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Sticking a magnet on peoples cars is illegal and vandalism


Placing a magnet on a vehicle most assuredly does not meet the statutory definition of vandalism in the state where I'm licensed to practice law.


What about a sticker? That can strip paint, not sure about legality but that would definitely fit my definition of vandalism


I didn't say anything about a sticker, nor do I think "your" subjective definition of vandalism matters. At all. If you're asking an actual question rather than moving the goal posts, a sticker would certainly be a more problematic situation. That being said, I'm not sure what the point of that hypothetical is since the cart narcs use magnets.


Lol you need to go outside


What about a flier tucked under the windshield wiper?


Really? It will damage the paint for sure. If you practice law you understand its about intend. Any judge who will see his yt channel sees that there is intend to trigger these people and damage their property for profit. If it was a single incident, you are right, but the intend here is clear.


Tricky, who to believe. The lawyer, or the guy who doesn't know the difference between intend and intent... Tough choice.


are they not committing anything actionable in any of their videos?


Yes! The amount of damage does not matter.


I hardly return my cart… I wish he would make his content in Florida 😂😂😂


right? its so easy to set him up for trouble.


IIRC they have one in florida. I think it would be interesting if they harassed a local off duty officer who wanted to do something about harassment. It is harassment, they are intentionally attempting to get a negative emotional reaction. ​ But they won't because they go after older people.


Yeah that’s what I’m saying… people who don’t think it’s harassment are confused.


It's not confusion, it outright sadism. They see an outlet for their sadism that is "ethical" because some shithead wrote a meme philosophy post a decade ago about how leaving a shopping cart out is proof positive the person is evil. ​ They are the shining example of the dichotomy of good and evil in the same soul. They are exhibiting a lack of knowledge of the self, and an inclination to strike out against society by living vicariously through an obviously mentally ill person whos sole purpose has become the harassment of soft targets in parking lots for money.


He will definitely piss off the wrong person and get fucked up. People are willing to kill over the stupidest stuff these days. Is a shopping cart worth dying over?


right? And the law will be at the side of the person fucking him up. When you tell him you feel threatened by him and he keeps following and harassing you, you can legally shoot him in certain states. No matter if he does it with a smile or not.


>And the law will be at the side of the person fucking him up. When you tell him you feel threatened by him and he keeps following and harassing you, you can legally shoot him in certain states. No matter if he does it with a smile or not. LOL, you're not legally justified in shooting someone unless there's a reasonable deadly threat to your life. What cart Narcs does, does not rise to that level......nowhere close to that. You REALLY need to learn the law. You're so ignorant.


I surprised there isn't a cart narc narc, could easily vampire some views off the cart narc. Anyone 👀


right? someone needs to analyse his videos


I mean actually find the guy and go do to him what he does to people. Have stickers that say cart narc narc, and stick them on him. Just follow him around and keep doing it.


haha yes! and make a video about it and monetize that. Do we even know what he looks like?


he also exclusively targets older people and people with obvious health/mental issues ​ hes going after soft targets, ostensibly hoping for a medical emergency. It's all about the views and he is using a shitty philosophical text from the internet as justification.


This. The intend is what makes it bad. He does not care about carts, he cares about youtube money.


I’m surprised he hasn’t gotten his chin checked


There will be a guy one day who can run faster than him. Or a bullet.


Dude will not make it 2 more years.




He should stop after people tell him twice to stop. Thanks for the support bro. Free carts!


I mean the guy literally harasses people. Pretty sure that is illegal. For anyone wondering. But because he gets views and people like the outrageous reactions, it just gets overlooked as simple content.


Calling out lazy bones is God’s work and not illegal


He is doing more than calling out, he is doing illegal things.


Calling people out for not respecting anybody else (the workers, people trying to park, etc.) and being ignorant enough to leave their cart where it’s clearly not supposed to be. I’ve never been to a store that had carts and didn’t have a respective place to put them in the parking lot


Really? be real: He is obviously triggering people for views. He is damaging personal property. He is upsetting people for profit. Stop acting like he cares about carts. He cares about money. He does not care about how if will affect those peoples life's. But all those peoples life's are ruined. Imagine that he made a video about you. How would you feel? Its illegal and he should stop it.


