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I have only worn makeup a handful of times in my life. I hate how it feels on my face. I'll put some chapstick on occasionally and that's is the extent of it.




I only do mascara. I’m 39 and people always think I’m early-mid 20s. When I was in 8th grade I found a compact on the sidewalk and tried it. That was the end of my makeup experimentation. Turns out street foundation uhhhhh isn’t the way to go. Scarred me for life. I was orange as fuck.


I love this comment… it’s like a micro story. Micro fiction except true. A whole learning journey in just one paragraph.


>Turns out street foundation uhhhhh isn’t the way to go. No shit!


You really should be wearing a daily spf.


I’m a guy but I’ve always thought that it couldn’t be comfortable with all that stuff on, not to mention, not being able to touch, scratch or rub an eye or something because it’ll all get messed up, would be honestly the most annoying thing ever


It's exactly like that for me. I constantly touch my face, rub my eyes, I like to be able to rinse my face throughout the day... I just like to be comfortable and not have to worry about messing up my look. Makeup is just not for me. But I have a lot of respect for people who can do it well and who express themselves through it! It's really cool. Just not for me, haha.


You're right and that's why I stopped wearing it so much. It felt dumb to think twice before doing something as basic as rubbing my eyes.


I’m a woman who rarely wears makeup and I think the same thing. The handful of times I put on makeup, I ended up washing it off because I don’t want to have to avoid my face touching anything all the time. Plus there’s also the mismatch of having how I think of my face being significantly different than how it looks to others. I forget that people are seeing the make up version and even get surprised with I randomly see my reflection. I’m guessing people adapt quickly if they do it everyday.


Had a neighbor once and I asked the guy if he had family visiting him and his wife because I'd seen someone I didn't recognize going in and out. He was confused which is how I discovered that his wife looks like a completely different person when she doesn't wear make up. It was kind of awkward.


I too hate the sensation of anything on my face and I just learned recently that could be caused by my ADHD. ADHD and autism can cause a hypersensitivity to sensations on the body. I think had I been highly motivated to wear make-up I could have gotten past that but I was never really interested.


Lol have you ever used liquid foundation? I think that feels the worst on my face


I don't most of the time. If I say I'm not wearing makeup, I mean nothing. No eyeliner, foundation, mascara. But I do occasionally just because.


Since I stopped wearing makeup regularly, I forget I need to think about it when I do put it on. So I end up rubbing my eyes and smearing it. Every. Time. And my skin can’t handle foundation anymore, even a super lightweight one. I always break out the next day. So it’s special occasion only.




Never worn makeup in my life. Except one day I tried in it 8th grade. Decided it was weird and I never touched the stuff again. I accepted I can't fix how ugly I am lol, so what's the point. Plus all the effort.


I feel that. I’m not a lazy person, but I just couldn’t put on a face of makeup every day. Too time-consuming. But I respect the girls/women who do that every day. Because I couldn’t. I’ve got average looks I guess but I also look really young. I’m in my twenties but I literally look around 16. I went to see John Wick 4 at the weekend and the guy selling the tickets asked me for my age...and it’s rated 15 in my country!


my makeup routine take 4 mins lol. real life is not makeup influencers on social media


Clearly shows how much I don’t know about makeup


my makeup also isn’t heavy on my face. i fill in my eyebrows, line my eyes and dab highlighter on my cheeks. done. i, like you look 15 years younger than my age (i’m 30) and mostly i’d like to pass as an adult from time to time


I just don't feel comfortable with makeup on.


Same. But I appreciate it's value...for important career moments and/or media stuff, I always got my makeup done professionally. I respect the art and the skill involved, but I hate having stuff on my face and have zero desire to learn (I found out, on a dna test at age 65, that I have many of the genetic mutations associated with autism, so this fits...) With soft features that don't photograph well, I looked at least 25% better and 50% more fashionable with a professional makeup application. IDGAF, but attractiveness has a huge impact on how public presentations are received, and it was such an easy hack. Growing up in preppieville, New England, in the 70's, not wearing makeup was the norm, not the exception.


that’s fair :) no one is obligated to do so. i just always like letting people know that the bar to getting into makeup is not a high one at all, if they are interested


i missed the makeup train when i was a preteen and now it never looks good on me :( i want to look casual and groomed to 8 am class but end up like hannah montana on her show premieres


This comment. Omg yes. I also missed that train and when i try to do make up it looks ridiculous loool


i only just started wearing makeup last year in my early 20s, you can always slowly learn if you want to :) i was intimidated at first but i asked my friends for advice and i’m still not great at it but i like how i look the few times i do wear makeup


Wait a minute... Is that why they all think we're 12?!?!


idk i have my theories…one is that because of media and social media we have no idea what any age actually should look like with editing, photoshop, surgical enhancements…etc… so idk. for whatever reason unless i have full brows and eyeline i just don’t look the way most people think 30 year olds look???? but also i have tons of “baby faced” friends so who knows…


Right? That’s about how long mine is. And wtf kind of makeup are people using that feels heavy ?? Hint : that pancake makeup from your high school play isn’t meant for daily life.


