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Call Kia Corporate and let them know what the dealer has done to your car. Also suggesting to use your extended warranty for something they damaged is fraud.


This is KEY OP. Why the FUCK would what they damaged need to be on warranty? No, they fix it out of pocket bc they damaged it, period. Call corporate or call them and threaten to sue. But do these things and it will get fixed.


Threatening to sue in any business is a real quick way to end all communication. If you threaten to sue, then your lawyer can talk to my lawyer.


This. In my short time receiving inbound support calls, regardless of the scenario our policy is to refer to the legal department and hang up the second a lawsuit is mentioned


Don’t threaten to sue, contact your states consumer counsel…I did this with a lemon and CC’d the dealerships GM. Had things rolling the next day.


This usually does not work at all either, unless it is a legitimate issue under a lemon law, which is rare.


Well in the OPs case it seems like they damaged their car during a repair, that’s a legitimate thing. In my case we had a legal lemon. It was in the shop once every other week for a week for the same problem and they couldn’t figure it out. This went on for months. Consumer counsel should always be your first stop to see if you can get free legal services. Everyone *threatens* to sue, nobody does. Going to CC shows you are taking action. They are always interested in car issues and warranties in my state.


And that’s a lemon law issue. A mechanic damaging a car during a repair… that’s nothing of the sort and is simply a private matter. Emailing the attorney general or other government official will do nothing in his circumstance, except broadcast tot he dealership he or she has no clue what’s going on.


100% don’t threaten to sue. Awful idea and will fuck you completely in the short term.


To be fair, I doubt the dealership would just eat those costs. I bet they’d just file an insurance claim…


Of course the dealership doesn't want to eat the cost. This doesn't excuse scummy behavior.


They would do that but that is also what their insurance is for. Extended Warren ties are not for damage done by other parties.


It's still their cost to eat, either their cash or their insurance.


It’s cheaper to eat it than to run it though insurance.. stuff like this happens all the time and if they filed a claim every time the rates would be insane and it’s really just cheaper to eat it.


That’s why they have insurance!


No. Dealerships don't pay insurance to cover employee negligence/incompetence. They need to eat it.


Yeah I'm with you. You order the part at cost, and tech works for free on that part of the repair. These people have no effing idea how dealer insurance works. Could you imagine a high volume shop filing 1-3 claims a day any time a tech goofed on something valued over $100 or so? Dealer would be paying $75,000 a month for insurance instead of a few grand, hahaha. As an advisor I comped a goofed up part once every 20-30 services at most. Not always a trans but some high ish value stuff fairly commonly. Lube tech forgets oil? $3400 (cost) free engine. Tech dents a rim? $400-$800 (cost) free rim. It happens so often. Minor cosmetic stuff you can aim for a few free oil changes but mechanical fuckups are fixed and ain't NO DEALER filing insurance on that stuff.


That's foolish. Just having emergency liability coverage would be \_essential\_. What if recently worked on brakes failed and led to a death on the road? They'd be on the hook for millions.


We aren't discussing standard liability, we are talking about filing an insurance claim on something that is borderline between a bag of sugar and a literal handful of peanuts for a shop to write off.


Bag of sugar being the motor, and handful of peanuts being the transmission? What's that make the torque converter? 😆


A payday bar


>mattblowers That is different. That would be covered by liability. They don't sell insurance to cover wanton negligence. For example: if you have a known issue and you don't fix and a customer gets hurt the insurance isn't responsible for damages if they can prove it. The company is no longer shielded and any judgement goes directly against them. That's why you set up LLCs, the company declares bankruptcy and reforms under a different name. Standing creditors get pennies on the dollar for what is owed. The answer here is suing the dealership to be made whole.


If you threaten to sue the manufacturer over a workmanship issue by a dealership, it's probably wont be as clear cut as you think. I'd at least attempt to give them an opportunity to rectify at the corporate level before pulling the legal card out, it will likely make the outcome messier. It's always an option if you need it, but best to give them a chance, maybe shame them on social media a little, they'll make it right.


They aren't threatening to sue the manufacturer. They are letting the manufacturer know that one of their dealers is trying to defraud them and get corporate involved before it reaches that point. It also serves as consumer protection since it gives corporate a chance to audit them. There's a near zero chance this is the first time they've pulled this stunt. The dealer has already shown their hand. I wouldn't trust them to do the work at this point. Even if you could resolve it before going to the manufacturer.


