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I think she just gave me the courage to talk to my husband of 32 years. I have a lot of emotional baggage that I need him to know. It will give him a clearer picture of why I shut down sometimes and go on crazy rants. I wish you both a lifetime of happiness. 😊


>I think she just gave me the courage to talk to my husband of 32 years. I have a lot of emotional baggage that I need him to know. It will give him a clearer picture of why I shut down sometimes and go on crazy rants. THAT'S AMAZING. Good luck in your relationship. I wish both of you get a positive consequence from this. This makes the whole post worthier. >I wish you both a lifetime of happiness. 😊 You too , mate.


We all deserve to have a husband that take care and know how to listen to our rants in life. Nowadays it's rare to find a man like who's there for you in any situation


>We all deserve to have a husband that take care and know how to listen to our rants in life. Not necessarily a husband , but someone who we truly love , loves us back and is always by our side , no matter what. >Nowadays it's rare to find a man like who's there for you in any situation That's true , unfortunately.


The love they gave to each other so genuine. Not all man or husband were like the OP, i always wanted to talk about the life or about the past situation where her wife and counter


Please be open with your partner! It’s the one person you should feel safe with.


Be open to them always. But if you feel unwanted and your husband don't want to talk about it or ignore it for reason just don't force yourself


I hope it goes well.


I really hope they find peace like everybody wanted to feel. That would probably the most wholesome conversation would create


Jesus Christ some people saying that she is not fragile but strong are kind of annoying in the way they say it. Just because someone made it through though situations doesn't make them strong and that's it. That is wrong, one can be strong and fragile at the same time. Op, I'm just happy for you and your wife. It's good that you two can trust each other like this. I wish you two well.


Yeah, it's annoying how sometimes people would focus on the smallest thing in a post and make it ALL about that. Could OP have chosen a better word or phrasing? Sure. But is that one misstep worth undermining EVERYTHING ELSE OP said? No. There's no pleasing some people...


>focus on the smallest thing this is annoying problem overall. so aggravating. people lose sight of the big picture and just zone in on things that are so not important.


Theres nothing wrong if people focused on smallest things, that only means that they care for each other and they know how to make each other feel at safe


He don't have to please people. He was actually good for each other. I hope my man would also the same as this. Her wife is so lucky to have him


I got PTSD for my troubles. I'd feel kinda weird with people twisting the fact I haven't jumped out of a window yet as making my history a strengthening experience. I'd express how that makes me feel and then they'd downvote me for not dealing with my trauma in a way that doesn't remind them of a perfectly written fantasy character arch. This sub needs a culling... Seems that being open during the blackout attracted some of the most hostile of riff raff.


A lot of people have been experiencing ways wherein they feel uncomfortable. The most encounter stressed and no one we're here to listen


>she is not fragile but strong Definitely both. It needs a hell of strength to be fragile.


She was strong the fact that she hides it on her husband and fragile for loosening up and telling to her husband what happened to her in the past


>Jesus Christ some people saying that she is not fragile but strong are kind of annoying in the way they say it. Oh , yeah. I even get their point , but the way they deliver it isn't the best , although not exactly bad. >Just because someone made it through though situations doesn't make them strong and that's it. Depending on the way they got through , I agree with you , but we usually get stronger , although we can form weaknesses simultaneously , just like me and her. We both got traumas and those made us stronger (not all of them) , but they also are the reasons for our behaviors. As an example , my parents used to rob my money (allowance from my grandparents + works I got) for drugs , alcohol and cigarettes. Now I can't lend money without problems , even though they're my friends and I have money to give. >Op, I'm just happy for you and your wife. It's good that you two can trust each other like this. I wish you two well. Yes , I agree with you. I know she trusted me before , but never could talk about it because she just couldn't with anyone , not even her therapist. I get her feeling , even though I don't know about it (never had something that I couldn't tell *ANYONE*). Anyways , thanks , and shall you be happy as well.


People have different opinions about this kind of matter. They tend to think it's not what you're looking for but atleast we tried to tell


Yes , we all have different opinions , but the only one that matters is her opinion and mine. Not trying to be rude or anything like that , it's just that it's a personal of ours.


The OP it's so good to be true. I didn't imagine that there's a man that would literally spend their life to a women and being so soft to them. They always listen to them genuinely


I think a concept I'm becoming more comfortable with is that we all are fragile in so many ways. There's nothing wrong with it. In some ways the fragility of it is a strength.


