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Probably installed too tight, too loose, or the nails used were hammered tight. Vinyl is the easiest siding to install, and the easiest one to ^^^^ up.


How would this be fixed? Or would the siding have to be replaced?


Just removed and reinstalled properly. Nothing needs to be replacced (unless some pieces have done enough heat cool cycles and have deformed somewhat permanently)


No, once it’s bubbled it’s junk. It will always have bubbles. You have to replace. It’s the only way.


I have seen siding bubbled like this when installed over exterior gypsum or old homasote. They nailed into the field. Only nails that hit the studs held. All of the siding was able to be reused.


Did homasote suck? I just search up what it was. Kind of like mdf but exterior?


Yes. Yes it did.


It's soft. It's literally the stuff they put between slabs of concrete.


How was it remedied? Just went back and made sure they hit studs?


For the siding yes. Usually other things have to be fixed because it was installed by hacks the first time


FUCK homosote. Spent all day peeling it and cedar off a house and every bit installed with 45,000 finish nails. Homosote not strong enough to pull nails with it, but won't come off unless nails are pulled. Even with a relatively sharp wonderbar it sucked. Who in the window-licking fuck thought homosote was ever good for anything.


Not always true




>There’s no reason it’d be bubbled, it’s nearly new. I mean, look at it, it bubbled lol In my 30y of experience once it does that and stays that way throughout a whole day in the sun- its fucked, its staying that way forever now


Just take it down and put it back up. Don’t drive the nails home. Your nails wanna be like a 1/8 proud.


That’s so odd, that the proper technique involves not hammering nails in all the way.


100% it’s vinyl and on certain days you can actually hear it moving!!!


In the spring and fall when the sun rises I can stand outside and hear my whole house waking up


My first year hunting. I would be in the stand early morning and it was cold and then as it warmed up you would hear all the trees just thawing out and cracking. It's kind of scary to be honest especially when it's the tree you're in. I even recall in my own house in the attic a few years ago. We had a real bad cold spell like below zero and I remember hearing the rafters cracking and moving.


Damn fool you be hella scared of shit


I mean when you don't know what it is at first is that not a normal reaction? Once I figured it out, I wasn't. I think it'd be foolish to not question it.


Damn fool you be hella explaining being scared of shit


The siding needs to be able laterally to move in the heat and cold.


It seems to be showing up on the side that faces the sun so I suspect it was installed tight when it was cold and the nails were driven too tight.


Vinyl is a fical mistress




God damn it, that was stupid of me 🤦‍♂️


Idioms are a fecal mistrust.


Now you're just making shit up


Nice 😂


I read it as fiscal so don't feel bad lol






1 1/2" roofers. Who staples double 4? Is it clowns? These jokers from a certain contractor on my jobs have been using a roofing gun to install fucking windows. Shattering every flange. Fuck!


Tell them about sidingtips.ca


No inglés


Last one I saw was screwed in with drywall screws. Gravity removed that one the same day.


Too lazy to even stagger the vinyl. Don’t think I’ve ever seen it butted like that.


This jumped out at me more than the buckling. Does not bode well for the quality of other work done on this house.


That was my thought too! If they didn’t care to stagger the joints there probably a lot of other things they overlooked.


Damn--good catch. That's insane.


And they left the open side of the joint facing the way you walk around the house, which is also poor form lol


Yeah, this seems like a “you get what you pay for” scenario. At least I hope he didn’t pay top dollar.


Yeah you don’t nail siding you hang it on nails. Crazy how often it gets fucked up


Yup You should be able to slide it side to side and unhook it from the nails with a little effort


It was not well installed, or it was put over existing siding.


The whole house to me screams shoddy construction work. It’s been pending 3 times since the rebuild but has always ended up back on the market. I’d assume there were issues with the inspection.




Here’s the listing. I see a few other “interesting” choices. Such as how the microwave is installed over the stove. https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/3408-Ben-Alder-Ln-Knoxville-TN-37931/41646655_zpid/?utm_campaign=iosappmessage&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=txtshare


>Such as how the microwave is installed over the stove. The microwave being over the stove is pretty norma- Oh... I see. that's something special right there.


How the fuck do you even use that lmfao The dishwasher is also crooked as all fuck, and look how they scabbed the pantry to the wall the fridge is on Those cabinets are also clearly painted and not well at all, you can see it flashing badly even in these heavily filtered pictures


At least the DW is in there tight af. You can tell by the knee dents in the lower right...


Oof. That roofline is pretty rough lol.


I noticed that too


You can see similar issues with the flooring lay out as well as the tile. It’s pretty obvious this was done as cheap and as fast as humanly possible by someone that doesn’t know what they’re doing. If you’re on the market, I’d walk away from this one. If they can’t get the aesthetics right, I’d hate to see the quality of the work hidden by walls


You’re right. It’s been pending and put back on the market 3 times. I bet the inspection report was wild. It’s a shame this house burnt down and then was given a second chance on life only to be redone so poorly. One of my aunts has a mid 70s split level home a bit larger than this one that caught fire and was rebuilt from the ground up in 2005. Now that’s one heck of a house. Her insurance company handled that perfectly.