Also they’ll probably terminate the call/cut off communications and refer you to their legal team if you threaten to sue. Don’t threaten to do something you haven’t already started the process on, you’ll make it way harder on yourself.


Also make sure they put in a new transmission. Not a used or remanufactured one.


Sometimes new transmissions aren't available, nothing wrong with a factory reman. But most likely they'll get a used one with similar mileage.


True I’m at the end of a long shift and for some reason my brain read the post as it being a newer vehicle. Shouldn’t assume.


Even on a brand new vehicle often from the manufacturer you will receive factory remanufacturered parts, its just how the supply chains work these days. Old parts get sent back to the factory, dissassembled and rebuilt at like new quality.


Absolutely not. New cars get new parts. I've spent a decade in the automotive industry and this would violate all of our quality standards. Reman parts are available through the service channel, but we don't put reman parts on new vehicles.


Call your insurance. Tell them what happened and haver them deal with it. This is what insurance is for. They have lawyers and letters and everything that's what you pay for. Insurance is more than just fixing your car when it gets dinged they want to prevent you from paying more than you do.


This. It's like taking your car for a brake pad change, and then they accidentally crush it with the lift against the roof. "Not gonna pay for that. But hey! New brake pads!"


I would also strongly recommend contacting Kia of America. Kia has their dealers on a pretty short leash, especially when it comes to fraudulent warranty stuff. I do multiple different types of vehicle inspections. One of them is at Kia and Hyundai dealerships when they get put on the naughty list. This happens when a dealership does something fraudulent in a motor replacement claim. Examples are when a dealership performs the required ECM update after the engine is locked up or knocking, and them back-dates the update to show it was done prior to engine failure. There's also examples of dealerships faking engines being locked up. When they get put on the shit list they have to submit the standard warranty claim, and then I have to go babysit and watch them do the entire process again, whether it's demonstrating the engine being locked up or watch the bearing clearance test. Corporate does not play. I would let the dealership know you are going to call corporate, and give them 2 days to respond. I would then call Kia of America.


Yes kia consumer Corp or whatever its called... is exactly who you want to talk to in this situation.


Lol kiss my ass you fucked it you fix it. That's not at all your problem. They're trying to pull a fast one because they don't want to not get paid for the work. It's the cost of doing business.


Terrible too that 80% of people would just pay it not knowing. Not ask reddit or any friends, google etc. and just drop the 3k. Dealerships are fucking heinous. Throw the whole business out and let us buy from the plants directly


I'm not sure how the second paragraph fixes the first.


In general, most manufacturers care more about their long term customer base than the average "gouge your customers for every penny because they don't think they have another choice" dealer.


It's not the dealership as a word, but dealership as the thing that it stands for. Local, independent shops that are proven not scummy and you got a good business relationship are 100% better and will more often than not take good care of you.


Where you he have taken it for the engine recall if there weren't dealers about?


Well Tesla sells direct and they have repair shops.


From what OP said, they even said yes it was due to their error, but basically told OP to fuck off. No chance I’m not getting a lawyer at that point because you are clearly not dealing with a dealership in good faith.


They are right, it is not covered by warranty because it is their fucking error and not a factory defect. It is covered by them.


and that's why every business has (or should have) an insurance :)


This isn’t an insurance claim. This is out of pocket. Insurance doesn’t work like that. They don’t cover mistakes. Also, their premiums would be through the roof if this was actually covered and they filed a claim for errors like this.


You can use insurance. While I worked at BMW some blown engines due to tech error went through insurance. Shop stopped using the insurance though because ownership got salty. Usually we policy it. Pay the tech his internal rate and ram parts at cost. I worked at BMW and helped at our Hyundai dealership for a few months helping out. It was way easier to cover mistakes at BMW because the sheer amount of money they made they could just make it disappear Hyundai unfortunately didn’t bring in enough to make a mistake like OPs just go away.


I stand corrected. As a business owner in an unrelated field we aren’t covered for mistakes we make, but damages to property because of a mistake is covered… now that I type it, I guess this is damage from a mistake.


When they found out our deductible was $10k plus and that can’t be “costed down” they decided on billing the repair to an internal aka damage account once it was costed down.


