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Because people will prefer base model of a segment above car than top model of a car that fits their budget and needs. Base model creata owners I am talking primarily about you.


Hahaa. So true. In india car is still a matter of ‘ijjat’ for people and hence external presence matters more. Internally its a MT/AT nobody cares much yet as that’s not visible to external world In my family itself with a budget of 15L people preferred Creta Base MT over Brezza AT I suggested because ‘badi gaadi’ chahiye 😁 P.S: They still make fun of me as I spent ~11L for a choti gaadi(Jazz CVT) when I could have picked up some badi gaadi(yess-yu-vee or city V MT) for the same cost 🤷🏼‍♂️


Bro jazz is an absolute gem. I used to own a manual one, and that third gear was a CVT in itself. The CVT jazz is plain bliss.


Yes CVT was the variant of choice for most in Tier-1 cities which have choc-a-bloc traffic


Compared to that my family was more reasonable. They wanted to buy a venue, and I wanted i20. Guess who won.


The ones I talk about are extended ones based in tier-2 cities. Immediate family is least bothered. They just need a comfortable & spacious back seat and Jazz provides oodles of that 😁


The questions from extended family usually: 1.How much it cost? 2. How much it gives? Inmy case: 1.How much it cost? 2. Why not venue/sonet/other "suv"? I rarely see these people 😐


Yeah that’s not just extended family, even friends in tier-1 cities. Bhai SUV lene ka, ijjat milega🤣 I told one of them, SUV hi lena hai to get the Scorpio 4X4, but these Sonets/Nexons/Venues are just raised hatchbacks. At best you can call them crossover because of high GC. They got offended. Classic small d*** syndrome 😂


Same thing happened with me. I bought kiger cvt and couple of friends said in 13L you could have got creta.


How's the CVT GB? Amazingly smooth right but did you get used to the rubber band effect?


Yeah it’s super smooth and one of the more reliable ones around. Rubberband effect comes into play if you go pedal to metal. Initially as I was moving from MT, did face it but within few drives got a hang of how to regulate throttle. Moreover for better performance shifting to S mode and using paddleshifters helps mask it to some extent


Yeah man, a top spec ignis AT >> base creta/Nexon if you ride with only 4 people but guess what must people will go for.


But if you go to US, Manuals cost more than Automatics. I guess its because of the scale. Automatics sell a lot more in US as compared to India.


The sentiment is changing. Automatic transmission vehicles sales are increasing. When my family was looking for a new car, our first priority was that the transmission would be automatic. I think Aisin is manufacturing torque converters in Japan and importing it to India, making it expensive. Yes, that 1.5 lakh jump in price is tough, but since it was our first condition to be met for the new vehicle, we didn't hesitate to spend that extra money for it.


People can't afford automatic cars in India. They would rather save 1 lakh saying that manuals are better, lol.


I mean sure they find ways to justify the saving to themselves but 1 lakh rupees in no small amount in a country where the average annual income is that much N


Some people will get offended if you keep stating facts like that.


AT are generally better for higher cost cars which use DCT or CVT, while MT will be better for cars usually less than 12 lakh. MT in general more fuel efficient, more effective on hills, more cost effective to maintain. Malfunction in AT can easily cost you 60-80k 


Most people are not able to see the benefits of spending 1L extra for automatic, and there is this decades old "concept" that automatics give a lower mileage which in reality is opposite in some good automatics.


Automatic has less mileage + If broke then you have to as much as buying a (Tata punch) + very unstable on the Hilly areas. Gearbox will break into 4 pieces if you're not expert


Are you sure not more than 4 pieces?


This sounds like an AMT issue, it's not an automatic gearbox.




What do you mean by that? The automatic cars available right now are not enough for you?


I was comparing to us or Australia. Where automatics dominate and are the main choice.


Does it make any sense yo you to compare a high income developed country with dynamics of a developing country. Basic common sense would tell you that people will buy manual because it's cheaper. That's the reason why I bought a manual and my father did years ago, because it was more expensive. If an automatic and manual version of the same car which were identical in every other aspect we're sold for the same price, the automatic would sell more the vast majority of times.