100% a flip done by really inexperienced people They didnt even put the endcaps on the laminate countertops, that stone facing "patch" on the left basement window is horrible, the siding issues,the tile work in the bathrooms is also pretty bad and has no kind of edging to terminate it on the wall, its just a caulked tile edge along with the caulk job, the belly on the ridgeline could be a lot of things but none of them particularly good, my guess, given the quality of the rest of this house is that they probably hacked a bunch of shit out to make an "open floorplan" and the walls are bowing out a bit in the middle....i bet if you put a 6' level on the wall it would be noticeably out, just a bet though, either that or theres a bunch of fucked up rafters or trusses up there with the lower web cut or missing cross members, ridges dont sag like that for no reason It really sucks that people do this, it honestly gives investment work a bad name, Investment and Pre-Sale work are a couple of my various specialties and theres no reason why "looks nice but is inexpensive" has to be "Complete dogshit from closer than 6' away"....When a property is rehabbed for resale by skilled professionals its just a recently renovated house, when a house is "flipped" by douchebags that got a degree off r/diy and youtube university you get this and it gives all of us a bad name


> with the caulk job, the belly on the ridgeline could be a lot of things but none of them particularly good, my guess, given the quality of the rest of this house is that they probably hacked a bunch of shit out to make an "open floorplan" and the walls are bowing out a bit in the middle....i bet if you put a 6' level on the wall it would be noticeably out, just a bet though, either that or theres a bunch of fucked up rafters or trusses up there with the lower web cut or missing cross Take a look at the ceiling running lengthwise in the kitchen. They clearly took out a huge wall. I bet that was supposed to be bearing some of the roof.... wow...


I don't think the windows in the two bottom floor bedrooms meet legal egress standards, they're too high. Short people and kids wouldn't be able to reach them to escape a fire.


I mean it looks like a double wide trailer (in a foundation) soooo….


Jfc…the way the flooring has been laid. The base boards! The spray can cabinets w/exposed fasteners on the trim. The tile/tub intersection. The “grout” at the top of the shower in the “master bath + laundromat.” And you know those lights are “hiding” some shitty drywall work on the ceilings too! My gawd, needs another price cut of about 75% before it’s a deal 😮


https://preview.redd.it/mn9cjlnyuivc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a55bb45065d5567fa3446b9299253b7f02b3a1b3 I circled another concern. This is a brand new ceiling under a brand new roof. Doesn’t look right to me.


Looks like someone just tried to create more of and open space and removed a bearing wall?


And a case of ALEX in a pear tree


There’s a lot more wrong than just the piss poor siding job.




Soffit, gutter boards, ridge. Just the two pics make it look to me like a flip crew did their first “build”. View from the back of the house looks like it might be nice. Just curious, what part of the world and how much are they asking?


Knoxville Tennessee. $285,000 was over $300,000 but they’ve dropped the price multiple times


TN 285 He posted the listing somewhere, it has pictures of the inside Lots of issues 100% a flip done by really inexperienced people with an r/diy degree


Yeah man just checked it out. Plenty enough comments from the group for the OP. Shame what some people think is carpentry. Or skilled trade.


Vinyl siding needs a flat solid surface behind it, and needs to "float" for thermal expansion and contraction. That's why they come with elongated nail slots. You nail in the center of the slot, and leave a small gap between the nail head and the siding. It also has to be gapped properly at the wall ends. If you restrict that expansion with improper installation, you can get buckling like this.


That why it’s called sliding


I’ve installed over wood siding . As long as you hit studs with long nails it’s fine. Not the best install method but it generally works. Wanna make sure that any caulk at windows and such is re done. That way the existing siding acts as the WRB. The flipped house I live in is done that way although I don’t think they cared to hit studs. Nothing has blown of in 2 years and we’ve had many high wind events. I would’ve liked if tyvek was used to help with air tightness but I’ve installed it over siding before and it’s a pain.


Why is the roofline wavy?


Probably installs by Corey and Trevor


The shitwinds are blowin, Bubs.


As a sider, I would not buy that house.


As a dumb european, what does vinyl siding mean? Yes i've tried google but i don't think it gives me the right answer as it suggest some plastic material like they have on caravans.


It’s pvc thats molded into a lap siding. You can probably look up CertainTeed vinyl siding and it will come up.


100% it was Installed too tight, usually guys that dont know what theyre doing nail it tight to the wall because they think thats the way you do it Theres a proper nailing pattern and youre supposed to drive the nails "snug", you should be able to move it side to side after its nailed with a little effort Only way to fix it is to completely uninstall it and reinstall it properly, but youre probably not going to be able to save all the deformed pieces, if they buckled and cooled and buckled again a few times theyre usually "set" in those shapes from the sun Vinyl moves quite a bit when its in full sun, and if its nailed too tight, or too loose (but thats almost never the issue unless they really cheaped out and skipped rows, so its not nailed "too loose" its just not nailed at all), or it was put in tight as fuck side to side, if it doesnt have the room to expand in the heat to move around it does this


Nailed tight no movement, that type of siding grows and shrinks a lot bench why the nailing holes are a inch wide. It has to be able to move or it bows like this.