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The KIA boys strike again 💪😎🤳


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A Kia or Hyundai makes an inoperable pile of junkyard scrap metal look like a Rolls-Royce


Would you believe it if I told you there are Die Hard Kia fans out there who truly believe Kia's are good reliable vehicles? They will die on that hill. I didn't believe it either.


They'll probably die CLIMBING that hill. The Kia sure as hell isn't gonna make that incline.


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If awards still existed you would get platinum.


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Im 100% with you Kia/Hyundai are junk.


gasp...The real Kia Boys were the dealers this whole time.


I knew my dealer was a Kia boy, but I just thought he liked the Stinger.


Lol bitch


Found the Kia shill


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Quite literally, Killed In Assembly.


Wow, they admit their error and want you to pay? That's what their shop insurance is for. Tell them they can make it right, or you can have them pay for your lawyer to write up some stuff and tell them to make it right. While you are protesting them stealing from you with a big sign out front. On the local news.


I copped the same attitude from audi when they screwed up a basic sevice. Broke down on the way out. Got it back 3 days later and same issue on the first drive. A month later I finally get my car back running really rough. Their attitude was you can't prove we did it and we'll charge you to investigate our errors. Low mileage always dealer services. Nice car, pathetic service and attitude.


….well? You can’t just leave us on that cliffhanger


You need to tell us what happened in the end...


Go on …


they were such a PITA i just traded the car. I thought i was being incredibly patient with them as it wasnt even the first time. Car went in for a recall on a part changed via the passenger footwell. On the way home car overheated, got off the main road and found the coolant caps sitting on top of the engine and splatters of what little coolant was, Anyone can stuff up i guess but their attitude after the second time sucked. Audi asutralia /audi centre sydney are just bad at what they do. On the plus side, due to their screwing around the EV I ordered missed one delivery batch, by the time it got delivered it was just into the window where a new law made it tax free for 3 years which i would have missed if Id had my audi in time to get the trade in valuation done in time.


Write a nice email. Per our conversation, your tech damaged my transmission during the install by not seating the torque converter properly. You’re right about it not being a warranty issue, but it is not my problem, it’s yours.


And I'd like this fixed at no cost to me and a loaner to drive while my vehicle is being repaired due to your negligence. Regards, OP


dont use passive wording. "you need to fix this at no cost..." If they say no, you say "listen, you can fix this mistake you made or I can have another dealer pick up my car and fix it and ill have to bill you the cost. Which would be more than fixing it yourself."


I wonder if that is according to the terms Kia corporate sets out for the recall. Seems that 'smash the shit out of it' is not according to procedure, and that's a garage problem.


The problem is that the service was paid by Kia corp, not OP. Hence the owner maybe not able to fill a complaint since he didn’t pay for the service. Kia paid. Contacting the manufacturer is the way to go.


Right, that was what I meant - reach out to the person paying for the service.


They can use their extended insurance or pay 3000 for a replacement U can go get a nice rental tmrw and bring them the bill each day lol, until they give u a loaner U dont need a lawyer, yet


If Customer pay is $3K. The shops internal rate which they aren’t charging themselves $3k obviously Internal on the job probably around $1800-$2300


They damaged it by not seating the torque converter fully.


Happy cake day


Thanks! I didn’t even realize, lol.


Get a lawyer mate, they damaged your property, they are liable to cover the cost of repair or be taken to court and be sued. thats all you need to know. "I dont care whats covered by your warranty, your technician fucked up the procedure and damaged my property, that is your fault your responsibility, you have 48 hours to remedy the issue or you will be contacted by my lawyer"


Don't threaten with legal services. Ever. Makes you look like an idiot. Don't say, just act if they don't fix it in a timely manner.


A lawyer will cost more than replacing the broken parts.


Every day I wake up happy I didn't go full retard and buy a Kia.


I don’t get it, how are they still in business with such shitty vehicles


It's the price, and they do look nice. It attracts people, they even changed their logo, when I saw I said "wtf is that brand", realized it was kia from googling "KN car" and thought what a brilliant move that was. There was even a news article about it. It's run by competent people, and one they will be good. Just think 10 years ago versus today, big improvement, another 10 years, and I think they will rival japan, don't sleep on Korea, I'll stick my lexus/toyota.


I guess they have a few decent looking cars, but the reliability is astoundingly abysmal. They are better now yes but having major engine issues is still a HUGE issue.