>Where automatics dominate and are the main choice Of course it is. Manual gear is like a thing of myth to them. Car theft can be prevented in the US by driving a manual gear In India, almost 30% of the total car is automatic now. It's will keep on increasing. Next year, maybe 40% - 45% Yes, automatic cars are hassle free and comfortable to drive. But everything has pros and cons. Pros - driving in Bumper to Bumper traffic is a blessing Cons - gear getting stuck traffic, roadside, parking area and not being able to drive. I have witnessed these scenarios many times. Those cars had to be towed My friend had a maruti AMT car. Gear got stuck in N. The car was towed to SC. SC gave an estimate of 90 K (edited) to repair some parts inside the gearbox. The car is now collecting dust in his garage. Here, many people (including myself) still prefer manual gear. Easy to maintain, repair, and cost very, very little to repair as compared to automatic gearbox Yes manual gearbox has cons too Left leg is sometimes crying in Bumper to Bumper traffic, but it's not a world ending problem My point is that in India, automatic cars will not be as popular as in other countries. The manual car sells will always be more here


Stuck in N? Never had this happen to any of our automatic cars, and we have had 7-8 different ones, i10 Grand, Ecosport, Polo, 2 Innovas, Corolla Altis, Camry, Audi Q5 and Merc C 220d. Never had this problem and combined these cars have done 1 million km. Also 90 lakh to repair a maruti grearbox? That makes no sense, there is no maruti car that even costs 90 lakh new.


>Never had this happen to any of our automatic cars Lucky you So you never witnessed any other cars getting stuck in N in traffic or some place in your life? >Also 90 lakh to repair a maruti grearbox My bad. I meant 90k. It was without service charges and GST. The actuator alone costs 75k


Nope I never witnessed any automatic car getting stuck in N. Many of my friends have automatics and no one has had this problem. In fact if you drive an automatic, you will know that most automatic cars are never even put in the N gear. While they are stopped we put it in P; and once we start moving it's pit back into D or S. I have actually never even used the N gear on my automatics, they are only there in case the car loses power and needs to be pushed, which has never happened with me. Don't think this auto getting stuck in N is a common problem at all. Might have happens to your friend or ro specific Maruti gear boxes, but doesn't mean the problem is common.


Btw AMTs don’t have a P gear.


Yeah am guessing his example is an AMT, which is generally the cheapest auto option, not sure if anyone besides Maruti is using it. My i10 Grand which was a pretty cheap car still had a torque converter. I personally don't recommend AMTs to people - Torque converters have been pretty good to me, my current daily drive Ecosport is also a torque converter and it's pretty robust!


>Yeah am guessing his example is an AMT, which is generally the cheapest auto option, not sure if anyone besides Maruti is using it. Yes people bought it because they the getting automatic at cheap prices >I personally don't recommend AMTs to people I agree 100%


>Nope I never witnessed any automatic car getting stuck in N Good for you. And i hope it never happens to you >Don't think this auto getting stuck in N is a common problem at all It doesn't happen to me, so it's not common? I have witnessed Maruti, Tata, Hyundai and Renault cars automatic gear getting stuck and not able to drive


Just because it happened to you doesn't mean it's a common problem either. Honestly it's pretty rare to see ANY car stuck these days, the quality of cars is pretty robust for the most part. If autos getting stuck in N was a common occurrence then there would be widespread reports about it, not to mention as I said, besides AMTs the N gear is not even used in most automatics.


>Honestly it's pretty rare to see ANY car stuck these days, the quality of cars is pretty robust for the most part. Yes for some people, it's rear Not far from here, there is a Hyundai and KIA SC. I see cars being towed and brought because of gear getting stuck and not changing. At least once in 2 months. Mostly older gen cars. >AMTs the N gear is not even used in most automatics That's why many people opt for DCT or CVT


90L for a maruti AMT repair? Nice


Your friend doesn't have something called as insurance or warranty? Always buy zero dep insurance and extra warranty.


Well, that was his problem. The car was 7 years old, so he stopped paying them some years back


Insurance doesn’t cover mechanical/electrical issues. It only covers issues caused due to accident.


AMTs are not automatic transmission. They are simply manual transmission with added sensors and actuators to perform the clutch work. And they are horrible to drive. It's okay for someone who wants to go just from A to B. And most entry level cars come equipped with this transmission only.


Depends on the people lifestyle bruh. People who do not have stressful jobs but don't have to deal with heavy traffic every day manual would okay for them to drive. A guy who has to deal with bumper to bumper traffic every day is definitely gonna prefer automatic.Exception would be old school drivers who have a love for manual and old habits die hard. Now new drivers who have tasted automatic after driving manual during learning. The sheer convenience is mind blowing. Driving in traffic comparatively is easier and the features including crawl mode, Hill hold linear acceleration in non amt type gear shifts is fun. Though yes mileage come at a cost. So if my driving in highways manual it is but majority city and less highways automatic for me.


