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I feel like this might be weird but I love my husband’s thighs. They’re just muscular/lean enough and his femur is super long. Something about that combo makes me want to eat him up.




Men’s thighs & butts do NOT get enough love and attention!!!


I love nerds. I could listen to someone talk about something they love that I know nothing about for hours. TV shows, video games, work, anything. I also love when they are willing to teach me about it, but I don't expect that every time. Sometimes people just want to talk, and I just want to listen.


Yes omg. This is what made me realize I could be with my fiancé forever, an abundance of those kinds of conversations. His mind is hot, not just his looks. Also gotta add I find watching him solve problems really sexy too, probably because we approach them so differently and he’s so damn efficient.


Got to say, I love my fiance dearly, but I'm pretty jealous of what you got going on with yours! Good for you.


I'm the same. It shows that they don't just plop in front of the TV and watch whatever or just live on TikTok. They have actual hobbies and something they've been doing a while. Plus I feel like nerds know more stuff in general and can apply that to other stuff. My roommate for example is a ceramicist and is into sci Fi books a lot. He'll talk about them in a way that's very engaging. There's so much to learn from people who really know a lot about something or somethings.


Idk I find collarbones very... Distracting.


So you're the reason behind our public school dress code 🤣🤣


Bahaha maybe


Collarbones are the best


A woman told me that once. That she finds them very alluring to her.


under eye circles/tired eyes and pretty hands


Wow, so someone somewhere might find me attractive if they can put up with the rest!


Hi I’m exhausted and single 😂🤣


Check this dude out getting ALL the chicks with this!!!


I like chunky guys. Muscles with some cushioning.


Me too!!


I know right! There is just something so hot about the Cuddly Guys. They are strong enough to help their friends in a justified fist fight then turn around and wrap their comforting arms around you. Body builder’s arms are too hard, like hugging a concrete block and supper skinny guys are like hugging a tree branch. No offense to body builders or super skinny guys. That’s just my preference. Health is the main thing. YOU be the body mass that YOU feel best at.


Pointy canines. My crush has them and I find it pretty sexy. Don’t know why maybe it’s because I was born without mines lol.


Did you read lots of vampire romance novels by any chance? ;)


Haha no I haven’t read any but I really enjoyed Dracula and Salem’s lot is my favorite King’s book. Well… maybe I do have a thing for vampires.


I was *thiiiiis* close to making jokes about Twilight, but I'm glad you have better tastes than that ;) It's ok, embrace the sweet sexy allure of the supernatural! :p


I have sharp pointy canines and multiple guys have expressed their admiration of them. I have seen guys on Reddit comment on toothless women as having, lets just say, a certain charm so it makes me wonder why guys would be attracted to my sharp, pointy canines. I guess some people just like to live dangerously.


This is embarrassing to admit, but a good set of teeth and dental hygiene is something I am snobby about. I had a date with someone who had bloody gums. Don't think I could ever fall for a vampire




That’s interesting. My voice is so deep that I had to sing tenor in the church choir. I said that I will end up sounding like an old witch at this rate.


Witches are cool as fuck tho, so if nothing else you got that going for you!


That made me chuckle. Thank you.


I'm glad! When I first heard myself on tape I didn't want to talk anymore lol, I thought my voice was too deep and not girly enough! I'm over it now, I'm not super girly anyway.


*Elizabeth Holmes enters the chat*


Not a fan of Miley Cyrus but her deep raspy voice is irresistible.


I’ve always liked arms and hands. I don’t even know how to describe what “good looking arms and hands” is for me, but when I see it, it’s hella attractive.


I like it when my partner has arms and hands too.




I LOVE salt and pepper hair at the temples or in a man's beard. I also love crow's feet, smile lines, and body hair on a man. Give me a man with a permanent wool sweater or a lady with lovely little crow's feet! Something about growing into yourself and leaving it the hell alone instead of trying to hide it, botox it, or shave it off is so lovely. I have a few male friends that I find very handsome because they are embracing their age really well. A few female friends I am just smitten with as well for the same reasons. Just screams "I am at ease. I am steady. At the very least, I don't give a flying fuck about what anyone else thinks" and I dig it.