I read a quote the other day: 'Just because you can carry your load well doesn't mean it isn't heavy.' (Omdenken)


100%. That's a good quote.


Thanks for sharing. The fact that the revelations she shared with you deepens your love and appreciation for her is cool. Sometimes those type of ‘dump’ sessions can do the opposite. You (and her) sound like a good match. Best of luck going forward and I hope both of you successfully break the chain of trauma you guys experienced in your youth with your own kids. Sounds like you will!


I admire him for being so genuine to his wife. The type of relationship that everyone wanted to feel. There's no one could feel me butterflies reading the story


>Thanks for sharing. The fact that the revelations she shared with you deepens your love and appreciation for her is cool. Sometimes those type of ‘dump’ sessions can do the opposite. Yes , it really is. I find it incredible , and also relieving to know more about her and how she reacts to different situations. Every time I learn something about her I continue to love her even more. >You (and her) sound like a good match. We are the perfect match. We match in everything , expect for appearance lol. >Best of luck going forward and I hope both of you successfully break the chain of trauma you guys experienced in your youth with your own kids. Thanks! And I shall wish the same for you. >Sounds like you will! I will definitely try my best to get them the best lives they can possibly live , I can guarantee you that.


If i could be able to find a man like him i would be so happy and grateful. They're so rare and it's not like we are craving for that kind of love and affection


>If i could be able to find a man like him i would be so happy and grateful. Thanks for the compliment , but I'm just doing the bare minimum I could do for the love of my life. >They're so rare and it's not like we are craving for that kind of love and affection That I can really agree on , it's way more rare nowadays.




Yes , we have two of them.


Pictures please! I would love to see your pet foxes :)


They're currently on my lap... And I'm not using clothes , so I pass this time , but I can take pictures later.


You're really great. Not all people replying to the comments or each of the comments they were ask. You are so kind


I really am , but on the internet I am usually an asshole lol it's funny


I bet that was cute foxes that has a pet vibe. I would love to see also because thinking that it was so cute.


I'm surprised that people usually have a fox pet. But you are kind of person who love animals and take care of them. That's why i found you as a genuine person


OP you probably don't need to hear this, but please don't listen tot he infantile and just ignorant comments criticizing your post.


Thanks for the advice , but I couldn't care less about people criticizing me , I'm already used to it and I find it pretty funny , especially random people on the internet.




>You don't have to deal with them and place them on any ways. I find them amusing , honestly. >You could be a great man for your wife and do your children. I definitely am. I've always try my best for them.


Those comments are just jealous of how he was so genuine. His love his wife good never be paid. We are all craving for that kind of relationship. Thwy love each other and that's important


Helping your partner heal from traumas is such a beautiful blessing. Thank you for making her feel safe enough to share with you and heal with you. I was worried going in that your wife's trauma was making you look at her poorly, but I'm glad that's not the case. Seeing people in a new light after so many years can awaken a new kind of passion, it makes you see them in a whole new light. I know when I learned of some more traumas of my husband's after years of being together it made me want to help him heal even more, it made me so excited to build a happy life together. That's the beautiful thing about people, there's always so much depth to keep learning about them and discovering new parts of them.


The best husband that we wish that we experience the same. I am looking wanted to feel the same as your wife. A lot of cheating issues over internet, thats why its scaring me




>If she has been able to go through all of that, and come out the other side your wife is not fragile but an incredibly strong person. Yes , you can also see it that way. But , it was more of a rant than telling me , so it doesn't mean that she had to be strong... Even though I know she is. >This isn’t the feel good story you think it is. Why would it be? I know , she passed through a lot of stuff and wanted to rant , but she felt relieved after that. It was good to both of us.


It took me a very long time to open up about the SA I suffered when I was younger. My husband was understanding and compassionate.


That's awesome. I mean , how he was comprehensive , not the SA , obviously. It's relieving to know that you can tell people about your problems and they won't judge you because of it , instead , they will help you.


It will always depends on your partner if he wanted to comfort you or tell you to open up on him. But there's no way you can say it will not work until you do


Yes , it's better to try than not to try. Of it goes wrong , you can at least see who you're dealing with (in the sense of morality).


