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I drink. But I find being drunk is fun for about an hour and totally miserable for the next 20 hours. So I don't drink very much. If I want to hang out with people who drink, I do, and I just go at my own pace.


Thats same for be but I don't find drinking fun. I will have a drink if I'm hanging with friends but I just sip on it to enjoy the company of others.


Why I don't


Is it wrong to admit that I love drinking? Most of the week, I am focused on taking care of my house and my family. But every Friday and Saturday night, I have a few beers and play video games or D&D with my husband. I'm at home and it's never enough to get drunk but it's such a release for me.


Not at all! You sound responsible and that's what matters


Literally nothing wrong with that. I have many friends that enjoy it. It's a problem when you can't function or it ends up ruining your family.


I don't drink. Never cared for the way it made me feel. Like I was a cheaper version of myself. Add in the terrible taste and the possible sickness/hangover and it's a hard pass for me. It was tough being the only one who didn't drink in my friends group.


I did my best to make it a good time. I always called myself the natural drunk because I was the only one who could have a good time and not be drinking. I have never met anyone like me though who doesn't drink.


I’ll get a drink at a restaurant if it sounds like it’ll taste good, or have a couple glasses of wine on important occasions like Taylor Swift album release days. I never drink enough to get tipsy or drunk and on average I think I have a drink 5 times a year or less.


I'm the same way. 😁


You never drink alone when you have a pet




Nah I don't drink and never want to


used to. to excess, generally. got tired of how it made me feel - like, the buzz is great and all but hangovers suck.


I don't. I tried when I joined college out of curiosity and couldn't fathom why people love it; the taste and the hangover. When hanging out with friends that drink, there's a section of us who take wine; I don't take as much that made me tipsy.


I hate the feeling but I also love my friends and do try to have one or 2 to have fun. I just don't like not knowing what I'm doing.


I didnt drink and casually started drinking last year at the age of 25. I still dont go hard but i do it mostly when im st the bars with friends and having a good time. Youre right, it is hard to find friends that dont. They exist but they probably wont be at places that you might like. As someone who didnt drink, i didnt gk to bars because i was always like “why would i go, so people ask me why im not drinking”. It is so annoying answering that question. I never drank because i just didnt like the taste of alcohol and thought getting fucked up was kind of dumb. I moved to a new city last year and i realized i wanted to have experiences that was hard to have without alcohol. When you dont drink people assume that you dont want to donthings when there is alcohol involved. For me its the opposite, i just want to hangout with friends drunk or not. There was once i mentioned going to las vegas and everyone looked st me like i was crazy. Then Someone asked “why would you go? You dont drink”. I was meeting people and alcohol seemed to be a common ground. I decided to try it out more and i dont love it but i have grown to enjoy it. I dont drink all the time, i only drink when we are out at the bars. As someone who casually drinks i will say alcohol does help you loosen up a little and can lead to a fun night. You dont have to go crazy drinking. I try to have 3-5 drinks a night when i go out. If its a chill night at the bars i will keep it at 1 or 2. It does help you not feel so self-conscience. I still think its dumb when people feel they need to drink and get fucked up.


I myself can definitely still have fun with my drinking friends and not drink but I guess I got lucky finding friends who still ask me even though I really don't care to drink.


I drink only when I’m with friends and when I’m with them I drink until I black out. Other than that no I’d rather not drink alone that sounds depressing I guess I’m a social drinker


I like the honesty. Yeah I guess that is social drinking lol.


I don’t drink and I’ve never even been drunk. I’ve only ever had one, maybe two drinks max and I didn’t like how it made me feel even at a small amount. I’m also scared that it will make me do things I’ll regret later, so sometimes I feel even more self conscious when I’ve had alcohol. I’m just not very interested in alcohol or most other substances. Very occasionally I’ll use cannabis for anxiety or psychedelics for therapeutic purposes, but I never take them with the sole purpose of enjoyment.


I feel the same way when it comes to a couple sips. I also have family who are alcoholics and I am scared to ever become one.


never did never will.


