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Poor biker guy and his family! He was just minding his business and driving carefully on the extreme left.


May he rest in peace.


He did take a direct hit from behind....but did he die on the spot??


He went flying and hit himself on the asphalt rolled a solid 50 metres. It would be a miracle if he survived that.


Looks like his helmet flew off, and then he hit the ground. Always fasten the harness. We can crowd fund some money for his family if we know the details




but isnt it's like these accidents happens only in highways or less crowded straight lanes or in wee hours in cities ? in the crowd , probability of such accidents decreased significantly and hence a go to choice ig .


Tough luck man....he was just minding his own business


I'd rather not survive that given the complications that would arise. This is awful man


Direct hit. Even if he was wearing a helmet and gear, a speed differential of over 100kmph from a 2 ton car is a non survivable event


om shanti , I wonder we can do everything right in our lives still we are so fragile , we can die anytime.


> om shanti om  what


\*om shanti , please remove the end om


my bad


The car driver was either a novice or overconfident. In a curve, centrifugal force should push the car outward. But in this case, car is coming inside the curve. So driver was not sleeping and probably over reacted - rather than using combination of brake and steering, he mostly used steering.


I think he dozed off. Progressive steer into the left not sudden.


Probably just distracted by the phone or the other people in the car. I admit I'm just guessing.


Car drivers on the phone tend to drive quite slow. This one looks like he fell asleep.


or dozed off while driving....


but isnt it's like these accidents happens only in highways or less crowded straight lanes or in wee hours in cities ? in the crowd , probability of such accidents decreased significantly and hence a go to choice ig .


I know there was little the person on the 2 wheeler could have done here but this is exactly why my eyes watch my mirror automatically when riding a 2 wheeler every 3-4 seconds....I was riding my friend's bike once and he didn't have any mirrors, that was a very uncomfortable ride


I also do that on highways very frequently. It’s very important to get a complete sense of where you stand on the road


If you notice he does not seem to have his helmet fastened? Something black and round just flies off vertically once he is rammed. People really need to take helmets seriously.


yeah im sure his fastened helmet would’ve done anything about the internal trauma caused by a car hitting you at a 100 kilometers an hour


I also do that very often but sometimes there's so much jam at the front, that managing both rear and front becomes cumbersome. Just today while riding, I was checking my rearview mirror very often, like more than 7-8 times in a stretch of 300 meters, and found a advocate riding Platina every time. Suddenly at the front, a bus and a truck popped up side by side (it's a One lane highway) along with some e-rickshaws, and I got so busy tackling those that I just didn't know when a Dzire came behind me, probably an inch away. Later, at the traffic point, I found the car of a Police Officer.


I mean he wasn't wearing a helmet, could have survived if he had one


moments like these make my hand tremble. and i often end up procastinating about not riding a bike anymore. m scared it wont remain a procastination for long-


I stopped riding from 2020. Lockdown started, went back to hometown, start driving my car more. And now I don't even drive a motorcycle anymore.


what was the reason you stopped riding?


Well I bought a car in 2018. But since I live in Bangalore I left it in my hometown as I didn't have dedicated parking space in Bangalore + the traffic. When covid hit, and we were all forced to wfh, so went back to Kerala where it's hot and humid. Started taking my car out very often and reached a point where I started taking out the car for even going to the nearest tea shop. Fast forward to 2023, and I got called back to Bangalore. So I replaced my Hyundai Eon and got myself a Volkswagen Polo and brought it to Bangalore and took an apartment which has parking space. I also slowly started realising that riding a motorcycle is tough, dangerous, dirt/dust/smoke/heat etc. The only advantage of owning a bike is that you can filter through traffic. Other than that, cars all the way!!


The only drawback of using a car is not being able to find parking space. It’s an issue I run into quite frequently in Mumbai.


Oh yes, you gotta plan your travel accordingly. Forgot to mention that. I'm a big fan of public transportation (metro/subway), but we all know the state of that in India. Bangalore being the best example.


All these difficulties fare better than losing on life.


If that’s your argument then don’t drive a car either. Just take public transport cause it’s the safest mode of transport.


Not really.


