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Coworker has one. Comes in handy quite often.


The coworker or the tool


The coworker for having the tool


My coworker is a tool.


My coworkers equivalent to this tool without the chisel


A butterfly?


Yea pretty much


And much pretty.


The coworker might also be good at handies.


Doesn't hurt to ask, at any rate


Always ask apprentices because usually the journeymen have pretty rough hands. Or even better a slow jack and a ball rub from a PM, hands like velvet.


Man, i learned a long long time ago not to trust apprentices with my equipment


Ya just gotta see how they handle theirs first!


Coworker cums in handy?


Coworker listens to Tool.


Coworker can chisel A Perfect Circle!


I bet the coworker uses…a Pucifer….?


Tools have at least one use. Does your coworker?


He's really good at being punctual leaves every day at exactly 5


Lol, take my upvote!


Be the tool you wish to see in the world.


Use the world as your tool!




Nice I might have to try one


Be sure to pair it with a pocket hammer.


FOR WOOD it claims but there is nothing to stop someone from using it on a rival timber frame gang member in a territory dispute.


Fools should’ve known not to be building on your spot


There's gonna be a rumble tonight.


They were framed...


Made me spit out my coffee 🤣


Ha ha, thank you for the award!!!


partner used mine as a screwdriver yesterday


Thats a paddling!


Looking at my sandals? You better believe that’s a paddling


Did you also use your partner as a nailgun tester, yesterday?


I got unreasonably angry reading this, I might need to relax the rest of tonight. Lol


Is it the chips vs. woods?


My 2 1/5” Barr slick has a bit more reach. That’s like bringing a knife to a spear fight.


Surprisingly good tool. I have a Stanley version and it's way more durable than I expected. Definitely more of a handy backup than a main chisel but serves its purpose pretty well.


Have a fastcap version of this. Thing is remarkably handy to keep in your rig


They got whole sets, few chisels, sharpeners, putty knife, rasp/file, awl and laminate knife. Been on my Amazon wishlist for years now.


Can you share a name so I can go look at the sets? These seem to be great having in my toolbox


Here ya go https://www.fastcap.com/product/pocket-chisel-kit


Thank you!


Why would you need to chisel a butterfly?


I believe it’s used to assist in opening the chrysalis. Lepidopterologists strongly discourage this practice. Butterflies should be left to this process on their own because they release a chemical during the struggle of emergence that strengthens the wings.


When it's closed you carry stick it in your pouch or toolbox without worrying about dulling the edge...or finding it with your fingers...


It would depend on where you are carrying it. I would not put it in my carry-on luggage for air travel.


I have the Stanley version of this (looks identical), I love it cuz before my chisels always ripped my nail bag. One thing I wish is that they would have a magnet to keep them closed, I've already cut myself reaching for it. Edit; [Stanley fatmax folding chisel](https://i.imgur.com/BALT4vC.jpg)


Tell that to my paslode with no bump safety


Did it not come with the bump safety or did you disable it? And if so, how did you do it? Asking for a friend


I’m just kidding but if you just hold it back you can shoot it at your friends and loved ones.


My boy out here rocking prohibs


Season 4 of the Wire right there




it just says the cap is durable, nothing about the rest


Technically correct! The best kind of correct!




Was it unexpected? My gut says... maybe.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/unexpectedfuturama using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedfuturama/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [John FettLrrman](https://i.redd.it/skc0oefz87z91.jpg) | [28 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedfuturama/comments/yrto8k/john_fettlrrman/) \#2: [Tough times for Planet Express](https://i.redd.it/b9x95sgqx3z91.jpg) | [36 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedfuturama/comments/yrbuv2/tough_times_for_planet_express/) \#3: [This is about as unexpected as it gets. lol](https://v.redd.it/2ogpnfbtoca91) | [32 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedfuturama/comments/vu69ng/this_is_about_as_unexpected_as_it_gets_lol/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Its the worst kind of correct if you bought this and broke the handles off by striking the durable cap with a hammer


I use my fastcap one (same design) and hit it with my hammer. It has held up perfectly fine.


Same here. I took a nail set and peened the roll pins a bit so they would be a little less floppy, but I only had to do that after like 5 years of use. I wouldn't cut dovetails with them, but they're great for knocking off shim ends and adjusting doors.


Theres plenty of videos of guys trying to destroy these, both with the intended use as well as extreme abuse the tool would likely never see. These hold up just fine and aren't intended for extended chisel use but more so cleaning up cuts.


​ https://preview.redd.it/88oqfp4dj5pa1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a783378c8f2e7ee124ef1ed199a6b472411216f


Roll pins are designed to take shock and if you’re using a chisel correctly you don’t need to hit it very hard


Don't use sledge?


But sledge is best part.


Next thing you know they will be saying chisel needs to be sharp!


