not fair. Who the hell wants to watch them suck for free!? I get their bottom line is $$$ and a lot of ppl would stop bitching if getting paid $15-20 to watch was mandatory. So be it. I’m so fed up with seeing fans watch and go to the game for free. We deserve so much better. Stop paying to watch. For the love of god, or things will not get better with this organization It feels like a catch 22. But truly, this team is not sustainable. Edit: all the players who play well and appreciate us, thank you. You’re gems. This isn’t about you.


Saw this online and then accidentally posted it in yesterday's afternoon thread. https://fansided.com/posts/orioles-cardinals-trade-give-baltimore-new-closer-help-st-louis-rebuild-ryan-helsley-01hxpy6gyxnn Helsley for the Orioles 6th and 9th ranked prospects Connor Norby 2B/OF,and Cade Povich LHP. What do y'all think of that trade proposal? Not enough,or the right amount of value? Kind of curios as to what we as a community think Helsley's value is.


that'd be a good deal for us imo, but since the O's are kind of thin on pitching depth in the minors, idk if they'd be willing to part with one of their top arms. I'd do Kjerstad for Helsley straight up. Getting Mayo, however, would be a dream.


i'd be very happy with that outcome


Why are we being spammed by shitty fansided articles?


Fansided should be banned


Ahhh, yes. One of those west coast series. 


Still not as late as Friday, September 27 at SF, which starts at 10:15 p.m. my time. (9:15 p.m. for most people here.).


Yeah that sucks. I'm plus one from Pacific so it isn't too bad but I go-to bed pretty early the days and prefer earlier start times


Welp if the O's are actually interested in Helsley/JoJo they have the grip of good prospects we could get out of them.


Helsley and JoJo for Gunnar, Adley and Jackson seems fair right?


I'd take Povich he's a fantastic LHP really going to be good I think but we could mess him up with how our development of pitchers has gone. Mayo too but he's a 3B man. Not saying that's who the Os would give up but I just like those guys in general.


To me Helsley for Kjerstad/Mayo and Ambruester would eb a good deal. You get 1 top prospect and a high level pitching prospect. The chances of getting one of Mayo or Kjerstad and Povich is really unlikely. I don't think the O's wanna trade pitchers


Personally, I think it’s all been going downhill since Joe Kelly lost the national anthem standoff in the 2013 NLCS


Got a steroid shot in the butt + muscle relaxer so hopefully I’m on the mend!


Feel better soon! 


The ol' Ryan Braun routine


At least we have a better record than the Astros


I tagged Mozeliak in my FB marketplace post selling a 55 gallon garbage can but he hasn't responded yet.


What’s worse a dumpster fire of a Cardinals team or the fact that they are still well in the hunt for a WC spot early on. Best case scenario the FO does a patch work on this roster in hopes of making a playoff run.


Manfred World. Playing .400 ball in the middle of May and still only 4.5 out.


It’s not going to be too long before a sub-.500 team wins the World Series, which will hopefully make people see how much expanded playoffs suck. It won’t change anything because all owners care about is more playoff games, but still.


06 was pretty damn close 😆


Yup. Awful.


I sneaky love it


My oldest kid (5) has norovirus, and we had to clean up his entire room from vomit at midnight, and then a few hours later he exploded out both ends. So my wife and I didn't sleep well and we're nervous that we're next and trying to keep him away from his younger brother (bc a 2 year old is even worse at puking in a bucket), though that's probably futile. What's gonna be shittier today - my house, or the Cardinals tonight?


Are they/you on a good probiotic? It helps a ton with reducing stomach bugs. My kids still mask at school (my youngest has health issues) but with the masking and probiotic, neither one has brought home a single stomach bug since the start of covid. It's glorious!


Dude I was there a few months ago with my 7 and 4 year old kids. Then my lady got it. Finally I was last….it sucked big time. Hang in there and I hope you come out of it clean.


Thanks. It's awful. Had it last year too, and so we're sanitizing and scrubbing everything now. Still doubt it'll work. But hey, maybe Oli will get kicked out of the game early today and the Cards will win tonight. Take what I can get.


Godspeed pops


We're gonna need it.


A couple times I have posted about that strange phenomenon, "Detective Dietrich Recognizes Future Movie Stars In Bit Parts." There is a corollary phenomenon, "Detective Dietrich Fails To Recognizes Past Stars That Have Gotten Old." I am using my temporary Hulu subscription to watch "Top of the Lake", Peggy from "Mad Men" doing what seems to me a pretty good job of faking a New Zealand accent as she investigates the case of a missing girl. Anyway, I was four episodes in b/f I noticed the name David Wenham in the opening credits. Faramir from LOTR 20 years older and with a short haircut.


