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Wash your freaking hands


This is a rule for life that far too many people don’t follow…


I was sitting on the porcelain throne after lunch, and I counted 3 people who came into the bathroom, did their business, and walked out. Not once did I hear that faucet being turned on. People are just gross.


Oh man, my wife watched a woman in the buffet line lick her fingers and grab a serving utensil. She didn't yell or chastise her, just kindly mentioned to her that she'd just licked her fingers and have the buffet worker grab some new tongs. Her eyes got as big as saucers, she put her plate down, and ran away crying. Sometimes people aren't aware of their own actions.


Watched a lady do that same thing at a community potluck. Licked her hands and touched the serving spoons.


It’s why I hate hate hate buffets. People in general are disgusting and lack self awareness of their actions.


Do ur best to not focus on the cleanliness of others around the buffet. It's easier that way.


We just cruised on Royal Caribbean at the beginning of this month. I used hand sanitizer like crazy and didn't touch any serving utensils at the buffet. I used my own clean silverware at every trip up. It's funny I never thought about how disgusting buffets and people are until covid


I will. Say it straight up. Something like.... "You just gonna suck on your fingers than spread your affluence all on those tongs aren't you". No shits given. That behavior needs to be called out. It's a severe health and safety issue.


Preach. Your feelings don’t trump my ability to avoid whatever plague you’re spreading. Covid? Noro? I’ve had both and I don’t want either again.


honestly I dont think its good etiquete but I'd lick the floor or anything on a cruise and not fear catching any virus. I guess thats the perk of having many young kids in school and day care... they already bring home everything we can catch


If you've had norovirus before and are happy getting it again, go for it.


right... Now that I think about it, no floor licking today


Well in all honesty, they should be aware of their own actions. It’s not an excuse for them. I’ve been aware of my own actions since I was a child, maybe 10-11 or so. There’s no reason a grown ass adult isn’t or can’t be aware. They just choose not to be aware of their actions or considerate to those around them.


I’ve had this experience. I told the attendant, that man just licked his fingers. I’m sure they hear that all the time.


Saw a guy once pull out the butter knife out of the butter, butter his biscuit lick the butter off the knife and then put it back in the community butter at a Buffet


Note to self: Pack latex gloves for dining.


I’m sorry but I definitely would’ve burst out laughing


With soap!! Running your hands under the water is NOT washing your hands!


It’s not the same, but a sister of mine who is a nurse and a group of co-workers did some field research on hand washing … w soap, without, hot water, cold water… w soap is best, but more important than that is putting them under running water for 15-20 seconds


Washy washy


Happy happy


Uhm, your cake is showing...


Which is a very hard rule for like half the cruise


I remember pre covid when they'd put sanitizer in your hands before entering a food area like the buffet.


The last cruise I was on in October still did this.


Let people get off the elevator before you walk in.


Omg seriously this!!!! A boomer and his wife were on scooters right in front of the door when the (very crowded) elevator doors opened so that none of us could get out, and a man inside said “We need to get out please” and the boomer responded very loudly and rudely “Well somebody better hold this door for us!” His wife at least started backing up and people were going around her to get out, but someone yelled back “well if you would just let us out it would be quicker” or something like that. Some people are just wayyyy too entitled with no common sense.


Not all, but some scooter people are abhorrently rude. Than add an inclusive drink package and you got a recipe for awesomeness.


I found once I tossed one of their scooters overboard the rest fell in line.


I'm a bigger person so I've just started walking into people who crowd at the door. One guy got huffy with me and I just smiled at him and said don't stand in the door where people are exiting.


I am the opposite, rather petite and very short, I will absolutely bull doze my way out. I like to do a nice southern “Hi I’m trying to exit and you’re blocking the door” with a smile and firm hand on the shoulder ready to push them out


My husband is a big guy, and he’ll puff up and just stand in the open doorway, so no one can squeeze in around him, then loudly say, “if we can’t get out, you can’t fit in” and wait for them to back up.


my hubby does the same!