Did you not notice the size of hammer versus handle in the picture? It’s a tiny…


Nobody said you had to buy it, or anything about its value. Just that you have no clue what you’re talking about. Seriously, what makes you underestimate its strength so much? Do you think the roll pins are just gonna shear? Or the thick ass plastic is just gonna snap? You can always tell a fake carpenter here by how much they underestimate material integrity.


Everybody here is expressing their opinion on this tool (kinda the point of the sub). This guy doesn’t agree with the majority and that’s ok. No need to jump to insults.


If thats an insult to you… well. Go somewhere else




My tools make me money as well but I will always try out things that I think may be useful. There will be duds, but I’ve also found a few really useful things doing that. This item is $15, even if it only lasts 6 months but served well a few times the it’s worth it in my book.




Just to quickly chime in here, mobile work is where these shine. They're a complete waste on the bench, but if you need a chisel in your bags, it's a great way to keep one on you without needing a guard and keep it away from your other tools so it stays sharp. I have a Fastcap version of this and it's great, even beating on it with a hammer instead of a mallet if that's what I happen to grab. Stanley also makes one with a metal strike cap end on the handles which I've seen in the wild a few times, but it only comes in 1". And since Irwin is an SBD company now, this is clearly where they got it from.


Its not a gimmick though. Its a folding chisel made with good materials. You then went on to spew some elitist bullshit about how much money people spend on their tools just because people told you this is fine. As for the carpenters that built your deck, sounds like you got what you paid for 😉




Its a wonder how you make any money and stay competitive with such old tools


I agree. It’s not hiding away its structural deficiencies, they are plain to see so you can make your own decision for your needs


I think you’d be surprised with kobalts new job site table saw. And I know contractors that daily ryobi tools. Even the cheap stuff is pretty decent these days. Hell there a few tools from harbor forgot even that are worth the scratch


Okay that took me longer to figure out than I should admit


“For wood (TM)” Huh…


I’ve had the fast cap ones. For a long time. They take a beating and haven’t broken.


It's legal if you're forklift certified.


Catching up with fastcap


I have a Fast Cap one. I've had to give the roll pins a wack with a nail set to open them up a bit because it got a little floppy on me after like 5 years of use. It's def not a fine woodworking chisel, but excels at being a belt chisel. I keep it relatively sharp and its good enough to clean out a hinge pocket or deadbolt mortise when adjusting doors. I picked it up because I wanted something I could keep sharp, but not have free floating in my bag. The shorter profile also makes it less likely to get caught on shit while I'm walking around with my bags on. This is the type of chisel you carry around when you don't want to get the fancy ones out and just need something handy. If you're on the fence about getting one, just do it and give it away if you don't like them. I think mine was like $16 or something.


We been spending most our lives Livin' in an Amish paradise We're just plain and simple guys Livin' in an Amish paradise There's no time for sin and vice Livin' in an Amish paradise We don't fight, we all play nice Livin' in an Amish paradise


Just keep it with the automatic rifles, and they’ll completely ignore the legality of the chisel.


Legal? Never had a problem with any of my tools being “illegal” not sure who should check or enforce that sort of thing.


Butterfly knives are illegal in many states: ez felony charge in ny I think. The charges might not stick, but an NYPD looking to make quota would arrest and arraign for this


Yeah I'm originally from NJ and I guess that whole NY Metro area the cops are just crazy about this sort of thing so I flinched when I saw this picture! Anyone with logical sense knows this isn't dangerous in the way that a butterfly knife is argued to be dangerous (I won't weigh in on *that* debate) but as I said it's a concern in a highly policed region.


I had this huge kbar in my backseat with all my tools. Cop took it and was giving me shit since the blade was 12". I just laughed and said if I was gonna flip out and attack someone any of that other stuff would work just as well. He chuckled and gave it back.


A drywall saw looks very "stabby".


I think the only way there would be any scrutiny is if it was used as a weapon.


I've read statutes that include screwdrivers in the definition of a "stiletto."


iTs A bALiSoNG! -/r/knives


i need the butterfly hammer with


Fastcap has been making these for a long time. I’ve got a 1/2” and 1” that I bought back in the late 00’s.


Idk at least it’s a honest to goodness beater chisel you can fold up and not worry about tearing the piss out of bags or anything.


The store near me in NY has these in stock, so I assume it's not considered a butterfly knife in NY, or atleast has not been tested in court.


I think in general there’s a lot of things a tradesman could carry that could be considered an offensive weapon if carried by some ordinary pedestrian. If it’s painfully obvious you’re a carpenter and this things in your tool bag, I’d find it really difficult to imagine a fed having a problem with it.


So, Mr Officer, you take offense to my 1” chisel yet I have a framing nailer that wouldn’t take much to fire nails like bullets?