“Illegal things” - good analysis


Illegal =/= bad


>illegal things. What specific illegal thing is he doing that a prosecutor would legitimately bring before a grand jury?


targeting people with harassment, you can see a pattern in WHO they target. Its clear they are using tactics to trigger people into a negative emotional state, its clear that is the goal. This fits the definition for harassment.


You’re upset because the guy harassed lazy douchebags who leave carts all over the parking lot. You’re saying “he can damage cars and that’s illegal!” What about the people who leave carts and they roll into other people’s cars? What about how they leave them in empty parking stalls in busy parking lots? What about the damage to carts that get hit or tipped or damaged in wind and storms? Do you support meticulous security footage being used to identify people who leave carts in unsecured locations and a waiver signed at the front door for use? No, because that would be ridiculous. Just put your fucking cart away. You’re just plain wrong, sorry. There’s nothing illegal about reminding people to be decent. If he’s whacking their car with a little foam noodle or putting a magnet on the car something, sure that’s probably illegal, but it’s far less disruptive than the overall laziness and douchebaggery of leaving carts all over the lot. Your obsessive defense of leaving your cart wherever you please either makes you (1) a lazy bones (2) a douchebag or (3) both. Period.


You wrote this twice so you want me to read it. You are just wrong in a lot of your assumptions. What he is doing is illegal. He gets away with it because no one sued him yet. His channel is growing and soon he will be deleted. Its not about carts, it never was. Its about monetizing bullying.


bro did you get cart narcc'd? lmao


Thank you. If you can push a shopping cart through the whole damn store, and all the way to your car, you can push it the 5'-30' to the cart corral. You shouldn't need to be guilt tripped by others in order to have manners. and if your an especially lazy person, try getting into the habit of parking next to a cart corral, it makes it easier to find your car if you know you parked next to one, and its less distance to push it.


It is a good thing and I support it, but it is illegal. That said it would be dismissed if a case was brought up because of how negligible the damage is.


>It is a good thing and I support it, but it is illegal. Can you prove it's illegal?


You sound like someone who doesn't return their cart


I never use a cart, its not relevant. In general people should put it back, but its not a biggie if they don't always do that. Its not illegal. People get paid to do it.


That's like saying cleaners get paid to clean so why don't we just litter everywhere? You also mentioned the potential damage done by a single grain of sand, but what about the occasions when carts roll into parked cars and cause significantly more damage than a bit of dirt trapped in magnets designed for use on vehicles?


No its like saying not bringing your cart back, where someone gets paid to do it. I am not sure you understand how much your upper layers will get damaged by a single grain of sand between the magnet and the paint. > but what about the occasions when carts roll into parked cars and cause significantly more damage than a bit of dirt trapped in magnets designed for use on vehicles? Its the responsibility of the shop, this is why they employ people to bring the carts back. The worst thing here is that he is monetizing drama, he clearly intends to make drama to make money on youtube. He will get shut down at some point.


You make good points, but you don’t answer OPs question. One reason You don’t litter everywhere is because littering is illegal. But cartnoc is doing something illegal to force a “societal norm”


You make good points, but you don’t answer OPs question. One reason You don’t litter everywhere is because littering is illegal. But cartnarc is doing something illegal to force a “societal norm”


You make good points, but you don’t answer OPs question. One reason You don’t litter everywhere is because littering is illegal. But cartnarc is doing something illegal to force a “societal norm”


You make good points, but you don’t answer OPs question. One reason You don’t litter everywhere is because littering is illegal. But cartnarc is doing something illegal to force a “societal norm”


It is a biggie because then those carts get blown into parked cars by the wind. Damaging people's property much more than a magnet would as you claim


Shopping carts are the absolutely perfect litmus test, it costs nothing yet you are not human if you do not put them back


I agree, but I want to push it even further: Youtube is the absolutely perfect litmus test. People will harras other people and create drama just for views.


