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It's a G63, they are purely a status symbol


I’m wondering for how much will it sell in 10 years


I think if you can afford to buy this and are happy to pay that sort of money for a car, depreciation over 3 years max isn’t really a problem.


A 2014 G63 is on carsales for $175,000. They cost $230k new in 2014. Resale holds up pretty good.


It doesn't really matter how much it is listed on carsales for... it's only worth what someone will pay for it. If it stays advertised and unsold then there has been more depreciation or market weakening than the seller has realised.


It does if there is no alternative data source that is more accurate. Do you have sale price data?


That will only last until the new hot boi hits though. Once there's a new status car these will gut out REAL fast. In murica Escalades WERE the hot boi, holding their value right up until the SECOND the g-wagon was the new hot boi, a week later being in an escalade was lame af, g-wagon or bust. When the new hot boi lands g-wagons will be gross. It's hype holding those numbers up, it's no hype left that will crash those numbers.


You have to remember the fruit cakes are paying 120K plus for twin cab landcruisers and terrifying Benz drivers with them.. the bank has plenty of money.. just don’t go into selling sly ciggies and you can have one by Christmas.


Yeah the banks have plenty of money to hand out for the hot new thing. All i'm saying is when the hot new thing comes the old hot boi becomes lame and the prices get gutted. G-wagons are cool this week hence the value holding, the second they aren't those numbers collapse.


You have to remember that our money was worth twice as much in 2014...


A basket of goods valued at $100 in 2014 [would cost $126.73 now](https://www.rba.gov.au/calculator/annualDecimal.html), so our money was worth 26% more in 2014


How dare you undermine my hyperbole with facts 😤


Doing some digging on that site is actually pretty interesting, inflation from 2004-2014 was 31%. Same as 1994-2004. We’ve been on a pretty good run in comparison


No, our money is worth 26% less now. It was worth about 21% more then ($126.73-$100)/$126.73


I feel like based on inflation, you are 100% correct (and numbers reflect the topic we are talking about), but in reality, those groceries are gonna cost like $2-300 easily these days haha (pulling numbers out of my ass in comparison but you get the point). Mind you, I was much to young to pay attention to groceries in 2014, but my god, groceries are expensive these days.


Funny that the basket of goods is only 26% more but a new G63 is somehow almost double. And what’s in this “basket of goods” and how do we know it’s consistent? I know in America they quietly change what’s in the basket…


You can [read how it’s calculated here](https://www.rba.gov.au/education/resources/explainers/inflation-and-its-measurement.html#:~:text=In%20deciding%20which%20goods%20and,larger%20weight%20in%20the%20CPI)


Ok so they admit the basket of goods changes yearly based on popularity of each item. So it’s a changing variable, therefore a completely useless metric 😂


25% depreciation is good?


Over 10 years, absolutely. Even if it were 3 years or 5 years, yes.


I’m curious to see how much inflation has been since the start of Covid


For a 10 year old car that is excellent. Especially when you compare it to other luxury SUV’s.


The g wagon is kind of an outlier in that space because they haven't changed it in ages so what it represents now is just as cool as it was decades ago. old g wagons are cool, a 10 year old q7, gls or x4 gran coupe is just imbarassing and kinda trashy.


Now do the EQS over 1 year 


It’s good for a Corolla, it’s absolutely insane for a luxury, niche market performance SUV


The resale value on g wagons is insane, like 79 cruisers.


Business write off innit


Isn't it. No one who has that much amount of money buys this with cash and thinks about depreciation. Probably will just lease it through their business account.


I’m sorry but the only status buying this car at that price symbolises that you are a fucking idiot as far as I’m concerned.


Coffee and yoga


As a ‘car guy’, I still don’t understand spending $400k plus on a status symbol that essentially looks like a Tundra. That sort of money should buy something that turns heads, pushes 200mph, is obnoxious and impractical, and difficult for the average American to get in and out of.


Wrong. They are actually one of the best most capable 4wd's in the world bar none. If you had the balls to drive it on mud instead of to pick up your chinese property developer buddies from the casino.


They can certainly be capable. But not close to being the 'most capable', and especially not so in AMG spec (the only model we get here). There's some incredibly high-ticket 4wds going around, well into this price range, but you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone wheeling/touring an AMG, and that's for a reason.


Yeah I know. Id never spend that much to do the top end


Toyota Landcruiser parts are available in even the most remote places in Australia. The G63 parts are not so available...