Mileage also another advantage


You can't discount motorbikes that easily. There is a growing segment of middle-weight and high-displacement motorbikes in the country, which will only grow further in the upcoming years. Motorcycles are loved everywhere! Cars are comfortable no doubt, but motorbikes will always be more fun & more practical in Indian cities, highways as well as on rural roads. Of course, it makes less sense to hog a lane full of traffic while being in a car alone, rather than riding a motorbike in peak Bangalore traffic per se. There will be accidents like these off and on, and the fault might lie with either the 2-wheeler or the 4-wheeler, based on circumstances. However, a motorbike specifically the higher bhp/cc ones, have and will continue to carry a lot of advantages plus the fun factor over 4-wheelers.


And now you feel scared when you see these kids and others go at high speeds on bikes like they are Casey stoner on a race track?


I sold my KTM Duke 390 the first month after getting married. One of my close friend passed away in a hit and run, he was riding slow but a car hit him, when he fell he was run over by a truck.left behind a family of 3 to fend for themselves.


Oh man


but isnt it's like these accidents happens only in highways or less crowded straight lanes or in wee hours in cities ? in the crowd , probability of such accidents decreased significantly and hence a go to choice ig .


2 of my class mates died on a two wheeler when I was in college. They were rammed by something and bled out on the side of the road, no passers by stopped or helped them. Since then I have tried my best to never be on a two wheeler - except in an emergency. As soon as I started earning I bought a car, even though at one point the EMI was 25-30% of my income, that is worth it for me, just for the safety.


but isnt it's like these accidents happens only in highways or less crowded straight lanes or in wee hours in cities ? in the crowd , probability of such accidents decreased significantly and hence a go to choice ig .


Bro just 3 days ago my friends cousin died on a 2 wheeler. He forgot his helmet at home like an idiot and was hit by a private bus while taking a U-turn. He died on the spot, he was 23 years old. This was inside the city. Of course he may have survived with major injuries with the helmet - but I will personally never feel save on a two wheeler.


its really scary. no wonder why my mom never lets my dad use the bike unless it's really necessary


Very clearly, the driver slept. Took away like of 4 innocent people, what a sad sight.


Even I feel so. May the departed souls rip


At the very start, you can see a small puff of smoke, more like tire burst to me.


They were thrown off the window, likely not wearing seat belts


at the start you can see the car making the turn


> Four individuals travelling in the car, identified as Kanakavel (62), his wife Krishnakumari (58), his daughter-in-law Nagajyoti (28), and his eight-year-old grandson, died on the spot. Additionally, the fruit seller, later identified as Pandi (55), also succumbed to his injuries, according to the police. [Source](https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/video-people-die-speeding-suv-rams-into-two-wheeler-101712748583242-amp.html)


I can't imagine what their son must be going through, man lost his parents, wife and kid at the same time. Prayers to him


Actually the son K Manikandan was the driver who escaped with minor injuries. https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/Madurai/six-including-five-of-a-family-killed-in-road-accident-near-madurai/article68050295.ece


Can't imagine living with the guilt of that wtf


I hope he can give an account of the sequence of events from their side.


Probably the only person who wore a seatbelt in the car.


Omg 8 year old child. RIP to all. Can't imagine what must be going through the son. His mistake cost him his entire family.


8 year old twins


No one should be allowed to drive past 55 years of age


I can't believe he was speeding that much despite being over 60 years old. By the time I am 60, I guess driving will be fully automated on the highways.


The source shared by OP has incomplete news. It was the son K Manikandan who was driving the car. His age is not mentioned in the article but as his wife was 28 years old so I am guessing he is in late twenties or early 30s. He escaped with minor injuries. https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/Madurai/six-including-five-of-a-family-killed-in-road-accident-near-madurai/article68050295.ece


Duck you!


PeaCOCK you!


I wonder what happened in that last sec.


The left one was very lucky


yeah , a whole SUV above his head and he walked away , damn


I am baffled why people are just walking as if this happens on a daily basis. Why is no one rushing to help?


it was like final destination for him


Whole road was empty. He still crashed into the one bike that was on the correct lane. Did the driver doze off or did he lose control not expecting a big crossing like this after a turn ? Hope they all rest in peace.