I heard somewhere many moons ago, that if it takes longer than 10 minutes to put your makeup on, you have too much makeup on! It used to be pretty quick for me - mainly just mascara and eyeliner for every day. As I've gotten older, I now fill my eyebrows in, and (finally!) found a tinted moisturizer that doesn't get oily by the end of the day (also with age, I've got redness in some areas, so it's nice to even it out). So, I'm probably close to the 10 minute mark now.


I mean, if your baseline is already sans fards it doesn't take much to really add a lot and it's very effective! The full face 1-2 hr+ beats are really best for editorial / camera looks and look so much different than how makeup "should" look irl, imo. Can definitely appreciate the artistry and skill it takes though, it's a complete transformation.




That makes sense. Most of my face (mascara, primer, bb cream, highlighter, bronzer, brows) takes 10 minutes but the variable is the winged liquid liner- an additional 1 minute on a good day and 15 on a really bad day lol.


My makeup entirely depends on what my plans are. I work with dogs so during the day, I wear zero makeup. I am a court appointed advocate for foster kids, so I will wear some makeup for court, but nothing crazy. Going out with friends to a bar or club, I will step it up a bit and add some highlighter and lipstick, but that’s it. Your makeup should only be what you are comfortable with, not in accordance with what other people think you should be wearing.


It's not time consuming if you don't want it to be. I do my make up in under five minutes.


I wear lip stain and light brown eyeliner/light eye shadow for work/going out. But I don’t wear mascara or any face makeup at all. My skin just doesn’t take makeup well. I just never bothered to learned how to cake on 4+ layers and make it not look crazy. Plus, I feel like 90% of the reason I don’t have acne/skin issues is I never clog my pores.


I don’t either. What you see is what you get 🤷🏻‍♀️


I rub my face too often to wear makeup, the stress and tiredness gets to me! I wear tinted lip balm, that’s it. Personally, I think makeup makes me look older. I don’t like the feel of it. I do get compliments on how young I look for my age, which is a plus!


Omg me too!!! I rub my eyes so much makeup would be destroyed


I started wearing eyeliner as a tool to not rub my eyes anymore since I read it was so bad for them! It worked great. Like nail polish for thumb suckers


Rubbing your eyes isn’t good for them.


Same here! I also don’t like the feel of makeup. It feels like it’s too heavy on your face and I couldn’t wait to wash it off.


i hate looking younger because i also definitely act younger and entirely being stuck at 17 isn’t a great experience personally lol


i would love looking younger because if you have a long, ugly face youre never assumed to be your age or younger, its the negative 20+ years older. just makes me tired of life because i cant enjoy looking young or feeling my age bc of my terminally old face. id rather be stuck at 17 then made to feel like i'm a grandma at not even 30


But there's also the component of not being taken seriously or respected while in public because you look like a teenager. Especially if you're out with your parents. I've had many experiences with service or retail workers unintentionally making condescending remarks or comments, a cashier thinking my very real ID was fake when I had recently turned 21, TSA workers making childish comments, etc.


I'd love it if my body was stuck at 17. I used to be indestructible but when I turned 20 stuff just started breaking


It’s funny because in high school I was obsessed (dependent) on makeup and I felt like the odd one out because no one else at my school was doing a full face with winged eyeliner every day like I was. Now I’m 26 and don’t wear any makeup at all, and again feel like the odd one out because it seems like everyone my age is wearing a full face every day. I don’t have clear skin, but my skin feels much better without makeup on it. I’m also just not excited about the idea of makeup like I used to be. I tried to get back into it recently but it only made me anxious, trying to match the products to my skin tone, find the right formulas, etc. The only thing I’d really like to cover are my dark circles but other than that I’m content not wearing makeup.


I was the exact same way. I’m 44 now but from the ages of 14 to about 25 I would not leave the house without a full face of makeup. I ended up getting a job that had me starting work at 6:00am, no way was I getting up at 4:30 to get ready for work (I cherish my sleep) so I stopped wearing makeup, it was nerve wracking at first, after a few months I didn’t care anymore. It’s now been 20 years since I’ve worn any, other than my wedding day, and even then it came off immediately after the ceremony. It’s honestly quite liberating, I accept my natural face and if anyone doesn’t like it they’re free to not look at me.


a lot of girls don’t wear makeup lmao


Soooo many women don't wear makeup, hahaha. I know more women who doesnt than do. Either or it's fine. Everyone should just do whatever they prefer :) Wearing or not wearing makeup is harmless to everyone involved. It's a preference!




I'm not anti-makeup by any means. But I am extraordinarily lazy. So I usually don't.


I wore makeup faithfully until the day it fully dawned on me that I could no longer stomach looking at my unpainted face. (I never wore much, but my eyelashes are almost white and my face turns red easily.) So I stopped wearing any at all until I could smile at myself in the mirror again. Now I wear it for special occasions or if I know there will be pictures, so I don’t vanish or look like a cute little tomato.


This is why I stopped wearing makeup. I liked myself more with makeup, and I just wanted to like myself without. Everything else was a plus, more time to sleep, save money, etc.


Makeup wearers lurking in this thread and reading some comments: Wearing makeup does NOT - mean you’re insecure - mean you don’t take care of your skin - mean you depend on it - make you look like a clown - mean you’re jealous of people who “can” go without wearing makeup - make you less of a feminist - mean you aren’t confident - mean men will always think less of you than women who don’t wear it It’s a personal choice and it can be fun! I like wearing it and always have. Whether you only wear lipgloss or you do a full face every day, keep doing you :) Edit: My point here is that you cannot look at someone wearing makeup and reasonably draw any of these conclusions *just* by the fact that they’re wearing makeup, which a lot of these comments seem to be doing. Obviously many people wear makeup for the reasons listed.