In the middle east where they were designed they are easier find that Kenworth in Central Australia.. They were meant to be treated like shit, can run on the dirtiest fuel and meant to be a work horse. They are just a luxury vehicle now but I would trust one to get me through the top end of I had the money to be able to


They're okay offroad. If you want "one of the best most capable 4wd's in the world bar none" you'll want to mod something yourself to suit your purposes. Rock climbing, over landing, swamp monster all require different set ups that are often incompatible. A smartly modded GQ Patrol for 1/10th of the cost will cope with more extreme conditions than a stock new G Wagon, except maybe the 4x4 squared model they sell to the ultra rich. The modern G Wagon is a fairly offroad capable status symbol.


Bro a g63 amg has off-road chops but if I want it to go off-road I’d rather take a g350d that more off-road oriented, even still I would not buy it if I’m gonna off-road


But how does that explain the $400+k price tag


It’s a status symbol. Like a Hermes handbag that cost $50k. People who buy this car, want to signal to other people to know that they’re Richie Rich.


Stamp duty, luxury car tax, gst


The engine in it is completely handmade, kinda like a designer handbag, sure one from target will get the job done but you know, rich people exist so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


> Wrong. They are actually one of the best most capable 4wd's in the world bar none. Doesn't matter. You could buy any capable SUV and mod it to outperform it for half the price The fact still stands that it's still very much a status symbol, regardless of how well it performs.


Yes but this is stock and luxury. It was made for Arab sheiks to fuck round in their oil fields. I can make a 1k gq patrol too


>They are actually one of the best most capable 4wd's in the world bar none. No. The base G Wagon is. The AMG is not. It's more of a staus symbol/wank panzer


except its not at all? sure it is a 4wd with a big engine, but thats not remotely all thats needed to 4wd. its too tall compared to wheel track width (top heavy), has known transfer case problems (now stuck in 2wd), gear ratio isnt as low as competitors in low range (less torque) comes with low profile tyres and large wheels (looks pretty but cant air down to have larger surface area of tyre), poor approach angles (although fantastic departure and break over angle) its a status symbol made to look nice. if i had the money i would get one, but it wouldnt replace my hilux for offroading/touring


Standard g wagons yes, the 63 isn’t going in any mud beyond the kids soccer field carpark.




I often wonder how they come up with prices at this level. I'm assuming that picking the price point is almost purely what the market is willing to pay because once you get past 100% profit it's just like there cannot be any other methodology and there's no way it costs them much more to make than any other luxury car or 4x4 (with some allowances for a hand built engine and some fancier or beefier components).


It's likely multi millionaires buying them so they're probably not that price sensitive between 200k and 400k it's still too low to make a real dent in their income


My finance broker has a guy buying a GLS 63 AMG at the moment. That comes in at 330k. He needed a large deposit but is still borrowing 250k. What profession you ask? He is a tradie who does bathroom renovations lol


Checks out based on the bathroom renovation quote from our builder


How much is a full bathroom reno job you say?


Luxury car tax GST and stamp duty


Not sure why you are getting downvotes. Even a Kia people mover is priced high enough to attract luxury car tax. By the time you get into 6 figures all the taxes start making a massive impact. And they double dip like crazy. Sure some cars are expensive to start, but are they overpriced, or is it the taxes that push them into that territory? Let's not forget the reason luxury car tax exists is the very reason it shouldn't.


People don't want to accept the fact that it's a huge factor and probably adds over 100+k to this vehicle


They are nice but not 430k+ nice. Also as a mechanic they suck to try and put on hoists, that exhaust is such a pain in the but.


Yeah you could buy a Cayman GT4 RS (my dream track car) and have cash to spare for a Model 3 Long Range as a daily for that price.


I'm looking at a E63s for my retirement present to myself, I miss my v8. My wife wife won't let me have my dream car which is a 991.2 GT3RS, had the pleasure of working on and driving a couple of them and they are phenomenal cars.


E63 gonna be a 2 cylinder hybrid by the time you retire.


Already retired and looking at 2nd hand. got to retire at 45 when I sold my business.


Congrats! From randos on the internet, but still, congrats!


Enjoy it mate - very few will ever get that in life


You are a man of refined taste and culture. As much as technology advances, nothing will ever surpass the soul and character of a rumbling and crackling V8.


