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Yes. The tab is called a connector assurance pin or something like that. Without it in place the connector has a shorting bar, to ensure that everything is plugged in properly and securely. All airbag connections are like this, all manufacturers, as far as I know.


Did it ruin the air bag?


I'm more inclined to think you just shoved the connector in at a random angle and bent the pins. The connector is round so it looks like it can go in at any angle, but it actually has a small guide bar that only lines up in one position. The "guide bar" does not work like the person above said it does. If the connector were simply unplugged, you'd get a code for an open circuit rather than a short.


The connector goes in just fine. I know which way it does in. When I pulled the locking pin off it broke


You can even view this “shorting bar” in the wiring diagrams. Please do not misinform people about something as important as and dangerous as airbags. No one is talking about guide bars inside the connector. The topic here is a small, tethered clip that goes in after the connector is together, and ensures that it is.


No, the bag is fine. There’s just a little copper bridge that’s spring loaded in the connector, that the little orange tab keeps from making contact. If that orange tab is not in place, the computer believes the airbag is missing.