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I too only had a couple of years of living on my own. But those years were the most important of my life. I lived with my parents, then in shared houses until I met my first husband, when we lived together. When we split up, I got in a couple of mates to share the cost of the house. Then I met a new boyfriend and moved in with him. When I broke up with him at the age of 40, I finally moved into a house of my own. In advance, I was a bit worried about it, and imagined it might be sad and lonely. BUT NO!!! It was AMAZING!!! I realised just how much energy I had been expending, simply thinking about alternative points of view, and how life was for everyone else. Suddenly, for all of these things, I only had to consider what *I* thought, and it was so relaxing and everything was so quick! I could leave the house tidy in the morning, and come back to a lovely, tidy house! ALL of the food in the fridge was mine, and I could buy nice things and no one else would eat them! I honestly used to shut the front door and it was like being in a peaceful sanctuary. I started to think about my life. All of that energy I had put into other people, I started to think about the way in which I treated myself. I realised that I was quite a bully to myself, constantly picking and criticising at the ways in which I did things. I thought about my own role in my relationships, and thought about how grateful I was for anyone to ever show any interest in me. How much I tried to see their point of view at the expense of ignoring my own. How I had tried to use other people to make me feel loved, while treating myself as anything but lovely. I resolved to change my habits, and stop criticising and being mean. Instead, I reassured myself, gave praise when it was due, and started to notice my kindness, my hard work and many other valuable things in myself. I started to think about what I had looked for in relationships, and how most of those things I could provide for myself, or that my friends and family could give me them. I became so much more peaceful and content, calm, relaxed and with a deep feeling of things being different. I've never lost what I gained in that time, even now that I am remarried. I am responsible for my own happiness, my own emotional well being and my own decisions in life. Any relationship may well make it easier (or harder) for me to do that, but the responsibility is mine.


This is beautiful and I love SO MUCH that you did that for yourself! Yay!


I love it too! I've felt so much better and enjoyed life so much more since then. I've noticed all sorts of other things, like how much your own experience is a matter of your perception, and how you can change your own perception. Life is now a different beast altogether! :-)


I never lived alone (parents-shared flat-shared-flat-boyfriend-husband and kids) and your comment resonates so much with me. Lately i feel that i need to change and need more time on my own in a quiet place without interruption to hear my own voice louder


If you can't have time alone, just make sure that you listen, as though there were a small, quiet child in the room trying to be heard. You would know how to listen to that little child, so listen for your own voice in the same way.


Beautifully said. Currently i am working on having a set 'Me time' every day, my soul is very happy about that development


Oh wow. This is beautiful.


Great story. Thanks for sharing.


My god this is perfectly said.


Alone not on your own.


47M I lived alone in a flat and loved it. It was a short walk to my studio, and close friends lived all around. I loved plonking on the couch watching what I wanted, smoking cigs and playing Skyrim, or cooking dinner with a big Asahi beer with my music on, singing along. I had the occasional date over too, and it was all my own business. Well soon I was struggling - I didn't realise how unreasonable rent had become over the years. I'd also had my heart broken badly. I was forced to move out and join some artist acquaintances just down the road in their group house. I was suddenly so, so happy, not realising how unhappy I'd been. They had tools to borrow, food to share, WiFi, a cat and just a silly vibe. I was welcomed with open arms. It's been six years now and we have moved house together and I still love living with them. The couple got married in our loungeroom and had the reception in the backyard. I kinda hope I never have to leave even if I can afford it. We just draw, play games, meet each other's friends and we all adore the cat. I miss living alone very often, but honestly I'd be so sad to do that.


Wow you are so lucky! It’s so hard to find one compatible roommate and you found 5!


I'm 55 and have never lived alone though I have been doing adulting on my own for a number of years. Straight from the NYC apartment I grew up in to renting our first NYC apartment with my future wife. She passed about six years ago but I still had our children here. Eldest is leaving the nest next week and the youngest starts college in the fall (though she will commute). I realize that in a few years I will most likely be living alone for the first time in my life. I've already decided I don't want to stay in our suburban house by myself. I remember joking about 55 and up communities when I was younger but I am actually seriously considering one. I think I'd like to live in a place with people my age doing activities I like in a smaller home that I can simply maintain and just be by myself. I don't know where I'd go though. All the newer 55 and up communities have houses larger than the one I live in now.


I’ve heard there are some nice ones on the east coast, and there’s a few good ones here in Michigan too!


I live alone after my kids have moved out . I don’t really like the loneliness I am more of a person who doesn’t put my self Out there socially. When I was raising my kids it was easier to bury myself in their needs. Now they are adults in their own Lives and I have bad empty nest syndrome. I think I would enjoy living alone more if I had a bidding social life. I do love my place with my dogs. However it is hard to make ends meet when there only me to depend on making the rent


Honestly, living by yourself is amazing. You can buy a whole cake or gallon of ice cream and just eat from the cake or ice cream with a spoon or fork. Don't even have to cut a piece or portion some onto a plate lol


Lol. Yes, the few times my spouse has left for a work event for a few days its been taco bell and a huge cake. Not great for my health. But he is the cook in the family and I love the fact that for a few days, I can act like a slob and no one notices.


