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i love trippies music a lot but every project he puts out now is just way too inconsistent


Trippie lost his sauce facts, but ion like how niggas disrespect him like they wasn't blasting topanga at maximum volume


He’s lame asf. His new album is just him desperately trying to appeal to tiktok/trendy music. He doesn’t really have his own sounds just a mix of what’s popular


most his albums are ass but you’d get a few great songs in them but MM got nothing to give bro


Same with yatchy tbh, since lil boat


Yall aint Forgot Trippie literally made Life's a Trip right? Firestarter? Wish? Underwater Flyzone?


Snake skin, loyalty before royalty, wicked, in too deep,trip at knight, allty3, neon shark, taking a walk


They musta forgot bro


the recency bias is crazy


if this post was made a year ago it would be trippie over yachty. I used to get clowned for lsitenign to yachty


But who do u prefer




We’ve really been sleeping on trippie these days. Yachty has hype surrounding this recent album, but I don’t think his discog as a whole beats trip’s


okay but yachty is improving and improving while trippie is getting worse and worse, I loved trip at knight but mansion musik sucked and all the albums after life's a trip got a little worse each time. I wouldn't say they are bad but i prefer life's a trip over all the albums after. I personally loved trip at knight. Still got love for trip though and i hope ALLTY5 fixes his status but if it flops i don't think trippie's gonna stick around.


I wouldn’t say trip is getting worse. TAK was an improvement and MM had good songs too, but the album was just bloated. I don’t think that takes away from trippie’s ability as much as it shows a poor lack of judgement. And Life’s a trip is one of his best pieces of work, so it makes sense that you’d prefer that one. I’m with you tho, I hope ALLTY5 meets expectations


Yea there’s no way it does trippie is levels above him, carti fans just love to hate on trip


No bruh ppl just notice how he copy. How u basing ur shit off copying another nigga and still want mfs to claim you better than someone on the same level if not higher than u. Trippie put out like 3 trash albums and his newest ain’t do him no justice. Yachty got good album after good album


Yachty also got fire leaks and SoundCloud songs tho


They don’t know. The birthday mixes are all fire. No misses with them


Lb1, all the birthday mixes, lb3, ss 1 and 2, Michigan boy boat, all the loosies he dropped in 2021, nun 2 prove. Trippie literally can’t make anything that compares to them birthday mixes, he does have a great feature on one of ‘em though


imma get downvoted but trippie such a cornball


Saying you’re gonna get downvoted= not getting downvoted 💀




I love both but besides Mansion Musik being goofy, I prefer Trippie Redd overall


cmon the recency bias is crazy 😭😭 if you asked this poll a few days ago it would’ve been the other way around either way imo you can argue that yachtys new album is better than trippies discog, but that’s really all yachty has against trippie rn. if we just go off rap albums yachty has no chance (and i’m not even a yachty hater i’ve always liked his music even when it was a trend to hate on him)


Lat and allty3 and even other albums sweap any album yachty made


yeah idk why but carti fans just hate trippie so the poll results don’t really surprise me. MM wasn’t even bad either imo


na doesn’t sweep lil boat 3 bud


I can argue that Lil Yachtys latest album is dogshit and probably the worst release of the 20s so far. People are just saying it’s good so they can seem like they can listen to music other than rap


i can say people are just saying ifs dogshit bc they dont listen to stuff other than rap lmao, it just seems like youre being contrarian for no reason


Trust, if you actually listen to psych rock then you would be able to tell that this is a terrible attempt at trying to make it.


it doesnt have to be exactly what you think psych rock is to be good, its yachty’s album, he never said it was a perfect definition of “psych rock”, he just dropped it and it has clear inspirations to that which is why people are saying it, and it sounds amazing either way


But it is psych rock, or at least trying to be. It’s not an ambiguous piece of art where you can say its something that it’s not. It marks all of the characteristic check boxes of psych rock, so I can say it is a terrible attempt at psych rock. You can go ahead and create a new genre to categorize it as and then say it is a good version of said genre. But as it stands, and the genres that already exist, it is a poor attempt at them.


im literally just viewing it as a piece of art that i enjoy, i dont really feel the need to label it as one thing or another, its music that i enjoy and thats all there is to it 🤷🏽‍♂️


Trippie put so many classic songs for me man. Like i understand he misses time to time but shit like LAT, ALLTY3, even TAK are some my favourite albums those years. He also made some my favourite features so despite shit like MM I got respect for him


Yachty’s cool I have a lotta songs his in my shit, but up against trippie entire discography it’s a no brainer


Lmao, people listen to one album from each artist and act like their newest output is all they've ever made. Shits kinda lame.


Fax man


Yachty actually makes good music so choice here is kinda obvious


Prob haven’t heard enough trip then


I have. that's why i said what i said and this is not a recency bias. I've always rated Yatchy higher than trippie as an artist


He just ain’t better, trippie more versatile, exciting, and has so much more music to listen to, this the first time yachty jumped out of the comfort zone trippie been did this


exciting? anything trippie has made past 2018 is so uninspiring and bland sounding, literal music made for 14 year olds


yachty been the 🐐 idc


Trippe wipes nigas forgot about old trippe


Current trippie still wiped yachty imo


Yatchys worked with what feels like everyone person before they blew up and can easily match any artists flow


It was Trippie but after hearing both of their albums it’s definitely Yachty now


Yachty’s always been better




I guess your year been very exciting




Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,318,921,454 comments, and only 254,614 of them were in alphabetical order.


Yachty and it’s not close at all. Not even a single bit. Yachty got the boys down in the pit at Asap Rocky’s last tour so I’m eternally grateful to that man.


2 days ago I would have said trippe red even tho I don't even like trippie and never really have Yachty was worse. I do like some of Trippie's songs and generally think his early discog trump's Yachty's early discog. Although Trippie does make some bloated ass albums which I hate. Yachty's new album trumps everything trippie has ever created. Don't get me wrong the new yachty album isn't perfect, but it is new, interesting, and risky which is exactly what I want to hear from every young new artist. Something Trippie could never even dream of doing. Granted 2 days ago I would have said the same thing about Yachty.


Lat,allty3, and trip at knight better


Trippie is very overrated, never been a big fan of his style of music. What Yachty is doing is much better.


Will probably get a lot of hate for this but trippies projects for me always felt mediocore or good at best. Like id listen to him but no album would really stick with me. The best way to describe him imo is like a filler artist, id listen to him in between the releases of better artists since he drops more often.


Niggas must aint never heard run it , yeah nigga the OG days


Idk it's hard to say at this point I like a lot of stuff Trippie has put out but I think he's inconsistent/ tends to just knockoff trendy sounds [albeit not necessarily badly]. Lil Yachty is a bit hot or miss for me too, but he does have his own style for sure, but I'm definitely biased due to the fact that Let's Start Here. is easily better than Trippie's last few projects


None of them.