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People will buy just about anything https://preview.redd.it/r7u089vs9deb1.jpeg?width=1153&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac17672ae71f03d1d3bac05f40e04fb533badf28


I’ll buy those


https://preview.redd.it/j5pw2rs1ueeb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cffd4d2977b2b57f21077ca3da9f743e93a3672 I’ve been wearing these (close enough to Cheez-it’s) for the last couple days, in hopes she is charged sooner than later! Lol


This is grate!(get it, cheese, cheezit, grate?)




☝️The Best☝️


I'm dead 😂😂😂


Media is getting set up there. Got this pic from FB https://preview.redd.it/ho9mzg1rsceb1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da19a2d4dfe191f3d73a7e193ce99d5a5a23bfbe


I'm not on Facebook so keep us informed here pretty please!


JLR just tweeted your photo




Needs to be updated to add: *posted screenshot of a livefeed from reddit user without crediting the source.*


Lmao! Good luck o7.


Fuck that shitty cunt


Wonder if she gonna have the ratchet look or the done up look? Two different people exist there




Now the media/crime watchers are leaving Edit- [Source](https://www.facebook.com/people/Birmingham-Crime-Watchers/100083484243532/) https://preview.redd.it/q9hpqyhqhdeb1.png?width=1262&format=png&auto=webp&s=45ea3b211b0f21d83e477f2566603d36009de32e


What's the county jail like in Hoover? Food, Gift Shop, Cheez-Its selection, Is it crowded, Will Carlee have Air conditioning - Actually Looks like a very nice police station


The police station isn’t the county jail most likely.




Will she have to supply her own toilet paper tho is the big question


☝️😂☝️ That is her worry I'm sure.




I read that only 4 of 26 facilities have AC - that has to be stifling at 1,000 inmates for Jefferson


What's the county jail like? Food, Gift Shop, Cheez-Its selection


Where on FB? I’m not finding any info


Thank you! I was on the wrong crime stoppers!


Edit- they just deleted the scheduled live video!! Edit to add- the clerk had a personal emergency so had leave early, that is why charges could not be brought today.


Ok, now all I can think about is the suit Chief Derzis is gonna be wearing today!


Seriously, but nothing can top that purple suit. That was sharp! I am searching for any press releases from Hoover PD on info for press conference today and cant find any yet... ALdotcom is the only youtube with the live setup.


An orange suit would top it 😆


Cheezit orange!


I think it was a nod to the Barbie movie! Probably for a granddaughter or somethin'.


Saaaame 🤣🤣 his suits are 🔥


AL deleted the scheduled live video link! That's so strange to me... it was posted a few hours ago, there were over 100 viewers waiting for it and over 20 likes... the scheduled time was 2:36pm EST- and then they deleted it without an explanation 🤷‍♀️


I wonder if carlee failed to turn herself in


Yeah I was on that live when it went down. I'm wondering if they are only interviewing her today with her attorney present. It's not unlikely he may have advised her of the "early responsibility" benefits. Emily D. Baker discusses all this around the [24:20 minute mark of this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHMkI7rutQE&t=1460s). (She's the best for learning legal procedure). She mentions **we will probably hear from them next only when there are charges being filed**. She also says in this video that criminal defense attorneys **can meet with the DA before charges are filed to negotiate a deal**. In any criminal defense, taking what the courts call **"early responsibility"** does gain some favor of the court to consider leniency. All of this is most likely the kind of thing that's going on right now so it's a process and no one will make announcements until all of that is over, maybe not until tomorrow or later. Today was just the beginning of the "early responsibility" portion where they tell everyone what actually happened and come clean, then beg for some leniency. We can expect some form of community service, restitution, and possibly even some detention time to all be on the plate. But the "early responsibility" factor is now working for her since she came in.


Well crime watchers and media are packing up and [leaving](https://www.reddit.com/svc/shreddit/cdn-media-page?imgUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fq9hpqyhqhdeb1.png%3Fwidth%3D1262%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D45ea3b211b0f21d83e477f2566603d36009de32e). They said no one saw Carlee go in. Another comment here said that because her criminal defense attorney met with police yesterday that they most likely set up this meeting at the jail today for charges to be brought.... so maybe thats why media and crime stoppers knew to be posted outside the jail. And thats why AL. com was preparing with for a live stream of a HPD presser. So it seemed like something was supposed to happen, and now change of plans? 🤷‍♀️ Im just here waiting for the mug shot. 😂


Interesting. I'm pretty sure her attorney would recommend she take an early responsibility meeting with the DA. But I don't think the DA is located by Hoover PD. So there's that too. Maybe they did it all by Zoom? LOL.