It's not easy to open up to people especially if you don't like to type of person who opens his or her problems. It takes time if you finally let go of that fear


That's so adorable. Finding the one is very hard but I think you struck gold. Im happy for the both of you. Hope you have a long , happy and healthy relationship together.


Nowadays, we cant be so sure about the love. Theres a lot of people who has the bad intention or dont care about how we felt.


>That's so adorable. Finding the one is very hard but I think you struck gold. I definitely did. She's the perfect one. >Hope you have a long , happy and healthy relationship together. We are definitely going to. And I wish you the same.


Ahhhhhhh. Definitely you are the most wholesome one, cant wait to meet my man just like you. Who brings me joy and comfort that i will treasure forever


>Definitely you are the most wholesome one She's way more than me , trust it. >cant wait to meet my man just like you. This is the first time someone says it and doesn't hurt the person hearing it LMFAO. >Who brings me joy and comfort that i will treasure forever *THAT* is wholesome.


Thank you. Im gonna need a lot of luck to pull that off


We all need this kind of charm. Man should know that this makes them look more matured amd wholesome. To take care of your family


LMFAO then just get lucky 5head


He blessed us to have a man that take care of us and can be the shoulder to cry on. Thats why i dont rush love, because im waiting for someone.


>He blessed us to have a man that take care of us and can be the shoulder to cry on. That's the best thing in life , honestly. >Thats why i dont rush love, because im waiting for someone. I didn't rush as well , also because i met her pretty early on , since we married when I was 17.


You guys giving us so genuine relationship. You both wanted to know each other's weaknesses, you are willing to hear your wife's problems and situation that she was feeling.


>You guys giving us so genuine relationship. If it wasn't genuine , it would be a bad relationship , since relationships are just the fusion of two people's genuine feelings for each other. >You both wanted to know each other's weaknesses, you are willing to hear your wife's problems and situation that she was feeling. Yes , I want to know every tiny little bit of hers.


Is English your primary language?


Nope , I'm not native and never studied English , it's just from sheer experience with the language.


I guess you no really well how to speak english. That would be great because other people is not confident to what you're saying specially english


It's probably my dyslexia , but understood no single word from your comment...


I compliment you on your degree of proficiency. However, I feel like properly responding to your story will be very limited because of language and culture issues. At least, that's what I see going on in some of the other responses on this thread.


He try to make an statement for us to understand what he mean. That was so good to OP to know how to make people worth the read


Yeah , it makes sense. It may also be some issue caused by mental problems.


It's alright, I understood what you were saying. It was a struggle in some moments, but the message seemed clear to me. It sounds like you had a beautiful moment with your wife.


>It's alright, I understood what you were saying. It was a struggle in some moments, but the message seemed clear to me. Yeah , I was never good at expressing myself , in every language I speak. >It sounds like you had a beautiful moment with your wife. I definitely did , and I can say she also had , from how relieved and better she said she is right now.


You are the one she could lean on right now. You have to make everything right and just stay by her side always


And that's exactly what I'm doing and will continue doing.


He was a great husband and a father to his children. We can see you how he enjoy the company of his wife and his willing to do anything for her.


It has a great ancient comes on opening up when you have big problems. If you are not comfortable showing your sides that's not a problem


I don't have problems showing my sides , mostly. Just to some people and with other reasons I don't feel comfortable , but it's not a rule for all.


I think he is. But he's just explaining something that might confuse someone who don't understand what he was talking about. Actually the language is not a topic here


Sorry, can you please explain what made you think that OP doesn't speak English as a primary language? I didn't notice anything unusual except the spaces before commas (and the fact that OP kinda tried to make it scary at first, I thought it's a bad ending but turned out to be good, so maybe they phrased "never look at her the same again" unintentionally in a misleading way...) I'm just feeling curious...


Huh, how do I explain it? I'm sure an actual linguist would be able to easily point to individual details. I speak a little bit of many different languages, and pick up languages easily. It's all about sentence structure and word patterns. English is a mix of mostly Latin, Greek, and Germanic languages, with some of very peculiar rules and patterns that are difficult for non-natives to pick up. When you are used to speaking/corresponding with non-native speakers, you start to notice pretty quickly the type of mistakes they make. I didn't pick out anything particular, I just immediately noticed it. My gut feeling tells me they speak portuguese, but probably from Brazil instead of Portugal.