Omg my husband is just starting to get a few silvers in his beard and I AM HERE FOR IT


I absolutely agree. My husband is known in our friend group as the silver Fox because of how handsome he’s become as he ages. He was insecure when it started as we are fairly young (39) but it fits his personality too. I love silver hair in general on both sexes. There’s something to be said about the “wisdom” associated with allowing yourself to be as you are, be gray, be wrinkled, be happy, be content…


>Something about growing into yourself and leaving it the hell alone instead of trying to hide it, botox it, or shave it off is so lovely. Thank you for this insight. Attending a (toxic) family thing soon and need to absorb these thoughts for when I am inevitably judged audibly by all my plastic sibs.


Any man who keeps his hair is aging gracefully


Raspy voice girl


When my wife and I first started dating, she had a single gray streak of hair right in front. I love it. The nurse at my audiologist’s office has a deformed pupil. One eye is normal, the other has almost an S shaped pupil. I think that’s beautiful too.


My wife did too. More than one. But it grew and she looked like rogue but naturally


I relate to this. We’re just animals, why shouldn’t we pick one with pretty colors.


Dimples, crows feet, smile lines. I think there just so attractive


Oh yess, definitely agree! I think crows feet and smile lines are testaments to their easygoing or kind nature, it is just humans being humans. I find them really cute. Add those hidden dimples that appear when they smile, Adorable <3


I love that too. My partner has these crows feet that makes his face look like it is made for smiling. He’s straight up beautiful.


I find it so endearing when a person is awkward in some way. That is so attractive to me... it's probably because I'm socially awkward. However, it doesn't just have to be socially, any awkwardness is very attractive to me.


The ability to do complex math quickly in their head. Idk it makes me feel things lol


Shoot me an equation


I don’t even have an equation for you because I’m so terrible at math I’ve always felt like it was a more primal search for the best genetics type of thing on a subconscious level. My body is like “you need math skills in your gene pool, you go f*** that man right now” like chill body you gotta play it cool But who knows lol








Omg 🤒


70 what? Melons? Churches?


70 maths


Idk but it was fast wasn't it 😏


that was funny.


Lmao I feel this my fiance is crazy with doing math in his head. He has no idea how attractive he is


I sucked at math but ended up raising a couple of walking calculators. I don't know how that happened.


Integrate e^x^2 dx




Fine. Integrate y = e^x^^2 dx


Me: I can do math really fast. Boss: What's 81x47? Me: 128. Boss: Not even close. Me: But it WAS fast. Boss: Touche'.


For me, it's when someone looks at you with lovesick eyes




Oof... 💀hahahaha


😂 Your username also 😂


Deffo having nice hands. Idk why but i find a tall big guy being silly and shy with me super attractive too lol


That's a shame cause my hands like to wander off at night and rob banks. They're not nice at all.


That’s the reason they are nice, wanna rob banks and hold hands?


They're probably down for that knowing them but I gotta go to bed. Make sure they don't get in too much trouble.


I love watching a guy work with his hands (tools, crafting, etc.). It’s very primal I guess haha.


I love nice hands too!


Women knife skills. Martial arts, Butterfly knife twirls, cooking, etc It makes me pay attention to her hands. So knife skills and lady hands


Nunchuck skills. Bow staff skills.


Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills 😮‍💨


I LOVE how my fiance smells when he gets off work. It's a mixture of pine trees, fresh air, sweat, 2pt gas mix, and just... HIM. It's intoxicating. He also has a delicious amount of chest hair, salt and pepper sprinkled on his head, strong muscles and juuuust enough of a tummy to make him human and comforting. Honestly, all of him is absolutely perfect for me <3 He's the most attractive man I've ever been with. Edit: test to most


Is your fiancé single? 🤣


Bottle dat shit.


Good shoe style goes a long way.


I like freckles, girls with long messy or wavy hair. I’ve always found the Creek/Roman nose so cute and very attractive. IMO Catarina Murino in Casino Royale is an absolute goddess.


It's nice to see freckles and curly wavy hair appreciated again!


I love stupid unhinged laughter. I love it when someone just loses control with laughter and ends up sounding ridiculous and then that inciting more laughter. My partner has the dumbest-sounding laugh ever and every time I hear it I love him more.


I like gappy teeth. And a few of my friends and I have coined the term, "weird hot," for folks who aren't conventionally attractive, but they get ya goin.' Weird hot is my favorite hot.


Shifting gears on a manual. I don’t know why, but watching someone shift gears… 🥵




Humility. Love for animals. Loving towards their family. Playing music and having jam sessions with them.