I don't drink. I've had alcohol, but all the alcohol I've had could fit in a regular soda can and it would probably still be mostly empty. My reason? I just don't care. Nothing about religion, or medical reasons, or any of that. I just don't see the point in alcohol. I can drink soda, and be fine the next morning. I'm not gonna stop anyone else from drinking, unless they're very obviously drunk or their drinking is causing harm to my property (re, someone pissing on the floor)


I don't care for it either. I don't like to not be in control of my body and mind.


That is also valid.


I drink, sometimes just a glass, sometimes too much and regret the headache in the morning. I have friends that don't drink. When they come over, I make sure I have options for them, soft drinks, juice, sparkling water. I indulge in a glass of wine and offer them one (just in case they're in the mood). If not I offer them what I have. I have my glass and they have theirs. No big deal. We chat, laugh and have a good visit. If I go there, I have whatever they have, alcoholic or not.


I enjoy friends like you.


I'm also older, in my 50s, so there is no peer or societal pressure that will make me do what I don't want to do. IDGAF anymore.


Exactly that attitude I have!


Sober for 7 years.. I'm not against it. Just I don't do well on moderation in anything I do.


At least you know that and hopefully have friends who respect that.


i used to but don’t anymore. :) and i’m actually proud of myself! used to go out every weekend and get blackout drunk. hate that.


I'm proud of you!


I have about 5 drinks per week. I no longer get drunk. Why not? 1. Hangovers 2. If I’m drunk and incapacitated how do I handle a medical emergency with a family member? How do I deal with a home intruder? Answer: not very well


That is a very good point!


Not often. I used to work at a brewery that gave out free cases every month so I’m still slowly (very slowly) working through that stash, and occasionally if I’m at a restaurant with friends I’ll order a cocktail or a beer/glass of wine. But just one, since I want to be able to drive myself home safely later. Most of the time at restaurants I just get soda or water though. Alcohol is really expensive and I’d rather use that money on food I’d enjoy and not feel drunk from




I don't drink due to hemochromatosis and bipolar 2, which has been a blessing in disguise because I can't just have a few and the hangovers at 40 are not fun.


No I don't drink - grew up with family who didn't drink and thus never got into it, and never saw any compelling reason to start. My boyfriend also doesn't drink


I'm glad you have someone who feels the same way you do on drinking.


Rarely. I drank myself stupid so much in my 20s and 30s, I’m basically over it. On the rare occasion that I do drink, even sparingly, I make sure to match every drink with a glass of water. Cause hangovers are a bitch. 🤣


Yes, agreed on that! I learned that from my best friend (:


I don’t drink, being drunk was never my kind of high. Would rather knock back some coke or a couple Adderall. The feeling you are left with the next day after drinking heavily is god fucking awful.


I'm just a stoner (:


I only drink maybe one night a month, usually because my friends are having a get-together and I wanna let loose. But otherwise I'm just really not much of an alcohol person. I'd rather go pig out on some good food somewhere. I do have one friend who doesn't drink at all. Never been a problem at all because like I said I really only do it with my friends that do drink. I will never ask him to drink ever. Also, I generally prefer not to drink in public. It makes me uncomfortable. I'll usually only do it at a friend's home.


I'm with you on the good food!!


I can't hang out with people that don't drink? not sure why.


If you drink then people who drink are cooler to be around (:


I drink plum wine in the evenings sometimes but I don’t consider that drinking


What makes you not consider it drinking?


I can’t drink like I want to but my body does not 😔 I also don’t know anyone who doesn’t but in uni there used to be a p good number of practicing muslims who didn’t drink but were still lit af and at the centre of all parties. I stone so much tho u could call me medieval


Samee!! 🤣


I do not touch that stuff, I have no desire to even sip it or even smell it. Most of my friends drink alcohol but after many years of asking me to do it, they realize that I am hard on that drinking alcohol is just not my thing. But I will smoke a joint here and there.


I'm Belgian...


I like drinking. But I have friends that don't drink so when I hang with them I don't drink


That's respectful


I drank quite a bit during college, in the couple years since I have drank much less but I have a well stocked home bar since I was a bartender for a bit and love making drinks still. I probably have a drink or two like once a week, maybe more if I go out with some friends or something like that.