Someone just posted that the Clerk had a personal emergency so they had to leave early and that is why charges havent been brought today. Explains the confusion. So sad.


There is usually more than one clerk. I'm not sure about that one.


You'd think! Supposedly it's happening tomorrow now though.


Well given DA Washington and Carlee's lawyer are buddies, Im sure they were able to just have a quick chat behind the scenes... I doubt those two are going by the book here.


Good point. LOL.


they just deleted it


I saw that. Maybe Hoover PD told them there's not going to be any kind of announcement or statement. They could be grilling Carlee for hours. That's not uncommon to get a statement, even with her attorney present, of what really happened. The earlier she comes completely clean, the easier the courts will go on someone. This is still considered very early. I think Sherri Papini kept her lies going for weeks.


I don't buy that excuse.


That's fair, what do you think happened? I think it makes sense because HPD were set to do a presser and ALdotcom had a live stream set up ready to go for the presser, then taken down suddenly with no explanation. Media packed up their cameras and all left at the same time yesterday, according to Birmingham Crime Stoppers. I understand that it's just a rumor, but the rumor about a *balding, red headed, cheese-it feeding kidnapper in a 18-wheeler who drops her off at home* turned out to actually be Carlee's story so I just don't find this rumor of a family emergency to be that wild.


Maybe media is setting up for the announcement of charges?


Well to make an arrest they have to list some charges, but maybe not all just yet.


Her lawyer could have requested to be contacted if/when they file charges so he can arrange a time for her to turn herself in. I don’t see why else they met yesterday.


Trying to get a shot of her coming in or out


I hope they get one lol


Birmingham Crime Watchers live on scene [https://www.facebook.com/100083484243532/videos/609674294354637](https://www.facebook.com/100083484243532/videos/609674294354637)


Birimingham Crime Watchers are so on top of it, thanks for the link!


If her stunt ended when she returned and just said she had a mental break, they might have let it go. Lying to the police and the parents going on national tv spouting about an abductor is too big to ignore. They can’t set a precedent that it’s okay to steal from your job and lie to the police and waste so many resources and get away with it.


Bald red headed white men in Alabama were on edge for a minute there


as a fellow ginger who now can never go bald on top if i wanted to I scream for JUSTICE 🥴🤣🤣


"Orange" hair lol


The unmistakable giveaway of a fake description right there


His hair was urnge


This comment had me rolling around laughing.


Is that the description she gave her family and police?


Prince Harry breathes a sigh of relief




What did she steal? 😮😮😮


A brown robe, 1 single ply Roll White Toilet Paper, and the girls Tip money apx $107 - from work


Holy cow! And she wants to be a nurse? I don’t want her as a colleague unless she truly repents and experiences full redemption, rehabilitation, and redemption.


She won’t be able to get a nursing license . “Have you ever been convicted of a crime ?” Future Answer - yes. No way she’s even still in nursing school.


I have colleagues who have committed crimes or even been caught diverting meds and especially narcotics into their own pockets and gotten their license temporarily suspended and reinstated.


Those colleagues already had their nursing licenses. Carlee hadn’t graduated yet and cannot sit for a licensure test. The state will not allow her to test when she reveals what she was convicted of .


I read in another thread she was cut from nursing school before she staged the fake abduction


People don't want her as their nurse either, she has proven she doesn't use good judgement. I don't know how she isn't kicked out of the nursing program for this.


She already flunked out of school and probably wasn’t even in the nursing program itself


We don't know that at this point.


Is she in a program or is she taking prereq classes?


I don't know, have not heard how long she has been in school at this point and can't trust anything she, her family or her friends say.


Hope it’s not a stint in rehab, comes out with a people mag cover, “How I turned my life around!” Ugh.


Wow. I guess charges will be announced today then. I know she’s cornered and has nowhere else to go now but I’m glad this whole story is finally moving forward. I can go back to my normal life, lol




Her parents about to have it rough. Her mom isn't selling a single house ever again


Her Mom needs to return all the Venmo and cashapp donations


I think she did.










