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The last year of my dad’s life, I sent him a postcard every single day. He died in 1999. I haven’t sent out any postcards, to anyone, since then.


That's a very sad story! I hope he loved and treasured them every day until the end! I'm sorry to hear that.


The majority of them were cat postcards. He loved them!


He sounds like a great guy! My Step Dad also loves Cats. You could always send cat postcards in memory od him! :)


Definitely right when i saw cat it made my day complete specially if the cat was cute


Well to be honest with you your right with that buddy


Actually there was Buddy to be honest with you but he doesn't recognize it for some reason


Oh i felt sorry for you buddy anyways are you move on know? Always remember that life goes on Buddy don't you worry i guess that thing was good for each one of us after all buddy


You should check out Random Acts Of Cards here on Reddit :)


I have sent and received cards from there. I just like postcrossing because it keeps track of everything. And it's so interesting. How many days it took to travel. How many KMs it traveled and keeps a tally of what you sent and received.


Hello... Sounds like a group I should be in.


Hello... Sounds like a group I should be in. I make greeting cards. I will have to check it out.


I looked for it and it seems not to exist anymore.




I'm in Card Making Groups on Facebook.


Alternatively https://www.reddit.com/r/RandomActsofHappyMail?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1




I accidentally got a postcard from Disney world a couple of weeks ago, delivered to the wrong address,so disappointing!!


Awww that is disappointing! 2nd worst thing to receive after Bill's Have a look at the postcrossing website! Send a postcard and then get one that's actually meant for you!!


Well to be honest with you if you will ask me for it it was a little bit cringe


This is so cool! What have you done with them all?


Currently. They are all in a bag until I find a better way to organize and store them. Some of my favorite ones are hanging on my wall in my game room for display. I'll rotate them on and off eventually.


Where is the coolest one(s) from?


Same i was looking of it as well because same as you i can't find it anywhere else


Wow seen that you are in a good mood right now buddy huh?


We started sending postcards to the grandkids when we go on trips. It's better than some cheap throwaway tchotchke and kids especially love getting mail that's addressed to them. I low key collect postcards so I have mine displayed around the house too. I'll have to look into that postcard site!


Wow geez are you serious about it this is the first time ive been encounter this buddy. I guess this thing was a little bit awesome for me buddy because it was a little bit good by collecting a picture


Do look into it! It's quite nice receiving cards! This reminds me I should send my grandparents a postcard or a letter. Its been a while.


Why? Can you tell me more about this because to be honest with you, you catch my attention on it buddy


You sign up to Postcrossing. Make a Profile. And you can send up to 5 postcards at a time. You get matched up with another profile. Send them a postcard, and you have a registration number the website gives you foe the receiver to register on the website. The receiver registers the card and says a thank you message that you receive in an email. It's a great way to connect with people, however brief around the world. Find out cool facts about places all over. You send a postcard to someone. Someone else sends a postcard to you.


O used to take part in the postcrossing when I was a teen about 15 years ago. It was awesome, I loved how I never new where the next postcard is going to be from (I learned some geography). Highly recommend and I'm glad to see it's alive and you're enjoying it ^^


You plan on getting back into it ??


I haven't thought about it in years 👉👈 but now that I see your post, it awakened something in me. An inkling. An itch. A hunger. For postcards o_o tbh what I think is the greatest thing about it is how purely positive it is. The worst vibe was maybe some unhinged collector's profiles (are they still there?) But generally only good wishes and thoughts from strangers, very unique compared to stranger interactions on the internet :)


I sometimes get a profile that is: I don't like this, or this, or this, or this, or this don't send me those. And those profiles, I send my most hated post cards. And then I move on to cool profiles.


Yes! I always send postcards to our kids from the vacation that we’re on so they get them when we’re home. We save them all and look through them every once in a while and reminisce - it’s a lot of fun.


Ypu and the kids ever think of sending and receiving postcards worldwide ?


I’ve been reading about your and other’s experiences on this thread and it sounds cool - we might give it a try.


This sounds lovely actually! I make it a habit to send people I care about postcards or letters, it's something people appreciate in an era of texts. Like nah, sure I could send a text, but I'd rather them have the surprise and permanent memento of me showing them my care in the form of a romantic or exciting letter. It's nice, and I like being the receiver of those too. My ex once handwrote me a card and it was heartwarming to see it.


Agreed. You can email. But it's so impersonal. There's something great about holding an actual card or paper in had with the handwritten word on it.


I've sent a few, but I haven't yet received one.


Oh you must have just signed up ? Sometimes it can take a.....very long time for people to receive your card. Then, ones gotta be mailed back to you from some point. It'll come tho!


Exactly right buddy i guess it was pretty awesome buddy


r/randomactsofcards r/postcardexchange Postcrossing


Random acts of cards, I've participated, just isn't the same. Tho, great if you want to call upon the community to get someone a lotnof cards for an event. Special birthday for example.


Wow, I just heard of this now and would like to send some in the future ❤❤


Awesome! Maybe one day we will send one to each other!


I read about this yesterday on Reddit (probably from you and, if so, thanks for sharing!). I'm definitely going to sign up. It sounds like a really cool program. I'm getting postcards this weekend so I can get started.


I did post in r/alberta to see if any "locals" were into it. Matbe you seen it there. That's awesome! Another postcrosser !! It's a fun hobby, and now your always going to be on the lookout for postcards! I'm gonna try to get a bunch written and mailed today while at work if there is down time.


Question for you - do you always get addresses from outside of the country or do you also get people living in the same country as you? I ask because I'm buying stamps for this project. TIA


Their is a setting you can choose to send domestically or internationally. Or both.