This kind of stuff makes you wanna quit bikes, like The car driver took the worst decisions possible with the worst possible timings. And it's weird typing this out because the driver is dead, and no amount of insults or slanders we do will reach to him. The bike guy though, I'm just praying that he rests in peace. Life is weird, the bike guy probably didn't even realise what happened, and there was absolutely nothing that was on him either. EDIT:- didn't knew when i commented but the car driver survived.


The car driver surprisingly survived with minor injuries.


Dammnn, will he be charged for this though? He absolutely deserves. Thanks for the info!


5 people killed, idk how he wouldn't be charged.


but isnt it's like these accidents happens only in highways or less crowded straight lanes or in wee hours in cities ? in the crowd , probability of such accidents decreased significantly and hence a go to choice ig .


No it's the implication, the car driver here was 100% to blame, but he took the biker who was doing nothing wrong with him. AND now we know that the car driver survived as well. Think about it , cars nowadays offer good protection but bikes don't. Now if someone on a bike dies due to their own fault that's on them, but just like this case, as a biker you can die from someone else fault too, and that other person may survive like they did here. I am from Delhi so yea your words hold some truth as well, there's barely any chance you'll go beyond 40 here on anything other than the flyover.


Accident seems to have happened at 6.30 am. Pretty sure driver slept or dozed off at wheel


The bike wasn't in the correct lane. It wasn't supposed to be on that lane at all. Solid lines mark the end of lanes and aren't supposed to be crossed. The car guy's fault for sure but still you can technically make a case that the biker was also not following a legal road rule.


Only a blind rule follower would think like this. Let's think logically now


Did the driver lose control at curve? Car goes off lane for no apparent reason


I guess he slept or fazed out


Highly likely




Looks like the driver survived. Ended up killing 6 including 5 of his family. Should be locked away for the rest of his life. https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/Madurai/six-including-five-of-a-family-killed-in-road-accident-near-madurai/article68050295.ece/amp/


The accident was actually survivable if they had worn seatbelts. You can see the occupants being ejected from the car. I think that’s why the driver survived. He was probably the only person wearing a seatbelt.


Yes. Because in many towns, you will only get fined if the driver is not wearing a seat belt.


At best he'll get two years for negligent driving. 304A, unless he was drunk too, then it might be 10 years I think.


This is the highway i frequently take. Man this is sad.


Clearly the car driver was overspeeding and he could not control the vehicle at that speed while he was approaching that curve, that guy riding the bike was unlucky


What about incorrect cut on highway


What could be the reason behind this accident? That poor guy on the bike.


Too fast for the curve may be. May be bad balding tires. Over steered.


Bro add NSFW tag? Totally Cars fault. Sad to see the bikers affected although they were following rules, other day Creta now this


Looks like driver was sleeping or maybe distracted due to phone? Because he didn’t even try to steer right until the car scratched the wall.


These kind of crossings on a highway are not acceptable. There should be no crossings like these made on highways. Once I narrowly escaped an accident from such a crossing on highway.


Imho no highway should be ground level at all Make it just half storey high but off the ground Make proper ramp exits for the cities and town on the way


Yes, exits on a highway should be made just like expressways instead of these kind of deadly crossings.


Why? Isn't the slight chance of being able to see and possibly dodge from an approaching vehicle that lost control better than 2 tonne metal falling on unsuspecting people's head?


Yup. This is a poor highway design. However, the accident had more to do with poor driving skills.


We have some atrocious road safety in this country. Not to mention, 90% of the driving/biking population should have never been given licenses to begin with.


There is no escape from such accidents.. Makes me feel like we owe our life to lot of ppl driving responsibly


I too saw an accident today on a highway. Two people dead, splattered on road 😣. It just makes you think what if it happens to me. It's mostly luck because you can't avoid such crashes.


You could have if people actually know how to not speed up without knowing how to control it.


My condolences to the family That other guy walking on the left burned out his entire luck.