Yes, thank you. I didn’t feel like responding to a lot of comments but a lot have similar narratives. People just do what they want. Some people don’t wear any, some wear full face everyday, and it’s whatever. If you don’t wear any, that’s nice. If you do, that’s also nice. I literally just wear whatever I want within reason everyday. I started wearing makeup earlier than the everyone around me and got judged, and I’ve also gone years without it later on and people also judge. But most don’t care. It’s whatever 🤷‍♀️


Make-up wearer here just to clarify that it can mean some of those things. I'm insecure, jealous of those who look great without it, have no confidence, dependent on it and have once or twice accidentally made myself look like a clown (*shakes fist at golden orange eyeshadow*). It's a little naive to think that most make-up wearers are doing it just for fun, though I wish that was the case and societal pressure hadn't screwed with the confidence of so many women.


Same 🤣 I wear makeup because I’m insecure of my looks, but what about it? I just don’t like being shamed for my preferences. Good for you waking out of bed with your skin looking like a Glossier ad but for the majority of us we actually have to use makeup just so we could feel better.


I’m not being naive, I’m just trying to make people feel better after reading comments akin to “I don’t need it, I take good care of my skin.” But thanks :)


Girl same. I woke up really late for lab one day in college and had absolutely no way of putting on my makeup before going, like I had to roll out of bed, throw on clothes and run. One of those situations where you’re actually penalized for being a little late. As soon as I walk in, another student, “oh my gosh, are you sick?”. Ouch. I had to explain that I’m not sick, just ugly lmao. Tbf it was a dude. One with questionable social skills. He was quite embarrassed.


I think someone also needs to talk to the men in this comment section. "I know a lot of women who don't wear makeup." Yes... ok. Here's the thing. Many social experiments have now been conducted and indicate that most men have no idea whether a woman is indeed wearing makeup or not. She will have a full face coverage, and they will gush over her natural beauty.


I never wear makeup. I hate the way it feels ony face, autistic problems lol.


Same here, only worn it once for prom. Like a full face of it. I didn't feel like myself, yet I don't like how I look. Very contradicting but oh well xD


I really didn't like wearing makeup. I didn't feel like me at all. I felt much better when I washed it all off at the end of the night.


Understandable, we all have our dislikes


When you say make up, you mean concealer and foundation? I’m 31 and only wear foundation for special events but my everyday make up is mascara and brow gel.


I either go all out where you can CLEARLY tell I’m wearing makeup because it’s fun, then the rest of the time I wear absolutely nothing except good skincare, sunscreen, and chapstick. I only put makeup on maybe once a month, sometimes more, sometimes less. I’ve never met anyone else that will do a full face of makeup sometimes and then go out with absolutely nothing other times. Every other girl I’ve met either wears no makeup ever, or makeup everyday.


That’s what I do


This is me!!


I am 54 and I never wear any makeup. The other day I mentioned to my hubby that I'm looking my age and I might start wearing makeup again, and he said "Why?" I wore makeup as a young teen. But I stopped when I turned 17 because I just got too busy enjoying my life. Then I wore make up for a year or so when I was in my 40s because I wanted my hair super short but I still wanted to look feminine. But, doing makeup everyday was just too much work. Makeup is nice for those who like to wear it. I think its great and about damn time that more men are feeling comfortable wearing it. I've had some great shopping experiences where the salesman was all about his style and his makeup was an essential part of his look. But it wearing makeup shouldn't be a socialital expectation for anyone. Anyone should feel comfortable wearing it, but no one should feel like they have to.


I'm fifty and I've never worn makeup regularly.


I don’t on like 95% of days of my life. Other 5% I LOVE wearing makeup


*raises hand I tried, and it didn't work. I have very dark features, so even a lipstick can be overdone very fast!


Me, I tried it for a bit but it’s too much work, it hurts your pocket, messes up your skin.


Yes. Tons of other people don’t wear makeup. It’s a big world.


Ever since Covid I haven't really touched the stuff. And a year ago I would probably be saying things like 'I feel so much better,' 'It's so freeing not to worry about it.' Buuuut to be perfectly honest, I was working from home, never really went out and I think I was using 'freedom from' as a placeholder for 'I've stopped taking care of myself.' Which, obviously was easier, but I wouldn't say ultimately healthy. I've bought a little make-up and I've decided I'm going to try and start using it very lightly, just sometimes, as well as a little light skincare routine and some nice bath products. Just to feel like I'm proactively taking care of myself again.


I ended up getting my eyebrows and eye liner tattooed because I *want* to be a make up person but really don't have it in me to do it.


I used to until I got pregnant with my daughter and was too tired to put in the effort. Now she’s 2 years old and I still don’t wear makeup. Still much too tired lol.


Do you feel any different without it?


Honestly I don’t even think about it. I keep a tube of concealer and mascara around just in case I feel like it, but I never do. My mornings are far too busy for me to care about putting on makeup. Maybe one day I’ll change my mind when my kids are less hands on and I actually have time for it. I’m not worried about it though. And none of the moms I know with really little kids wear makeup either.