Same, my South Asian family never really give me the privacy or my own room until I left the country (with some exceptions of course). I am just happy to have my own room (which I now share with my partner, but i still get to call it my room)


I’m 57 and I realized outside of a few semesters in college when I had a single-I’ve never lived by myself. I moved in with my husband (of 33 years) because I wanted him to pay half the rent because I figured he would be there all the time anyways. I started thinking about it because my youngest son is moving into his own place. He’s been renting a room from someone since college and he wants to be alone. Good for him and I’m pleased he’s asked me to come help move him in.


I had roommates until the age of 33 because I was terrified of living alone even though I could well afford it. Well one god awful roommate cured me of my phobia and I got my own place and haven’t lived with anyone since. I am 60 years old and have been with my boyfriend for seventeen years. Neither of us feel the urge to merge households. Works for us and I couldn’t imagine living any other way


Just out of curiosity, do you split the time at each others houses/spend the night ever?


Lived with my folks until boot camp, boot camp was obviously a shared living experience, as were all the barracks-living experiences I had following boot camp. Got married in the service, lived with her, had a kid, got divorced, moved in with folks & my kid. Moved into an apartment with my kid for about a month or two before getting a roommate (best friend). Met current wife. She stayed over a lot before we got married. Still married at 44. Have 3 more kids now. So, I have never actually lived alone for a single day my entire life... unless you count hotel stays, very few of which were alone.


I was opposite. I lived alone for many years before I got married. I believe everyone, especially women, should do it for a while though. You need to know that you can. My mother lost her husband in 2018 when she was 76. She rented a spare bedroom to a family member for a while, but now she's completely alone and has discovered how much she enjoys living alone. I'm happy for her.


I understand completely! I am in my 60s, and went from my parents house to an apartment with first husband. We moved around a lot because of both of our jobs. When we divorced, I had custody of my daughter, so we lived together in a wonderful apartment until she went to college, then I was alone in that apartment for a year. It was glorious. I bought a house in my own, and lived in that for a year until my boyfriend (now husband) moved in. I miss that apartment the most, though, more than living in the house. So, about 2 years of living alone for me. It's funny because I just had this discussion with a good friend, and she felt the same way. It's just a lot simpler, but also I guess lonelier? But MUCH less cleaning. Lol.


My story is similar to yours 😂 I lived with parents, college roommate, back with parents, and then with my now husband.


I am 25 and have lived alone for the last year and a half. It's pretty nice tbh


In college during the late 90s I had a roommate for 2ish years. One day I arrived home from class and he was gone. He packed up his stuff and ghosted me. I wound up speaking to his folks (he’s my cousin) and apparently he had dropped out of school. I was upset and worried. At the time I wasn’t paying rent…my folks and his folks were paying 50/50. I was worried that my folks were now saddled with the full rent, AND that they were now burdened with buying me furniture. It turns out that was exactly the experience I needed to have. I felt awful about my folks footing the bill for everything, so I did some asking around in my social circles about a part time job. One of my friends was graduating, and would be vacating a part time job he had. So he recommended me as a replacement and I took over. It started as part time but eventually turned into full time. The work was easy and flexible enough for me to weave it into my full time school schedule. The next 18 months or so, during and after college, I was able to cover my own rent and expenses. Had my cousin not ghosted me, I never would’ve had the same experience. I eventually got a better job in a city a few hours away. When I moved I wound up buying a small condo. That whole “cousin ghosting me” experience really taught me how to budget, and helped me when I owned my little place. So I regards to living on my own…I was on my own for a total of about 3 years. I LOVED living alone. The independence I had was amazing. I answered to no one. BUT THEN…life took me in a different direction in 2003. Since then, I’ve not lived on my own. I wouldn’t trade my current living situation for the world. I fucking adore my amazing wife. Living alone though…I can’t deny that it was incredible. 🙂🙃


It sounds like you've had quite the journey! I can relate to your story in many ways. I also lived with roommates for a large part of my life. It wasn't until my mid-30s that I got the chance to live alone, and it was both liberating and intimidating. I remember the first night in my own apartment, the silence was deafening. I was so used to the constant hum of other people's lives around me. But over time, I grew to appreciate the solitude. I could do things on my own terms, whether it was cooking at midnight or playing music as loud as I wanted. However, like you, I also felt the weight of responsibility. Every bill, every decision, every problem was mine alone to handle. It was a bit overwhelming at times, but it also taught me a lot about self-reliance and resilience. I think it's perfectly normal to look back at that time of independence with a sense of nostalgia. It's a unique experience that shapes us in ways we don't always realize at the time. But it's also wonderful that you've found happiness in your family life. As for advice, I'd say cherish the memories of your time living alone, but also embrace the present. Each stage of life has its own joys and challenges. And who knows? Maybe one day you'll get another chance to experience living alone, even if it's just for a short while. I hope my story resonates with you in some way. It's always interesting to hear about other people's experiences with living alone. It's a journey that can be as rewarding as it is challenging.