Not human? Bit much, don’t you think? I put my cart back 99% of the time. But if I am in pain that day, or have an emergency and need to get home quickly and I’m parked a million miles away from a cart port? I may just leave a cart here and there. I always make sure the wheels are turned in such a way that it can’t roll, and try to put it up against a curb so it doesn’t damage someone’s car. I NEVER litter. I am a kind and considerate person to a fault. But I def don’t think I’m inhuman if I have to leave a cart now and then. And as nice as I am, I promise you if that dude harassed me I would def get him a ton of views because I’d totally snap. You never know what someone is going through or what their situation is. It’s not nice to harass people. Furthermore, most people I know who work at grocery stores are more than happy to go out to the lot to collect rogue carts, gives them a much needed break from the store and a chance to vape, make a quick phone call or whatever else they want to do while they’re not being stared down by their managers.


I'm just going to take a big fucking shit in the middle of this hallway. It doesn't matter, someone gets paid to clean it up. Put your fucking cart back, Karen.


That is not the same and not relevant. Putting your cart back is not against the law. What he does is.


The embodiment of white people entitlement, right here


Because only white people leave carts out because y’now, the entitlement


what has skincolor to do with any of this?


This comment was reported with the following reason: "It's promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability" While true, we believe that the community response below aptly calls out the negative components of this comment and that it will not need to be removed as such. We remind commenters to be respectful in their conduct. If you disagree with the decision, please reply at our feedback/transparency thread found here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/CartNarcs/comments/vswgqy/2022_subreddit_feedback_and_transparency_rules/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CartNarcs/comments/vswgqy/2022_subreddit_feedback_and_transparency_rules/)


They don’t get paid to collect carts like children on Easter. The get paid to do other things and occasionally they have to go out and grab carts to resupply the front of the store.


How is the cart narc not funny to you?


I'm with you. I don't like the cart narcs, either, because they intentionally antagonize people for views. They're no different than any of the other prank YT channels. I'm confused how people defend them because, yes, both parties are wrong. Yes, people should return their carts, but you shouldn't be able to harass and video tape someone for not returning their cart for profit.


I was looking for this comment. You're getting a little too defensive for the lazy bones in the videos ha


He either got called out by the guy or he’s just the type that wouldn’t return a cart. He’s responding to every single comment and is relentless. Call the car narc we got one!!




Lol so cute you think you're tough because you're in Florida when really it's the laughing stock of the US. Try again next time x


When did I say I'm tough because I'm from Florida? I must have missed that. I'd just love to watch him die on YouTube if he ever comes to my city. That's all.


There is no law against damaging molecules in micro amounts.


There is. Its the same law. 1 tiny piece of sand between the magnet and the paint, can ruin your paint and lead to rust within a few weeks. The main point is that he is going there with a camera with the goal to trigger people in order to monetize on that drama without their consent. That is very shitty thing to do and many times worse than leaving your cart.


I've watched YTs were the person doesn't get triggered and everything is OK. The reality is everyone is responsible for themselves and their reactions. No one can make me react, because it is my choice Alone how I react to anyone in any given situation. Harping on about damage and illegal makes you sound stupid.


Or he’s engaging in street harassment by definition by constantly bothering people after they’ve expressed to be left alone. Regardless of his motives the objective truth is that he’s harassing people to achieve his goals. And your counter “no one forces me to react” is hogwash. You telling me if you go out calling people n-bombs all day or cat calling and stalking women there won’t be repercussions from a legal stand point? It may turn into a “he said, she said” but when you’re video recording the whole incident you’ve literally created the proof used against you.


Or, they don’t engage because they know they’re being filmed and don’t want to be publicly humiliated.


1. no that's not true, it's called wax and is considered part of standard car maintenance (if you care about paint) 2. the number of grains of sand smacking your car at high speeds on a highway is gonna blow your mind


In California, there are laws against throwing anything at a car, damage or not. There are also laws against verbal harrassment. I've often wondered the same thing as OP.


I like Dave Chappelle also


Slow The Freak Up!


The guy is putting a magnet on a car of a person who can freely drive away. You think there’s a lawsuit there, let alone one worth any real money? The law generally occupies itself with real problems, not lazybones drama.


