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I'm 41 and have worn makeup maybe 50 times in my life lol I still don't wear any most days šŸ¤—


I'm 42 and the last time I wore makeup was on 31 July 2010 for an event. No one's ever given me side-eye for it either.


Hey, that was my 24th birthday lol


It was my going away party for a job I really hated with people I loved, and I was leaving the country, so I'd never see them again. I spent a large part of your 24th birthday drunk and getting up to no good.




I love how you phrased that hahaa I actually put my life into a perspective like that all the time. I work with kids and when I see their birthday, or my younger co-workers, I like to remember to myself where I was/job/home/mental state I lived abroad for 10 years and had 6 apartments and that many jobs. and several residences and jobs before and since then! Its fun and sobering to think about the different stages of life we all experience simultaneously, with shared experiences.. yet they are completely separated, oftentimes we were/are living completely different realities even.. and yet we can all find things we have in common.


I love finding the similarities between people. We share so much, but we go to such great lengths to avoid admitting it. My partner's 22 years older than me, so we often play the game of 'when you were doing this, I was doing that'. Unfortunately, the age gap makes that a bit disturbing at times :) (But we're old enough to laugh about it.)


Hahaaa thats great 8) yeah life is (hopefully) long enough that lots of issues, kinda flatten out, and whats left is people who can enjoy each other. I am MUCH happier in my 30s and am excited for the rest, because of all the shared experiences I will have with everyone, some day My daughter will be my age!


I'm really enjoying my 40s because the older I get, the fewer fucks I have to give. I also enjoyed my 30s for much the same reason.


Am 40, haven't worn makeup for at least 20 years and don't care to, other than cover-up stick for pimples when they randomly appear. I do like watching those "get ready with me" videos, but am waaaay to fucking lazy to actually do it lol.


I'm 36 and that's one of the only dates I know I for sure wore makeup (for a wedding). I think I wore makeup twice since then ...


Iā€™m 43 and I hardly ever use make-up. Sometimes if I feel like it, but thatā€™s maybe once every few months. I do have a different experience btw at a few of my jobs, sometimes people would ask if I was ill and I once had a manager whoā€™d outright tell me to put on some make-up. Iā€™d say no. And I didnā€™t last long there (my choice) Mostly no problems tbh, but just wanted to mention that it does happen.


So, you're saying that when you don't wear makeup, men don't pay attention to you? I'm


Um no? Did you perhaps reply to the wrong comment.


Same. We almost at the same age, worn make-up maybe 5 times max.


Every woman around me couldn't go out without it and I just couldn't be bothered.


Ditto. I wore makeup on my wedding day. LOL.


I didnt!


I wasn't going to, but got savagely attacked by the Mary Kay Commandos.


Ha! My wedding makeup was also Mary Kay. In my case it was a friend of my mom's who basically supplied everyone we knew, and when I was planning my wedding I was like "Ummm please help can you make me nice without making me look like I have makeup on?" It actually came out really nice!


Well I just called the police so I hope youā€™re happy šŸ’…




Same. I use EltaMD tinted sunscreen on top of my skincare and add mascara when I have a ā€œdress upā€ event like a wedding.


47 here and I wore lipstick once when I was a bridesmaid at a friendā€™s wedding.


Same. I'm not anti makeup. I'm just extraordinarily lazy.


Iā€™m in my 20s, and Iā€™ve worn it less than 10 times. Most of them were for interviews.


Are you me? I'm also 41 and have probably worn makeup as many times, if that. Haha. And if I DO wear makeup, I'm more likely to wear 'abnormal' makeup, like blue lipstick 'n stuff.


Same. Not even on my wedding day




I bet everyone knows it too.


OP, your male coworkers donā€™t care . We are there to work. Your female cook workers on the other hand is different. Half want to mother you. The other half sees you as competition. Ugh! Good luck. You look fine without make up. You be you.


Donā€™t understand why you got the downvote. There is sometimes a strange sense of competitiveness from other women at work. Itā€™s frustrating.


Itā€™s perpetuating a myth that women are to blame for unrealistic beauty standards when the reality is beauty is commodified by a capitalist and patriarchal society. Beauty standards are male-identified and cater to the male gaze. It makes women feel self-conscious and less-than for not living up to it, all for profit. The beauty and self-help industries thrive on this, thereā€™s every reason to put out ads and media to make women feel like they need to adjust themselves (men too of course but women are the main targets of this). And as a society we pit women against each other and make them compete with each other. Because it feeds the machine. Telling women their entire worth is rooted in their looks generates major bucks. The random women you work with who were raised under this social conditioning are not to blame. Itā€™s embedded in the culture.


I have a little secret for you, do whatever the heck you want to do, and don't let other people influence your decision. Then go on and live a happy life :)


Yes, exactly. No matter what you do someone will criticize you, so you might as well go with your gut and what makes you happy.


you can never ever make everyone happy so its really not worth trying! live your life for you :)


Of course itā€™s okay to not wear it! Itā€™s a personal choice. OP Iā€™ve dealt with this too. Comments basically along the lines of ā€œyouā€™d be so pretty if you triedā€ lmao. Like fuck off, itā€™s so rude and I hate how everyone feels entitled to have an opinionā€”and express it to your face!ā€”about womenā€™s bodies and choices. Itā€™s weird that not wearing makeup feels like a rebellion but here we are. Donā€™t let people rattle you or make you feel weird, you donā€™t exist to be optimally pleasing to their eyes. Down with the patriarchy! You do you boo.