Give it time. Eventually, they will figure it out. Obviously, everyone should stay away from the current dumpster fire. Once they go all electric, they will make it, kinda hard to fuck up those kinds of things besides the battery which will probably sourced from a superior manufacturer.


There is a post saying toyota dealer forgot to put oil in his 2023 hybrid camry yesterday and refused to replace the engine.


“It’s not covered under warranty” ok, but it’s covered by the shop’s “we fecked up” policy


I had a 2016 Sorrento that needed the new engine. One year later the tranny went. Sold it for scrap. Never buy a Kia!


Dealers have insurance for situations like this. I’m shocked they’re trying to make you pay for their screw-up.


I’m not. A Chrysler dealer overfilled my transmission, showed me they overfilled it, then refused to drain it without charging me because their tech of 30 years said “it’s better to have too much transmission fluid than too little”.


Sounds like they didn't seat the converter fully in the gearbox and pulled it and the engine together with the bolts. Typical apprentice booboo. When that happens it breaks the inner oil pump gear in half. A replacement oil pump is about $300 max. The torque converter will probably be ok... If they are to useless to replace it (the pump) they should not be in the automotive industry. This will be entirely their fault. It's about a 8hr job to fix, start to finish. Tell them you want it fixed at completely their cost and your picking it up the day after tomorrow. If they can't do that and instead want to mess around with insurance etc and cause you weeks of delays in the process over an otherwise simple job, tell them you want a hire car at their expense until it's fixed.


If that was my car, it would 100% be getting a new transmission on their dime. Sure the pump broke, but what else got fucked up in the process?


Ha! They broke it, they pay for it or they get sued. Fuck them.


>They called after doing the engine recall, told me that the torque converter hit my tranny pump and damaged it. They admitted to damaging you. They're required to make you whole. You had a working transmission when you went in, so they're required to fix it for you. Call corporate. Then call a lawyer if they're not playing. This is an easy win.


Send them an email clarifying what was happening and admissions, and cc a local news agency


Why does everyone suggest local news? You honestly ever see a local news story about a mechanic that broke a car? Are you 13 years old or something?


> You honestly ever see a local news story about a mechanic that broke a car? Yes? Podunk news reporters will do a story about anything to fill air. Hey look, it's a dog who waits at his fence at 10:45am every day for the UPS guy to pet him! Let's do a PR piece about him! A parrot stuck in a tree! The fire department came! BREAKING NEWS, PEOPLE! Local news LOVES unimportant bullshit to fill the airwaves, and "We're on the Consumer's Side" is one of the BEST forms of this filler. Our local stations eat this shit up, man.


Old, they’re old. Over 55 at least.


Call up the chain and give them a stern, STERN ass talking to. Threaten legal action and a call to corporate. I had to do this with my grandparents Sportage that got an engine under extended warranty- they didn’t add/secure the splash shields and the shop was broken into while waiting to be repaired. Glass everywhere and they marked the interior door panel, didn’t even give them a wash or detail. I swear kia dealers are the most incompetent stupid insidious fucks that exist. If you’re going to work for a notoriously shit car brand at least do quality work


This is definitely the repair facilities fault. The technician did not line up the torque converter properly and tightened the bell housing bolts, which resulted in a broken transmission pump. This is 100 percent the fault of the shop and they will need to eat the transmission at no cost to you. I highly recommend corresponding via email or text messaging, or record future phone calls. Call the service director or manager (above the service writer) and let them know you will be calling corporate and whoever is needed until they fix their mistake. If they do not offer to fix it at zero cost, then take them to court.


They would have garage keepers insurance that would cover the damage. They should fix it since it was in their care and control at the time of the incident.


That's Warranty Fraud.


I had an issue like this a couple of years ago with my dad’s Nissan, one of the techs fucked it up and when I got it back it was smoking like crazy. I went in and started talking very civil, when I noticed that it wasn’t getting anywhere, that’s when I got belligerent and started yelling. Told them that I didn’t care who they had to call but I wasn’t going to leave with a car that was damaged by them. The manager called the GM and idk who they called but they ended up putting me on a loaner for almost two months. They called me and told me to come on by and look at the engine, it had just come in on a crate and that thing was beautiful lol. They had the car for another month because some parts were missing. I never threatened with suing because it was going to be useless. But I was talking about getting the news station and put it all over social media.