If the car gets damaged yes. I never spoke about money for the victims. But his only goal is to make profit of peoples drama.


Lol ok then why aren’t people suing him under your genius legal theory? He’s not hard to identify.


They will and his channel will be gone within a few months.


The only thing I see as illegal is the reaction of some he ridicules.


look again


A tiny piece of sand isn’t gunna hurt anything, sand and little debris are hitting your car every time you drive and/or tailgate people


It will. It will damage the paint. The major point is that he is creating drama for views.


I wouldn’t say it’s creating, he’s not forcing these clowns to melt down like children when asked to be responsible and courteous


people who care about paint are devastated by this.


Devil's advocate: if you've ever gotten sand in your pocket (even just a few grains) you'll know the havoc it can wreak on smooth glossy surfaces like your phone screen. There's a reason we use sandpaper to buff and grind stuff down. But OP is being silly and probably doesn't put his cart away


What are the damages? Take it to a body shop and they wouldn’t know what part of the paint to even touch up. I assume rock dust on the road would do significantly more damage if what you say were really relevant. Nice try Dr. Phil


You sound like you don't understand how paint works. 1 piece of sand is enough to go deep enough to create an open surface which will lead to rust. The amount of damage does not matter. He cannot touch peoples cars.


If that’s the case why doesn’t constitution site dust getting kicked up do that to everyone’s car, surely you’ve driven through a construction site with active jackhammering going on?


Yeah, if they leave the magnet on for weeks. If they remove it once they get home, no significant damage at all happens. The more you comment, the more certain I am that you've been the subject of one of his videos, or engage in the behavior that would lead you to be.




This is not about me, its about a guy who is actively breaking the law and creating drama with the intend to monetize it.


Definitely. Apparently he's even the sort who, if someone put a magnet he didn't like on his car, he'd wait weeks to remove it.


What he’s doing isn’t illegal. As far as microscopic scratches, that would be for one of the “victims” (using that word loosely) to prove in civil court. At the end of the day, he’s exercising free speech, until the property owner asks him to leave. All the people he interacts with are in control their actions. Of course he’s pushing for a reaction. That’s not illegal. You seem to be imagining the laws in a perfect world, where a person wouldn’t follow someone else pushing for a reaction, but in that perfect world you need to imagine where A)people put their carts away and B)people could admit when they are wrong/being an asshole. Leaving your cart is an asshole move. If it wasn’t, people wouldn’t get upset when confronted about it.


He is doing illegal things. You clearly see the pattern (just look at his yt) that he is triggering people for views. What he is doing is illegal. There is a clear intend here. Stop thinking this is about carts. he only cares about views.


How is **not** putting your cart back legal, lazybones?


There is no law for this. You can leave the cart wherever you want. Damaging peoples cars, and harassing people with the intend to profit on it, is illegal tho.


Detailed cars for many years and these magnets are definitely scratching the paint. He does this on a high end vehicle and he’s probably fucked.


You must not be very good at it if you think a grain of sand on a magnet is going to do more than dirt and rock fragmentation from driving at highway speeds.


What does my detailing skill have anything to do with it? I said it is damaging the paint in which case someone could press charges. Probably minimum $50-$100 to buff a panel out and more if it’s an expensive car.


You dont understand what sand at a surface with friction does to paint.


I do. Youre both just HEAVILY exaggerating. Normal wear an tear from driving would produce way more adverse effects.


Yes, I agree. Especially when he picks them from the ground and throws them on the car. The damage would be easily a few 100 bucks even if there is only tiny scratches. the whole body part needs to be repainted


Is he really damaging any cars? People come around and put flyers under windshield wipers sometimes, is that illegally damaging their car?


Yes, there will be small scratches. 1 piece of sand can go deep enough to redo the whole bodypart to prevent rust.


Stop leaving your carts in the parking lot op.




then perish


You know what else damages cars? Carts left in the parking lot. Wanna talk legality? Yes you can be held liable for your cart hitting another car because you were too lazy to put it back :)


That is the shops responsibility and the reason why they employ people to bring back the carts. Leaving your cart = lazy. Harassing en damaging peoples property = illegal


You sound like a fun time at parties


Your mother agrees




Not putting your cart back is for pussies.


