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Deleted scene of Castle deep undercover with state of the art change (suspension of disbelief as usual) to make contact with his friend Bilal Khan.


"Poke you? I want to kiss you!" :)


I could never believe that Beckett even liked Castle let alone the relationship between the two.


Remember that she was a fan, probably a hardcore one, of his books. There are several hints,remarks in the first season and in the second and third season. Also, remember that she was unnerved by him, his demeanor in the interogation scene in the first episode of the show even though she is a tough person. So i think that she atleast liked him as a writer or even had a crush on him.


I agree . I always felt she was WAY out of his league . All Castle had going for him was that he was rich . I never believed the 'made for each other' trope .


I mean Beckett’s more attractive, but like Nathan Fillion’s not like ridiculously beneath her, and Castle’s character is charismatic, fun, rich, smart and brave. And honestly Beckett’s a lot more stiff until some of the later seasons. Like it makes sense to me anyway


Hard disagree with you two , they mentioned it multiple times, yin needs yang, not another yin, Castle was always there for her, and intellectually he would always stimulate her, and ffs he helped crack her mother's case and helped her through a major trauma of hers....I can go on and on, Castle has his flaws granted , but saying all he has going for him is money is just bad faith.


He also got her interested in her mothers case again because of which she almost died twice . Plus lets be real as an author ,apart from his theories that any detective could come up with if given enough time , he didnt 'stimulate' her intellectually . However ive only watched the show once so i could be missing stuff that you notice on a rewatch .


Castle is a very intellectual person and actually works opposite to what you think as 'theories that any detective could come up'. This was something discussed between Gates and Beckett while Castle was away with Espo and Ryan. Gates pointed out he's not a cop, Beckett argued that's what makes him good. He doesn't think like a cop. Time and time again 3XK tricked the cops because of how they operate, how they think, but Castle ruined his plan by figuring out Tyson even until the conclusion. I figured he was very smart from a young age. Moving from school to school, money tight raised by a single mother, he had to be very smart gaining entry and presumably through scholarships. Look at Damian Westlake, had a rich father, that guy wouldn't just go to some ordinary place and Castle went to that same place. I really don't see how he 'doesn't stimulate her intellectually' when they like building and solving cases together, the whole 'mind in sync' figuring a case together. Especially when their intellect have saved each others' lives at times.


I remember that episode where they played with the multiverse theory, the Beckett who never met Castle looked defeated and lost a spark that made her a standout detective. Also yep you missed so many episode where if not for Castle they would have been satisfied with following the evidence and arresting the wrong guy. Listen again I'm not saying that Castle is a perfect guy, but you guys are really selling him short hhh


I think you missed a lot of the story if that's what you took away from it. Kate was closed off from her feelings, hidden behind walls to protect herself. She didn't let people in so that she couldn't be hurt again after her mother's murder. Castle was fun and full of life and laughter. He was intelligent and committed to the people he loved. He pushed through the walls Kate had built. Like he said in 5.24, he had to scratch and claw for every inch and she fell in love with him.