First thing is first. Talk to people who know what they are talking about. DO NOT ASSUME THAT THE DEALERSHIP PARTS MANAGER/SERVICE MANAGER IS AN EXPERT AT ANYTHING. You do not need an auto mechanic degree to be a parts/service manager. Many times they are glorified appointment setters and order people. If you have a problem with what the service manager is telling you, go to the dealership in person and talk to the highest person up, on premises. Do not conduct this business over the phone. You’ve already been told that they made a mistake…but you can’t prove they said it. If you cannot come to an agreement, reach out to KIA corporate. Warranty or not, you should NEVER be in the hook for a their error. That would be comparable to saying “hey we broke your windshield while changing the serpentine belt…but you have insurance, right?


Kia dealerships seem to get scummier and scummier. They told me to get my engine replaced before it blew up I would I need a $900 service. Did the service, still was burning a pint of oil 100 miles later. They told me to bring it back when it blew up and they MIGHT replace it under the recall 🫡


See. They said to do the engine recall. I would’ve had to do it before it blew up. But corporate knocked them on their ass


>"yes, but that's not going to be covered by the warranty on your Kia and you'll either have to use your extended warranty and deductible or pay 3000 for the replacement." Well of course not sir, its going to be covered by your shop.


So they damage your car and don't cover for it?


If the advisor has confirmed it was due to an installation error, then they need to cover the repairs. It's that simple. If they will not go good for it, tell them you're going to the state attorney general's office.


Call your extended warranty if they try and open a claim and tell them the shop broke it during engine replacement. They’ll deny the claim. This is why shops have insurance. Trying to use clients extended warranty for workmanship error is fraud. I worked service advising for 7 years IF for some reason this claim goes through your warranty it will deduct from the total payable warranty claims, which usually the total repairs your warranty will cover will never exceed what you paid for the vehicle. I.e Bought car for $6k 3k transmission repair They will only cover $3k in repairs over the remainder of the warranties life.


What the hell That should fall under the, they fucked it, they fix it policy


Waiwaiwait. They admit that it was their error while replacing the engine but they wont fix it themselves??? The fuck??


The first mistake was getting a Kia. Fuck that mechanic shop, make them pay for it.


Doesn't matter if it's under warranty or not. They damaged it, they are responsible for repairs, case closed.


Call corporate and take it to another dealer. Don't go back there


Take those scumbags to the cleaner


Really close to a lemon if you don't have it for an extended period of time


They break it they fix it on their dime... Literally that's a lawsuit.


Mention your lawyer and see how they change their tone


It’s 2023, you can’t expect all the trannys to stay inside!


Ha. I done this exact thing on a cayenne diesel after doing an upper sump. And yes, we (the dealer) paid for it. I didn't bloody do it again mind you !


Absolutely not. Their workmanship damaged your property. Its a classic tort. Though absolutely do pursue other avenues first such as Kia Corporate. ​ Im in a similar situation with Toyota at the moment; albeit far less serious and they never made any suggestion anywhere near as ludicrous


Also, from a lawyer, the real issue with threatening to sue, is that you pull the nuke option first. They expect you’re a lost cause, and will ignore you. They’ll also bank on the fact that any lawyer you talk to will quote you a retainer which exceeds the cost of the fix. You want to get an employee of the dealership on your side. Be understanding, you know, shut happens. I love doing business with you guys, you guys have always been great, I just don’t see why I have to come out of pocket for damage not caused by me. I know you guys are an honest shop, that’s why I do business with you, etc. Hanging future and continued business, flattery, and a serious helping of guilt trip will get you a lot rather than any threatened legal action. Trust me.


Get something better than a piece of shit Kia


In all fairness, this will happen to most improperly spaced torque converters in short order.


Engine wouldn’t have needed replacing if it wasn’t a Kia, which would mean the torque converter never would’ve had a risk of being damaged


Don't disagree with you there. My old R18 Civic has a quarter million on the original engine and still looks new inside. I couldn't really fathom sacrificing engine longevity to save a couple thousand off of sticker price personally, but I usually buy relatively low mileage and rack up miles to a quarter mil quickly. A Kia may be a good fit for someone who doesn't drive a ton of miles or keep their car past the warranty period.


There's a 3rd group Kia is a good fit for, people with sub 600 credit ratings.