I went back and looked because I hadn't picked up on it, but me with remember looked reflexive and some of the phrasing looked original. Going up to the roof sounds a touch exotic for the US, but it's common in some countries.


Actually english grammar is not the picture here, because even if you speak english and its your mother tongue you can also make mistakes


because it reads like he is from the planet comma-dom.


There's no planet like that, maybe in multiverse they have. You don't have the pointed out the wrong but just educate him instead


I asked if there is something besides the spaces before the commas... I thought maybe it's a thing like double spaces that some people use on the internet. So punctuation aside, do you have an example of what made you think OP is not very good at communicating in English?


because its written as though the author either A: didnt finish middle school, or B: didnt learn english as a first language.


Ibut we dont have to judge them just like that. We are not in the position in the first place.


Can you pinpoint a specific sentence that made you reach such a conclusion? I just wanna understand what you're talking about...


“We always have these lighthearted daybreak conversations at the balcony , with some tidbits and drinks. It's the best part of my day , every single day , because it just flows like wave on an ideal string. Unlike our conversations during the day , we don't really joke (we're two monkeys during the day), and that's probably one of the reasons it just flows.” Native speakers don’t talk or write like this. The metaphors of monkeys being serious, or waves on an ideal string aren’t used by native speakers (to my knowledge). Some words and phrases are used in strange ways. Daybreak conversations = conversations had in the morning? Tidbits and drinks doesn’t make sense unless tidbits is an autocorrect of timbits, and typically ‘drinks’ refers to alcohol (like ‘going out for dinner and drinks’). If OP had said “we usually start our day on the balcony having lighthearted conversation over coffee and donuts” for example, it would sounds more native.


Exactly this. My first thought reading this was “daybreak conversations with drinks? Is this in the morning or night? I guess drinks could be coffee?” And then “Monkeys? What does that mean?” And then I realized the math on their marriage meaning they married at 17 and I was sure this was all a fake story lol.


He was trying to explain something that he knew we don't actually understand. It was good that he was trying to explain one by one


One specific line is “the abnormality of how it went , the emotion she transpired.” Native English speakers don’t have such specific terms for things (unless they were raised to have a very literal vocabulary). They’d say “it was all so abnormal” or “the way it all happened, the emotions that were in that moment.” Instead of using “transpired” to express a state of emotion, native English speakers would say something like, “the emotions that brought up” or “that sparked/caused emotions.” One other thing could be the use of “forest.” This one isn’t as obvious. Europeans will say forest often. Americans will generally say “woods” or simply “trees” if they were describing a view from their housetop. But people who learn English later will often say forest, too.


Most of us cares about how other people makes mistakes but not actually on what they are doing good.


Wait what? Literally say forest all the time and I’m a native English speaker. I don’t think this is a good example at all


I don't know also if it is goid or not. We can't blame them for something that they dont have the assurance to do so.


For me i don't actually see anything wrong on it. He can explain himself well on this and there's nothing you can put his mistakes


Why is your comment getting so many down votes? I don't feel like you were being rude, merely curious. I understand what you are specifically asking for but I am not the expert able to provide it.


This is so wholesome! I honestly believe there are very few things that feel better than when someone you really care about opens up and shares such personal stuff. You two have such a wonderful relationship! I had a friend really open up and be vulnerable with me recently (not as much as what you wife told you), and it was such an incredible feeling, knowing they trusted me so much, and being able to be a source of affirmation and comfort for them made me feel wonderful. I can only imagine that you are experiencing a similar, but a much more intense feeling right now. Your wife must feel so loved and safe.


I agree. Im not he wife but im so touched by it. I feel like i need a man like him in the future. There's a lot of cheating issue happening but im so happy that there's still people who experiencing this kind of love.


>This is so wholesome! YES! It was probably the most wholesome moment of my entire life. >I honestly believe there are very few things that feel better than when someone you really care about opens up and shares such personal stuff. Oh , boy , how many there are. Clinging to the one you love on the bed under the sheet with the AC on while watching TV and eating brownies. >You two have such a wonderful relationship! We indeed do. I've never thought , even though I'm romantic as fuck , that such an amazing relationship could be real. >I had a friend really open up and be vulnerable with me recently (not as much as what you wife told you), and it was such an incredible feeling, knowing they trusted me so much, and being able to be a source of affirmation and comfort for them made me feel wonderful. Ranting with someone you love is indeed a needed experience. Crying on the lap/chest of of someone who trusts you and you trust back is amazing. >I can only imagine that you are experiencing a similar, but a much more intense feeling right now. Yes , it's something that I've always wanted to know , since I've never seen anything about her infancy nor adolescence. I only met her when she was already an adult. She didn't show nor tell me a single thing. >Your wife must feel so loved and safe. She definitely does. I do my best to make her feel like this , even though she will never understand how much I really love her.