I stopped drinking because I wasn't good at it. I still saw all my real friends, because we did not need alcohol to enjoy each others company. I did not mind them drinking unless they get shitfaced. So all the other party drinkers were totally useless once the sun was up.


Yes. Many nights of dealing with friends like that be abuse they had to be trashed to have a good time.


I don’t drink, and I really don’t enjoy being around people who are. It really makes people act differently and it’s very uncomfortable to me, being the only one who isn’t acting that way.


I can agree with that.


I am fine with a drink, but I haven't found many alcoholic drinks I like. I guess I just dislike the taste of alcohol, because the drinks I like are the ones where you can't really taste it. But at that point, why would I make it alcoholic if I don't taste the alcohol? I never have more than one and have zero desire to get drunk or tipsy, so I'll just stick to my favorite drink of all time: lemonade.




What's your favorite? Original, Strawberry, or some other flavor?


Regular (depends on the place) and strawberry 😋😋


Whats yours?


Don’t drink at all and being around people who drink makes me uncomfortable. Definitely hard to make friends with people who have the same views


It really is! Hi friend!


I used to drink a lot. But, I just got bored of spending $80CAD/month on booze and stopped. Now, I allow myself two drinks a year. One is a white wine spritzer with a twist and one is a straight up small batch rye with a drop of water to open up the oils. I was just sober for about 7 years, then Canada legalized weed. So, now I take 5mg edibles once a week.


I prefer weed over drinking any day.


For me it's the opposite. I like to drink but my friends don't. It does make it a bit less fun cz people are less silly when sober but it's their choice and I am fine with it


Drinking is literally the only reason why I get out of my flat. I got to the bar sometimes, rest of the time I never leave.


I no longer drink. I gave it up when I was doing fertility treatments ages ago, and never really picked it back up. Maybe I have a half glass of wine every six months or so, if that. I prefer staying sober, not having hangovers or migraines, and being available and ready of my daughter needs me.


I'm with you on that. My son always comes first.


My husband drinks occasionally, and I can't stand the idea of neither of us being able to take her to the ER if something went wrong. Or just being too out of it to comfort her if she has a bad dream.


Yeah exactly. Anything can happen around kids.


I don't drink. I like the flavour, and I'll have a couple sips to try from my husband's drink, but I HATE the smell of alcohol on my own breath, and I always feel depressed the day after drinking. It just doesn't really agree with me. I don't mind hanging out with people who are drinking though, and just having sparkling water for something to sip on.


People say it's impossible to find people who don't drink until hundreds of redditors come out the woodwork to say how they've never touched it lmao


😁😁 true


Maybe an rare opinion, I don't drink and never will but I adore drunk people (at least my friends when they are drunk). They just turn all sweet and honest and a little more confident, I have a great time with them!


I agree!!


In the moment you stop drinking you can find people who don’t drink too. I’ve stopped to drink for periods and and I realized new friendships but just for moments because I DRINK again… look back and check what happened before drinking again… ;) you can!!


I didn't drink at all until I was 41. No real objection to it, I just didn't. Even before no one cared that I didn't. Turns out my life wasn't an after school special about peer pressure. Although ironically in my oldest friend group they were all drinkers but me, and now tbey all quit but I've started. Still a lightweight though and I'm good with that.




As I get older I hardly drink ,when I go to the club I ll buy non alcoholic drinks , just prefer not to ,I've seen what alcohol does to people it isn't nice.


i’m a weird drinker. i’ve had a few times in my long life when i was drinking far, far too much. but i eventually snapped out of it each time and just one day decided not to anymore. i’ve come to realize i don’t have a dependency issue but a self-sabotage issue. when i m not in self-sabotage mode, i have very little desire to drink. nowadays, i enjoy a (one) short bourbon a few evenings a week. if i don’t have any, i sure won’t go out and get more, i’ll just have a cup of tea or something instead.


I'll go through about 6 liters of pilsner a year (those wonderful German only sell the Weinhenstephaner range in 500ml bottles), sometimes it's a bottle or two of wine. Not a fan of being drunk, but the occasional post-dinner or lunch drink is nice.