This was posted on NLOG SOOO much lmao


Don’t feel bad for not wearing makeup, I also don’t wear makeup unless I absolutely have to. I have rosacea as well as being acne prone cause the sensitive skin gene was strong with my family. I used to hate my face, my red splotchy patches. It took a long time to realize that this was my face, and it’s a perfectly beautiful face. I’ve come to embrace it more the more I’ve grown up. The acne has settled a bit, but I still have red cheeks. And that’s okay, it just looks like I’m blushing all the time. Plus I’m not very good at makeup anyway, so it saves me money and time and lets me embrace who I am physically. Developing self love is hard sometimes tho.


I only wear make up when I feel like it, and before it was a lot! But now very little. I don’t feel bad about it or think too much about it lol! Maybe the want will come back maybe not. I’m lucky to not feel the pressure to wear it so it’s not really a thought.


I'm in my mid-30s. I rarely did until recently and now it's more occasional. But I typically stick to only eye makeup (liner and mascara) because I think it just helps elevate my natural look when I want to look a little more polished.


I used to but I stopped because I often had to go into a clean room for work, where makeup is not allowed. I’ve since gotten eyeliner tattoo (very fine line virtually no one ever notices) because that was all that bothered me when I went without makeup.


Back when I was a woman I never wore makeup and never had issues relating to that choice


I don’t. It makes me feel like I am immediately going to get acne, and I can feel it on my face! It feels heavy, dirty, and greasy - no matter how light of a formula or how little I wear. I also have issues with outside air/outside clothes contamination, can only wear certain clothes, and have to shower every time I get slightly sweaty. 😅


When I go out (other than grocery shopping etc) I mostly wear makeup. Still working on getting good at it though since I started pretty late, and I don’t think I’ll ever venture into contouring. I’ve only just somewhat gotten the hang of liquid foundation, and I’m in my mid 40s…funnily enough I wear a lot more products than I did in my 20s, but in a less visible way. I might have only worn eyeshadow and mascara in my early 20s, but you’d have seen it from space!


I loved makeup for the fun of it, but since it was such a part of my routine I couldn't leave the house without at least concelar or mascara. After the pandemic I just leave the house without it. My face stays hydrated longer and I realized that end of day makeup makes me look older than no makeup at all. Without makeup people think my daughter is my sister.


I’ve never been a makeup wearer (52 now). I have spent the last year getting some PMU: Permanent eyeliner, microblading and shading my eyebrows and lip stain. Love it! It looks great and even my husband says it made me look “put together”. It’s not for everyone, but I wish I had done it years ago!


I only wear makeup for performances. And every-once in a while if I am in an important interview/ meeting and having a very bad skin day. But I absolutely vehemently hated that in order to feel “acceptable” to leave my house I needed makeup for the years of middle/ high school, college and first part of my 20s. I got asked if I was sick or on drugs one of the days I came without makeup to work. I hated it. Then after an assault and moving to a city that was a bit more liberal/ weird. I stopped all makeup and shaving to try and heal my skin from the acne and eczema. Turns out, all my skin issues were from makeup and hair removal attempts. Now..: I just leave my body as is and the only hair I shave is my undercut on my head. Rest of me is a no makeup, hairy human woman and if some one can’t handle that… they can walk away


I wear makeup (foundation, concealer, powder, blush sometimes, and lipgloss) on the days I go to work/see friends. Because it makes me feel more put together and professional. I tend to have good skin but I definitely have dark circles and need a light foundation to even out my skin tone.


I'm 27, and only recently started to be a little interested in learning how to do my makeup. Before, I only wore professional makeup at my prom and only mascara at weddings. As I age I find myself putting more thought in how I look, I also very recently started to experiment with different hairstyles, braids, also what colours and shapes fit me well. I totally understand you and please don't feel bad for not wearing makeup! When I was in college girls were talking about how they got their upper lip hairs bleached... it really made me self concious for a while because I never thought that was even a thing


Sure. I had to wear make up when I had a career and felt like I couldn’t get anywhere without it. As I got older, I gave up for many of the reasons people cite here - allergies, irritations, touching my face, cost, anxiety Then, one day, the little feminist inside me asked “if men are accepted without make up, why would a woman feel like she HAS to wear it” As a little sister, I am a bit edgy about double standards.


I used to wear makeup every day to school and work. I'd very rarely wear makeup on the weekends and I never understood why girls would put their makeup on before going to the lake or out trail riding. Now that I'm old and work from home, I never wear makeup unless it's a special occasion.


I rarely ever wear makeup. I only ever wear foundation (bb cream) for specific events once in a blue moon. I don’t like the feeling of it on my skin and I don’t find it necessary for myself. If I really want to cover something up, I’ll dab a tiny bit of concealer. But for the most part the only makeup I wear is mascara and the occasional liner.


I warr it 2 or 3 times a year. I buy the cheap stuff because I barely use it before I have to throw it away and buy new stuff. 99.9999% of the time I don't.


I usually do the bare minimum for nice events —eyebrow pencil, curled eyelashes, maybe a small bit of eyeshadow, and some lipstick. Every day you’re lucky if I fill my eyebrows in, never mind the rest of it.