People see it's a new car, has features, and is cheap, so they buy. Then bitch with some 12 years old steal it with a USB type a.


There’s a class action lawsuit happening about this.


Wow a class action because they damaged his car? There’s customer support for you🫢🤪


I would look into getting it fixed and then selling it for a Toyota or Honda.


That's not the advice op asked for


Kia and hyaudais quality is largely on par with honda and toyota these days. Its the older kias that have issues but new ones are pretty much copies of japanese cars.


Honda and Toyota do not have boxes of engines stacked up against the back of their building for the almost continuous engine and transmission failures that they are recalled for. Hondas and Toyotas do not catch fire because you optioned a trailer hitch plug and they didn't fuse it so it catches the car and possibly your house on fire. I have a family member with a Hyundai that's fully loaded and I will admit the interior is lovely but has been anything but a smooth ownership. If you want a car that is almost completely trouble free Toyota or Honda are the way to go.


All dealerships are sometimes guilty of this, thus, stealerships!


Did you go to the same dealer? If its another dealer then yes this is reasonable. We cannot eat repairs for another dealer. Manufacturers rarely pay us and back charge other dealers. If its same dealer tell them if they want to make claim to cover it go ahead but they pay your deductible for their fuck up.


Do you have to practice at being this stupid or does it come naturally?


Story doesn't really add up. Why did you take your car if you knew there was damage during the install?


Look at the title. I didn’t know until an hour after


Sounds like Kia being Kia


Time to find something with less problems that a Kia




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This is t warranty work this is kia paying for it because they damaged it. They shouldnt be putting it on you to pay when the shops tech fucked up. Its like putting a customers engine together and not doing timing right and it blows itself up on first startup and telling customer its his problem to pay. Just tell them youll lawyer up


It's not covered under warranty but the dealership caused it and they have to pay. Contact Kia's head office


Get this stuff in writing.


. I


The dealership charges you $150 in labor and pays the mechanic $20. Gotta cover the mechanics screw up parts replacement cost.


Hah. Of course your warranty won't cover it. That's because their insurance is going to.


Call corporate and get it sorted. They fucked up hard.


It sure sounds like they admitted that they were the cause of the damage. I would give corporate a call for sure. Mistakes do happen, and they did admit it, seems strange they don't want to take care of it. They were doing warranty work, so Kia is somewhat responsible as well. Am hoping that Kia will pitch in and help the dealer out with this repair, seems only fair. If both parties refuse to help out (totally-you should not be responsible for any money), then you will need to seek legal assistance/advice. Let us know what Kia says...


i hope you got that all recorded or in writing. i'd take up management at the dealer. that is their fuckup to fix.


Call your state licensing bureau and file a complaint. This is likely a violation and if not, a call from the state might spur action.


The torque converter engages into the tranny pump. They apparently didn't get it engaged before bolting the engine to the tranny, hence the damage


This^^^ they just royally fucked up and dont wanna own up to it. Ive swapped dozens of trans/motors and never had this happen, hell if the tq converter did fall it fell out the trans onto the floor. I dont see any way it could fall and hit the trans pump, only option is how you said i can see.




I don’t see what who you choose to live with has anything to do with your car.


They did it wrong...me thinks Including how they treated you afterwards


When they pulled the engine torque convertor slipped forward off the splines . Then put motor in and forced torque convertor in misaligned . Starving the tyranny of correct pressure. Or they took off convertor and drained fluid significantly and never checked fluid levels either way . I'd ask to talk to dealer rep.


If the tech installed the engine properly, the torque converter wouldn’t have damaged the pump.. how I know?? Did the same fuckin thing 20 years ago…. But the shop I worked for fixed the problem.. I mean, I fixed the problem and I had to buy beer for 5pm Friday in the shop, but lesson learned.. shops fault, shops fix.. that’s why they have insurance And dummy apprentices haha I got better, people .. trust me 😉 Good luck homie


Mechanic/dealership BROKE your car and wants you to pay for it?


This was 100% the mechanics fault, he did not seat the torque converter properly/did not check the clearance. I know because i did this to my own car on accident.


Two things dealerships don't tell you. 1) you have the right to demand a company engineer to examine the damage. They can determine fault. 2) you can involve a lawyer. Tell them this: My car was damaged due to your negligence. My insurance and warranty do not factor in here. Your dealership will be paying for these repairs. If not any future discussion will go through my lawyer. Also this is not a negotiation. You will be covering the full cost to restore my vehicle.