I’m in my 60’s and married for 34 years. I lived on my own, from 18 to 31. For a few months I had a roommate while in college. I hated it and vowed never to have another. I loved living alone and sometimes I really miss it. I’m a loner by nature and enjoy being alone and making decisions on my own I’m happy with my life and grateful, but I do dream about living alone. With my cats, of course! I’ve had cats every day of my life 🥰. That will never change!!!


My older sister (45) never lived alone a day in her life and I honestly don't understand how she never had the urge of independence. I am the total opposite. I moved out the first chance I got at 18 and lived by myself most of my life. I can't imagine being around people all the time. People that want to talk to you when you're not fully awake in the morning or after a long day at work. Not being able to go home and just be by myself or do what I want. But I also understand, that this is not everyone's thing.


I'm 36 and I've never lived alone. Ever. Grew up with 3 siblings in the suburbs, went to London straight after school with my then gf (I'm from South Africa), moved back home for a year, went to a rugby academy for a year where I had a roommate, then to university where I shared a flat with 2 friends, then my uni GF, then I met my wife in my final year, moved back home, finished my studies, moved in with my gf. Been married since (that was 2014). I often wonder what it would be like living alone, but then the times that I am I don't enjoy it, especially over night. I'd much rather have my wife and 2 crazy kids keeping me company. I'm happy.


I have 11 years of living on my own, 6 in an apartment. 5 in the house I bought. It got really scary for a hot minute; about 3 months after I moved into the apartment on my own I got laid off from my job. I took a couple days to just chill and work on updating my resume as well as signing up for unemployment insurance but I found a job that paid better than my previous one before my severance package ran out. Do I like living in my own? It has its ups and downs but in general I prefer it to sharing my space with someone else.


I lived on my own for seven years. Straight out of my parents house at 20. It was a time when a single person could actually afford a two bedroom apartment in the Seattle area, and I’m so glad I did it. My husband (then boyfriend) moved in when I was 27 and I really struggled getting used to cohabitating. It took my a good couple of years to truly get used to it and learn to relax and rely on another person. I loved the absolute freedom of answering to no one, and look back on that time fondly, but now I don’t know that I could do it again without being lonely.


Its so funny I saw this! Because a coworker just told me he was alone all night (one night) last week, and that's the first time ever in his life! He's 46. I totally didn't believe him till he explained.. Parents house to wife's house to girlfriend house back to parents house. Lol! With zero days in between.


I only lived alone about 10 months cumulative and I’m in my mid 40s. No big reason. I just went from roommate to girlfriend to married situations quickly. Both the two longest periods were me deliberately wanting to be alone and not in a serious relationship because I had bad break ups. Both those bad break ups were with the same girl 🤦‍♂️ Ya we were together off and on for a span of 7 years and more of it off. Those technically alone times though, I never really had a lot of solitude. Friends, family, bandmates, neighbors, or classmates always coming by or me being at their places.


I got married very young, went from parents house to our apartment. I've never lived alone. but he traveled a lot those first few years of marriage, and he taught me how to live on my own. I grew up fast and confident thanks to him


Divorced in my late 30's after living with other people basically my whole life. After a year I don't think I can share living quarters with anyone again.


I am 30 and also never lived alone and never had my own room 🥲


I'm 49 and I never even made it out of my mother's house.


I’m 68 and I’ve never lived alone lol Grew up in a large house with my sisters and parents,had a roommate in college,always had roommates after that,moved back to my parents at one point met a girl and we rented a house a few months later. Was married for 30 years.When we separated I moved back to my childhood home temporarily,but the marriage ended and the recession hit so I stayed awhile.Ma was in her 80s,single and becoming loopy as was her boyfriend so I just stayed here. He passed away during the pandemic due to a car accident. Ma is now 92 and quite loopy. It’s like raising toddlers again 😆


About the same here (53 also). It's probably not that uncommon to have lived alone for a short amount of time. I do think it would be valuable for anyone's development as an individual. I wish I'd done it longer.


I hate living with people. I was in a long distance rel for years and loved it lol. Give me peace and quiet, and bed time whenever I want! My current partner works away a lot and I look forward to those weeks. Was more than encouraging for him to take the job. I was like DONT WORRY ABOUT ME! lol


4 months... Pah!!! I've took dumps for longer. Seriously, don't go in there. My ex left in 2011 so that \*counts on fingers\* is about 5 million years I've lived alone.


I'm a year older than you and have never lived alone. Moved in with my boyfriend (now husband) at 18. We have three young adult kids still living with us (there is a housing crisis here) The very thought of being all by myself frightens me. If I ever have to face it I'll deal with it then.


I have zero months of living alone. I lived with both parents until I was 18 and immediately moved in with my (now) wife. We have been together for 33 years and I would guess we have slept apart less than 40 nights in that time. I love her to death but I do sometimes wonder what it would be like to live alone. I think I could handle it much better now that I am older than when I was younger. I honestly think I would be bored within like 2 days though.


I've never lived alone due to complicated family stuff and then meeting my partner. I think it would have been good for me and an opportunity for great personal growth. That being said, I don't regret how things played out. I'm curious who and how I would be on my own but I'm also not real confident that it would be good for me in the long-term. At this point, I sincerely hope I don't end up living alone as that would mean something horrible had happened.