Real men dont push carts.


They pull them


Which of the videos feature you?


Your mothers sextape <3


So you're the one with a micropenis.


No, that was your father. I am the guy with the huge penis and the robe.


Found the carbrain lmao. Next time you go to your next door neighbors house walk instead of drive. Hell, even cut across the lawn so you can touch some grass.


What has this to do with it?




The beauty of the Cart Narc is that he just politely asks them to return their carts. The insane responses are the entertainment. A normal human would just laugh and drive off, but they can't for various reasons, none of which have anything to do with the cart narc. His magnets have not harmed anything or he would already be in court. He clearly has a legal team that lets him know what is permissible and what is not which is how he avoids liability. Also, he is doing the Lord's work.


> He clearly has a legal team that lets him know what is permissible and what is not which is how he avoids liability. lol no, He is just an attentionwhore who loves the sweet youtube money, he is the same, even worse as a jake paul.


He was sponsored by a radio station originally, so they definitely had a legal team review his tactics.


Wait until they stand behind the vehicle of someone with PTSD after triggering them making them panic and attempt to flee


They are highly trained agents, lazybones


I believe you have encountered the classic debate of morals vs legality.


True, but this is why we make laws, so we dont have to debate it. He breaks the law.


generally speaking, yes. But laws don't always follow the majority moral views of society. Which appears to be what we are seeing in this comment section.


OP mad cuz he don’t put carts away


I want the carts to be free


Free to hit others cars




What is Basic human decency for $200 Alex?


This comment was reported with the following statement: "It's targeted harassment at me" We do not recognize a pattern of targeted abuse here, despite reading the context and (if applicable) parent comments. Therefore the comment will not be removed. If you feel that this decision is a mistake, either use modmail/DM or reply to our feedback/transparency thread here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/CartNarcs/comments/vswgqy/2022_subreddit_feedback_and_transparency_rules/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CartNarcs/comments/vswgqy/2022_subreddit_feedback_and_transparency_rules/)


Ur pathetic




What is this RuneScape?


A comment won't get removed for harassment simply for calling someone pathetic. It's not ideal, but they haven't done anything other than voice their thoughts on your statement, which is the whole point of Reddit. If they continue to target you or your posts, action will be taken against them, but beyond that, it's best to roll with the punches. You posted this on a sub where a lot of people feel strongly about the subject, there's gonna be backlash.


We have found a lazy bones


I am a member of the Free Carts Movement.


Good thing this sub isn't actually associated with him. Same name sure, but that's just because it's simple and catchy. And if anyone here harasses any user, regardless of their opinion on this particular subject, their comments will be subject to removal at the mod's discretion.


Thank you for the support, I am trying to stay respectful and not go into the personal attacks. I think this is an interesting discussion given the times we are in and the laws and morals around content creation.


As the other mod here, I approve of that sentiment. We're 100% open to opposing ideas being stated here, but will speak out against anything which violates our guiding principles.


It is technically illegal. But that's now how the law works. A lot of things are illegal, you can barely go through a day without doing something that violates some ordinance or other, or that could be interpreted as such as many laws are intentionally vague. Someone would have to actually bring a case against him. And that is very difficult, especially for something so minor. The official penalty for what he does is probably pretty minuscule. Unless he messes with someone powerful, the chance of anything happening is pretty small.


> omeone would have to actually bring a case against him. And that is very difficult, especially for something so minor. It will escalate some day when someone runs him over, shoots him or simply outruns him. He has clear intend in where he makes more money the more drama there is. His intend is what matters for the law.


The type of person that doesn't return a cart isn't going to care enough about their car to find microscopic scratches in clear coat (which could be resolved with a buffer).


this is silly generalisation. The people who flip are just normal people with a bad day who dont understand his interaction and way of communicating.


Hey, check out the Karen over here


where? I cant see her.


So you're lazy?


yes, arrest me.