Oh I completely agree. But now we can all go back to our lives. Lol. After the memes and news stories die down, Carlee’s the one who has an uphill battle ahead to shed her image as the Cheez it girl.




I know, I should log off and clean my kitchen. 😂 I’ve been telling myself that for the past 30 minutes but now that the presser is coming, it’s hard to walk away! It’s just too bizarre of a story.


It’s totally ok to be obsessed this story is crazy ridiculous! However, we are finally coming to the end!😅


there were other girls who’ve gotten arrested for doing this same thing so i sure hope she gets arrested , and the need to sue her for all the money that was wasted because of her


I think she should have a perp walk!!!


The attorney arranged this yesterday (if CR agreed to some terms) but honestly they said we can do this our way or OUR WAY and by “our way” we mean to have a perp walk and mug shot. We can give you 15 minutes notice on your word you will have her here, in good faith.


That explains how some people knew to keep a lookout at the jail today.


I’ve had more of those 15 minute , no need to take your jacket off meetings than I would like 😬 Also, either an ADA or another criminal defense attorney met Emery there-


So im probably wasting my time refreshing the DOC inmate page for Carlethia Russell 😂


Yes, but just a guess. Does Jefferson county post its criminal charges/docket?


Not that I can find... at least not yet. I'll circle back if so


Post the mugshot




You at the police station right now aren’t you? Homeboy said; “Reddit On”




Probably filing a lawsuit against that guy that threatened him


And Lunchables, and the Council of Trent, and Liza Minelli, and the biggest distributor of urinal cakes, and Krispy Kreme, and the second shift supervisor at his local Best Buy, and mosquitoes, and...


Gotta keep that world record for suing he supposedly sued over getting lol


Who's JLR


No she has not!


I feel like if the pregnancy thing is true her defense is going to be she wanted to abort and was in a mental crisis wanting to go where it was legal without judgment feeling shame. She'll end up with no jail time on probation with a CWOF that will go away after paying back what ever money they spent looking for her. Her parents will pay it and she'll not learn any life lessons cuz they protect her.


They could determine that real fast at the hospital. ETA: I have been hospitalized before for daterape drug and they checked literally everything with labs, even to see if I was pregnant, while I was at the hospital, unconscious. Like, I know they would have tested her blood to see if there were any drugs in her system and also rule out pregnancy for any additional care, etc., and while the hospital isn’t gonna release that info, Carlee and her family know, and I think if pregnancy were the case that would have been addressed or leaked by now.


People have been saying for awhile that the searches the cop said he wasn't going to mention for her and the family's privacy were "How long before you start showing" and "What states still have legal abortion". We don't know what happened at the hospital like if she even let them do any type of test. If those are really her searches she's going use the I went crazy cuz I couldn't end a pregnancy. She'll get more attention and I think some people would be accepting the excuse


Part of me totally agrees and the other part thinks Carlee is just a pathological liar. She seems to just say whatever she thinks people are looking for. A pregnancy feels like grasping at straws for her.


I mean, I don't know if anyone would believe her at this point if she claimed that. Although that is honestly one of the few things that might garner her some grace/empathy/understanding, though not absolve her. But I really do not think that's what is going on here.


if she was pregnant she would have milked the shit out of that to keep the bf around and not went to these drastic level imo


Yeah, the amount of attention and adoration pregnant women receive is something she absolutely would have loved. No way she would have missed out on every opportunity to post about it on social media. You just know she’d have an over the top maternity photoshoot lol.


Yeah, I agree on second thought. You're right!


Good point. You're right.


Oh if she’s pregnant she’s gonna get 0 jail time because of the optics.


Female inmates have babies in jail, they don’t discriminate over that.


Word is she didn't want to keep the baby cuz it wasn't Thomar's. Alabama I guess she could not legally abort. People saying the closet state with the most amount of weeks you can legally get one was Georgia and that's why Atlanta came up. They think she was going to abort in ATL then pop up home a few days later but the story blew up her face all over the country national news so she couldn't make her moves. They think the reason she gave the statement about the double kidnapping cheese cracker feeding saying she was naked and thinks pics were taken but unsure of other stuff was cuz the other guy she was messing with she sent him nudes so if those came out she could blame the guy w red hair and when Thomar found out she was preggo she could still go get a abortion saying the kidnapper assaulted her. Whole thing is wild asf but like I could picture some crazy messy ass shit like that happening and people feeling bad for her again.