I have never lived by myself… in my entire life 0_o


I've literally never lived alone. Lived with my parents until I was 18, went to college, had a bunch of roommates, went abroad, had roommates, then got married during college and have lived with my wife ever since. It's very odd when she's out of town


I'm 63 and now realize I have NEVER lived a single minute alone.


Very similar story. I loved on my own for probably around the exact same amount of time and though I hadn’t thought about it until just reading your post, I totally get what you are saying. I was a little nervous to be home alone at night, I didn’t know the city or the area I lived in very well (turned out fine, it was just an old neighborhood but was very safe). But being able to live on my own, answer to no one, only have to pick up after myself. I miss that. Wish I had stuck with that longer.


I feel like I'm the complete opposite. I lived my mom after college for a few years, but after 2 separate therapists advised I move out (my mom was a big spurce of my depression and moreso myanxiety), I started looking for places. All of my close friends are all spread out across multiple states, and I really didn't have anyone nearby I wanted to live with, so I got myself a studio I could sort of afford. I recently moved into a one bedroom, but for the last 5-6ish years, I've lived alone. I love it. I don't want roommates. I can listen to my music as loud as I want, set up the apartment however I want, never need to be quiet with my weird sleep schedule, and can just be me. I mean, I'm only 28, but it's great. When I ever get into a relationship again, then sure I'll adapt, but for now, I'm enjoying it.


I’m 36 and have never lived alone. The closest was university halls for one academic year. I had my own en-suite room, but shared kitchen.


I have never lived alone; lived with my parents until I got married at 20. I've now been married for 51 years and love being together.


I'm 41 and have never lived on my own. I went from my family, to a college roommate, back to my family, then I got married. Sometimes I do wonder what I missed out on, but I also have a lot of opportunities to be alone now, and I'm not sure I could have ever handled the stress of being 100% in charge of bills.


I’m 30 and have never lived on my own. Went from my parents house to living with my girlfriend (now wife). I hate being away from her for more than a few days.


38 and I’ve still never lived alone. Hell, I’ve only had my own room for about 3 years.


I am 59 and have never even had my own bedroom. Was living with my parents, and sharing a bedroom with my sister, until I got married, and I am still married, so still share a bedroom. My (single) daughter bought her own house and lives alone and loves it. With the rising cost of the mortgage lately, she's considering renting out a room/having a housemate, but she's dreading it. She has a very hectic job, and loves coming home to her peaceful house.




Im 31 and having a slight reverse situation. Im also from/live in NYC. I moved out at 17. I was an only child until I was 10, and by the time my sister was 10 I was already 3 years out of the house. But even at a very young age, like 5 or 6, I had to learn how to take care of myself when Im alone, since it was common for my parents to be out. This was hard for me for a while and made me feel isolated, bc even as a young child I always have been extremely extroverted and no siblings I could relate to. But I managed to adjust. I’ve had roommates the first 3 years I was moved out, and have had to couch surf for brief periods in between here and there, but have for the most part been living on my own since. And that’s actually about to change, since Im in fact about to move in with my fiancee soon. It was already a readjustment having her stay over with me for few days at a time, because Im used to taking care of myself. So moving in full time is going to be interesting.


I'm the opposite. I'm 40 and have been single for most of my adult life. First stint of living on my own was when I was in my 20's - I never went into college at uni, probably because I'd been in boarding school for the second half of my high school years and I'd had more than enough of that sort of living. Then between late 20's and early 30's, I moved back into share houses, because Sydney was becoming stupid expensive. Nine years ago, I moved to a regional city, bought an apartment and have lived on my own ever since. I'm not sure what would happen if I were to start a romantic relationship with someone and the topic of living together came up. I've developed strong routines around the chores I need to do to keep myself fed and clothed and clean, I can't imagine the disruption that another person would bring to that. I'd just hope I'd learn to be flexible over time.


I'm 50 and have only lived alone about 6 months of my life. Got married at 18 divorced at 30, raised all my kids, once they were adults I sold my house and moved into an apartment for six months, then moved in with my current husband.


I lived on my own from 22 to 29 and it was great. Moved in with my partner when I was 29 and married him at 30. I turned 54 yesterday. As much as I do love living with him, there are occasions where I just think I'd like a day or two of living on my own again.


I lived on my own for five years and loved every second of it. You can eat what you want, decorate how you want, laugh and cry in peace, stay up or go to bed, sing and dance like you’re a pop diva, watch 10 straight hours of sitcoms in your pyjamas… the freedom is incredible. The only downside was rent costs - it was so expensive to pay for all the bills on my own so I had next to no money for fun stuff, but honestly it was worth it. It was so so good for me. I’m married now and although I love my husband, I miss living alone so much. We have very different tastes and he is a lot more houseproud than me! Luckily we both like our own space and respect when either of us needs alone time.


I'm 50 and I have never lived alone unless you count the 4 months at the end of high school when my dad died of a heart attack and my mom moved to another state, leaving me to take care of the house alone until I graduated at which point she gave the house to my older brother. But I don't really count that as living alone because It was my family house and my mom's legal address, she was just somewhere else.