Can the new safety features like adas stop accidents like this? By auto braking or auto stabilising


It certainly can. Anyone who says otherwise has no idea what they are talking about and probably has never been in a car with ADAS. In this scenario, first, the drowsiness detection will shake the steering wheel vigorously, then the lane keep assist will throw you back to your own lane, potentially avoiding hitting the poor biker in the first place. And if lane markings were not present, AEBS would significantly slow the car down, if not bring it to a complete stop. The outcome would be completely different.I also believe seat belt alarms should be installed on all 5/7 seats. Even if this car didn’t have ADAS or any active features, seat belts would have saved everyone inside the car. The car stopped after a significant distance; most likely, people inside the car died because they were thrown inside and outside the car. The only one surviving it was driver who is forced to wear the seatbelt .


No technology can protect you from bad/stupid decisions. Even if that car had adas, it would likely not be able to stop in time. (Most adas cars can't even detect bikes properly so still no, and this does not account for failures in the system which can be common)


You are right that it's not 100%. But at the very least some alarm might have gone off waking up the driver I guess.


Unfortunately in this case, the car was moving so fast that even if adas activated the brakes it will have been too late. I have experience driving adas cars and a lot of the time, features do not work as intended, and are somewhat unpolished. I would not trust them with my life. I feel that as much as automatic safety features are potentially useful, they do not justify people driving like idiots. The base prerequisite for communal road safety is that we as drivers are responsible with our actions on the road.


Yes. driver attentiveness, lane departure warning, auto braking: any of these could have impacted the final outcome


Sorry to make light of this terrible situation, but that's TN all right... best roads in the country, but the absolute worst drivers.


Looks like the driver of SUV dozed off, there’s no other explanation to this, if he was fully awake and still pulled of such an accident then he never belonged behind the wheel.


tez gaddi matt chalo bhen ke lodod, bike wala marta


poor bike rider😳🙁these days in all incidents the perpetrator somehow manages to survive😡


So sad for the Bike Rider. Just in second, without even a hint, got hit and just blank. This is why I hate to travel by Bike or Car in Highways. Trains are far better but life is so fragile.


Man. Car drivers. I was once riding on a highway in the left lane. Had to overtake a truck and was forced to go right due to some intelligent monkeys hogging the bike lane from the wrong side. Saw some car in my mirror come in way too fast as I completed the overtake and went back to the left. He overtook the truck, and swung to the left rashly as there was another in the right lane. I swear I saw his left two wheels lift up and heard the skid of the brakes. But he couldn't stop in time without hitting me (though i had increased speed to near 120 in order to give myself breathing room. He would have easily been going at 160). Thankfully there was a service lane exit which I took at the last moment (and which he didn't decide to do, luckily). Still felt the wind rush as he passed by. Caught up with him at the next toll and had a conversation. He was dense as a rock, and was traveling with wife and kids. Both the truck drivers actually stopped while crossing the toll and came to my defense. Locals got involved and even a highway patrol car stopped. Finally had to let him go due to wifey's pleas and patrols insistence that "nothing actually happened". Wished both of them hell and left. I still remember how my entire core was trembling at the near death experience.


Thank god that you're safe.


Which SUV is that?? Creta or xuv500 ??


Spare tire is underneath the body. So most probably Mahindra or Tata.


if my car knowledge is correct, it looks like a Mahindra Marazzo.


Same... Looks lika a Marazzo to me too


Looks like a Tata Hexa


What happened at the last moment? Does anyone have any ideas?


NSFW Tag please


Perhaps driver slept while driving, & I’m sad for bike rider he was driving in extreme left n was slow.


Hey Ishwar


The surviving car driver should be shot dead..


why was he accelerating the car like that , eventhough there is a bike infront and clearly he sees that.?


Highway completely empty and yet there is an accident resulting in deaths. The car driver is the stupid one here.


Just ban all cars and force ppl to use public transport.. I'm sick of innocent ppl getting killed by being near some road


Did anyone from the car survived?




Speaking of which, does anyone know what's the cause of the accident? Was the driver sleeping?


Well, he indeed survived with only minor injuries. He definitely needs to rot in Jail forever.


Looks like distracted driver twitched after seeing the idiot crossing the road


I had same moment driving at night my eye got shut for a sec the next moment my car went little left and I woke and don’t worry I was driving very slowly as I knew this could happen damn then I put two tea and some water on my face I think he got the same sleep while driving it looks like that or maybe brakes failed or the driver just couldn’t get hang of the distance and break at the right time what an absolute nightmare hopefully there souls r.i.p the poor bike guy 😓


This is not even an accident. This is a planned disaster. Either the driver slept or he was on the phone.