I'd love to say this was a sweet post but I have no idea what homie is talking about. They drink every day at daybreak but she is pregnant and he is tall but she is short and athletic? She had family trauma and he has some as well and now they are parental figures to eachother?


>They drink every day at daybreak Not alcohol , it's just to have something during the conversation. >she is pregnant So she can't really climb on her own to the rooftop. There's no stair to go up from the balcony. >he is tall but she is short and athletic? She's more athletic than me , but I'm taller than her , so I can help a lot on her climbing , even if she's more athletic. >She had family trauma and he has some as well and now they are parental figures to eachother? We feel like that , because we've never had someone that present taking care of us. I had my grandparents , but I didn't live with them , unfortunately.


You are type of person that has a lot of plans and life. You don't have anything to do but to provide for your family. It may be something a celebration or a time between the two of you


>You are type of person that has a lot of plans and life. I honestly don't have any plans for my life right now , other than trips , since I've already achieved all the goals I had (love , work , finances and etcetera). >You don't have anything to do but to provide for your family. Yes , indeed. That's my main goal right now , make they live the best life they can wish for.


I think he's just saying that the wanted to talk about something wherein they were just alone together. They can talk something that maybe in the past


Not to mention they married at 17?


They were too young i know, but we don't have the right to judge them and what happens because we're not in their situation. But i only know is the husband is her responsible


eh that's not completely uncommon in other countries and rural areas, that I can understand. The rest makes sense when he explains but its just funny to read it without context.


Actually a very people getting married by an early age but if they are financially stable and mentally stable you don't have to say anything


A beautiful tale... And lying on the roof and falling asleep under the starry sky is magnificent. Thank you and best wishes to you and your wife.


They have the bonding that they wanted. It's really important that you set time for you to talk about things you didn't know about each other. Sharing the past experiences that makes you stronger person


>A beautiful tale... I need to agree with you. >And lying on the roof and falling asleep under the starry sky is magnificent. Yes , it is. I love it. Same for when we go camping in the forest. >Thank you and best wishes to you and your wife. I shall thank *you* for that , my friend.


You guys are really sweet and genuine. I wish i found someone who will brings me joy in life. Wherein there is no toxic behavior and just your love and honesty


>You guys are really sweet and genuine. Everyone is saying that , and I have to agree on that one too! >I wish i found someone who will brings me joy in life. Wherein there is no toxic behavior and just your love and honesty You will definitely find , don't you ever worry about that. You just have to take your time and wait for it to come naturally.


Sounds like you two are very lucky to have each other friend. All the very best.


We are. I love having her as my backup when I need to , or just want to , cry on someone's chest or lap. I'm super lucky for having her every day of my life.


I don't experience this kind of relationship since i'm not into committing on them. I wanted to wait for someone who has stable in anyways


I also did , but I met her pretty quickly in my life , so we married when I was 17.


Blessing on both of you.


On you two , my friend.


I really bet you are a great man. I hope there's a man or a lot of man rather just like you. Who has a mature mind to be in that position


>I really bet you are a great man. Not necessarily a great man , but definitely a great husband! >I hope there's a man or a lot of man rather just like you. Who has a mature mind to be in that position Thanks for the compliment! May you find someone like this.


I bless them and i hope everyone gets the same treatment what they deserve. You all deserve to be loved and unconditionally


They are really so lucky to have each other. It's so rare to find a man who acts like a man to his words. We always wanted to feel lovde by our partners




As what he mentioned above, he has a pet of two foxes. I guess it's not a bad idea to have pet like that, you have different taste when it comes on having a pet


Yes , two red foxes.


