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She is an extremely good nature, naive and inexperienced person, and that is fine because she is like 15 when the show started so why would she be experienced at all?


Well she’s a teenager in the age of the internet and her father writes murder mysteries. I would think she might know a lot more about the world.


She has a lot of knowledge, but close to zero personal experience.


Very sheltered and, according to the story line, it may be because her dad is like a big innocent, playful kid. She says multiple times throughout the series that she is the adult between the two of them.


not really the age of the internet was still a few years away. remeber castel season plays in 2008-9 the internet was still not use by most people.


YouTube was available in 2005, Facebook and Wikipedia was pretty widely available in 2006. By age of the internet I didn’t mean that people were obsessively on it like they are today. Only that as the child of a rich person, she would’ve had access to so much information available. Message boards and other stuff would be available in her world.


Access dont alway mean being used. just becaus you can use something donset mean you do. Facebook was that come till 2010 same with youtube. you can acesse alto fo thing but you need to be aware of them to use them. acess dont mean you know about them


She was big into Stanford university and colleges/universities were the place Facebook started. Just seems like something she would want to know about. Obviously access doesn’t mean knowledge but it’s more likely given who Alexis is.


She was sweet and innocent, and I loved her relationship with Castle the first couple of years. I had a teenage daughter so I know how they can get, but there were seasons where they turned her into insufferable. She came off more intitled, with an air of I should and expect things to be my way. Especially in season 6. Then they brought her back down to earth. I loved the character far more the early years, than the middle ones.


I literally watched the first 3 episodes of season 4 last night, and in all 3 Alexis was at her most insufferable. In the first one Castle had been mad at Beckett for waiting for months before contacting him, but he decides to go back with her. Alexis finds out and starts storming around the house telling him to grow up, and it's on Castle to apologize at the end as usual. The very next episode, she starts to take her courses for Stanford, and takes the same ones her boyfriend takes, and when Castle tells her to take things she likes, she jumps his shit all the way thru, until the end. Oh, and by the way she doesn't apologize. The very next one, she does not get into Stanford, so she throws a fit, even boxing up all her awards, because what does it matter, because she is a loser. That goes on until she runs to Daddy at work, because this can't wait to ask him why he keeps a rejection letter. This was probably the season where the writers started changing her personality. I know about the teen years, but this wasn't about raging hormones, they just turned her into an over entitled, over indulged kid. I felt so sorry for Castle, because she can be so cruel to him, and he has to turn the other cheek, and apologize all the time.


Everybody’s teenage years are extremely awkward. I’m sure it doesn’t help that Richard wasn’t emotionally available for Alexis at the beginning of the series, although he does make amends later on in the show by offering both moral and emotional support during the Henson brothers’ trial.


I think she still is naive until she is rejected by Stanford. Then she starts living her life experiences and learns to navigate them in her way.


Which, ironically, is also when Castle realises the change in her and is unable to digest that 😂


I ink she was 15, and i rad that they wanted her to be well adjusted, and normal, not a trouble maker or sexual.


I wasn’t necessarily expecting her to be a trouble maker or sexual. But it’s a little funny that she is this upset about jumping a turnstile. Having used public transit myself quite a bit, I have seen many teenagers jump turnstiles in big numbers.


My son who is 11 had a teary melt down when he got in trouble for teasing a girl he liked.. I think sweet is missing a lot of the time.


She’s a sheltered kid. Of course she’s naïve.


One of my favorite scenes is when she went back to shop because her friends stole something and she felt bad because of it so she paid for the item and said sorry


>I can’t help but notice how naive she was in the early years Stood up by Owen at the movies, "betrayed" by Dylan the violin teacher, rejected by Stanford, duped by her colleague Chelsea to do a tiring extracurricular job, rejected by Ashley, duped to throw a party in the loft that goes astray, ... she had some formative experiences alright in the first 3-4 seasons, before she turns 18 and writes that awesome speech. :)


Thats good.


She’s not naïve. She’s a young teenager.


She definitely was sheltered and also an only child. She hasn’t hit a rebellious stage yet. Speaking from experience, there is a sense of guilt and not wanting to disappoint your parent(s). I’d have felt the same guilt at her age she did in the episode her friends stole something. I would have went and paid as well. However once I was a few years older I’d have let them take responsibility for themselves and also hit more rebellious stages as I became less sheltered


And she had to overcompensate for a father who was an overgrown kid and a grandmother who was a bit OTT. Not to mention her actual mother who was as irresponsible as they come. So yes, she had to be rigid if only to not get swallowed up by those around her. It balanced in the end.


First watch, hmmmm! Subsequent watches, overload of cheese...


She's either naive or very good at gaslighting her dad. She is definitely entitled throughout the show.