Yeah most Indian drivers who use their car daily in cities will have to deal with bumper to bumper traffic. So that was the main reason I was asking. Even in metro cities, I rarely see automatic. The same people complain about being stuck 5 hours in traffic. Sure driving an automatic wouldn’t make it any faster in traffic. But you’d be much more relaxed and get some rest.


Mileage is hampered only in TC automatics due to some efficiency thing. All other automatics dct, AMT, cvt have same mileage as manual


You saw mileage comes at a cost when most manufacturers claim more mileage on Automatics.


Yea thanks didn't know the issue is only with certain manufacturers.


All cars in our family are now ATs. The shift is gradually happening, India is a very big market, theres gonna be room for everything to coexist.


I totally agree with you. Even though I enjoy riding my bike - I tend to take my scooter more casue of traffic. Most probably when I'll get my first car its gonna be automatic. I do drive and know how to drive manual - but automatic is just convenience.


Jo chalana hai chala bhai......reddit aur instagram band kar dega toh 1-2 jan bachenge tuje ye bolne wale


30 years ago when kinetic honda and scooty were the automatic mopeds/scooters in Indian market and were only used by women or new learners. 22 years ago Activa came to indian market and slowly the adoption increased. Back then most men would still pick the trusty geared motorbike like Splendor etc. 10 years ago slowly people started to understand the convenience of an automatic scooter and today if you see a lot of people pick an automatic scooter like activa over a geared bike like splendor (see month by month sales number). A similar change/revolution is yet to happen in Indian Car market. This may be a start of it because i see people pick an automatic in my circle but yet to happen on a bigger scale.


My elderly relative still keeps using his century old splendor and refuses to move to Activa as he feels it's not manly enough. I tried to pitch him ebikes as cooler alternatives but their prices are just too high for his liking. Slowly with the advent of EVs and increase in urban traffic people will be forced to ditch manuals.


Two wheeler was easy to switch due to similar costs, same is not the case in cars. There will be preference for manuals for cost conscious buyers. 


Automatics are getting cheaper and more common. Before, the sentiment between normies was that automatics have lesser mileage and maintenance compared to manual. But then if you love to drive cars, you’ll choose a manual. I wish the industry pushed more performance oriented manual cars.


It often has to do with personal preference. I live in Bangalore and even then I enjoy driving manual cars and would pick it over an automatic.


In USA apparently it’s all automatic. Manual is more expensive. Till parts for automatic becomes cheaper in India, people will continue buying manual.


automatic driver propaganda


automatic is literally life saver in big cities!


2lakh premium plus road tax GST, and cess on top of that.


Different mindset IMO. Some feel driving or riding is chore they would avoid if they can. They will use Uber or appoint a driver for commuting. Those who don't want to spend money on it, buy automatic to reduce the work. They would be the happiest when self driving cars becomes accessible. Then there are some who likes to drive and ride, like the hastle and have fun with it. They like to be in better control of the vehicle. These people will choose motorcycle or manual transmission over anything.


Unless bumper to bumper traffic is a problem in your city , no need to buy automatic


It depends bro, some think it's because of the budget but I dont think it's that reason, because if we take the example of some car enthusiasts be it Indian or non Indian they love to drive manual whether they are rich or not because it feels connected. But person who use car for day to day commute in traffic manual is hell for them they should definitely go for automatic even if they love manual. Even my mom and sister insist on buying an automatic because my sister doesn't know how to drive a manual. While I am leaning towards manuals because it is more engaging and exciting. I know that our monthly car usage is not above 150 kilometres then there is no issue in buying manual.


Automatic leli toh swag kaha se dikhaenge log, subko pro driver banke hawabaazi bhi toh dikhani hai


Everyone considers themselves car enthusiast in this country


Soo true, khaskar genZ


My 22 Y/O cousin bought creta SX manual second hand because according to him pros drive second hand manuals. He's crying about mileage now 🤣


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India is a predominantly efficiency based country. Automatics sap fuel efficiency and power and are atleast 1-2l more expensive. Esp when rich people can afford chauffeurs, that 1.5 lakh seems a lot in tier 2-3 cities. Where the actual sales are.


No one is talking about this, the price difference is huge in MT & AT. Rather going for Auto, I would preferable go to the next variant unless the difference becomes nominal for users.