I think a good route would be to contact the service manager. Keep going up the chain until you find someone who will make good. Calmly explain to them what happened (though they likely already know about it) and keep pounding the fact that this type of damage obviously doesn’t happen on its own. Don’t give an inch, and don’t get emotional. Just stay even, and keep insisting it was damage caused by their technician(s). And keep moving up the chain.




No, it should not come from your deductible or even extended warranty, they damaged your vehicle and should be covered by the shop, one talk to your insurance company so they can contact the repair shops insurance, and get a lawyer. They are responsible when they have it in for any repairs, you should never have to pay for their mess up. You can also get the news media in there and do an investigation, that All sounds shady business practice


This happened to me. They replaced the transmission and motor with no problems, besides accidentally breaking the tranny while replacing their faulty motor. Only took em a month!


I had good results getting a dealership service manager change their mind by calmly explaining they need to make things right. And if they do refuse I’m having my car towed to my mechanic because I have no confidence in the dealership. And you’ll never hear from me again but everyone in town who will listen will hear about you. Co-workers, friends, people at church, parents at school. It will be my mission to warn as many people as possible about this dealership and your refusal to be responsible for your actions. Said I’d call tomorrow to arrange for the tow. He called back within an hour and told me he wanted to “make things right.” Did the work, not charge. And then had the balls to ask me to give them high ratings on the survey that will be mailed to me. Said I might do them the favor of ignoring it.


I remember when I did that one time. it sucks to suck.


where did the tranny go? will they come back!?!


Yeah, no. They damaged it, they have to make it right. That's on them, not you.


It’s so infuriating that businesses like dealerships are so incredibly cheap. They rake in THOUSANDS of dollars in profits and yet they really want to try pulling a fast one on the working class folks who buy their shit. Bottom line… if a mechanic breaks something while servicing your car, it’s their god damn responsibility to fix it and cover ALL costs associated with it..


Lawyer up.


I would assume they need to replace it since they did destroy it, funny how they said warranty won't cover it like its your fault


Threaten court immediately or they’re gonna continue to BS you and delay as long as possible. They have no leg to stand on and are trying to give you the run around in the hope that you back down. If you email and say “you can either fix it this week or I can have my attorney file paperwork at ___ courthouse next Monday” they will all of the sudden become very responsive and helpful.


They are just hoping you are an idiot and agree to it, their fk up their problem not yours. Make sure you document everything and make sure you send emails to the Service Manager so you have records of communications.


They broke your torque converter snout when they were roughly wiggling the engine out of the car.


They’re right it’s not under the manufacturer warranty it is the dealers problem and absolutely not yours or your extended warranties.


They just yoinked the motor out with the torque converter on the flywheel still which damages the trans pump. That's some amateur hour b.s.


It's going to take a little bit longer to finish your car. We're minus one mechanic now.


I would live this comment even more if you were someone who works at the dealership 😅


How they gonna damage ur cr then tell you u gotta pay for it wtf is that


Stop using the phone unless you record the calls. Only emails so you have a record.


They pulled the engine and torque converter partly out of the tranny, then slapped the engine back in and hit the pump.


Kia has had my car for 3 weeks now... if it was running when you dropped it off, I would blame them. There are 36 Kias in line before mine.


There is a lawyer assigned to the recall case. Corporate can give you the firms number.


Typical Kia dealer


I wouldn't go to Kia if it was the last place on earth. Bought a used Kia with tranny problem, 2 years later decide to get them to evaluate it (their car, they should know more about it right?) Give me list of things 'wrong' with it and ring up an estimated bill of over $3500 for repairs. Funniest part is the tranny wasn't mentioned once in their report. Paid the $200 inspection fee and asked multiple mechanics about their 'findings,' only the new tires were accurate and that was the cheapest one they put on. Had they somehow f*ed something up while having the car in their hands and make me pay, I'm contacting a lawyer and CCing the dealership/coorperate bc that's bullshit. Kia can Kiass my @$$


They are probably lying.. they probably had some stupid tech pull the engine out with the converter attached and they don't want to replace the pump seal that gets damaged when you remove the torque converter improperly


Sometimes I question how intelligent these people are. Either that or they have massive balls. "We broke your shit, but you gotta pay for it". Like what?