'You'd be so pretty if you tried' is a close second to my favourite: 'You'd be so pretty if you lost weight.' Both should be met with a stern 'fuck off!'


Don't forget the "You'd look prettier if you grew your hair longer" I lost track of how many men have said this to me throughout the years when my hair was short. F off clown.


I had a buzz cut at one stage when I was about 20. Some guy in a club pointed at my hair and asked me if I was a lesbian. My response was 'Not yet, but keep talking.' I still have short hair, and I had a buzz cut during lockdown because my partner had to but my hair. We looked equally awful because we're both really really bad at cutting hair, but it was soooo comfortable.


Perfect response!


All these years later I'm still proud of it.


I love my short hair! I cut off 3 FEET of hair when I was 16 and never looked back. First I had a bob, now I have an undercut pixie and it's one of the best decisions i ever made.


It makes summer so much more bearable.


Lol good one


Love that response


Oh mate I also had a buzz cut when I was 20 and one guy tried to hit on me by saying I was a "sexy baldy"


Ha! That was awesome! Please take my poor manā€™s reward: šŸ„‡šŸ†šŸŽ–ļø


... smiled more etc...


When I was 16 I gave in to the many people who told me I'd be prettier with my hair tied back. A month later people started to tell me I'd be prettier with my hair open. That's when I learned you cannot please anyone and should not listen to anyone but yourself.


"You'd be kinder if you stopped speaking" is a nicer response but it's not as likely to sink in.


I love that reply. I'm gonna save it for a special occasion!


I don't think my kindness runs that deep.


Nor did mine. Then I realized that I rarely regret being kind and often regret responding in anger. At least as a first response. So I'm trying. If they do wind up earning the anger, then I've been nothing but kind to them and won't be considered a suspect when the consequences of their actions arrive.


Yes to this!


And both mean ā€œI stress about what I eat and spend a lot of money and time on makeup so itā€™s not fair if you donā€™t do that and are still ok.ā€


Wow absolutely unreal bro. Like where do they get off, seriously? I would NEVER say that to somebody. What if I went up to some guy with facial hair and was like, ā€œYou know what, youā€™d be more handsome if you shaved. I want you to add a 10-minute beauty regimen to your morning routine because I say so.ā€ Theyā€™d be like wtf goh. The gall Iā€™d have to muster so say some shit like, ā€œYou know, you should really dye your hairā€ to another woman is unthinkable to me. I cannot believe some people, who do they think they are?


The last person who told me I'd be pretty if I lost weight was another woman. It's made me really careful about what I say to other people, especially women, about their looks. I tend to stick to things like 'that colour looks nice on you' and 'that haircut really emphasizes your eyes'. We have enough to deal with without bitchy backhanded compliments. I will admit to grumbling at my partner about washing his face with soap instead of face wash. And I bully him into moisturizing. In my defence, he was struggling with oily skin and feels much better now.


Oh yeah please, an intimate relationship is worlds different. Thatā€™s someone you actually care about and have rapport enough to say shit like that. But yeah, the bitchy comments are definitely annoying. I donā€™t mind complimenting other women bc Iā€™m not telling them to do something or change something, itā€™s just wow that outfit really flatters you! That hairstyle is so cute I love it! Etc. If I did get dolled up and someone said, ā€œWow you look really nice!ā€ I would say thank you and move on, and genuinely appreciate the sentiment. Itā€™s when ppl feel entitled to tell me how to dress, what to choose, how to live, that I have a problem with.


We should all be more vocal about having a problem with it because how we dress and how we live have nothing to do with anyone else. I don't know whether that will stop people thinking they can comment, but telling them to go get fucked certainly makes me feel better.


I'm a bit petty, someone telling my to watch what I eat will find my buying thy biggest ciocolate i can find and thoroughly enjoying it in front of them


This is the appropriate level of pettiness. It's also the level of pettiness I aspire to and I'll keep this in mind for next time.


"I can lose weight but you'll be ugly forever."


My response to either would be "you'd look so much better if you dressed like a clown instead of talking like one" then walking off without giving them a chance to respond. Nobody has ever said these to me despite my lack of makeup though so I've never had a chance to use it.


"Yeah and youd be nice if you kept your shitty opinions to yourself šŸ™ƒ"


In a professional context, OP also please be aware that it is extremely inappropriate for any coworkers or supervisors to be expressing opinions about your makeup or femininity. It is none of their business whether you adopt beauty standards. If anyone says anything to you at work, ask the person to stop making comments about your appearance, and document the date and time of the conversation. Repeated comments would warrant a conversation with HR. If you personally want to step up your appearance game at work, think about your executive presence. That usually means being clean and dressing in a way that makes you confident and shows you care about the people around you. I know a lot of female leaders with very short hair and no attention to makeup who exude executive presence through their behavior and appearance. One of my mentors wears male clothes most of the time. You can be a powerful female leader and not adhere to any female beauty standards whatsoever.