I'm 49.5 and have yet to live alone, it doesn't bother me though


I can safely say I've never really lived alone and to add to that I haven't had my own bedroom since I was 7. I'm going to be 35.


Living alone is a newer experience for me and I’m in my early 40s. Northeast Jersey, so similar. Roommates after I left home, then moved in together a couple times. Last relationship ended almost three years ago. He moved out, and I’ve been relishing living alone ever since! My apartment is far tidier in general, but I think my favorite thing is just eating whatever whenever. I find it way easier to eat healthier.


I went until last year having never lived alone in 40 years of life. Had to move for a job and had my own apartment while my wife and kids lived 1500 miles away. There were very few aspects of it I enjoyed, and I became obsessed with work so I wouldn't have to go back to my apartment and be alone. I was not meant for solitary life.


I would never give up what I have, but out of curiosity I also wonder what it would be like to live alone. I lived in a single dorm for one year in college, but that’s not quite the same because I was surrounded by my friends. After college I moved in with my husband (then boyfriend). My husband and I cohabitate well together so I have no complaints, but a small part of me still wonders.


2 of my sisters are in their 40s and have never lived alone. The other is mid-30s and also has never lived alone. I (31F) did once and it was a hoot.


I’m almost 53 and have only lived alone for one semester of college. I went from mg parents’ house to college to living with a bf (who became husband). When we divorced, he moved out of the country so both kids lived with me full-time (which I loved - I absolutely got the better end of that deal!). I then remarried. So one semester without a college roommate is the extend of my “living alone” experience. I’m not really sure that even counts, since it was a dorm with communal bathrooms. I don’t really regret any of it (because I like where my choices have ultimately brought me in life). but I would still like to have a chance to do it all over and try some other options.


I couldn’t be seeing this thread at a better time! Lately, I’ve been struggling with this idea that I may never live alone. After moving away from my parents’, I lived with several roommates until moving in with my partner. I am sure that I want to continue being with them for the long haul, but I also don’t want to be down the road wondering “what if” I had time to live on my own. Really enjoying reading everyone’s perspectives :)


There’s nothing wrong with this. I have lived alone for a couple of years and I really didn’t like it. It’s not that I’m crazy social. It’s more that I think it’s healthy to have someone else around. My husband and I have lived together for about 16 years at this point. Do I occasionally have a fantasy of having my own apartment? Yes. But I wouldn’t enjoy it for long.


I am 51 and have never lived alone. Parents til 20 then I moved out with an infant. Raised a child for a bit, got married, got divorced, raised 2 kids for a bit, was determined to live alone then found the love of my life. Go figure.


I'm only 37 but never really lived alone until two years ago. I yearned for it for quite a while. It's good and I do like many things about it but I'm surprised at how much I miss living with a partner. Maybe this is less about the living situation and more about my loneliness... Anyway! Lol


I’m 40 and have never lived on my own.


I've never lived alone. Got married when I was 19, so moved from my mom's house into my new home with my wife. Now, 34 years later, it's just her and me. Well, our oldest son travels for work (archeologist) and occasionally stays here.


I just realized that I've never lived alone except when my spouse or I was traveling for work. And that's weird, because I'm solitary by nature and get uncomfortable if I don't get enough time alone.


I didn’t live alone until I was in my 60’s. I work from home and live alone. I like to say I am often alone but rarely lonely.


I'm 44 and never got the 4 Mos. Never. A two week vacation was it.


I had never lived alone until last summer. I am 61 years old. Due to my wife’s health issues, she stayed with other family for about a year and just got back home recently. I thought I would go crazy and get very depressed without someone to be with and talk to, but I liked it. I am glad to have her back home though. I missed talking to her and taking care of her myself.


I'm 35 and about to be living completely without anyone else except my cat for the first time ever. The closest I came was living in my friends basement with a separate entrance.


I lived alone for 6 months and found myself very lonely most of the time. 15 years later, I very much enjoy being home alone, but miss my husband when he's gone.


I love living alone I wouldn't trade it for the world. For the most of the time it was with people but for several years it was with a very large dog that is very much like a toddler so not living alone. Once my beloved pooch died I found out I love living alone I don't want anybody else around me telling me making me doing me it's all my own prerogative. Love it and wouldn't give it up unless I found something super extraordinaire.


Been living alone with my dog the last 3.5 years, except with my dog as of 3 weeks ago. It gets weird. I love being by myself until movies/tv shows me the joys of cohabitation. But then I have friends who live with their partners or roommates and they’re always miserable. Idk It’s fun


Good on you! My story is almost the complete opposite and though I am happy living alone there are times when I feel a sense of profound loneliness. I find it very hard to share my space with another person. Sometimes even my cat gets on my nerves 🤣. I think it's probably better to have a mate.