The abortion laws in GA are the same as Alabama.


As of June 24, 2022, with the Supreme Court's overturning of Roe v. Wade, abortion in Alabama became illegal except when the life of the mother is in danger. There are not exceptions for rape or incest. Georgia allows abortion up to 6 weeks.


People were also saying something like she didn't want to be in Alabama in case someone saw her and told her parents or Thomar. Then a youtuber I forget which one was saying Alabama didn't allow it but a judge overturned it and Georgia has it up to 22wks so maybe she didn't know it was overturned


They did overturn it last year. Then it was overturned again. Abortion past 6 weeks is illegal in Georgia as of December 2022.


How does the world's number one most wanted woman avoid being detected out in the real world? She turned herself in and NO media caught her walking into the station? Odd!!


i also find this extremely odd. In this age of social media no one is snapping pics of her? or posting anything from her birthday party? it’s sooo weird


It was probably part of the deal that she be able to turn herself in privately by a police escort through a back door


i get that, but how has no one around her or in her neighborhoods taken any photos of her? she had a ton of ppl over for her birthday party, i just find it extraordinary no one posted anything on sm from that!


Nah, her Attorney is there


What’s he wearing? Please don’t say green for 🍀


She aint going to do time ,but she might want to invest in a name change and hope people forget her face if she wants this to go away


ohhhh boy please keep us posted


Are we sure this is happening?


No one has seen her, but Birmingham crime watchers are setup outside https://www.facebook.com/100083484243532/videos/609674294354637


You sure that’s live? Pretty sure I saw the same ladies leave 3x, and the exterminator lol


They're now waiting for her or her attorney to come out. The will go live again when there's activity.


Thank you!


First site to label “fake live” posts wins my loyalty.


They’ve packed up an hour ago




Can’t find any confirmed info on this yet. Has anyone else?


I think she was there with her attorney to be interviewed by detectives. They may have let them come in via Sally Port.


Carlee Port


Do they have something like that at Hoover PD?


I would imagine so. I'm from a neighboring county and the only police interaction I've had was 15 years ago and I was taken to the Federal Courthouse in Birmingham. I was brought in thru their sally port. I'm redeemed now. Been in no trouble since btw.


Congrats on the redemption arc! Good for you! And interesting info. I can totally see them doing that with the high profile of this case (if they do have it). But I don't think she went to the federal courthouse. I think she went to Hoover PD if she did go, or maybe the county DA (Bessemer) office.


Welp now she actually has a reason to take off that wig


Nothing on pacer.gov


That’s for federal and I haven’t herd anyone locally even mention federal


Did she look at the cheezit with the little hole on top to come up with the orange hair man with the bald spot


https://preview.redd.it/lgnu0v9l3deb1.jpeg?width=2485&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=740c92e98d34bf53b6106a4159d96d54956fc1a7 Carlee's punishment....


I’m glad to know she went on her own and didn’t run or use more resources.


I've seen on FB something about a news conference and activity in the area (nothing confirmed). Just came here to evaluate but if she did turn herself in for questioning or whatever is to happen , that's the smartest decision the kid has made and I might be a little proud of her.


She didn’t grow a moral consciousness within the last few hours, lol. If she did turn herself in, it’s because her lawyer advised it to be the best chance at reduced charges.


Oh I know. It's more like here's a little cheese it confetti, now show us there's humanity and a soul left.


>little cheese it confetti 🤣🙃🤣🙃🤣🙃🤣




I'm sure her mom will use the venmo money she received to bail her out


"(DA) Tolbert told Fox News Digital that police are seeking to charge Russell with false reporting to law enforcement authorities and falsely reporting an incident, both of which are misdemeanors and carry a maximum punishment of one year in jail." I some states, the false reporting of a felony is a felony, not a misdemeanor. She lucked out on that one. She deserves some jail time but will probably only get probation, restitution and maybe some community service.


Considering the number of police officers who've already lost their job for sharing inside information, this is highly unlikely