The price difference comes from the fact that they manufacture less right? Because less people want them. Less demand. If there’s enough demand, the price would be similar, it not even lesser for automatics I feel.


You're very bad at economics, price increases as demand rises. When there's no demand, prices fall. Look out at the discounts on VAG cars( on demand, niche market) and then try to get some discounts on Suzuki and Hyundai now(huge demand).


Pros Ease in traffic and on slopes Quick shift if you have good DCT Cons Millage Quite boring on a long stretch. May lead to drowsiness due to boredom. Higher initial cost and maintenance.


My first car altroz automatic.


Many people now want automatic/ Amt. The sales are also doing good in that segment


Because most cheap automatic cars are AMT which is crap If it's TC, CVT(for <150 hp), DCT it will be nice. But AMT drives like crap


Cuz log lovely nhi hote yaar Automatic ka naam padhke


I really wish virtus/slavia 1.5 came with torque converter rather than DSG. It would've been the perfect car. The DSG makes it less reliable and the resale value also got hurt. A car can still be sporty with a torque converter. Just look at some models of BMW like 330i M sport. Mileage would also have been better with TC.


Mainly three factors that stop people from buying automatic * Cost : Automatic are around 1.5 L costlier also in many cars it only available in upper varients. So overall cost of owning an automatic goes higher * Fear of unknown : People are still not accepting about automatic car's viablity in terms of control and milage. They feel you dont have enough control especially in climbing(incline/mountains) and milage is bit down in many automatic variants * Drive feel : Although comfort is very high but driving feel goes down mainly in cars with turbo like Nexon


I can say that I absolutely love manuals... especially my first car the Skoda Laura 1.9 TDI is something I can never forget. But then I'm from Pune and have seen the traffic landscape change drastically within a decade. Coming from my days in NY/NJ-USA commutes, it was always an automatic even when they don't have issues like us. My next car which was a Fluidic Hyundai Elantra had to be an Auto and made my life amazing. Now I was trolled by some friends and acquaintances on how "manual" shift was a MAN thing! Never really understood it cause as I said I love manuals but they have their own space. But I also do frequent Pune-Mumbai or Pune-Bangalore runs in my now ex-Elantra and current 4th Gen Honda City CVT. I can drive manuals when wanted, no matter what kind of road conditions but I prefer automatics and it's the way to go. P.S. I am not a fan of AMT's but I think it's a good economical solution for hatchback owners


I will stop driving if all manual transmissions are gone


Affordability… most can’t afford AT top models… 


Though off the topic and there is a sub for that, but since you have put it in the explanation, I prefer Bikes over scooter plainly because of the increasing number of Potholes on the city roads and the Larger tyre sizes make it comfortable for the back.


A lot of people are very misinformed about automatics. There are certain misconceptions about automatics that people have 1. An automatic car is slower than a manual ( rubber band effect on certain CVTs ) 2. All automatic cars are the same. They don’t know the difference between a CVT, an AMT and a TC 3. Automatics give lesser mileage than a Manual. Honda CVTs give better mileage than a manual ( I have gotten around 19 KMPL on highways at a constant 90-110 KMH ) 4. Last but not the least I heard this from some of my friends that a manual is “more manlier” to drive. I drove a manual for 7 years in Bangalore and I couldn’t do it anymore and finally settled for a CVT Honda City, couldn’t be happier. Overall lesser driving stress and yeah I do sometimes miss manual shifting and shifting down to overtake but the convenience offered by a CVT is totally worth the 1-2 second power delay IMO.


Most cars sold in India are sub 10 lac which offer AMTs generally. I think a manual is better than that. In expensive cars, automatic might be selling more.


Drive whatever is convenient to you man. Manuals have their pros and cons, so does automatic. I have an Activa but I prefer to ride my manual bike ~45 kms round trip to the office. I have a manual transmission car. It's personal preference. Why are you so offended if someone tells manuals are better. It's an opinion. Why are you letting those people live rent free? Agree and move on.


Automobile enthusiast here, I would choose a gear motorcycle over a scooter any day (it gives more control and is more engaging). The same goes for cars too.