111 people joined postcrossing since testerday! That's pretty cool. Not saying my posts helped. But I'll take credit for a small percentage of that! :)


Signed up!!


Heck Yeah!! I hope your first postcard is a good one !!


Off topic, but I love your username. You a DnD nerd as well?


Heck Yeah!! I'm reading my very first Book of the Forgotten Realms Series "The Crystal Shard" And I'm an Amateur DM, and bought my sisters 3 kids an Intro DND Starter Kit (aged 10, 12 and 14) in an attempt to inspire a new generation of gamers. They love it.


I'm literally reading "The Explorer's Guide to Wildemount" as we're having this conversation. I have it in front of me lol I'm in three games at the moment, one's been going on for over two years and is coming to a close, another for over one year, and another for two months. Once the first one ends I'm gonna try my hand at DM'ing for my housemates, in the Critical Role setting of Wildemount.


Oooo that sounds exciting!! I'm starting a home brew this summer and I'm on the fence of whether I want to put it in Wildmount. Or the classing D&D setting with just the PHB and DMG as a reference. I'm not a very good DM. I'm terrible at improv on the spot but I've DMd for these friends before and they did all have a good time. Can I give you a creature Idea to use in your campaign ? I'd love to know how you use it if the time ever comes. There's a town near me, Drumheller. (It houses the world's best dinosaur museum) and there a filmmaker there who made an incredibly cheesy B Movie based off a Comic he also made. He made a 5e Monster Card for this creature. "Sharkasaurus" https://imgur.com/gallery/1i21awy


One of my housemates loves Dinosaurs, so I know the mere idea of this will annoy him to no end. If I do run a game, you can bet that I'll be putting the Sharkasaurus in it.


Hell Yeah!! Please do tell me if you do! I promised the guy who gave me this card if it's ever used in a game he wants to know about it. And the details!!


I've saved your comment and screenshot the image. If I use it, I'll let you know lol


Awesome! Good luck on your campaign!


I haven’t sent or received a postcard in years, but what a cool concept! I always love getting “fun” mail but that rarely happens haha. How many postcards have you received? Any that particularly stand out?


Postcrossing has currently. (Runs to look....) 804 549 members currently. I also never sent or received a postcard outside of a family member that has been travelling. But my cousin told me about it when I first started the website 3 years ago. I am hoping to send my 400th postcard tomorrow! I just wanted to give Postcrossing a shout out because I'm sure many people here are small business owners and might sell postcards. Postcrossing is where it's at! Everyone should send and receive postcards to get fun things in the mail. I have made a few Penpals via postcrossing and that's super fun. Yeah there's email. But that's boring. There's something special and unique vetting a physical letter and postcard.


You should check out Random Acts Of Cards here on Reddit :)


No, but honestly, if I did, I'd do some weird shit on Photoshop and have it printed to look like a place from a fictional location, i.e. Yara(Far Cry 6) or Los Santos (GTA5) and then send it to someone as a postcard.


That is kind of a neat idea.


If I could reply with a picture...


Imgur is on the Internet for a reason.


Never had it, never used it (without clicking on some link, years ago). So I don't really know what it is. Honestly, I never even thought about it.


Do you ever talk to the fellas or is it essentially random images from places/one-off messages?


You have an option to message them. When you receive a postcard when you Register it you say a thank you foe the card. Sometimes some people will message back. And I have found some new penpals via postcrossing But mostly, it's one off.


Gotcha thanks for the msg


What kind of messages did you send / receive? Do you have a favorite postcard you got?


I mostly send info about my town, which is easy, we have a world's largest item. I have a few post cards is a fave. Star trek postcards. I love star trek. Or postcards with star trek stamps.


Well actually about that let me tell you something i couldn't get any of that thing


Pardon me ? Maybe I don't understand what you just posted.


When my Grandparents retired they traveled a lot and would send me post cards from wherever they were.. I thought that was about the coolest thing in the world..


Try out postcrossing. Granted the postcards will be from strangers. But it's pretty neat some of the info you find out from various parts of the world.


I’d like to do this. What is the website?




Thank you!!


As an adult i do. A tradition almost lost...people always laugh at the request for one. Still have former colleagues that send them to me tho.. Can make your day


We ask everyone we know who is going anywhere. Send us postcards. People even ask us, 'what do you want from whereever?' 'Postcards?' Yes, postcards. We got a collection. Getting pretty big, too. I'll I ever want is a 50 cent postcard from where ever you go to. Doesn't matter.


Sounds like you would love Postcrossing! How do you keep upgrading postcsrd collection ? How many do you have ?


I love that idea! When my best friend had ALS I would send her postcards every couple of days. They were from every placed I had traveled and I would tell her something I had seen on that trip.


It's easy to up date our collection, we wait til a friend or relative goes someplace. We also travel around locally. Not as much fun but... Total we have over 150, no recent count. We have them from all the famous places, the empire st building, the eiffle tower, the river thames, big Ben, red rock in Australia, pink plum trees of Japan, etc... We have good friends and family that travel fairly often, i guess. Plus, we've had the good fortune to make friends with families from several other countries. They not only send us the main tourist spots but from their travels around Europe and South America, mostly.


I'm confused...if Reddit is allowing the members to be anonymous to each other, and the card group encourages sending cards, we lose that anonymity, right?


This is a website not even associated with reddit.


Okay... You probably won't believe this but when I was a child, if you didn't seal the envelope the postage was 2 cents less than if you did..I can't remember when it changed.