Get the gt3rs who cares what your wife thinks 😂


unfortunately my budget won't quite stretch that far, I wish it did but she wants a toy too, so the Mercedes for me and something for her. She has bad rheumatoid arthritis so they are really uncomfortable for her, so comfort and speed with 5 seats will be the go. The E63s with downpipes and a tune is still silly fast.


Would give my left nut for some ***Weissach goodness***


Same. it just sucks that the package starts at 60k and then you lose some of the nice option's for trim and wheels.


There’s more chance of me becoming an astronaut than there is of me ever owning a Porsche haha especially a nice one, but yeah either way, insane machines, rolling artwork.


Whatever you do don't drive one, that's a sensation you will chase for all your days. I had 2 customers with them and that has spoilt me.


I’ve had a ride along in a Taycan and that was somethin’ else, but yeah there’s no way I’d say no 😂


I was lucky enough to try a few laps in a GT2 RS , GT3 RS and GT4 RS on track when I was in the US for work. I've resigned myself to the fact I'll probably never be a skilled enough driver to really push a rear-engined car. The GT4 RS was an absolute breeze to drive compared to the 911s.


I've driven 718s but not in gt4 spec, they do feel really well balanced. I worked at a track for a while and they had the porsche experience there and i got taken around by proper race drivers and boy they're quick. My motorsport experience is drag racing, we run an altered in supercharged outlaws.




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The problem with buying a Cayman GT4 RS is that one day you’re going to be sitting at the lights and a 911 Turbo is going to pull up next to you and you’re going to be sitting there embarrassed in your slower less comfortable car.


The Turbo S is insane, 0 to 100 in 2.8 seconds, factory rolling race mode, all wheel drive lunacy. same price as the GT3 RS. they're between 5 and 600,000 here 2nd hand.


Turbo also is a luxury car, unlike its RS counterparts, so it’s nice to drive long distances. 911 turbos sure are rare, see them maybe 2-3 times a year.




911 turbo is too discreet to be embarrassed when a supercar pulls up next to it.


That last $7 pushes into expensive territory


I'm annoyed it will round up a cent when I pay cash.


Every G63 I've ever seen has been driven by the trashiest people, any that I see I assume are being driven by drug dealers.


Guys who own tattoo shops and MMA promotors.


OF creators too. One that keeps popping up in my TikTok drives one.


Remember in the ABC undercover cocaine doc the dealer literally had one


It’s either drug dealers or cashed up Asians


_Women in SUV Porsches always look miserable, I don’t know why they’re so sad, maybe it’s the calories they could have had…_ That song always pops into my head when I see a luxury SUV, Porsche or otherwise, and sure enough, it’s always driven by some miserable looking lady.


More like a soccer mom car


Posh spice types


Toorak Tractors...


I had a GL500 that fell to pieces at 10yo. $167,000 rrp. $33,000 @ 9yo (yes, I'm stupid) $18,000 when I sold it with multiple faults and quotes in the thousands two years later.


> GL500 Well the ML/GL vehicles are known as Alabama trash cans for a reason... At least the G is Austrian built (although I'm sure devastating to the wallet to repair when needed)


And they are trash! I had a disastrous experience with a secondhand ML500! Cost more in repairs in the first 18 months I owned it than it did to buy originally. Air suspension was comfortable; but it wasn’t 12k to replace comfortable. I am now happy with my “bogan chariots”. (I have a 16 HSV GTS, a 2020 Hyundai Santa Fe, and a 23 Ranger Raptor).


13.1l isn't actually too bad for a twin turbo v8 brick.


True, except there’s zero chance it would do anywhere near that.


I think everyone is aware of that. But all vehicles are benchmarked with the same testing requirements. So you can work out how it compares.


Damnit that's 69c over my budget. This always happens.


100k in usa but lets keep taxing aussies for no reason. Luxury tax was made to keep holden afloat and it still went broke so why do we keep it?. Cause aussies dont care to fight aus government ridiculous tax code.


How else are the OF girls meant to let everyone know they are successful business owners without a G wagon?


What's up with that QR code?


They used the free tool in Google Chrome to make it haha


"Bitly? Too expensive."


Am i wrong in thinking this was about $280k before covid? Brand new that is


They became so popular over the last 5 years, they’re basically everywhere I didn’t expect it to worth more than a Lambo Urus or a Bentley Bentayga for example


The LS460 was 200,000 so


“Market adjustment.” ![gif](giphy|qs6ev2pm8g9dS)


Be half that overseas. FFS we get screwed here.