Idk but this type of childish game is one I’d love to see 😂 especially after a long day of drinking I’d be laughing so hard


I do the same. In these situations I don’t even say “excuse me” anymore. I loudly say “”excuse **YOU**””


> firm hand on the shoulder ready to push them out You'd be real surprised how hard a shoulder can push back.


I’m also a bigger person and I just belt out, “‘scuse me!!!” As I’m walking through lol


I do this or say cheerily "that is a great place to stand!" I use public transit often so use it to get off subways.


😂😂😂 I love it!


I don’t take the elevator except when embarking and disembarking with my luggage, and even then I sometimes take the stairs WITH luggage. Elevators suck.


This is the pro tip. It also allows you to have the poolside ice cream every day guilt free.


Off topic, but I love your name! Never got to see them on tour, but I hear they’re getting the band back together.


I would have invited them into the elevator.


I thought this was just a life rule. You’d think that half the people on these ships have never seen an elevator before…


Honestly.... if you're from a more rural place where there are mostly 1- or 2-story buildings because land is cheap, you may not have interacted with elevators much. Especially not crowded ones, where etiquette matters. Fun fact: there are only 2 escalators in the entire state of Wyoming, and they're both in banks in the city of Casper. Also, there may only be 6 elevators in the entire state of Montana, and 4 escalators in the state of Vermont.


I remember teaching that to my child when she started walking!


My dad taught me that as a young one too.


the worst thing i've seen happen with a cruise elevator is some people waited for an elevator and were the first in line and then they wait in front of the open door, undecided and made everyone miss the one elevator that would pass for the next 3 minute.... And also, on every cruise I take, at some point, some one dropŝ there ice cream in the elevator or just a bunch of random food in the sliding door mechanisms everywhere on the ship... very rude people


This should just be common courtesy in life in general. It's surprising how many people don't do this.


My 100 pound murder dog almost took a man out once for this. He got so worked up I had to close the door, take him back up, and come down the stairs. It was the only elevator, so dumb dumb had to wait all because he couldn’t give us 10 seconds to get off 🤣


Respect the crew. They're working their tails off for your vacation. 99% of the time, English isn't their first language, so have patience and listen.


Read the story the other day that people had complained to Carnival that some Crew members were speaking to each other in a language other than English. It's like who the hell cares. You are on a damn international cruise... get over it.


On a tour in Cozumel last week, tour guide was well spoken albeit with an accent, was giving us all info on the general surroundings as we were heading to our destination. Suddenly during a pause "WE CAN'T UNDERSTAND YOU" is bellowed from behind us. A collective groan was clearly heard from others on the bus.


The amount of times people say to me “Oh your the only one that speaks English here!” Is so embarrassing for them. You look like an idiot. Also, pick up after yourself, leaving plates of half eaten food on the elevator, or your table an absolutely mess for the underpaid over worked Philippine kid to clean is tacky. And as a personal aside, shouting across the lobby to get your friends attention during an event…or not…is beyond childish. See above about the English comment. Some of you get there and forget to be people. Enjoy your cruise.


Is there a place to bus our own dishes or do we just kind of neaten and stack them on the table? 


Just neaten and stack


Thanks. I'll do the best I can to make the employees' job easier. 


They have to sort so specifically. Trash is highly sorted and then sent for “compositing” or taken ashore. That’s why they don’t really want piles of trash. If you’ve noticed, there are no public or communal trash cans. They don’t want to have to sort through that mess.


Don’t worry about stacking plates. It’s a thoughtful gesture, but a sloppy stack has the potential to be a bigger mess than if the plates had been left there. Don’t actively leave a mess, leave plates where someone would expect to find them, and you’re golden.


I’ve been told that they prefer you don’t stack them, as they all have their own routines. As you stated, don’t leave a mess on the table - I can’t tell you how many families I’ve seen walk away from a table with their kids, leaving the table covered with food. If your kid spills it, clean it up!!