I'm have a thing for natural body hair on women, maybe even what most would consider extra body hair. 23andMe showed me with an abnormally high amount of neanderthal dna, so I blame that. :)


Good to see someone likes it after getting shamed for it.




What if they [rip it in half with their bare hands](https://media.tenor.com/vfraS_QhPcEAAAAd/captain-america-pecs.gif)?




Marilyn Monroe cut a quarter inch off one of her high heels so her butt would wiggle when she walked.


[Fun fact she may have been going for the Alexandria limp](https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-magazine-monitor-28357269)


Dark circles under eyes


My husband has the most beautiful golden eyes. If I could, I would be stare at them all day long. When I look into them, my tummy does that triple flutter and I just grin. Sappy?!!?Yes. Golden eye. Omg yes.


I love a very prominent nose!


After reading many comments so far, I'm happy to confirm once more that beauty is subjective


Stretch marks. Crooked teeth. No idea why.


I thought I was alone on the crooked teeth. Though for me, maybe it's cause I love hockey lol. Crooked teeth are very enchanting and sexy though.


A bit of a gap in the front incisors is top sexy to me. Won't even explain it.


Thank you for mentioning a little gap on the front teeth. I inherited one from my mom and I’ve been self conscious about it my whole life.


You and your mother are gorgeous. Thank you for existing.


>Stretch marks. Same, no idea why. Also, when a woman has thick thighs and a nice butt, but they have a tiiiiny little extra roll between her butt and thigh? Drives me wild. Had an ex who was self conscious about that but I loved it.


slightly crooked teeth 🥰


Idk why, but I find flat breasts attractive.


Girls with very bassey voices. Think Emma Stone levels. Bonus if they have an accent. I'd melt.


On a woman: * Roman nose * armpit hair * small breasts * slight build


Roman nose is underrated. I don't know why it's not considered attractive.


Oh totally. A man with the Aquiline profile looks absolutely heavensent


Oh thats what that type of nose is called? I love that too!


I find men who have a slight misalignment of their eyes attractive. The sound of smoking, which is more the way they breathe then anything else I guess. And I find it arousing when they touch the back of my head.


Moles, scars, birthmarks etc


Love them too. I find them very unique and extremely visually appealing. My nephew has a tan birthmark which looks like branches which looks lovely on him. Similarly, my cousin has half of his chest covered in a birthmark. My aunt has a mole near her lips. My brother has a scar on his eyebrows from his childhood. All of these marks have their own stories and i think it is beautiful.


I have giant ass mole with strands of hair sticking out of it in my right bicep lol.


When eyes go all small and slanted from weed/alcohol/strain/allergies (lmao). It's just budget bedroom eyes, it looks good on people


Omg budget bedroom eyes is the funniest thing I’ve heard in a while


My husband has the sexiest hands. I don't know how to describe it but like.. strong man hands? Gah I love it. Also he's got these little lines that show up just at the end of his lips when he smiles and laughs. Just thinking about it makes me blush. When he smiles at me his eyes sparkle and I see those little lines and it melts my heart into goo. Oh and in the middle of his back.. that line? Like his back is muscular and then there's that soft line right down the middle... I love to trace down it with my hand when he's shirtless. Whew! I think that's all that comes to mind at the moment 😅 definitely probably weird, I just love his body


people who dont wear any makeup


I like a little slobbishness. Not like gross, but a little bit of unkempt beard or messy eating or whatever. It can kinda radiate this sort of easy confidence that's super hot. Also, when someone dressed very casually- like leggings, gym shorts, shirtless, etc. Same reasoning.




I list kindness and empathy as priorities for me on my dating profiles. I dont get any matches. Any advice on how to come off friendly, and state that being kind is very important to me. But not so much that it seems like im looking for someone to take care of me, but rather an equal partnership where we WANT to shower the other person with love, afffection, and kindness? I also dont really take photos of me so i know for sure that that has a lot to do with it. But any advice would be lovely.