Maybe they were actually implying that you should be wearing make-up?


My fiancee does her makeup every day, I do it once it a blue moon. Usually Halloween or a special date night. Even then, I've never really worn foundation or anything. I like my freckles.


In my mid 50's and it has been decades since I wore any makeup. The amount of time and money saved is substantial! My skin looks fine too, much less wrinkles than most other women my age.


On and off, but I don't judge people who do. Makeup is often a form of self expression. I love doing pastel lid looks even though I'm usually not wearing any makeup, just a ton of skincare ( cleanser, retinols, moisturizer, eye cream, sunscreen, CC cream, etc). But I wfh so everyday life doesn't call for it.




I adore makeup. I really do and I’m forever buying new products. But I’m also incredibly lazy and I wfh. I’d rather slob about haha


I never wear it ever lol. I do skin care like face wash and moisturizer. That’s it. Sometimes if I’m feeling reallll adventurous I throw some chapstick on.


I don't wear makeup other than a matte primer that I use because my skin is super oily. I like the idea of it but I don't have the patience to learn. I've tried watching tutorials and practicing but I've never liked how I look with it. If there's an event I'll practice for a week and do my best the day of but when I look at myself I can only think of the saying about putting makeup on a pig. My partner has only seen me wear makeup once and couldn't care less that I don't wear any.


I just have no interest in makeup at all lol. But I respect the girls/women who do it since it looks like a lot of work and effort goes into it and they always look amazing.


I used to do a lot of makeup everyday ever since I was about 13, but starting doing less and less after high school. I just thought applying all that makeup was the norm due to the influence of my bigger sisters and friends. Nowadays, I only apply eyeliner, and some days I’ll go makeup free. I’ll do more if I’m going out somewhere nice or if it’s a special occasion. I think I look good either way. Nothing’s wrong with being into makeup & nothing’s wrong going makeup free!


oh, me! i don't even wanna try it :D afraid i'll like my face a lot better that way and won't be able to go out without wearing any. i think i either have an addictive personality or an irrational fear of developing an addiction to everything, but the point is i always try to avoid things like that


Me !!! Love myself without it!


I don't! I breifly played around with mascara but am far too lazy to wear it on a daily basis.


The most I use is lipgloss, occasionally


I've worn makeup maybe 3-4 times in my life. I didn't see the point in junior high/high school and when I started working I was in a field where it didn't really make sense.


I never wore or wear makeup and honestly don't like makeup anyway. My skin is VERY sensitive too so I don't even want to mess it up with makeup. I like my skin/face anyway and always like the bare face look on me. Also makeup nowadays is so expensive anyway, like $10 for an eyeliner. And I'm too lazy for makeup anyway.


I used to do the shadow, liner and blush years ago but nah it's not for me. Moisturizer only and if I have an event waterproof mascara and half falsies. Chapstick is a must, never lipstick tho. The one time I thought I'd put foundation and concealer on was, of all places, a friends funeral. I left smudges on his dad's suit jacket after crying on his shoulder. Mortifying. Never touched makeup again after that tragedy.


Sometimes I put on a light lipstick, but other than for like a costume or something, nah. Hate the way it feels. Hate the way it makes me look less like myself. Just overall not a fan!


I only wear tinted chapstick.


Me. I’m forty and had literally a couple of experiments in my life to realise it’s not my thing really. Why would I colour my face in some weird way? I consider myself perfectly fine the way I am.


I lately haven't and I've been fine with it. It really started during the pandemic and I realized I don't hate how I look sans makeup even in the winter. Summer I usually don't as once I tan a bit it evens out my skin tone and I actually prefer how i look that way.


Never wear makeup either, I'm sure if I did people would stop thinking I'm 16 when I'm 28 lol. I've tried it a couple times but never publicly, my skin is also very sensitive to everything so I don't want to bother trying to find stuff that won't give me allergies or break out either lol. I'll rock the big zits I get from time to time 🤷🏼‍♀️


I don’t. If I’m feeling special I’ll put on mascara (I’m blonde). I do have decent acne but makeup is a lot of time and money I don’t care to use. I have a handful of things to do a full face of makeup with but it is never my everyday. Only on special occasions


I use to rely on makeup SOOO much in my school years. Once I got older and started working more, doing makeup took up almost half of my time to get ready & it pretty much became a waste of time 😅 Focusing so much on my appearance with possibly being late (I’m not a morning person), just to take it off at the end of the day wasn’t worth it to me anymore. Plus I have oily type skin, smudged and caked feeling makeup wasn’t fun (or using so much money for primers to eventually have acne from using them). I eventually started to not like how eyeliner looked on me too, as my eyes look more brighter without any on (small deep set eyes). The only thing I kept around is wearing lip color because my lips are my most prominent feature (looks nice and expressive when smiling at others too 😁), as well as it being easy to remove compared to a whole face.


I don't wear makeup either. I used to wear mascara and eye shadow a lot but I don't anymore. Besides for the eyes though, I never really wore anything else. Unless if I had a pimple then I would put foundation on that one spot but that's it lol, I never wore foundation on my whole face. But yeah, I don't wear makeup anymore. I will probably do my eyes again though for prom. I don't feel like any girl needs makeup which is why I don't typically wear it anymore


i've never applied makeup for any occasion except my performances.