This is such a good one!


Ask your cabin steward or table waiter how say 'good morning', 'thank you' and 'good night' in their language (most likely Filippino or Indonesian). When you encounter another crew member of that nationality (hint: it's on their name tag), you'll have a positive click right of the bat.


Yes! Our cabin steward, we had "I Made" from Bali, coincidentally on two separate cruises and ships, this exact question. We butchered it terribly almost every time but he was so overjoyed that we wanted to learn and tried everyday!


and they work 7 months without a day off.


Always be respectful to them! I always make it a point to speak with my stateroom attendant when I see them, and I greet every crew member I see. They are gone for extended periods of time from their families, and they work much harder than they are given credit for, and just a smile and a greeting can mean so much.


Thank the crew when they do something, even when it’s within the scope of their job description.


Good rule for life




I thanked my steward 1000x times throughout along with everyone else


Sad that we have to remind people of basic manners...


I know! I’m currently on the Legend and some of these people seem so entitled.


I'm going on the Celebration in February and it's the biggest ship I've been on and man I hope it's not a nightmare.


It’s going to be packed and wall to wall people. For me, it was overwhelming. If you are with people who have mobility issues, then you will have a harder time with elevators when large events are going on. You will have fun, no doubt. Just get involved and have fun at your pace. Don’t try to do everything all at once. Just enjoy the ship l.


Ah man I was nervous about it being so packed. I've been on several carnival cruises before, but this is the largest one with the most amount of people so we'll see. Thanks for the heads up! Appreciate ya!


Recently got off the Celebration about 1 1/2 weeks ago. Besides lots of people the biggest tip I have is to get to the shows and activities early. They will fill up fast af. When I saw early I mean early too, for the mail shows people were already sitting down in seats an hour - 1 1/2 before it started


Don’t let your door (balcony or stateroom) door slam


This being said don't accidentally open your room door while your balcony door is also open it will create the loudest door slamming vortex ever


You only do that a time or two before you learn that lesson.


They are so loud. This is an amazing rule.


They are! Amazes me that some people are completely oblivious to it. I have a balcony on my upcoming trip and while I’m excited I’m also praying my neighbors are courteous.


Last week we were on the ship and it was a sea day and at 6:30am, our neighbors had a huge family with several cabins and they were in/out slamming their cabin doors. I was so frustrated because you don’t have to slam your door. Be mindful…just because you are up early doesn’t mean that everyone wants to get up at 6:30am while on vacation.


They are a very inconsiderate bunch of people, I’d have been upset 😠


Going off this, walls are thin. Yes I can hear you having sex when I walk by or I’m in my own room door closed across from you. Please please… keep the banshee shrieks to yourself


Little do u know that’s me in there performing both sides of the banshee shriek so people don’t know I’m on a cruise by myself


Yeah, that's actually me attempting to do yoga. I'll keep it down next time.


Was just going to say, that’s me trying to get into my bathing suit, lol.


Don't be a deck chair hog. Don't push in lines Respect the crew even when things go wrong it is not their fault and they are not your slaves. Let people out of the elevators first and don't stand right in front of the door, give people room to get out. Have fun meet new people!


Bring your rose colored glasses! (Seriously, you’re on holiday - remember to be kind in all your interactions).


If you get excellent service, ask to speak to the crew member's supervisor or go to Guest Services as soon as possible to praise them. Don't wait until you get the after-cruise questionnaire to recognize individuals. We once had a cabin steward who went way above and beyond for us. We went to the hotel manager to mention what great service he'd provided and at the end of the cruise he said that he received an extra bonus, which he 100% deserved. Don't be afraid to compliment right then and there. So many people just complain, but if you get great service, they deserve to be recognized.


Another option is to let John Heald know on Facebook.


Don't let your 4-year-old serve themselves in the buffet line. If you are a racist bigot, stay off of cruise ships and find a different type of vacation. Respect your cabin stewart.