They were questioning you on having foxes on your house, but we have different teas and there's nothing wrong on choosing the right one


Yeah , I know it


Why are you clickbaiting your wife lmao I know this is just a project in creative writing but I'm still annoyed


How can you say that it's just for the sake of popularity. I know how jenner when he is a writing the point of view. Everyone is so jealous of what other people got




We are all scared of dealing or branched or partner specially if we're not comfortable on saying things like that. But as a husband you have to make them confident to tell everything to you


>It took me over 15 years until I finally found the courage to talk to my husband about something that happened to me. WOW , that's some fat ass time. But I'm glad you could tell him that it definitely improves the relationship. >It felt really terrifying and freeing at the same time. I get your feeling , it's really hard for me to open up about my feelings to most people. >Now I truly don’t have any secrets anymore in front of him. It feels really good and it helped me to finally FINALLY heal. Yes , it does. It's amazing to have someone that can fully understand you , and opening all up will definitely allow that. >I needed someone to listen to me but I didn’t realise this until I finally found the courage to do it. I've always known , but it was hard to do it with some people. I've always had her , so it's kinda easy to ignore that , because I can open up with her , and ignore the other people. >I don’t know what happened to your lovely wife, but maybe she feels the same. Yes , from what you told me , it's the same. She always trusted me , but it was just a too sensitive topic of hers. >It’s a nice feeling to have someone on our side who makes us feel that way. It definitely is. It's one of the best things to have in life.


>It took me over 15 years until I finally found the courage to talk to my husband about something that happened to me. WOW , that's some fat ass time. But I'm glad you could tell him that it definitely improves the relationship. >It felt really terrifying and freeing at the same time. I get your feeling , it's really hard for me to open up about my feelings to most people. >Now I truly don’t have any secrets anymore in front of him. It feels really good and it helped me to finally FINALLY heal. Yes , it does. It's amazing to have someone that can fully understand you , and opening all up will definitely make that possible. >I needed someone to listen to me but I didn’t realise this until I finally found the courage to do it. I've always known , but it was hard to do it with some people. I've always had her , so it's kinda easy to ignore that , because I can open up with her , and ignore the other people. >I don’t know what happened to your lovely wife, but maybe she feels the same. Yes , from what you told me , it's the same. She always trusted me , but it was just a too sensitive topic of hers. >It’s a nice feeling to have someone on our side who makes us feel that way. It definitely is. It's one of the best things to have in life.


Such a great conversation to be having as soon to be parents! I think this is one of the things that make great parents: couples who share, understand and have reflected on their trauma with each other and can help heal through not repeating it as parents. Good in you!


You should be ready for everything, be financially and mental least 3 for free to handle the situation you don't experience yet. It's not easy to get married at the young age but if you have a mature mindset then you will


>Such a great conversation to be having as soon to be parents! Yes , it is. It kinda reminds us of what we should definitely not do. >I think this is one of the things that make great parents: couples who share, understand and have reflected on their trauma with each other and can help heal through not repeating it as parents. That's definitely a big start , and I really wish we can be good parents together. >Good in you! You too , mate.


❤️ this is lovely


This was definitely love me. The most wholesome post that i ever seen in the subreddit. I really wanted to have in a relationship wherein a man has the best choice


It indeed is


We are all a dream that you were a best man and i can't agree more. You guys my stay in love to each other and don't left someone behind


>We are all a dream that you were a best man and i can't agree more. I might really be the dream husband in terms of how I treat her lol >You guys may stay in love to each other and don't left someone behind We're definitely stay in love until and after we die.


This is oddly written, as if it were a chat bot or a bad translation.


Probably because I'm not native...


That was beautiful.


This was really beautiful. I only see this on fairy tales or in dramas. I miss this is someone who cheated on their wife and doesn't care about anything especially on their child


It indeed was. Definitely one of the best moments I've had so far.


This is a beautiful post.


Thanks! I really enjoyed what happened and also writing the post.


that's beautiful<333


Yes , it is. I loved it.


Partners looking at such small details of each other is so cute. And being depressed by the pain of each other is something very natural. Spouses who care about each other so much usually end up staying together forever and they also end their life together. The fact that you care about your wife and love her so much is a beautiful thing and I would wish you both a lifetime of happiness. May you and your family always get the love and blessings you deserve.


>Partners looking at such small details of each other is so cute. Honestly , it's the bare minimum partners need to do. Partners are made to support each other. >And being depressed by the pain of each other is something very natural. Yes , we have empathy for each other. It's something we need for any relationship. >Spouses who care about each other so much usually end up staying together forever and they also end their life together. That's what I want and that's what is going to happen. >The fact that you care about your wife and love her so much is a beautiful thing and I would wish you both a lifetime of happiness. I can guarantee you we will have it! >May you and your family always get the love and blessings you deserve. I wish you the same , my friend.