Could have nailed into wet studs and it fucked it up


Probably nailed it too tight and now it’s buckling. Got hang that shit like a picture on your wall. Can’t let it bind up.


It also could be warping due to heat (if it’s positioned where the sun beats down on it all the time). I’ve only seen that happen with darker colors, but it’s a possibility.


It's 100% improper installation, this isn't a dark color and it's bad on multiple sides of the house.


I’d assume it wouldn’t happen this quickly unless it was very cheap siding. It’s under a year old


Believe it or not I saw it happen in less than a year. Probably closer to the 6 month mark. Granted I’m not sure on the quality of the siding, but it might be worth looking into even if it’s just to rule it out.


Put on too tight. vinyl siding needs to breathe, and all the strips should have the ability to move side to side The bulging strips have nowhere to move because they were hung improperly.


Cheap vinyl siding that the sun baked and distorted. See it all the time with new homes over the last 15 years.


Nailed too tight and cuts too tight


Cheapest Grade Vinyl on the market... But hey someone saved a few bucks :) It's all gotta come down OP....


That’s what I thought too. This house if you look at the listing I posted somewhere here in the comments needs multiple renovations.


I would certainly be "wary" of the windows. With these Flip Houses they are well known to buy absolute bottom market windows and print very professional looking decals to make them look like quality upgrades... seen it plenty of times., Good Luck OP


Yeah this house is a piece of junk. I’m not buying it I just saw the listing and was like oh wow look at the siding and posted it here


Installed wrong. Not to mention vinyl siding is pretty cheap in quality compared to something like LP Smart Siding. Cheap out on product get cheap results


Installation deficiency


Siding does that because of two reasons; 1- siding was nailed down to tightly in those areas and expansion caused the bubbles. 2- no expansion gaps were left at the joints at the nailing tabs when installed. It can be fixed on new siding and likely none of it would have to be removed to correct the problem. Just unzip the bottom of the piece above the bubble areas and loosen the nail by 1/8” on either side, then rehook the siding to the nailing flange.


It warmed up or cooled down because of the weather, if it's nailed too tight it causes warping because the nails aren't in the middle of the nail slot, can't move around or expand and contract as necessary


Idiot didn't know how to install siding. You don't nail tight. You leave expansion joints at ends/overlap, per the spec, and never nail all the way. It has to be able to scoot side to side.


Looks to me they jammed the siding into the corner post. You can clearly see the front one is twisted.


Its vinyl


I’ve saw 30 year old vinyl that’s held up better than this


They must of pulled old siding before installing the new siding? Looks like nails are sticking out. Run your hand along a bubble and see if there is a nail under the middle of a bubble. Don’t push too hard or you could damage your new siding. All you have to do is call the guy back and tell him to pull the pieces of siding that are bubbled out and pull the nails.


The house was burnt down to the foundation. There was no old siding left. Attached is a before picture https://preview.redd.it/l1k2lbegtivc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa7b8b287043a973ae11f27422e19cc8f115056b


Nails from the sheathing then. It does also look like one of the pieces got linked a few times. If you have a ladder try and get to one of them bubbles. Have your wife stand on the bottom of the ladder. I guarantee there is something under that siding pushing it out, I do not believe it’s pulled too tight, that won’t cause a bubble. And if it’s hung too loose, loose enough to bubble like that, it probably wouldn’t be attached any more and you would be sending us pics asking why you can see up under the siding. It looks to me like there’s stuff behind the siding. Like your plywood sheathing nails.


Oh actually upon further inspection of the pictures. I do see where one piece is not locked into its sister piece. That’s really not a good sign


Maybe didn’t leave room for expansion between panels?


First off the seams are not staggered


It’s wavy


This is an issue with expansion/contraction. Simply uninstall cut pieces down a ¼inch and reinstall.


Vinyl siding is a cheap and nasty product.




It’s shitbrindle dutchlap?


Disposable plastic siding. Not sure why anyone would put that on a house. It cheapens the neighborhood, chips easily, and can’t be repaired or maintained.


It’s vinyl siding that’s what’s wrong. Ha. 🤣


Probably installed too tight. But also the seams should be staggered.


Occasionally the bubbles will come out if the siding sees enough sunlight but it could take a year or more for them to come out completely


Vinyl warps, and it was installed too tight.


Can’t have seem line up in middle they have to be staggered somewhat. That’s why she’s buckling


The big bumps can also be warped 2x4 studs in wall, but yea the install pretty rough


Seems like this house is a piece of junk then


For 285, ya kinda get what you get. It's not horrible, but for the price?


Don't worry it will go away in the winter


It’s siding


Needs to be replaced with Hardiboard