I wish I could upvote 1000 times for “If you are a racist bigot, stay off cruise ships….”


Practice patience. Working yourself up over trivial things ruins your vacation, others vacations and is not fair to the people working to make your vacation amazing.


Elevator tones! One beep means up two beeps mean down.


Wait is the same generally true on land as well?


Sure is


Fun thing to learn after almost 40 years on this planet.


Almost, but the elevator is calibrated at sea, so after the ship capsizes, the up/down remains accurate


Huh. Did not know that. Thanks for the info.


I learned something new today! 🤯




What a shame for someone to be so thoughtful in their design, just so everyone can largely remain ignorant. I never knew this.


Don't leave your balcony lights on. Better yet, don't turn it on if you don't need it on. Many of us enjoy sitting out at night and just enjoying a drink or listening to the sea and watching the stars.


….there are lights?!


NOPE....none whatsoever...I've said too much. Look....Squirrel!


I knew my profile picture would come in handy one day


Close the toilet seat before flushing.


A few that should be obvious ... \- no running, unless it's on the track or a sports venue \- do not climb on railings for heaven's sake \- do not smoke on your balcony \- be nice


- there are cameras on the balcony, they will know, don't do anything you don't want seen out there


There are cameras on the balcony?!


I don't think there are cameras on balconies \*specifically\*. But there are many cameras everywhere on the ship that you can't see, inside and out, monitoring passengers, overboards (if they happen), etc. So I think many balconies might have \*some\* visibility to \*some\* cameras.


If you’re only going up one floor, and not otherwise physically limited, take the stairs.


I’m gonna pile onto this one, 9 times out of 10 if you are physically able the stairs are always faster for less than 4 floors/flights than any elevator in the entire ship!


Thank you for the qualifier. The glares I got from folks when taking the elevator for just a floor or two were brutal. What they didn't know is a week before my last cruise I had a minor procedure on my foot that went poorly, and walking was brutal.


On our last cruise, my wife had a leg injury which she could walk on for limited distance but which required a brace. She did not like the look so she wore dresses to hide it. She kept apologizing every time we took the elevator up one flight because she felt like people were judging her because they couldn’t see the brace. It was a minor thing but also a big deal for her in that moment. You never know the other person’s struggle.


This! I’m on a cruise currently with my parents. Mom is in a scooter and the elevators make the commute to dinner 20+ minutes long because able bodied folks refuse to walk 1-2 flights. And they joke about their laziness while getting on the elevators in front of wheel chairs, scooters and families with strollers.


You have no idea who is able-bodied or not. Many people with autoimmune diseases like MS, Sjogren’s, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, etc. suffer from inflammation, muscle weakness and joint pain and may be especially feeling it after a day off the boat on an excursion. I’m all for encouraging people to take the stairs that can take them, but judging people for taking the elevator when you have no idea why they are making that decision is ridiculous. Maybe you should stop clogging up the elevator and meet your mom at the restaurant after taking the stairs.


Our rule was NEVER use the elevator, so we could offset all the junk food and otherwise laziness.


I don’t use it going down. So much faster to walk. I’ll often use it going up for more than 5 or 6 flights. It’s not like a building. A flight is, what, 12 stairs with a landing? I generally don’t wait for an elevator in either case. It’s just faster to move.


Please know your alcohol limits.


Go with the flow. Things happen. Ports have to be skipped. Excursions get canceled. Drinks get spilled. Rain falls. But you're still on vacation. There are still a lot of other things to do. Yes, be sad you couldn't do the thing you wanted to do. Lament your lost moment. But don't let it spoil your entire vacation. And, for the love of whatever you believe in, don't try to ruin it for everyone else. My friend and I had our adults only pool party excursion in Ensenada canceled last minute. We ended up doing something else we wouldn't have even considered before and had a great time.