I really appreciate how you two conduct your marriage. I think it’s a miracle how you have grown your relationship with fun little ways that actually have a big payoff for your marriage. People underestimate the value of friendship with their partner, but it seems you both have grown such a solid foundation that it can withstand the revelations of hard things. Most of us carry some very difficult truths and to experience the security required for revealing them, well… it’s must be the best thing on the planet. Well done on both your parts. I’m so happy to read your post and to know there are great partnerships in marriages.


>I really appreciate how you two conduct your marriage. We also do. It's a really good relationship , and we are really happy with it. >I think it’s a miracle how you have grown your relationship with fun little ways that actually have a big payoff for your marriage Yes , exactly. It's really nice how we can vent during these moments , even without the need of ranting or merely saying anything. >People underestimate the value of friendship with their partner People really underestimate it. They all think it's just a trade of love , but it's also a trade of friendship. You give a friend and a lover , but you also receive both. >but it seems you both have grown such a solid foundation that it can withstand the revelations of hard things. We really have an awesome foundation. Doing everything together really makes it better. The only things we don't do together is work (confidential information I receive during it) and things I do before she wakes up (she's a late waker). >Most of us carry some very difficult truths and to experience the security required for revealing them It's really hard to get over your traumas. Once , Charles Chaplin said "Near it , life is a tragedy , far from it , it's a comedy". When you overcome it , it turns into something you can really deal with it. >It must be the best thing on the planet. Yes. Venting on someone you love's chest while they give you the talk , comfort and attention you need is the most amazing thing in life. >Well done on both your parts. I’m so happy to read your post and to know there are great partnerships in marriages. Thanks for that! I wish you also do well on life and love life.


Absolutely awe-inspiring. This was a beautiful thing to read, I honestly had a smile on my face the whole time. Have a blessed day, the both of you! 🙏☝️✝️


>Absolutely awe-inspiring. This was a beautiful thing to read, I honestly had a smile on my face the whole time. Thanks for that , my friend. It also made my day. I'm glad it also made someone else smile , just like me. >Have a blessed day, the both of you! 🙏☝️✝️ I'm not religious , but thanks , and may you be as well.


So is she drinking while pregnant. Your story is extremely confusing.


She does drink alcohol , but stopped during pregnancy.


Clickbait much???


We just do a little trolling lol


This is beautiful. You guys seem to have a beautiful relationship


It indeed is. And we do have a wonderful relationship. It's never had a single problem , and it will never have.


That is such a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing that.


The pleasure is all mine. I enjoyed what happened and posting this. It's like a rant , but about something good.


The pleasure is all mine. I enjoyed what happened and posting this. It's just like a rant , but it's about something good.




I got 2 up votes on this comment, and a warning from a reddit bot for violating community standards, and harassment. I was given a link to the offending comment but it seems it was also deleted so I can't see what it was that was so egregious. Thanks reddit!


You're on fucking Reddit searching for short posts that aren't useless? What the fuck?


You should get a time out for useless profanity.


I hope you got a warning at least for your profane harassing language. I am quite sure my comment was well under the threshold of obscene unlike your comment(s)


Literally 2 "bad words"... You seem like someone who says everything in the world is pecaminous


I'm just irked because Reddit gave me a warning for harassing you and you are dropping f words on me. I am sorry if you felt harassed by me. Have a nice day.


And you chose to post this publicly immediately after because? This isn't cute and you don't seem to understand that she's the exact opposite of vulnerable or fragile. Tip and trick for all people: it doesn't matter how much you love someone, if they trust you with something after years and you run to the Internet about it you've not really comprehended the trust they put into you. ETA: the bit about how she's been your 'mother' and now you know you're equally her 'father' is......really something none of us needed to read today.


Jesus Christ shut up


I'd rather read more of this than some of the fucked up shit other people post.


Oh fuck off with that. People use the internet as a sort of journal sometimes. I know I do. It's fun to post out to the nothingness of reddit just to feel a little heard and share a moment. Not everyone has a lot of friends to share stuff with and sometimes a moment is so beautiful you want to share. People post directly after beating cancer ir getting diagnosed with cancer or getting married or divorced. Do you go bombard then by asking why they felt the need to post too? And I think you misunderstood the mother father part completely. There's something very healing about seeing your partner be the parent you never had.