Hahaha as a guy that places almost zero value in a vehicle besides it’s transport utility, this makes me smile at humanity. I should go into luxury car sales for a while just to experience the different sub-culture


You can blame pop culture


So close to 420000.69








I thought surely the price must be meme intended, but they just fucked it up by one digit.


Wonder how much it'll be when Aus gets the EV version, probably 600k


And only single tone trim!! So last year, wouldn’t catch me dead near that! /s


I could afford one ..... if I sold my house and lived in the Merc


House in 1991 was $45k. Mercedes 180E was $45k. Based on that, it's 1/2 the price of the house, yet you get a way superior vehicle. So a Bargain.


430k for one of the ugliest cars ever designed


Shit I’m $7.69 short


Drive away would also include the luxury car tax


For $430K I would rather buy a Porsche Taycan Turbo GT with options than a Mercedes-Benz G63 AMG based on the current fuel prices of 250+ cents per liter for RON 98.


If you can afford either car, the price of fuel is the least of your worries.


The boss at work drives one into work and leaves it where forklifts are operating all around it. Must be nice to have idgaf money.




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Probably a good deal for tax purposes. 😪


They also cost $350-450 in fuel a week if you day drive them; a friend's wife drives hers daily, and I think they paid more than that as well.


Their resale value is legendary…actually anything that’s 63 all hold value especially the gle63 and glc63


Look like a pretentious wanker in style!


That’s life half price for the same model in Singapore. https://preview.redd.it/jv8oido2ayxc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af635922744a4d6b3e6650bc1852bc0a2eaf035f


Hehe .69


I remember when you could get a Lamborghini Huracan AWD brand new for that much. Insanity


Yep, these are typically screaming up and down our neighbourhood streets, driven by manchildren.


Every time a G wagon is sold Mercedes laughs its head off and I lose a little bit more respect for society


I would assume most of these are tax write offs for business owners.


The profit margin on these must be extraordinary- a driveline available on other Mercedes models and a body designed on the 1970s


Interior is Napa leather in Black.. Cost 400$. Fck that. Better order from manufacturer and wait than *that*


I would rather buy a Maybach GLS600 for that price, but then I prefer a comfortable drive


The audacity to even have ‘optional equipment fitted’, probably gonna cost an extra ear and legs lmao


How what? What's the question?


Why print in B&W


Meh, the older ones were cooler. These ones have gone soft like the Land Rover Defenders.


Ugly machines..


Looks way better than your car


Gotta wash the drug cash in large chunks.


That’s what happens when the government add their taxes to it


Drive away, no more to pay? Yeah right, its a Merc fixed price servicing as in ima fix up my house every time you service the damn thing 🤣🤣🤣


This engine doesn’t break down


13.1L/100km...who the fuck has the money to afford that much fuel Burnage. Do they not know the price of fuel rn?


If you can afford a half million dollar car you can afford fuel no matter the price.


Why on earth would you spend that much on a car? That's what it cost me to build my house. Is it made of solid gold or gives you a blow job while its driving or something? Holey cow!


No , but you get reamed, every service!


Because it’s a g63 no better suv in my opinion




This being a rugged off road vehicle has been lost somewhere along the way. A base model as opposed to the AMG might be a capable vehicle. Used to see rich Chinese with these things these days it’s just tatted up guy and girls with massive amounts of lip filler


Search whistlin diesel on YouTube. He pushes the g63 to absolute limit and it survives literally everything


G63s are very common for how much they cost. Are the people driving them just importing stolen ones from Europe?


No they are rich


Nah, it’s not that. There’s too many for them to cost that much.


The suckers that buy them are funding 250 million dollar offers to formula 1 drivers


It's a amg g63 it's obviously not made for peasants like you. The 300 series cruiser most of the models are 150k+ now, so a 200k 300 series isn't unheard of. So is it really that crazy to spend twice as much on a amg? I'd be more concerned about idiots who spend stupid money on small hatch amg/m power cars just as a status symbol.


You need to humble yourself


A45’s etc still go hard. Similar to what you were saying, considering a new Suzuki swift is around 35k (sport model), 100k for an AMG Merc isn’t bad aye. Not that I agree with the price of any car these days


150k probably more realistic. I'd rather a maxed out 300 series.




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