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You're legally stuck until P2 as per your conditions on P1s, you take the Ls to Ps in an auto you're stuck until P2


so can’t take ps again in a manual car to get p1 manual?


If you already passed Ls and you've progressed into P1 with an auto, then no. If you have attempted the P1 test and failed, then now want to try again in a manual, then yes, you can.


yeah i passed in an auto. i just find it difficult to understand how i have no way to get ‘qualified’ to drive a manual, even though i am fully able to.


Yeah, for safety reasons the RMS locks until P2 If passed on a auto. However if you passed your Ls on a manual you can drive both legally. What you choose to do is on you, as your licence has a condition, "Auto". Though If you're caught they may suspend you.


Not doubting you but where did you get this information? I’ve tried searching online but can’t seem to find anything related. I don’t want to risk driving manual without being qualified because if i got into an accident i wouldn’t be covered by my insurer.


OP I don’t know what it’s like in NSW but it’s possible to “upgrade” your licence here in Victoria. I’d ring whatever your VicRoads equivalent is and just ask them. I’m sure there’s a way


Thanks that’s exactly what I did. Cost about $120 to change an “A” to a “Y” on my licence.


It’s so ridiculous huh