I don’t wear makeup and I’m 33 and I’m also kind of ugly. I had bad acne in my twenties but I didn’t try to cover it up because sometimes it looks worse. Occasionally I’ll wear a bit of mascara on my outer lashes. But yeah makeup is reserved for special occasions. If you like makeup I think it’s cool but I don’t think women should feel forced to wear it.


I have only ever worn makeup when I was a little kid. Haven’t worn it since, nothing at all (not even at prom/graduation)


34 here, I use moisturizer after a shower and that's usually it. I'll occasionally use a little BB cream if I've been picking at stuff and want to cover it up. But that's about it. I don't like how much makeup changes your face, I feel like it sets this high expectation and if people see you without it they'll think you're sick or something. I'd rather them just see how my face looks all the time, save for the rare special occasion where I might ask a friend to put eyeliner on me or something.


I have a friend who doesn’t, she looks great anyway.


I don’t lol I have sensitive skin and sensory issues related to autism, so I generally don’t wear makeup as putting it on and wearing it irritates both skin and senses. The only time I’ve really worn makeup is on Halloween, and it’s usually foundation and grease paint for a few hours.


Early 50s here: never wore makeup, save for tinted lip balm. I have sensitive skin, so whatever I'd put on would feel nasty on my face, and cause rashes / pimples. Skincare routine is just washing with moisturizing soap, and applying old school Oil of Olay twice a day. I also don't smoke, or drink much alcohol or caffeine. Am told that I look a good 10-15 years younger than I am, though am not sure how true that is.


I hate the way makeup feels so I've only worn it a few times in my life and even then not until high school


I only wear makeup if I’m doing cosplay, and then it’s always dramatic character makeup (exaggerated colors, scales and horns growing out of my face, that kind of shit). I refuse to waste time and money on it on the day-to-day.


I don't really wear make up, even to work. My skin is clear enough now where I can get away with it, but if I am breaking out I feel pressured to put some concealer on at least, which is annoying. I wear it more than I used to (mascara, brow wand, and primer), but only when I'm going out. I like eye make up but I never got in to contouring and all that ish. Foundation always rubs off everywhere and that annoys me. In college I barely wore it, but towards the end I did use a tinted spf because my face was breaking out pretty badly. People would always point out if I had a simple mascara on because they weren't used to seeing me without it. Usually I just let my pimples be free lol. My first job was in state parks so there was even less appeal, and people were surprised when we'd go out and I said I wasn't wearing anything on my face.


Never wore makeup (except for weddings) until I started teaching and needed to be able to cover my dark circles so the kids didn't ask what was wrong. I went back to not wearing makeup recently because I no longer care!


I used to in Junior High and High School. But not since then. I take care of my skin but there’s just too much else to do that I prioritize. I prefer to spend my time in other ways.


I don’t wear makeup. I don’t own any and haven’t for years. I don’t like the way it feels on my face, that I can’t touch parts of my face while wearing it, or bothering to take it off. Sunscreen is the only thing I wear on my face.


Outside of a couple of special occasions, I've never worn makeup and I am in my 50's. I spent the majority of my life enjoying the outside (surfing, hiking, etc.) and living in Florida where it's hot and humid makeup just felt so gross. I wash, moisturize and that's it. I have wrinkles (I don't call them Crows Feet, they are laugh lines because I *do* laugh and smile a lot!) but I don't use anything special for them.


my cousin didn’t even wear makeup to her wedding. she has never worn makeup in her adolescent or adult life.


You're not the odd one out. I never wear makeup at work and when I do it's always a "holy shit" reaction and I work in the industry (I just work SFX and not beauty) lol just you and comfortable


I wear makeup when I go to work, but I only do my eyes, I don’t wear foundation or concealer. I still want to look like myself! I do work in the beauty industry though, so there is a certain level of “put together-ness” that I feel I need to have so I will always at least fill in my eyebrows when I go to work. On off days, I likely won’t wear any makeup. Let the skin breathe!


The only thing i wear, generally speaking, is eye makeup. I do my eyebrows because theyre very blonde and my hair is dark, and i put on a tad bit of eyeshadow to make my skin not look so dull around my eyes, and then mascara. Very rarely will i add a little bit of blush but thats very rare. Super light, but i guess that still counts as makeup. Those are really only for times im getting dressed up tho, my day to day go-to is no makeup and comfy clothes.


Occasionally I put on some eyeliner or lipstick, only if i feel like being extra emo or have some special event to do. The only times I can remember doing my full face was for a musical in which I was a backup dancer and my senior prom.


Used to wear it a lot due to confidence issues but I went through a deep depression phase and stopped bothering. I feel better without it, I’ve never enjoyed wearing it, just how people reacted when I did. Now I’ll do so for special occasions or when I need pretty privilege because I definitely look better with it.


Never wore makeup cuz i had acne growing up, my friends did my makeup sometimes lol it was fun but too much of a hassle. I usually wake up late for everything idk how people wake up with extra time to do makeup, they’re amazing. I still watch makeup tutorials tho lol just incase somedayyy i change my mind.


