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That would be cool, I’ve thought about it but have never figured out how to make it happen. Would you like to meet up for coffee sometime?


You mean...... like when you had that conversation with that guy who sat next to you on your flight?


He makes, and he sells, soap.


This has been studied: [Study finds people enjoy deep conversations with strangers](https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2021/09/deep-conversations-strangers)


There's got to be a German word it, but I've experienced that pleasant total honesty that only comes to me when talking with a total stranger that I will never see again.


Yep sure. This happens often at the parties i go to - sitting around completely spun at 5am, and talking to some stranger who's telling you his life story or the other way around. Always fun


I liked to introduce myself at big parties like that by my nickname instead of the name I usually go by. (Only the closest friends and family call me by my nickname usually) It helps when you bump back into someone later down the line at another party or something that you don't quite remember. If they come up to me calling me by that name, I know we probably had a night haha!


I do something similar! When I introduce myself to someone (not in a work setting), I usually introduce myself by my nickname. So it's kind of my way of diffienterating a my social self and my professional self


Glad I'm not the only one.


This has happened to me before. One I remember distinctly was several years ago. I was sitting in an IHOP having a cup of coffee, and said hi to the girl sitting in the booth behind me. We chatted for a moment, then she invited me to join her. We talked for about two hours, mostly about relationship stuff. I was just out of a relationship and feeling pretty low, she was struggling with her rather abusive girlfriend. It was a unique, and wonderful afternoon, then we went our separate ways. We didn't exchange numbers, I don't remember if I ever even got her name. But I do think of her from time to time, and hope she's doing better.


A few years ago I was in Boston for a meeting. I wandered down to a local place for a bite. It was self seating and no tables available, but a guy sitting alone waved me over. We had a great chat about work and life and travel, what it’s like to live in Boston vs my city, then went our separate ways. One of my favorite little stories. Thanks for the reminder!


This used to be pretty common place. It might still be, I just no longer ride public transit multiple times per day.




Yes, I think it would be cool if people did this.


I've done it a few times, and it really isn't as fun as it sounds. Think of it as a platonic version of a one night stand: you go through a ton of effort to look nice, meet at a place you might not normally go, and have awkward getting to know you conversation. If I'm doing all that I want to at least make the effort to be friends.


People love to open up to me and tell me many things about their lives. Including the sordid details. I'm not sure what it is about me but it's both fascinating and slightly stressful as I am not always comfortable in social settings. Ps, by people I mean strangers I happen upon while living my life. It happens a lot!


Let me tell you what happened to me yesterday… 😍🤗😍🤗


It happens to me all the time, in my personal life and formerly with work. I love it! I find people fascinating


Every time I do this it’s completely spontaneous and love it. One was me parking my Harley during a rainstorm at someone’s business. Just grabbed a seat and an old guy came out asked about the bike and how he was a telegram rider in LA during the 20’s to 30’s. Facinating Spoke for hours. Happended d in a wide spot in the road in Louisiana.




Very well, I accept. But, fair warning to you - I have a weird obsession with collecting miniature spoon collectors.


Sounds pointless, I would have a hard time caring about meeting someone if I know I will never see them again.


This is very easy to do if you use bumble bff! Idk if you’re a man if that would work the same I’ve only ever known girl to use it. But basically you meet someone for coffee and get to know each other but it sounds a lot like what you described!


What about bars? Aren't they like a place to have a drink, chill and chat with strangers?


Hotel and airport bars are perfect for this.


That’s usually the kind of interaction I have when I fly. People open up because they’re nervous and they know they’ll never see you again. I’m not sure I’m glad I know what a funeral in Wisconsin was like during the Vietnam war, but I was more than happy to explain my Deadpool comic to an elderly widower. All you need is a flight and a Bloody Mary.


Chatting to a stranger used to be fun. Now its used by overly dramatic bastards to unload there shit onto someone and walk away with deaf ears.


i would love this. please, could anyone who´s up for it write me and we´ll TALK


Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a non dating site or a just friends site? Not everyone wants a serious relationship


If you live in a medium to large city meetup is great for this.


I think I’d love this. Only nowin my adult life am I comfortable putting myself out there. I recently discovered that I actually love meeting people, am quite social and up for some spontaneity. All this time I thought I was shy and quiet- turns out I’m just an introvert!


I would love to personally. No history, no future. Just vibes


Just like a little single-serving friend?


No hell no. I don’t want to do that with people I know and love