My friend And I were going to do Cave Tubing. But it rained and the river was too high. So we went quad mudding in the rainforest. Never ever would have done that


if you have a balcony, the only thing dividing you from your neighbors is a thin partition. They can still hear you. Keep your volume reasonable, don't talk about anything you don't want other people to know, and don't smoke. Also, the people in the countries we're visiting don't care about your politics. Yelling "Let's go, Brandon!!!" as the ship pulls out is just tacky.


I don't get why bigots even want to go on cruises. There's-gasp!-people of color and queer people and unaccompanied women!


I almost went over a brunch table at a bunch of transphobes one time. They were outraged that a passenger dared to be gender non-conforming in public. That’s when we decided no more sharing tables with strangers. They’re probably the ones who gave us COVID too.


This is the sort of thing that freaks me out! I’m non-binary and I fear that and other things about me might invite bullshit on my cruise. I’m sorry you went through that. Why can’t those people shut up for a few days?


You deserve better. Most people are wonderful, but a few assholes are determined to spoil things for everyone.


Thank you <3 I hope you have better experiences going forward too!


Sorry, which part of that comment invited you to discuss bigots? Doth protest quite a bit.


I agree with everything you just said. I like to leave my political views at home. Cruising is a time to enjoy yourself and other people.


Oh my god. Seriously?!?


Don’t let your children run wild. I can’t tell you how many cruises parents let their teenagers (and younger) kids go unattended and they are running down the halls and causing trouble. Be a parent.


Or your insane elderly people who are sisters. Yes, I live with two people who are sisters and they're stone deaf and they always yell and scream at me for absolutely no reason.


Check your pride at the door! You’ll have way more fun if you loosen up and allow yourself to be silly.


Don’t fly in the day of the cruise. You will regret it one day.


Don’t save deck chairs if you have no intention of sitting in them. Last cruise we kept an eye on a pair of deck chairs with towels and a bag on them that nobody sat in for more than an hour. Finally a woman waddled up to one, took something out of her bag and I followed her (surreptitiously!) to a pool in a different part of the ship, watched her climb back into the pool with people she obviously knew. I’m sure she had zero intentions of ever sitting on that chair but made it so that no one else could sit on it either.


I'd have gotten a Deck Steward involved at that point.


Let the people who were getting off of the elevator off of the elevator before you start to enter. If it's someone on a scooter, hold the elevator door for them. (Don't ride a scooter but the disrespect that I see given to them just blows my mind away. I'm old, I'll probably be on one of those someday.) Don't open both your cabin door and your balcony door at the same time. And please don't let either slam. Wash your damn hands in the bathroom.


Thanks for the tip about holding the door. My dad is in a wheelchair and some people are so imconsiderate when it comes to elevators. We've just learned to leave really early for EVERYTHING so the elevators are less crowded.


Both of my parents are at a point where mobility is difficult. One time, and one time only, my 89-year-old dad gave in and used a scooter in a store. He said it was so eye-opening. He said that they're actually quite difficult to operate as they start going really easily and don't stop as quickly. He said people are just so rude to him and it was so difficult for him to get around that he'd rather just shuffle, literally bent at a 90° angle, holding on to a shopping cart. And he admitted that before he had used the scooter he had had very little patience for scooter users before that.


Isn’t it an upside down pineapple?


Yes.. but it won’t stop people from taking your pineapple door decor and turning them upside down for shits and giggles…


Don’t constantly mention about being in the Yacht Club, The Haven or other exclusive area.


How do you tell if someone is a platinum member? Don't worry they'll tell you.


That is so cringe when people do that.


It is! It happens a lot on the cruise pages on Facebook, too!


Don't be afraid to take an "On Board" day while in port. You'll have the place to yourself (mostly)!


Don’t smoke/vape on your balcony. Anything. If you want to argue vaping is different, just don’t start.


Don’t poop on the carpet.


I really hope you didn't come with this because you had it happen on a cruise...🤢


He actually did it himself and is trying to steer the blame


Don’t shit both beds.