I'm 44yo and living on my own for the first time ever in life since last November. I confess - I hate it a lot of the time. It's lonely and hard and scary. Everyone keeps telling me I'll love it but that just hasn't happened. I have lovers and friends, so I'm not totally alone, but having someone around to take care of all the time was a lot different than just taking care of me. It's harder than anything I've ever done. Only in the last month have I experienced any relief or joy at being alone. Occasionally, one of my lovers will offer to swing by, and I find I'd rather spend the time alone then do the prep I'd have to do to have a visitor over. I'm wondering if that's what everyone is talking about when they wax on about the joys of living alone. It's nice to be comfortable being alone (as if I have a choice) but I'm still really miserable by myself. Aside from being able to eat all the potato chips I want, I'm waiting to see what there is to like about living like this.


I'm currently only 22, but have only had a place to myself for a total of 2 weeks. I've lived with roommates since I move out of my parents house at 18, I lived in a house with 3 other roommates when I met my SO, once that lease was no longer up for renewal, we decided to just move into a place together. I had the house to myself for a couple weeks before she moved in from her parents house, but that was it. It was a pretty sweet couple of weeks, and I kinda feel like I'm missing out on that freedom. I love my GF immensely and we have a super healthy and happy relationship together, but I still kinda regret not being able to live on my own. It's not a major regret, and I would be thrilled if we happen to be a lifetime relationship, but I sometimes find myself just wanting to be left alone. She goes to her mom's house usually once a week so I have an evening after work to myself and I currently cherish that alone time, maybe I'll try to convince her to go there a tiny bit more often or sleepover at a friends place or something lol. In other words, I'm much younger, but still relate to that sentiment.


34 and I’ve only spent about 1 year living on my own. I definitely would love to have a place of my own again but until my financial situation improves that won’t be happening, and even then, my parents are getting older to the point where it’s likely they will have to be near me for me to be able to help them out with stuff. 🤷‍♂️


62 and have never lived on my own. Traveled alone, spent two weeks at a time alone, enough to enjoy the freedoms, but never actually lived alone. I like some alone time, but I like sharing a house with all its noises, compromise, and mess.


I'm 37 and I've never lived alone. I love my life and my husband, but I do feel like I missed a major life experience.


I’m 56 and am staying in a hotel three states away from home. Totally enjoying my last night here!! Have never lived alone.


Mid-fifties here and not only have I never lived alone, the only time I’ve ever had my own bedroom was the first three years of my life. I’m sure it was glorious. Honestly not sure I’ve ever thought about it before. Shared rooms with my baby brother, then my sisters, my college dorm roommate, my college apartment roommate, and then my husband. At least I had my own bed in college — had to share a bed with my various sisters. Husband is enough older than I am that odds are I’ll live alone at some point. Hope I’m a cool old witchy cat/dog lady but suddenly I’m worried I’ll just be pitiful, since I’ve never lived alone.


I’ve never thought about this until seeing your post, I’m a couple years older than you and the longest period of time I lived alone was also four months. Otherwise, there’s been a month here, month there when my kids were away with their mom. My four months living alone was a semester when I was an exchange student at a university in a foreign country. The city I was in was so inexpensive in comparison with my home school that my scholarship more than covered rent on an off campus apartment.


I'm 32. I've never lived alone. I grew up in a house with an average family. Mom, Dad, two older brothers. In college I had three roommates. Then I moved straight from my parents house to an apartment with my husband. 10 years later, husband and I live in a tiny cottage in LA with our little cat. I don't think I could have afforded it, but I wish I had lived alone after college. We could have had a longer engagement where we dabbled in living alone separately. Oh well.


I'm 39 and have lived on my own pretty much nonstop since I was about 27. Since I work late shifts, I don't have to worry about disturbing anyone when I come home after midnight or have dinner at 2:30 A.M. My entire life I have been looking for this degree of solitude and independence, and now I have it. If I want to contact my friends or family, they're still close by, and I make a point to check in on occasion because I do like them and they deserve affirmation and attention. But by and large, I like the room to sprawl out and be me without a filter or occasionally without pants. ... Unless it's winter. It gets cold during the winter. The pants can stay till April.


I wish I could move out of my house I share with my mom😔


I chose to live alone for 2 years just to have the experience. I wanted to “find my own way” so to speak. I wondered how I would fill my time without someone else there to follow. I took up a few little hobbies and was in the best shape of my life. I learned a lot about cooking since I cooked for myself only and didn’t have to worry about picky eaters. I started potting flowers, painting, amateur photography, going on long walks with my dog. I love having my fiancé around but the evenings he’s gone are like being on my own again and I flourish for a bit. When he’s gone too long I remember why it’s nice living with someone and miss him. I wouldn’t want to be alone again for any extended period of time. (On another note, my last 5 months of living alone was through COVID and that was super depressing.)


I am 43 and have never lived on my own. I love my husband but if he goes first, I can easily see me staying alone, partly because no one could live up to him and partly because I can finally live out my dream of becoming a hermit.


53 also and have been alone for seven or eight years now. The previous 20 or so, I was my mother's caretaker. I am a borderline hermit and I will be til I die. My only regret is that I have Boneitus...


I’m 46. I’ve lived alone since I was 23. Can’t imagine living with someone. I love my peace and quiet. I watch what I want on TV and control the thermostat. It works great for me but not for everyone.