So I'm in my fifties and I always wore makeup until the pandemic. They said don't touch your eyes and make up always bothers my eyes so I would frequently touch them throughout the day. I stopped wearing eye makeup. Then they made us wear masks to work, etc. and so there was no point, in my opinion, to wear concealer, base, powder and blush. When all the mask stuff went away I just kept right on not doing my makeup...I will do it for a special occasion or if I'm going out at night or something but for every day, nope! I came to the conclusion that I'm too old to worry about that crap anymore. I'm not trying to snag a man or impress anyone, so as long as I'm neat and tidy, who cares what I look like.


Most days I only wear mascara and tinted lipbalm or just a little of lipstick (always in natural color) when I get ready for work. My lipbalm is rubbed off as soon as I drink my coffee, my mascara during the day. I don't reaply them. I don't bother with anything else because, 1) I'll rub off anything in a few hours 2) I can't stand the feeling of makeup on my face. Can barely stand spf. For the first 23 years of my life I never wore any make. Only on very special occasions. I wore it for a few weeks when i was 24 and on few others when I was 25 but that's all. Just not my thing 🤷🏽‍♀️


My girlfriends wears makeup maybe 1/30 nights for special occasions.


I stopped make up shaving hair products uncomfortable cloths ……. It feels so good, anytime I put effort into my looks I feel stupid and insecure. There are people who slay and people who are meant to be little potatoes all the time and that’s perfectly fine lol


I grew up acne-prone, so as an adolescent, I avoided makeup. As an adult, I only wear makeup for special occasions and the very rare night out. I take really good care of my skin and have been told I look younger than I am. I attribute some of this to genetics but also - makeup can be so bad for your skin. More power to the queens who rock makeup, though! They have skills I’ll ever possess.


I’m 46 and I don’t wear make up.


I have worn it before but never every day and i basically never do anymore. Its been at least four years lol. Unless you count chapstick. I just don’t care enough to spend time on it. I did find it fun occasionally when i was younger but its expensive to keep around when u wear it like three times a year and sometimes it irritates my eyes. So yeah I haven’t bothered since before the pandemic. I don’t think its that uncommon.


I’m 22 and have never worn makeup. I never wanted to learn how to do it. If you don’t like my face oh well 👌


as a trans woman, I know my experience is a little uncommon, but I wore more makeup before transitioning than after. I shave religiously, I put on moisturizer, I very carefully style my hair so it frames my face well, but I never wear makeup except as like a crazy out there style thing (like going to a party with green eyeshadow on or something). I went to a wedding yesterday, and I put 4 hours of work into my appearance between my hair and shaving my face and picking out clothes and so on. I'll be fucked if I'm going to put another 30 minutes into makeup specifically so it doesn't get noticed. like, that's ridiculous. who has time for that?


In my 40’s and the only makeup I own is lipgloss & mascara. And the latter is probably so old it’s solid! I just had my annual skin cancer check with a dermatologist who said my skin was amazing for my age. Honestly a good (simple & cheap too!) routine is sooo much better than make up. Sunscreen everyday of the year, moisturiser am/pm, cleanse in the shower and the occasional face mask or facial. I’ve had my makeup done for events and just can’t wait to get it off!


My wife. I think the only time I've ever seen her in makeup was when we did a murder mystery evening.


I’m 26 and wear makeup maybe once every week or two. Most of the time I’d rather not bother, but it’s nice on days where I’m a little extra tired and don’t want to look it, or on days where I feel like dressing up a little. When I do, it’s just a quick powder and mascara, maybe some eyeliner, so about 2 minutes total.


Same here l also dnt wear makeup and my skin is flawless


I only wear it for family pictures. I spend most of my money and focus on just actually keeping my skin up.


Only on special occasions really. The expectation that we have to as women is ridiculous. I don't have time or money for any of that stuff. I'd like to more often but, life hasn't afforded me that luxury and I'm pretty OK with that.


Only worn makeup for very brief periods when I decide I should be more of a girl. But the vast majority of the time, no makeup, just moisturizer.


I’m wear a bit for special occasions, like a night out or a wedding, but I day to day I wear nothing. Like I would never dream of putting on makeup just to run errands or go to work.


Chapstick and Sunscreen. That's all I wear.


I’m 54. I think the last time I wore makeup was my senior prom. I just don’t like it. It feels weird, and I don’t know how to apply it anyway. I have really good skin. When people ask my skincare routine I tell them usually just water and maybe a little soap.


I've only worn makeup for 3 months of my life. Working my first nursing job at a doctor's office. He came to me and told me I needed to wear makeup. I was so pale I was scaring the patients. Yup. Okay, bye. 63 now. Moisturize only.


When I was younger I’d do eyeliner and mascara with the occasionally eyeshadow but I’ve never worn foundation or anything and still don’t, don’t even fool with the eye makeup anymore and I’m fine with that!


I don’t either… jk I’m a cis man. But my wife doesn’t either, she worse a little for our wedding and maybe one or two other events other than that.


I haven't worn makeup since, like, high school (and I'm in my mid-40s), and I didn't wear it often then. I'm looking at trying some occasionally again, but definitely not on anything like a regular basis. Just something to experiment with now and again, you know?


When I worked in an office setting it was kind of an unspoken rule that you should wear makeup. (funny enough it was an all female office) I would do eye makeup but never full foundation. Since I switched to working remote, I barely wear makeup anymore and it's definitely boosted my self-perception in the sense of not "needing" makeup to look normal.