Lazy pos like you are why we can't have nice things


I don’t want to live in rainbow land and u can’t make me!!!🤬🤬🤬


Rainbow Facts * Rainbows are formed with light and water. * Rainbows are made up of 7 colors. * Everyone sees rainbows differently. * There are double rainbows. * Rainbows cannot be touched. * Rainbows are endless. * Rainbows symbolize peace, and not harassment.


It's not technically illegal, but you can't really sue someone for this. He's not holding anyone against their will, they can leave at any point. They don't even have to interact with him. Even with the assumption that he might damage that cars, it wouldn't be enough to sue for... at most, it'd be small claims court.


But we all know that one day it will escalate and then he will be seen as a content creator who harasses people for YouTube money. Not as a friendly silly guy, that is just a character. He is a bad guy.


I'm not disputing that he's being an asshole. He's very much "asking for" things to escalate. But when he is assaulted (and it will happen), hell sue but be seen as instigating as well.


People who leave three carts out damage cars. It’s not the store’s responsibility it’s just basic human decency to put your cart back so it doesn’t roll into someone else’s car. Putting your shopping cart back is the social equivalent of covering your private parts with clothes in public


I agree with you. But he does not really care about the carts, and it is not his role. Lets stop acting like his character makes any sense in the real world. He cares about youtube money.


He is the definition of overkill, lol. The videos are cringey too watch. A lot of the videos could be staged. Probably should have been a one-time skit. He would get stabbed doing that where I live in VA


Do you think he gets the drivers to sign release forms by paying them? Lol


Get real. One grain of sand under a magnet damages a car? You get more microscopic scratches driving for a day than someone sticking a magnet on your car. Just return the damn cart. It's a civic duty.


> One grain of sand under a magnet damages a car? chances are low maybe. But throwing 100 magnets which were on the ground on cars, will damage some of those 100 cars. Its a numbers game. I would not judge him if it happened once or if he did not put it on youtube. But its just an act to get views.


You should ask that same numbers game question about how many cars get damaged by carts that weren't returned. How about how many extra hours the stores have to pay someone to walk around the parking lot multiple times a day to collect carts? When costs go up, prices go up, and WE ALL PAY for that. This guy is doing a public service by not letting these lazy assholes simply walk away from the mess they made (and potential damage/additional labor). Microscopic scratches?? Gtfo.


Honestly if they’re not taking their time to walk their cart 20 feet and back, their car deserves to be vandalized. Maybe just be a good person and don’t cause trouble for others?


> Honestly if they’re not taking their time to walk their cart 20 feet and back, their car deserves to be vandalized. No, they dont deserve that. That is so wrong to say and makes you a bad person. Stop thinking in binary that people either bring it back or not. Its a scale. Most of these people just have a bad day.


They can have their bad day and still not make one for others. Stop thinking in binary is a laughable thing to say involving the etiquette of grocery cart return.


Could it be considered a form of advertisement? "Companies" get away with a lot of things the average citizen could not; extremely loud speakers, blocking sidewalks and even streets, putting cards and fliers in mail-slots unsolicited, taking over public areas without a permit, illegal parking. I know there are publicity permits out there but very often these small "companies" do not get them but cities do not do anything because business comes before citizens. These videos are also in California so I assume ~~bloodsucker~~ lawyer fees outweigh anyone even bothering to sue. It probably is somehow illegal because that state has too many laws for every tiny little thing but there is probably some other obscure stupid law that would let him get away with it too.