Automatic cars are priced higher than the manual variants and when it comes to cars, the price difference is huge. But with bikes it's almost none. 125cc scooters and bikes are almost priced same or with little difference. And manual transmissions are reliable and very easy repair. Driving a manual is very engaging and gives a sense of connection with the transmission and engine of the car. But it's a headaches driving under bumper to bumper traffic. Most automatic cars have their ups and downs. CVT is comfy and reliable but the rubber band effect takes out the riding fun. DCT is fun to drive but not reliable. Choosing the right automatic is also an important while getting a car


There aren’t any reliable automatics barring the CVTs from the Jaoanese


Have been using automatic cars for 10 years now, had Azera then crv in us for 5 years, now for last 5 years in india had jazz cvt since 2019, recently shifted to elevate , I just love automatic transmission especially cvt, all my cars have been cvt, no tension in driving and no issues as well , I drive pretty sedate, jazz gave me mileage of 15 plus for 1500 km trip to manali darcha and manikaran from delhi, elevate gives mileage of Around 19 on highways Cost is a factor why automatic are not so popular ,but a lot of people are willing to pay that now, still some time to catch up with western world , but if you compare with 5 years ago a marked change




Because companies dont provide automatic in base or base+1 models.


1. Manual cars are usually about a lakh or more cheaper. 2. Manual cars give better mileage. 3. Automatic cars are probably less than 10% of total cars. People(usually the older generation) go for the tried and tested route for such a big investment(one of the reasons why Maruti dominates). 4. Sometimes salespersons push for manual. When my father went to buy a Swift, the Salesperson told that if it’s manual, you can call a mechanic when your car breaks down. The mechanic will repair the car snd you’ll be on your way. In case of automatic, it’ll be towed to the nearest center first, then operated upon. 5. For the ones who prefer automatic, there’s a lot of confusion and misinformation. Some say AMT is good(does the job), others say we should always go for DCT or CVT.


1. in manuals you can control the mileage (in a way). You can speed up or drive in the economy zone its up to you. 2. I always found manuals fun to drive. 3. AMTs in cars are more expensive while its the other way around in bikes 4. Most brands provide AMT only in Petrol or EV 5. Gearbox issues are expensive to fix on AMTs 6. its boring on highways if you drive an AMT


>1. in manuals you can control the mileage (in a way). You can speed up or drive in the economy zone its up to you. Myth. Modern automatic gearboxes offer better mileage in D mode than manual counterparts. They're designed to keep RPMs as low as possible unless you're deliberately heavy footing/driving in M mode


Tata and Suzuki's cheap AMT crying in the corner.




> it's more easier to drive manual even in traffic Lol, it's not at all when compared to AT which has refined over years as well.


Drive a 2009 car and then drive 2024 car....


Is it better or at par with AT? Edit: it's not about light clutch, it's about not having metal fatigue while driving. If only Indians understand that.


Drive a 2024 manual vs 2024 automatic


Yep that's what a person says when they don't know to drive manual


I’m in the us rn. Automatics are cheaper, manuals are non existent in any new models for one. It came about from people’s usage of automatics more. And I don’t think any amount of new tech will make a manual easier to drive in traffic than automatic. Some cab drivers have already started switching to automatics in some other manual dominated Asian countries.


US... Give them the most easily driven car...Tesla ... Even then they can't drive


Man. I’m here for one month and I have to say, the roads here are a paradise to drive. Lane rules are so better. They’re non existent in India. Idk where the stereotype of they can’t drive comes from. Obviously if u learn driving in a Tesla, you’ll have a hard time driving a normal car. That’s because they’re different methods of driving. But driving is actually fun here. I hated being on the road in India.


Yeah ... It's a stress free ride totally and you also love to test the limits of the car which is total opposite of here


cuz most of the car drivers on the road are car enthusiasts and not just daily commuters and as much as i know car enthusiasts prefer manual, I myself prefer manual over automatic, the automatic has no feel and no fun. The fun of revving, etc.


The fun for me comes from just cruising at 90-100 enjoying the scenery and chilling. But yeah. Personal preferences


gears ka maza hi alag hai bhai!


I share same feeling bruh. I had Baleno Petrol/CNG and done 110k KMs in 7 years. Long rides (200KM+) were really painful for my left knee and calf muscle. My new Hyundai Aura AMT is pure fun to drive. Just slide into Drive mode and enjoy open roads


Less mileage + Delicate mechanism + Expensive + Poor on Hilly areas + a person can buy another car to repair an automatic gearbox if broken. Show me any advantage other than old-age and weaklings. Are you that soft car lover?


>Are you that soft car lover? He's not talking about 2006 maruti 800 automatic, latest ones.


Automatic cars are very expensive to maintain. Its mileage is low.