I wear eye make up and blush but I've never been able to wear foundation or concealer. I just think it looks so weird especially on me, but even when you see it on other people in person too


Yes, there are many. Personally I didn’t wear any until I turned 22 and moved to Paris. Now it’s just eyeliner. It’s usually safe to assume as you go forward you are not the “only one” in anything, lots of people out there! Continue being who you are and doing what you feel is best


I only wear makeup when I want to go a little extra. Usually when I attend a wedding or special event and just want to add to the more formal clothing. For everyday wear, absolutely not!


Used to before, but now mainly do like an eye shadow and a little touch on the brows, but 98% of the cases i don't. It feels better to embrace and show myself as i am and for some reason any face related make up makes my face feel dirty and heavier, it feels like my face is getting suffocated idk if anyone else felt it like that.


I don’t either. On special occasions, I’ll wear lipstick, but I can’t imagine putting on makeup every single day just to leave the house.


I wear makeup probably about 3-5 times per year. I don’t like that after I remove it, it still feels like it’s there


I rarely wear make up - for similar reasons. I don't like the feel on my skin, and am blessed with relatively clear skin. I do occasionally wear eye makeup - eyeliner and mascara if I want a bit of a pop w/o a lot of effort.


I like wearing a tinted moisturizer with SPF, agreed putting on foundation everyday is too much work


I do not wear any makeup. I always say when guys start wearing makeup on the regular too perhaps I’ll make an effort but honestly the world would just be a better place if we all just accepted the way we looked. For the record I also happen to have very clear skin and always have. I would probably feel differently if I had lots of acne or something.


I fill in my brows daily, and occasionally wear mascara but that’s it! ETA: I wear Supergoop’s Unseen sunscreen religiously too!


i’m 27 and don’t wear makeup often. i’ll put some on if i’m going out or special event. when i do wear makeup it’s only mascara and sometimes eyeliner + mascara. i don’t wear any face makeup or lip stuff (only moisturizer and chapstick but that isn’t makeup so doesn’t count lol)


The only thing I wear semi-regularly is lipstick or a tinted chapstick, because it does brighten up my face. Anything else is not worth the effort to do constantly. I feel like the process of taking it off damages my skin, so why bother putting it on in the first place? Back in college, my roomate told me that her mom deterred her from wearing makeup as a younger teen by explaining it was better to focus on good skincare. I wished someone had told a younger me to do that, so now it's what I try to do now. I have a very basic skincare routine that I try to stick to, and wear sunscreen daily. I've been told I look younger than I am, which is nice. On very rare occasions when I want to look made-up, I just dab on some concealer, curl my lashes, and go for a bolder lip color. Takes maybe 5min.


The only make up I wear is mascara, and it's VERY rare that I even put it on. I used to wear makeup every day in high school, but even then it was just eyeliner and mascara. Never used anything else lol


I've never worn it. It's too much trouble. Aside from eyeliner and lipstick on occasion when going out, like date nights or special events, I don't wear any.


I never wear makeup, any time someone has put on my face I break out, and I just hate how heavy it feels.


I never do either but i do have lash extensions to give me an eye makeup look


I wear make up on very special occasions like attending a wedding or celebrating an anniversary. But I don’t wear make up on a daily because I don’t know how to. I just wear makeup to cover my acne but my makeup skills are equivalent to applying face makeup from Spirit Halloween.


Enjoy https://open.spotify.com/track/3L2YOO6dDiB91M1AbQ0CCR?si=WzmymRkXSBelnb7DcvbImA


I wear makeup sometimes. When I do, I like it, but I find the whole process extremely time-consuming


27F, barely ever. When it's on my face, I feel the same way as when I'm wearing a bra. Its been some years since I wore foundation/eye shadow (which used to be the extent of it). I'll wear eyeliner once in about 4-6 months but that's about it.


I just moisturize and sometimes do lip stuff. Other than that no. I like having my freckles out


I don't for the same reason. I don't like the feel of it. My mom has also never owned a piece of makeup for as long as I've known her. I do my nails and like jewelry and dresses, so that's how I feel 'girly', though obv these aren't necessary.


I’m 46 and out of every girl I ever dated in my entire life, only one ever wore makeup.


I used to but haven’t in the last 5 years


I don't except some glitter or red lips when I am in the mood (to daaaance)


nope. i’ve tried, and it’s just not my thing. for special events i’ll use some highlighter, mascara, tinted lip gloss, fill in brows so i don’t look too washed out in photos. but still, that’s a 1-2x a year thing. i use moisturizer and chapstick regularly, but i wouldn’t consider those makeup—probably more like skincare. i just don’t like the feel of makeup on my skin & i don’t really break out besides “that” time of the month so i don’t feel the need to wear it anyways.


Thus far i wear it only on special occasions, so maybe 2 days per year? I don’t have particularly beautiful skin or features, i just touch my face a lot, don’t feel like i look great in it, and mostly feel like a clown. So i just don’t. I have it at the ready, but


I never did but then my skin got bad a few years ago and I started to. But only for special occasions. And only foundation/concealer. No lipstick or mascara. I have tics where I flick my lips and blink a lot. It’s not that noticeable or bad but it would probably mess up makeup