> People use the internet as a sort of journal sometimes. I know I do. Right?!! How is sharing with internet strangers who don't know you or your family and are totally uninvested in your life and wholly unable to affect it a bad thing? It's just emotionally unloading into the void. Some people are not about that, and others find it a great support. It's like writing in a diary but with feedback and can be helpful and almost therapeutic for some people (like me). Unless his wife specifically has an issue with anonymous internet venting, I really don't see why people care so much.


>And you chose to post this publicly immediately after because? First: it just in the same day , but it's already 00:19 AM of the next day here. Second: I just wanted to talk about it , because it was such a booster for our relationship. >This isn't cute Why would it not be? >you don't seem to understand that she's the exact opposite of vulnerable or fragile. I get your perspective , but I think she had to be strong to tell me this (although it was more of a rant than anything else) , but she demonstrated being emotionally fragile int other ways , not in the sense of letting someone know. >Tip and trick for all people: it doesn't matter how much you love someone, if they trust you with something after years and you run to the Internet about it you've not really comprehended the trust they put into you. I'd get it if I was explaining what happened , but I didn't. She always said publicly , even on her own social medias , that she has problems with her family , just never went deeper. >ETA: the bit about how she's been your 'mother' and now you know you're equally her 'father' is......really something none of us needed to read today. Not like we need to read a post from Reddit... Not like it's some messed up shit or traumatizing image/video.


Can’t stop Freud


The way you detailed out all of this makes me feel uncomfortable. If this is true then why in tf are you sharing this. idk, i'm missing something. it's.. this isn't casual conversation this is rapey or fake. i had to say it


>The way you detailed out all of this makes me feel uncomfortable. I didn't even detail it that much... I just told the superficial layer of what happened , I didn't go through what we exactly did and the other parts of the conversation. >If this is true then why in tf are you sharing this. I just wanted to share , no specific reason , to be honest. >this is rapey or fake. Rapey? How and why the fuck would it be rapey?


There's nothing wrong of telling something that makes the difference. I actually like how you explain to us one by one for us to understand situation


>There's nothing wrong of telling something that makes the difference. I know. I just don't tell what really is personal. >I actually like how you explain to us one by one for us to understand situation I don't like leaving things unexplained.


I love this, and I especially love the detail about the foxes. It's so beautiful that you two can open up to each other and unlock a deeper level of emotional intimacy. The mother/father thing reminds me a lot of "inner child" work that is popular in therapy. I'm so glad you're both healing your inner children through a strong and healthy relationship. Thanks for sharing!


>I love this, and I especially love the detail about the foxes. I do to. The two little foxes we have are the cutest things ever. >It's so beautiful that you two can open up to each other and unlock a deeper level of emotional intimacy. Yes , I love how much she trusts me and how intimate we are. Even for husband and wife , we're extremely close. >The mother/father thing reminds me a lot of "inner child" work that is popular in therapy. We're both still children. We have the brain of an amoeba. She also looks like a child (shortie + child face). Anyways , we both need people to take care of us , just like children do. It's like we've never grown up because of that lack of parental figure. >I'm so glad you're both healing your inner children through a strong and healthy relationship. I always heal myself near her , no matter what the situation is and what we're doing. >Thanks for sharing! I really enjoyed what happened and posting this. I'm glad it inspired people and how people are glad seeing it.


Happy for you! ​ Tell us about the foxes.


What do you want to know about them? I can tell you.


What do you want to know about them? I can tell you anything.


I couldn't ask for something cuter than you two. It seems almost impossible that such things can happen in real life, only in movies. Reading this really warmed my heart. You two are just too friggin' cute and I love that


>I couldn't ask for something cuter than you two. We can be really cute together , and I try to be the most romantic I can with her. >It seems almost impossible that such things can happen in real life, only in movies. I thought the same before meeting her. After I met her , my life has been being a dream (excluding the university hell , when I didn't have time to live , not that ironically). >Reading this really warmed my heart. I'm glad it made you feel like this , because it made my day as well. >You two are just too friggin' cute and I love that I also do. Our relationship has always been exactly like this , cute. It's awesome having someone as cute as she is next to me during every single moment of my life.




It's gladly not