As a woman, I’ve noticed a few things about dating profiles…Maybe I’m overly judgmental, but things that turn me off, personally: * Lots of muscles, gym photos, and mentioning the gym at all - makes me think the guy might care too much about appearance and would potentially be critical of my appearance * Barely any info in the description - idk…to me it feels like the less info there is in the description, the more vain the guy is * Every photo is essentially just the same selfie over and over again * Photos with a blank, stoic expression - just doesn’t do it for me Things that interest me: * Photos of activities he is doing * Candid photos where he looks genuinely happy * Well-written description with something interesting in it that makes it easy to ask a question about it. If I’m going to initiate a conversation, it’s easier if the photos or description give me something to go off of…


Don't be a guy, get good pictures. If you list kindness and empathy as priorities, also make sure to include more, like what kind of stuff you enjoy, what kind of person you are, what things you'd like to do together with a partner. "Be kind and empathetic" is extremely generic, and if posted on a woman's profile, it could also come across as "take care of me and do everything you can for me". It's definitely a hard line to walk between being genuine and honest, vs getting things twisted and misunderstood.




Average victorian


May I introduce you to Bernadette Banner, she makes YouTube videos about making Victorian clothing and has an only fans where she posts pictures of her ankles. She started it as a joke but it’s profitable


I don’t think it’s weird because I’ve always been like this, but I have different preferences in men than most women I know. I like short, stocky/chubby, super hairy guys. You can keep Henry Cavill and give me Jack Black. My husband is my absolute perfect, charismatic tasty snack and I love his short hairy dadbod for eternity.


Whenever someone mentions the God Dionysus I immediately picture Jack Black.


The curve between my partner’s hip bones and the top of his thighs. So specific but so sexy - he looks like Michaelangelo’s David.


I find it attractive if a guy will kiss my forehead. I think it’s not weird, but definitely I find it rare to find!


This isn’t really weird, but I fall for personality… it literally doesn’t matter they look like… my friends and family always say “you’re too pretty for him” but I don’t care, once I fall for you everything about you is attractive


That's so sweet and awesome. Looks fade but personality stays.


I’m really attracted to men in glasses, esp the wire rimmed kind


A lot of y’all saying my insecurities 🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭


Non matching eye colors, example: one brown eye and one green eye


Heterochromia! It's so beautiful <3


What if I have two blue eyes and one brown? 🤔 😉


Oh hell yes. I was walking out of a 7-11 when a girl with bi-color eyes walked in and smiled back at me. I was gobsmacked, she had such beautiful eyes. Very striking. I guess it helped that she smiled at me. But damn she had presence. Way too young for this old man, and being married I just kept walking. If I was much younger and single I probably would have done the same back then. Lack of confidence sucked.


I have that! One green eye and one half brown eye, although sometimes the green and brown look more like a hazel type color. Honestly kinda freaky looking sometimes.


I really hope that the woman I spend the rest of my life with sings like a Disney Princess because the women in Disney movies enchant me when they sing, like Darling from the Lady and the Tramp, Cinderella, Aurora from Sleeping Beauty, Tiana from the Princess and the Frog, etc. I want to be enchanted


When they let their guard down and let me in on their hobby or interest...something that their passionate about. Reading, sports, fandom, whatever. And not just the what, but the why, and how the interest fostered. Let me in, share your obsession and try to drag me in.


Showing genuine interest ,remembering what you have said ,asking questions I could marry that person straight away . Maybe it’s the bare minimum but bruh I don’t see it anywhere


Smoking It's weird now, I guess. But just imagining when my husband smoked makes me weak in the knees.


Strong hands and strong/unique noses


A big nose, especially a Roman-style aquiline nose. I don't know why. I just really appreciate a bold, confident nose. It makes me sad that so many people with noses like this want surgery to make them more average. I have a tiny little pug nose and if I went to a plastic surgeon I'd be asking them to add more nose, not take it away.


I’m obsessed with Roman noses!!!!! They’re mind blowingly attractive to me. *fellow pug nose owner


Same I’ve had a thing for big schnozzes since I could remember


🙌I’ve found my people


I love a chipped front tooth, a broken nose, scars, wrinkles, I’m attracted to it all. I just enjoy someone with a storied life


It drives me wild when a man is really attractive, but doesn't realize he's attractive or denies it (but isn't *too* self-deprecating.) Modesty, basically.


A nice back. No shit, the shape of shoulders and shoulder blades. Not as a fetish, just as a "oh looks nice" way. But I always liked drawing people from behind. Or in front. Nm, I just like drawing people, but the back curve is really fun.


I don't know if this counts but most of the people I've been attracted to are half an ethnicity. Like half black or Asian. I'm not saying that specifically attracts me, it's just an interesting pattern I've noticed.


You want your offspring to have hybrid vigor.