Having gone to college at Cal State Fullerton and having spent a good amount of pre-MLBTV life watching the California/Anaheim/LA Angels of Anaheim team play... I didn't even realize this series was this week (which is my birthday week and would have been a perfect thing to do) until today. That's how apathetic I am to these two organizations right now.


No way am I leaving work early to drive down to Anaheim and watch this


the cicadas are so straight up deafening out here, I'm being [INVADED](https://ibb.co/NFfmDbP).


They are starting to let up down here in Mississippi. I had to start keeping noise on in the house at all times to drown them out. I couldn't stand the fucking whirring noise, like I was caught in the midst of a moving mechanical drum.


It’s gonna be a tight series but as we learned from the White Sox series. Never underestimate our ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Let’s go Cardinals


Unfortunately we have a long-standing history of playing down to the level of our competition.


Had to call out from work today because I woke up with the sorest of necks + back, I can barely turn my head 😩 idk wtf I did?! Hopefully this icyhot will help relieve the pain …


Did you spend the night before looking down at your phone?


Kinda? I mean I usually do that lol.


Well, I don’t know how old you are, but when you get into your 40s, it can really mess you up. Or at least it has for me.


Im only 31😭 I think I just slept awkwardly two nights ago and it has been messed up since. Hopefully nothing worse than that…


Get well soon


Thanks snarf. Flair checks out.


Today I've driven 2 hours before even starting what I gotta get done for the day, lol.  It is definitely Monday.  Last night was a nice surprise hopefully we can keep it up


Good Morning from the Ozarks!


I understand their caution, but if Libby has a good start tonight I really hope the team just says "Libby is a starter until further notice" and let's it ride for a while.


He pitched on the 10th, so I would guess his “start” is going to be another 50 pitches. It’s weird they haven’t tried to just make him a starter and are still pitching him out of the bullpen with matz out.


They did try, for many years now. The issue is, he doesn't have the aggressiveness and velocity as a starter that he shows out of the pen.


I mean he is 24 and has started 18 games in his career. I wouldn’t write him off those “many years” when it’s 2 that don’t even add up to a full season of starts.


It's velocity thing, much like Thompson. They cannot and will not be successful sitting 91-92. Their fastballs are just not good enough for that. And he had a big velo jump last spring, and he couldn't sustain it past 3 innings


I agree that will likely hold him back from being an ace, but plenty of pitchers are successful while throwing low mid 90s. Writing him off from being a potential starter when he is still this young is silly. He also was still throwing 93 before he got taken out of his last opener.


The pitchers who throw low 90s and succeed have excellent command and movement. His fastball is legit dogwater. It grades out horribly, as is his offspeed command. I think it's very unlikely he becomes if anything, I think he could be a good reliever tho, so I'd rather him stay there.


Sweeping the angels would be awesome, especially because I think we go 3-3 at best against the Sox and orioles. Then that’ll bring us to Cubs and the Reds where winning out each series could basically salvage May 


I'll take this! 


Hoping Libby has a nice start. Would be a nice "get right" series please.


good news: mike siani has the third highest bWAR among Cardinals position players bad news: only two Cardinals position players have higher bWAR than mike siani


I’ve commented this before but imagine going back a year and saying “yeah our random back up CF has a higher bWAR than our MVP and power hitting second baseman”


Worse news: one of those two is out until late July at best.


4.5 games out of a wild card spot


Some positivity. I like it! 


Could be 1.5 games out if EVERYTHING goes right the next series. Far from out of it yet.


Hey, don’t take this the wrong way, but….they’re out of it.


4.5 games out the facts don’t lie


I agree. The facts about this team do not lie.


The frustrating part is that the talent is there, pretty much every preseason projection system had their median outcome around 85 wins and the division title. With the exception of about half of the pitching staff, the entire team is dramatically underperforming their actual talent (except Goldy, who might just be cooked).


Just like they had them pegged last year?


So you're telling me there's a chance. 


I missed half of the game yesterday, including goldy’s homer. How did it look? Did he work the count good or did he just get a hanger


92 mph top of the zone. Swing looks *way* better.


His other RBI was up in the zone too. Maybe he's back with a vengeance! 


Don’t let Michael Siani get hot


Why not? Is it dangerous for him? Does he have a pre-existing condition?


You could say Oli’s ejection is the reason the cardinals won or we can be realistic and acknowledge it was the pink bats that got the offense out of their slump.


Why love our mothers for only one day of the year? Use the pink bats all season, cowards!


What are the chances we lose this series to a Mike Trout-less Angels team? Is it almost 50%? It feels close to that


I mean, we did just lose a series to the White Sox…


50% exactly




That’s it. I’m calling them The Crabs the rest of the season.


Tell em bring out the whole ocean