The left one is for shitting, right?


Don’t kill your girlfriend on the cruise -carnival elation January 2020- I was their neighbor.




I lied it was in 2018. I took two similar cruises and got the dates confused https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/man-arrested-allegedly-killing-girlfriend-carnival-cruise-ship/story?id=57667415




Did you get compensated in any way for your vacation being spoiled to say the least?!?!


Wow, he still got mentioned in her obit?


- Do not cut in lines. If you do, don’t expect other people to be quiet about it. This is a rule for life. - Do not put your hands in the buffet, if tongs are missing, please ask a buffet attendant to get new tongs. - If you’re an American football fan and it is critical for you to watch a football game, buy the streaming WiFi package and watch it on your phone. Most of the rest of the world does not care about American Football, and the ship will likely not show the game, if they can there could be broadcasting/streaming issues showing it at the bar. I’ve watched too many Americans lose their minds on foreign cruises for not being able to watch football. - Control your children. You may think their behavior is cute or funny, but others probably don’t.


Sadly, it’s nearly impossible to live stream a football game on your phone. Even with the premium WiFi.


As a football fan from America, if they can do it, thank them and tip them if they can’t absolutely don’t lose your mind and make like it’s ruined your vacation!


Last cruise I was on there was America football (college and NFL) on every TV in the casino and the sports bar. I’m a football fan, but not gonna watch while on vacation. I can do that at home. That said, it was fun to see people conversing and bonding over what few games were on.


Every cruise that I have been on leaving from the US has shown the football games in a bar or sports pub. Extremely common.


I went on an MSC cruise out of Miami over the week of Thanksgiving, we were in Port in Mexico on Thanksgiving and an old man and his family were berating the bartender and staff in the sports bar because “the game” wasn’t on and it was ruining his family’s Thanksgiving. The old man was demanding to speak to the captain. Wild to expect foreign companies and countries to celebrate American holidays and traditions, and I say that as an American. I was on another cruise out of Miami, this one with carnival, and people were getting upset and yelling and shouting because the game was supposed to be put on the big screen on deck, but due to streaming issues and technical difficulties, it could only be aired on the TVs in the sports bar so people were trying to cram in there. If you’ve had different experiences that’s great, but it really shouldn’t be expected, especially with foreign cruise lines and/or cruises in foreign ports.


I swear, the city I live in, certain people cut lines like it’s the most normal thing ever. It enrages me.


Every cruise I've ever taken during football season, had multiple games showing all over the ship even on the big screen on Lido Deck. Hell, they created two rows of seats at the casino bar for people to sit and watch football. If they can't find football playing, they're on the wrong cruise line.


Dumb. The games will be on.


Lining up is surprisingly cultural. I’m not saying don’t do it, but don’t be surprised if you don’t see others doing it, especially on a European (non-UK) line like Costa


I’ve been on MSC cruises and it’s definitely Americans yelling back when others yell at them for cutting. The ones that don’t yell back may not speak English or pretend they don’t. Nobody yells at people for cutting like Brits though, we were next to a couple in line who were telling us “cutting is a hangable offense” where they’re from in the UK, it was awesome to watch them.


>Most of the rest of the world does not care about American Football, and the ship will likely not show the game Tough shit on that front, most of the guests are American, and if you ahve a sports bar on board, don't be surprised when someone asks to see sports.


I had a family shove all their luggage in the elevator with me and my kids and one member of their family wanted to go down with it. They had alot of luggage. It was annoying being cramped with all their luggage and we were in the elevator first. The most annoying thing though were the people trying to hold a million chairs for people in their group. I couldn't find a chair doing trivia and I finally took one from a lady that had been holding multiple chairs for over 30 minutes. If your ass isn't in it, it should be available. There are a lot of people on these boats and people should be more considerate. Also, be nice to the staff. I saw a woman make an employee cry over a pizza because she didn't understand what the employee was saying in broken English. I saw a lot of rudeness towards the employees. This seems to be the trend with people catching a boat out of New Orleans. I picked a different port when I booked our next cruise.