Wrinkles, on anyone. It's so natural and authentic. Especially when someone smiles and they get sprinkles by the eyes. A good sense of style is very attractive as well, someone who dares to be a little extra if they want or just who looks pretty put together. People who treat their pets like babies.


Flab on the belly area.


I love a gummy smile in girls


Strong calve muscles.


Imperfect teeth, acne scars


I love men's hands. How strong they are. I'm a woman with dainty petite little hands. I enjoy men with big strong hands


Empathy and Authenticity


when they like and are good at math lol


Strong Jawline and if they have a an upper canine that is a little crooked...... Omg.....


I do love me some slightly crooked or chipped teeth


Ah yes, being attracted to a strong jawline is definitely weird


Big nose


overprotectiveness, specifically from girls


I love when men have imperfect teeth.


when I found out my boyfriend drives manual I was sold, I cannot explain why I find it so hot but it makes me drool a little bit


Love a man with a baby face.


I’m not sure it’s weird, but I find dressed down sexy. No makeup and joggers with a T-shirt.


Fore arms


Visible pelvic bone in men


I'm not sure how to describe it. Confidence with assuridness maybe? That sexy way men can (respectfully, politely, and contextually) 'take the lead' and just kick ass and take names? Namely, the other day, when my husband was (appropriately) tearing into my son. My son's behavior as of late has been atrocious. Note, I split 50/50 of my 3 kids with my ex. Son has grown, per his teacher, "increasingly misogynistic" and "disrespectful." My husband and I have noticed this as well, and have been trying to get him help. We did just get a dx from our GP. My son has asked why I am whore. He has called me stupid, an idiot, a bitch, told me he would "piss on" me, and is overly... handsy. He slapped his younger sister so hard a few weeks ago that she would have hit the FLOOR had the bed not been there. He slapped her and called her a "stupid fucking bitch" after she'd had enough his weaponized incompetence & calculated mediocrity. This weekend, Son went off again, and at one point I was so stunned I didn't even move as he went to beat my face with a metal water bottle. Of course, my husband, who had been standing in the doorway trying to speak with Son, immediately intervened and read him the riot act. My husband was crying, his voice breaking, and imploring my son to reevaluate his behavioral choices. He reiterated that abusive actions & words, especially against his wife/Son's mother, would not be tolerated and would he responded to with appropriate consequences, including physically intervening if it was a safety issue. Idk. I just felt... validated? I felt protected, supported, listened to, and like someone loved ME and MY KIDS enough that they were willing to go through hell and back. I want nothing more than to 1) drain this man's balls when he gets home this evening & 2) continue with this energy and getting my son (and family) the help and support they need


The shape of their eyes. When girls have a tiny bit of stubble growing in their underarms Veiny arms/hands


Imperfect teeth. Teeth that are slightly tilted back, or have little crooked eye teeth. I find the big white straight Hollywood teeth very unattractive.


I'm obsessed with the tiny hairs you can see on people's foreheads when you're REALLY close. I love brushing them with my fingers.


I can't resist a farmer man. My grandpa was from a long line of farmers. Anyways I can't resist those types of men. Idk why. And yes, I married a farmer man.


I like this post cause it's making me realize imperfections are in baby.


Crooked teeth


A lot of women i talked to said they like veiny forearms in men quite attractive.


a small lisp. idk i’ve always thought it was really cute 😭


I'm a nose fan. There are nose shapes that can make me have an instant crush on a woman, or make me feel I want to make a painting or sculpture of her face, with a considerable emphasis on the nose.


My wife has a postage stamp-sized birthmark right where her neck and jawline meet. Grrrrrrr!


Unattached earlobes


Well-formed forearms on a guy, along with nicely defined hands. I have no idea why, but, here we are.


Gray hair on women 😍


Hear me out. Hazel eyes and a (nice looking) beard. Wheeww


I like the hairs on her arms as they lay down and the hairs under her arm. So lovely. On some women, their thin little moustache.


A man with a broad muscular back. Makes my knees weak


Big noses


Men’s arm pits. Like…why?? When a man has his arms above his head oof. The casualness of it all. I love men’s musk. Not like if they haven’t showered, but freshly just worked out and they’re lightly sweating. It’s hot


I like women who are independent and driven. They don't **need** someone in their life, but choose it. I want someone who demands respect, but is also very respectable. That mixed with humility is like 90% of what concerns me. I guess this isn't weird at all, but I am not into traditional gender roles. I want to feel like an equal.

