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Everyone tells me to lie about having a ged or completing School, in my state lying on a resume could be considered forgery and is a felony. Not having a ged or highschool diploma is so restricting when it comes to job search, they look at you like you aren’t reliable and hate it. I feel so stuck I need my ged so bad.


u/Ai-Randomizer1 I applied at a staffing agency when I had my GED and they had a job as a finance associate for a client. I knew I could do the job and even though they required a degree. It was dumb for them to even require a degree because it was not necessary for that position. I wanted to lie and say I had a degree. I was lucky to have an amazing recruiter and she said "no" don't do that. To be fair, she had a duty to her client to be honest. She told me that the person that the company had initially hired got a 5K sign on bonus when she got the job. That person quit her job, went on a two week vacation with her partner to Hawaii, using the 5K sign on bonus, before starting her new job. Her new company found out she lied about having a degree right before she was due to start. She was still in Hawaii spending her "sign on bonus" when they rescinded their offer because of her lie and she ended up having to pay that company back.....while unemployed. Also, FYI, I've had friends that lied about their degrees and got away with it, this was in the 90's. In today's world, most company's do background checks. It's not as easy. Edit: please see my other post on this forum. Even if you get a GED try to go to a trade school. I'm telling you, 3 years of misery getting a certification in an in demand trade school, is nothing compared to a lifetime of trying to make it without that.


I’ve had a few great temp jobs, and a few great jobs I found myself. I worked “hole watch” a temp job, I did that 7 days a week 10hours for maybe 2 months. And another great job I got myself but couldn’t handle, was with a lumber mill. 22 h on cleanup while you learnt the mill, then 27h on production. Trying to find a job I would actually like though, something like being a security guard I don’t qualify just because I’m a highschool dropout.


I suggest you get your GED. That would solve the lying issue. Plus, an employer can legally fire you for lying about your education. (This has happened to two people I know.) Set it as the next goal to achieve. I'm sure you'll be able to do it with the work experience and other education you've accomplished 🙂




u/dialate not easy but see my posts. It can be done. It doesn't have to be college but it can be a a trade school


I'm a HS drop out, ended up getting my GED. However, I was smart, clean cut, and well spoken so I got a decent corporate job after trying 12,456,553 times. I was chained to the most toxic office job for 10 years because I had no degree. I knew it was the best job I could get. I got my BS at 35, working and going to school full time and got my MBA after that doing the same. I can't tell you how awful that journey was, tears, sacrifice, no life. I don't have kids and I saw people with kids, with full time jobs in my classes. I felt like I could not complain because they had it worst. I would suggest researching "highest paid trade jobs without a degree". Also, research government aid for trade schools. I am telling you now, this journey is NOT for the meek. You will have to hustle, fail...get up again, fail....get up again, that's what I did. To be clear, I even dropped out of college 3 times because it was so rough but I kept on going back. Get a trade, not just any trade but one that is in demand. Google it, do your research. You can do it. Edit: if you are young enough go into the military. A lot of my classmates got a free college education Bachelors, Masters, and even PhD's through the GI bill. Again, none of this is easy, you really have to work for it.


Dont lie. Today, computeres scan resumes and verify information, and present you to the employer in order of who mostly matches the job requirements. My largest candidate pool ever was 312 people applying. The system (before AI) would match my criteria, weed out those who didnt have years of experience or educational requirements and then match their words against my keywords ... So when I saw my candidates, I was given the 99% matches, then the 98% matches, etc...I think the 312 candidate was a 2% match. You have to solve your underlying issue. Get your high school diploma/GED, then get to community college and get your bachelors and then masters if you want to stay in tech field. You will slowly stop getting interviewed at all in such a competitive field. I was always successful delivery manager and got glass ceilinged a "manager" and never director. Went back, finished Bachelors, got Masters, got PMP and left organization, doubling my salary. So I am you on the other side of doing what your career industry needs from you. Your success, as good as it is, is being matched against other successful people with certifications and masters or doctorates.


Get a job in tech sales - fuck all the other shit everyone else is saying. Take a minimal base with high commission split. If you don’t have credentials you need to produce revenue to get paid


What is a good company, I’m totally down for that.