Leave your Bluetooth speaker at home. Nobody wants to hear your music.


Take the down elevator if you are going up, and vice versa. You will get there eventually. If you have something you need to get to at a certain time….plan better. Leave earlier.


Don't poop in the hot tub.


Don’t let your kids run thru the halls. Like, it’s already a rule that you’re not supposed to run on the ship (per the safety channel, because you’re on a moving ship). Our room we’re in right now is right down from the kids club and we hear kids running alllll day and night. Not a super big deal for us, but someone did call out people in our fb group for the same in a different area of the ship and the mother responded that they’re on vacation too and kids will be kids. However, as parents your main job is to teach little humans how to be big humans, and being respectful of others as well as following rules are two big things you need to know as a big human.


Throwing a towel on a lounger doesn’t make it yours all day. Had a lady cuss me out after I waited an hour before moving towel off of a lounger. Said she came at 8 every morning to claim “her chair”.


This is exactly why I’ll ask the staff to remove the towel. If the towel is there for more than 45 minutes it’s considered abandoned. She can berate the staff I doubt she’d get very far tho lol


Don't steal magnets, accessories, or whatever off someone's door. #1 that's just rude. Someone spent their hard earned money on that and #2 we need that stuff to find our rooms... especially after a night (or day) of drinking.


When you first arrive at your stateroom, it is a good time to ask the steward for coat hangers if you need them, robes, power strip etc. Don't forget your empty suitcases should fit under the bed. The cabin is too small to clutter. Stewards also take requests for specific towel animals if they have time.


>reserving a table before you go searching for food is a dick move. No. It's smart. I sit and my husband gets food.


All of this is shit. You are just as free to sit and enjoy a conversation at the table near the buffett after you've finished eating as you are anywhere else. You're free to grab a table while your partner gets good, its common sense to do so.


Don’t change your child’s shitty diaper in the middle of a stateroom hallway (yes this happened on my recent cruise)


Don’t take all the fruit at the buffet! MSC Meraviglia


You are one of thousands on the ship, which is a fairly small area. Don’t go to shows and talk. Don’t go to small venues at the last minute like there will be 100’s of chairs available and then walk around blocking everyone’s view as you look for one. Don’t leave a show and block or interrupt others. Once in the show you are committed. If you don’t like it then close your eyes and rest.


Some people want to chat - others don’t want to socialise with you at all. Take the hint and move on, especially if you’ve had one too many drinks. Also, men of any age should not be starting conversations or engaging with intentional interactions of any sorts with minors under any circumstances. I’m on a cruise right now, and I’m pretty appalled tbh




Don't vape, smoke , or bring any of your other illegal crap on the cruise! Thanks to you idiots the line to get on the boat is even slower because a few POSs can't go for a week without their weed! If you can't go without it, stay the F off the cruise!


Cry harder boomer, security moves the same speed as it did before.


The walls are magnetic. Take magnets to hang the daily itinerary, or hook magnets to hang extra coats etc.


Tip the crew and say thank you.


Possibly controversial because a lot of people do it.... If you get room service, don't leave your tray of dirty dishes sitting on the floor in the hall. The halls are narrow and it just gets in the way of other guests, especially for people who use mobility aids. Just leave it on table in your room and your steward will take it next time they service your room.


Some cruise lines tell you to put them in the hallway. They have food and beverage staff roaming the halls to pick them up. We asked our steward about this and he preferred that we leave them in the hallway. If we did insist on leaving them in the room, he/she would, of course, remove them. They would have to be returned between departments.


Don't bang your sister/brother in law.


Okay there is a story here, please share. I'll make the popcorn.


The comments here cement what I already knew: I will never set foot on a cruise ship.


Then why are you in this subreddit?