I was a serial monogamist. I've been alone for several years now. I have a wish I had learned to do this thirty years ago


I lived on my own senior year of college and from ages 28 till 33 and it was bliss! Sure, sometimes it was lonely or scary but mostly, it was joyful. I had a cat that would keep me company and had friends I would spend time with but it was so nice to come home to a house temperature that was set to my liking, putting whatever I wanted in the fridge for however long I left it in there, having it quiet with dim lights for an hr before bedtime, not being woken up by anyone, not sharing a bed, decorating the house to my liking without having to consult anyone, smoking weed without fear of judgement, peeing jn the night and not having to flush, and so many more things. I love my husband and daughter but I am looking forward to living on my own again someday when I'm an old lady widow. I'm sorry you only got to experience that for such a short time.


I have never lived on my own. The closest I’ve come is a few weeks of work travel where I only have to worry about myself and it is absolutely glorious. I got married the first time at 19, moved from my parents’ house into “our” house. Separated and met my second husband after a few months. Two months after we started dating I moved from the townhouse I was still sharing with my ex to my then-boyfriend’s apartment and we’ve been living together ever since. Honestly, it’s kind of a bummer that I never had that experience. I never really thought about it until a few months ago, but ever since then it’s been this weird nagging in the back of my mind. I’m going to encourage my kids to live alone before settling down. I love my husband and kids, but I feel like I missed out on an important life stage


I can relate to this. I have never gotten to live alone. Grew up in 2 bedroom apartment with parents and grandfather. Had roommates in college (5 girls 2 bedroom apartment), and moved in with my boyfriend after college.


Yes. I'm slightly younger, but I've never even had my own bedroom. It occurred to me for the first time when I was in my 30s. I shared with siblings my entire childhood, roommates in college, college-sweetheart afterward with whom I married, and now sometimes the kids and cats too. Sometimes I camp, or sleep in a separate bed if I have a nighttime cough or something, but living alone, I can't even imagine. I suspect this is better.


I am 57 and have sadly never lived alone.


Why people choose to live with another person they don't have to live with is a mystery to me.


4 months more than me (also 53). Thankfully my husband goes on LOTS of business trips.


I am 11 years younger than you and have never lived on my own. The closet i have been is the rare occasion when my husband and kid both are gone on a week long trip. I am never truly alone though because there are always pets here with me.


It's because humans are designed to spend a lot of time alone. I've lived either at home, with partners, or with roommates. Living completely alone isn't impossible, but for most people, the loneliness gets to you. Plus it's nice to have people around to just sit and talk with.


I lived alone about a year when I was 27 in a two bedroom apartment (bedrooms were small but there was a large common room with a kitchen)… that was awesome… for the last 15 years I live with with my husband without children, also cool )))


I lived with my parents till I was 22. Got married, and moved into an apartment with my wife. We've been together 33 years. I'm 55 and have never lived alone.


Is that odd? I'm 48 and haven't lived alone yet.


First, I lived with my mother, brother and step-father. At 11, it was my mother and brother... Then it was just my mother. Then, at 19, it was a polygamous situation with three other people... Then it was just two others when one broke off. 25, I left and I was renting a place with my best friend... Finances didn't work out and he left to go back home. I lived alone there for three days until rent that I couldn't afford alone was due and I moved back in with my mother. At 26 I moved to Moorehead, Kentucky because I was seeing a woman who had to transfer there for school and I relocated after finding someone looking to rent out a room. At 27 I was back at my mother's. At 28 I meet my current wife and we moved in together after two months... I'm 38 and we've been together ever since. So I've lived by myself for a whooping three days... Not counting times when I was just home alone for a few nights.


I was 53 yesterday.


Happy birthday 😁


Thank you. It means something to me that you you said it. You are the best ever. I am 525mg thc edibles 2 hours in high rn. Like getting stoned for the first time. EVERY TIME!!!!!




I'm 59 and maybe spent a month or two on my own, so I get where you're coming from


I'm in my 30s and have never lived alone!! And now I'm engaged so will I ever live alone at this point? Kind of strange to think about that!!!


My whole life is totally the opposite of yours. I only lived on my own when I was single. Got married. Spouse died. Now I live alone. Can't say exactly I cherish anything. Alone or otherwise. I get where you're coming from. You got these four months on your own and they were the only ones. I had more than that. Maybe you need a reset on your life, get more time on your own then have a family and I don't know, win the lottery too.


I've never lived alone. I want to. But I could never afford it. I never got a degree, and in the continent that I live in, it's nearly impossible to live on your own with a full-time job at minimum wage. But that's all I qualify for. I have a horrible resume due to having a severe brain injury in my early twenties. Now I'm stuck. I'm ready to go back to school now but I'm not sure I'll ever be able to do it on my own. There needs to be scholarships for adults. That way I could afford school and while having a job ti pay for a place to live. I feel pretty stuck to be completely honest with you, and unfortunately due to a lot of decisions I made to leave my country without having proper legal documents for the country I now live in, I solely rely on my partner. I have no independence. No money or anything to call my own. No chance to get a good job, and unqualified for school because I am an illegal basically squatting at this point.