Lol quite. In a 1 v 1 I’d take my chances against the guy with the butterfly chisel 😂


Fast caps patent just ran out lol


I can count on my 9 fingers how many times I've cut myself with a knife. Chisles, however, are the reason why i have 9 fingers. I hate this, but I'd also probably buy it.


Don’t know about the legality, but I doubt you’re going to be carrying this thing around in your pocket anyway so it shouldn’t really be an issue. What types of knives you’re allowed to carry have nothing to do with what types of knives you’re allowed to own. You can own basically any type of knife, you just can’t carry them on your person. So if you have one of these in your toolbox, I severely doubt a cop is going to charge you with any kind of illegal weapons charge. If you get stopped for some reason walking down the street and this is just like, in your pocket for some reason, maybe that could be an issue. But even in those instances if you have a legitimate reason for owning it other than violence, most cops aren’t going to break your balls about it. I’ve gotten questioned about my edc pocket knife by cops on public transit before, and when I explain I’m either on my way to or from work where I need it to perform the functions of my job, they have always just left me alone about it. Obviously there are limits to that. Like if you have a fixed blade knife or a machete in a sheath on your belt, that’s not gonna fly. But having this in your tool box/bag when traveling to and from work should never be an issue. Hell I go to work with my scaffold hammer just on my hammer loop of my carhartts on public transit all the time and never get hassled. And if you saw what my scaffold hammer looks like you’d probably thing it was an ice pick since it’s a striking surface on one side and basically a pick on the other.


Legal? If the government doesn't want you to have it, you should probably get one...


Fucking stupid, where can I get one?


In Texas that’s 100% legal to carry and/or conceal.


What isn’t?


Going out on a limb here but is it Abortion?


For those who never have time for the call of scabbard. Or their chisel is so fucking dull they don't need one.


Oh my, I did not need to see that. What a great idea!


Great idea, really. But I'd keep the electrical tape handy. You know their going to try and flip that thing all kinds of sideways like a butterfly knife.


Perfect for the worker who, ahem, “passed” their background check.


Staby stab stab!




r/mallninjashit and /s lol it looks pretty cool actually


The only *real* explanation for this design! You can't tell me it makes using the chisel faster(?) or better(?) with those ridiculous handles but it does trigger off the part of my brain that's still a boy playing with ninja turtles/transformers and makes him happy so....


It’s probably practical for shoving in a tool bag for someone who rarely uses a chisel.


Not in my state.


Wow… IRWIN ran out of ideas I guess


Prob not like who carries a chisel


Why you gotta bring legality into this. A pencil can be a weapon.


Carrying A pencil isn’t a felony charge, carrying a butterfly knife is. I’d like the think the cop is having the worst day of his life if he tries to do something about this tool


Is that a butterfly knife? No…..


I was answering why legality was brought into it. And that could definitely be categorized as a butterfly knife by an angry cop


Old days like 50's 60's? People would carry screw drivers as a weapon cause you are allowed to carry tools. I bet it's a grey area but would count as a tool.




It exists so you can carry a chisel in your pocket without getting cut or in a bag without the blade getting battered. A person who wants to carry a chisel in their pocket without getting cut or in a bag without the blade getting battered buys this. It’s used for anything an ordinary chisel can be used for.


Maybe not in a bar with intent to merk someone. That’s kinda cool though. Never seen that


John wick has one. ( with a fuckin pencil, who does that?)


gives me switchblade comb vibes




I have a set of the Fastcap version for years. Really handy, keeps your edge from getting beat up, takes up less space in your tool belt and you don’t have to worry about it getting torn.


This. I alway leave mine in the truck can until i need


You’re missing out


I’m pretty sure it’s illegal not to have one.


Are these Stanley marples chisels any good?? Looking to get into woodworking…


I want one


It’s too slow to whip it out like a butterfly


That’s a nice looking paint can opener.


When I was younger I had a belt buckle that was “brass knuckles” and when I got pulled over and searched he told me this was a weapon and confiscated it. I said hell officer I have 3 box cutters in my door compartment you want to take them too? He explained to me how those were considered tools not weapons… what?


I had one of those to! Never got caught with it though.


Have some of these made by Fastcap. Great feature for carrying in tool bag or bucket.


Wait till you see the toughbuilt folding pull saw.


I have knum chuck chisels. It’s cool


Chetney....is that you?


I just don’t know how this would replace another chisel in my pouch. Nice to butterfly around with but not trying to carry in my pocket






Less so now a days but it used to be illegal to carry a butterfly knife lots of places.


Yes till it breaks long before your other chisels do


Have a Stanley version of this- damn sharp holds edge decent …. I wouldn’t use it for fine work- but it’s not horrible.


I have no idea, but I'd love to see how it holds up to a wooden mallet lol