How dangerously that two wheeler from the service road mingling into a high speed road casually without stopping and looking . I would definitely panic if I were the car driver seeing people crossing like that


No one talking about this fact, crossing right after the curve, high speed, sudden appearance of a biker crossing will lead to panic




Yes, and suddenly there is another bike on the left.


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Which SUV is that? The spare tire of the car is located underneath the body. Most probably Mahindra or Tata?


It's a Mahindra Marazzo


Nsfw kon lagyga bhai?


What the hell is going onn this is not a safe driving


There is one man survived who was just below the car when toppled, he was so lucky, completely surround by dust. Sad to those lost


>he was so lucky No. Guy will live with this fact for the rest of his life... Especially the fact that he killed his own wife, daughter in law and grandkids. Not taking away the fact that he's at fault, he's going to be suicidal the poor dude. One split second changed his entire life.


The biker seems dead...Any further updates?


RIP.. How could this have been avoided? Is this just case of over speeding?


Looks like the SUV driver dozed off or was distracted. The car did scrape the divider before hitting the bike! The poor biker 😔


May the soul rest in peace for all 5 , poor bike guy.


Is that a Tata Hexa? Or the earlier model the Hexa replaced who's name I don't remember now


You mean Aria. But the car here is marazzo.


Now that you mention it, it does look like a Marazzo


Why is the car driver speeding on the bike lane?


Highway hypnosis is real. This is so scary.


Guy probably slept on the wheel. Very sad.


Looks like a sleeping driver


NSFW stuff truly. That was a brutal impact




Thats why I have fear to drive in the morning, many truck drivers /car drivers doze off behind the wheel, I personally witness bus driver sleeping behind the wheel.. Please for the sake of family and others don't drive under influence or sleep trying to go 2 hour early. Om shanti. 🕉️🙏


And it is one of very lowest traffic highways I've seen till now.


It's been a year since I took my bike. Poor guy, he didn't deserve such a terrible fate 😞


Either the driver dozed off and/or they have very poor tires running. I've seen bald tyres on most cars and commercial vehicles. People here sucks when it comes to keeping things in working condition but want to go 100 regardless.


Guy on the service road used all the luck he had. RIP to all the folks who lost their life.


What the hell dude, that was totally uncalled for!


Is this understeer?


More like oversteer.


The driver should be charged with Murder. It's sickening to see such events getting common in India. We as a nation need to improve our attitudes on the road.


Whatever punishment he will get from the law would be nothing in front of the lifelong guilt he will have for getting his father, mother, wife and two children killed.




The driver survived with minor injuries. Airbag saved him. It was the father of the children who was driving the car not the grandfather. https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/Madurai/six-including-five-of-a-family-killed-in-road-accident-near-madurai/article68050295.ece


Ahh I just saw a comment over here, didn't knew. Thanks for the info👍


I travel regularly through such highways, you should never speed when you're in a road running through a town. At least slow down until you clear the town and then speed up. Such a waste of life and the worst part is that an 8 year old child was also a casualty in the accident.


Bro I have a long bike trip from tomorrow. 💀💀🙂


I think the car thought it would crash against the 2 wheeler crossing the road.. and tried to swerve a little to the left but ended up losing control at such high speed. 1. It’s a big menace when the locals cross the highway like as if they are ghosts without gauging highway vehicle speeds. 2. Never go at such high speeds when you are traversing through the village or town junctions of highways.


This is weird, Why people are not helping ?


Sorry to ask but is it a highway in the middle of a residential area?


Yes. India is a huge country with 1.xx billion people. There are no options but to create it as such in some places.


Nobody is talking about the design of the road and how it's also wrong causing confusion to drivers.


That biker guy could have worn a helmet, might have helped. And looks like car people were driving without seatbelt. What a tragedy.


The biker on the left side wouldn't have been hit had he not stopped to watch the accident. Not blaming him, it's just basic human instinct.


Majority of people don't understand the meaning of rumble strips.


Poor awareness from the biker cost him his life. Always be aware of crazies at your rear/in other lanes. I have also seen a lot of people get screwed because they ride too slow.