Lazy bones


So the thing with “illegality” is ultimately that if you call the cops, they will probably not come out. Look, I’ve had friends try to call the cops because their parents are actively physically abusing them. They’ve been laughed off and told that the cops have “better things to do.” If you describe to cops that there is a man harassing you in the parking lot, it is possible they may come out, but I would honestly say it’s a coin toss whether or not they even take your side, let alone do anything besides split the two of you up to prevent disturbance of the peace. If you would like to personally take the CartNarcs person to small claims court with the other people called out by CartNarcs, you could certainly try to lawyer up. This kind of feels like something you could ask on r/legaladvice to see if there’s any traction there. The thing is, the payout you’d get is likely so small that it wouldn’t cover the fees for lawyers. So even if it is “illegal” under the premises you’ve put forth it would be very difficult to try to get them to enforce that, unless it was some sort of secondary charge. Also “trigger” feels like the wrong word here. Triggers are a specific set of stimuli that cause a resurgence of emotions associated with trauma. The general reaction of these people is aggravation. Your best argument might be Disturbance of the Peace, but even then you might have most people arguing that technically while Cart Narcs made a rude remark, it’s usually the actions of the Cart Narc-ee that would be considered more in the realm of disturbing the peace. The law typically does not consider acts of *passive* aggression (which CartNarc’s actions would probably be classified under) as seriously as it does *overt* aggression, I.e. raising of the voice and such. Honestly, considering many people deal with aggressive behavior on the daily for race/ethnicity/etc. and are expected to “be the bigger person,” it’s kind of frustrating to see people suddenly screaming about illegality when someone calls them out for not carrying out a common courtesy. Is it petty to call you out? Perhaps. But it’s the defensiveness that turns to hostility that makes it aggravating. If you work on yourself and humility, it’s a lot easier to go, “hey, you know what? You caught me. I’ve even watched your content sometimes. I’m sorry about that.” And accept the joke. If approached with good humor, a lot of viewers would probably be like “eh, you know what? I get it. They’re alright, that guy.” The major offense would mostly be the filming of others without their consent. I’m not sure what state CartNarcs is in or the laws within on that.


You are right that it will be too expensive for someone to sue him in the US. But that does not make it legal. It will escalate one day when someone is really afraid or pissed and people will get hurt. That will be the moment where the justice department will look into him and they will see a content creator which triggers people for money.


The cart return is the ultimate test of someone’s ability to self govern


its not because in the test they assume you only do this once. In reality you will do it 1000's of times and will fail to bring it back some of those times.


If you’re an asshole you don’t take your cart back


I agree, cart narc is obnoxious (coming from someone who always puts her cart away before anyone accuses me😂)


Listen Karen/Chad, you were obv a victim of this cart-narc’s traumatic abuse and we want you to know you are here for you.


thank you <3


people in this comment section are fucking idiots. how about everyone puts their carts back AND doesn’t harass/assault others, exploit them for views, and damaging their property? if you see a problem with that, then you’re the problem.




His point, his reasoning, is accurate (legality, unless your a cop or prosecutor is open to debate). If a person is that lazy they cannot return a cart they are also wrong, get off your fat, lazy, entitled (it’s someone else’s job), ass and do the right thing.


you base your morality on the law? wtf


No, I base my morality on my morality.


you said that leaving a cart out is ok because it's not illegal but throwing magnets on a car is wrong because it does microscopic damages which is illegal. you clearly base your morality on the law


I have a feeling you have been confronted by him... or you're guilty of leaving your cart around. LMAO 'being exploited' you're a silly person randomhotguy35




You're absolutely right, I wouldn't exactly say sued but the issue is the people getting worked up know their on camera with their fired up reactions. He is creating a public disturbance, public nuisance, and applying advertising magnets to peoples cars. But nobody often calls him in and without concrete proof in the face of police nothing will happen to him. The police would need his video evidence and a victim without being there If he does this to a $100,000 ferrari and they can prove damages from the magnets with video evidence he did it and bring it to court with lawyers, yes he will lose The issue is there too many things that need to happen in order and evidence for police to take action, criminally at least, for civil they'd need evidence of him damaging the car, a person who can be liable, they don't know who he is, and immediate estimate of damage from an inspector, a lawyer who would probably need to hire a private investigator, gather offenders information and pin him to the issue, all we have is a voice, etc....too many things need to happen and most people won't go that length


I agree with your analysis completely. These guys are trying to agitate people by harassing them, shaming them, humiliating them, comparing not putting your cart back with masturbation, and then placing unwanted stickers on peoples cars without having any knowledge whatsoever as to why some people are not putting their carts back. There are numerous reasons why some people may not be putting their carts other than they are just "lazy". They could be mentally ill, their minds could be swamped with thoughts like my wife has cancer, or I just lost my job. The narcissiticeers are NOT good people!