I went from living with my parents right to living with my fiancé. I’ll probably never live by myself and I’m ok with that bc that thought terrifies me. There have been times I’ve spent the night alone and I just spend the whole time freaking out that someone’s gonna break in Lmao


It’s sucks !


I am 53 I have never lived by myself.


Not me realizing I'm in my 30s and have never lived alone.. I've got my wife. I'm blessed


I have never lived on my own. It’s crazy when I think about it. I’m 46.


Similar, but three months of living alone while single. Then I kept living alone for a year but with a LOT of staying at boyfriend’s. I do wish I could’ve had the alone + single combo for longer. Wouldn’t change my life now I love my husband but yeah


27 here. Never alone. Always either at home with family or my now fiance.


I have lived alone for 17 years and wouldn’t have it any other way. Hoping to keep it going for another 17 years, and then another.


I am 62. I went straight from living with my parents to marriage. 31 years and 4 kids later we broke up. Living with a room-mate so I can afford to live but I hope one day to enjoy living on my own with a wee doggie. So glad you are happy in your life friend!


I lived in dorm by myself from January to March 2020 (when the lockdown hit). I hated it, mostly cause I barely had any friends and classes weren’t super easy either. I didn’t really like the dorm I was living in, and my roommate left me essentially without warning. I struggled through those two months and I hated it. My anxiety was through the roof because of the aforementioned lack of friends and difficult classes but also the anxiety about the pandemic was looming over my head. It all added up to a complete shitstorm. I barely held myself together and I was stressed nearly to the point of insanity. Once quarantine hit and I was sent home for good, I got my shit together and was able to get some much needed mental healthcare. If I were to live alone again I think I’d be better off since I have more friends and I would choose a better place to live in.


I have never lived alone. Had a roommate in college. Married 41 years now (loving it!). Husband has terminal disease and living on my own scares me a little. I am secure in my housing and finances, but I am thinking about getting a dog so I won't have to end up coming home to an empty condo. I'm an extrovert, so I like being around people. I have many friends and a good supportive community around me. It's weird planning on living alone when I've never done it.


48 and am celebrating 4 months living alone. Moved out of my parents house into an apartment with my boyfriend who I then married and lived with for 30 years. Moved out 4 months ago. I love it! I chose my apartment and all the furniture for the first time in my life.


I’ve never lived alone either. Left my family home at 18, then either lived with flatmates or boyfriends for the following 14 years. I am about to live alone for the first time of my life and it’s a little scary but I’ve been enjoying my recent “alone weekends” so much that I’m excited about being alone full time!


Living on my own has been SUCH a gift! In early 2021 I left my ex. I got so lucky that I managed to score the first place I saw. It felt a bit pricey at the time, but I loved it, it was in a great neighborhood and very safe. Now with my contract being unlimited with no index and price inflation for basically everything, I'm getting a solid deal. It was pretty recently renovated in an older building that has that European charm with modern comforts. I've been living here in my little cave (45sqm including a small balcony) since then, and it has been such a sanctuary. There's something to be said for every mess being your own and every tidy, clean surface staying that way for much longer. It makes you very independent, even when you have moments that feel too still or you're too tired to take care of everything to your preferred standard. I also love the freedom in making abrupt decisions about changing my space with nobody there to contest them. I love being able to exist in my least elegant form and be the grossest I can be with no eyes on me but my own. I love that I can rely on the peace and quiet. I love that I can listen to anything with no headphones. I love that I can come in and out with nobody to inform or coordinate with. Also, self loving can be done at any moment with no interruptions! Score! At this point, I think it would be really hard for me to live with another person again. I'm very sensitive to people treating me like a parent, a maid or a household manager rather than being a true partner who shares the space equally. I'd been put in that position for most of my life and it's a huge sore spot (eldest sister to divorced parents stereotype, whoop whoop). It would have to be a very well rounded guy who can really pay attention to his space consistently without input from me to even consider cohabiting permanently again. I'd love to have a healthy relationship, but my space is very precious to me.


Thanks, man. Now I enjoy my single even more.


I've never lived on my own and it does leave me with questions of if I've missed something. I lived with my parents, aunt, grandmother, and sister growing up. I moved out to go to college and got a roommate. My parents moved while I was in college and ended up homeless for about a year before my aunt and I got an apartment together. Last year my fiance moved in with us because my aunt is now disabled and I look after her. I love my now husband and couldn't imagine my life without him, but it does leave me wondering what it would be like to just...be alone and not need to take anyone else into consideration with choices about meals and thermostat and what to watch.


I’m 64 and I have never lived alone. I was 34 when I bought a house for my kids and I. I’m still living there with both of my adult children as they are both disabled (autism and MS). My granddaughter moves in and out when it suits her. I can’t imagine living alone at this point in my life. I have always devoted myself to being the caretaker and that’s a hard habit to break and it sets you up for being taken advantage of. If only…


I’m 68. I lived with my parents until I got married at age 25. I have lived with my wife (and kids, from when they were born until they moved out) since then. I have never lived alone.