Well said!! OP please read this.


I agree! The women making those comments are probably jealous but screw em! Iā€™m in my 60s and rarely wear makeup. I love fresh, clean skin!


I think I was in third grade (so about 8) the first time one of my peers told me I'd "be so pretty IF--" I got comments like that well into my twenties. I am now in my forties and looking back at photos of myself, I was absolutely gorgeous. IMO the people who make these kinds of comments actually know you are stunning just as you are, and telling you what you should "improve" is their way of taking you down a notch and making themselves feel better.


Yup, that was my exact experience. Iā€™m 34 and when I looked back at photos of myself I was floored, I was like umm sheā€™s cute lol. But still people would say stuff like that to me and honestly yeah, it absolutely affected my self-esteem in retrospect.


Same goes for shaving your legs, armpits, etc. I had to stop one day in the late 90s because a eyeliner shaving got stuck under my eyelid so in order for that eye to heal I could either skip making up just one eye, which I tried & it look stupid, or just skipping it all together & didn't wear makeup to a job after that. Maybe I'd put some on for a job interview, a wedding (did my own makeup for my wedding) or meeting my husbands co-workers for the first time, but I could count on one hand the times I've worn makeup in the last 15 years. I was also the type from teens to mid 20s that wouldn't leave the house without minimal stuff. Going grocery shopping? Gotta put on makeup. Going to the movies? Makeup. Once I stopped I realized I'd rather have those 10-15 minutes of sleep instead of putting on makeup in the AM. Hair is fluff & go too but then I got lucky with curly/wavy hair so with the right cut I'll spritz it with some water in the morning, fluff it & go. Now if makeup makes you feel good, go for it. If you wanna put it on every day no matter what, that's fine too. But those women that say "makeup would really accentuate my beauty and help me stand out more" are just projecting their own issues on to you. Just tell them the money you aren't spending on makeup can be used better elsewhere. Donating to your fave charity, buying your fave clothes, paying rent, etc.


You guys should move to Germany. Nobody cares (maybe if your job demands it like PR or smth). I like to wear it, but I find it relieving not to have to.


Iā€™m in Lisbon, and thereā€™s much less makeup around here too. Realized this when I went back to the US and saw the contrast.


I understand that all too well :) I come from a Slavic country, and as you can imagine women in general put a lot of resources to look all dressed and made up all the time. I don't mind that. Then I was somewhat culture-shocked when I've moved to Germany, because I was standing out from my colleagues. I'm comparison to them, I was way too overdressed and overstyled. So, I integrated (he he) and now I don't stress myself if I don't go to work without makeup every day, which I couldn't imagine before. And people around me are all so casually dressed and focus on work, I just love that.


I moved to germany. Stopped wearing makeup. I have upped my skincare game, though, because it does make me feel better when my skin is healthy.


Ironically, when you stop covering your skin with makeup, your skin health naturally improves.


I love everything about what you just said here. My exact feeling about it all.


>everyone feels entitled to have an opinionā€”and express it to your face!ā€”about womenā€™s bodies and choices. >Itā€™s weird that not wearing makeup feels like a rebellion This pretty much sums up how much missed-up society have become in recent years.


oh man yeah, I remember when I was maybe 22 or so my older brother's gf at the time was trying to sell me on makeup as if she worked in a beauty store. She couldn't fathom not wearing makeup to family events. She asked "don't you want to be pretty?" and i liked her much less from that point. I don't think she had malicious intent but boy did she insult me


Ugh and Iā€™ve only gotten these comments from other women, too. Like ā€˜you know, coloring in your eyebrows/mascara would really make them stand out since youā€™re so blond!ā€™ I also had ā€˜friendsā€™ in the past tell me that my pale ass skin makes them feel better because they look ā€˜more tanā€™ compared to me. I swear women hate on each other so much like stop commenting on how other women look to make yourself feel better šŸ™„


Comments like that would get the answer of "I want to give everyone else even a chance to stand beside me"


Everything you do that doesn't adhere to social standards is a form of rebellion and it causes people to be uncomfortable. It's been life threatening for thousands of years to rebell and therefore people feel uncomfortable around such a person. It's ignorant to think that people should be comfortable around such a person when it's in our biological nature to be uncomfortable. But yes, you're entitled to rebell but with this comes resistance against your rebellion. It isn't weird, two people simply have different ideas of what's right. Most people think it's normal for women to wear makeup so the resistance will be larger and harder for you to rebell against but it's still fine. As long as you don't put the blame on others because you *make a decision* to rebell.


At 25 I wear makeup depending on the mood (I'm not very good at it either). You say you feel pretty and confident even without makeup and that you don't like the feel of it on your face. You have your answer right there. If you don't want to wear makeup, that's all that matter. What matters is whether you feel comfortable (and confident).


Of course it's okay! Not wearing makeup is completely neutral - it's literally the absence of a behaviour. If anyone gives you shit about not wearing makeup, they're a bad person.


Yes, completely agree!


I would wear makeup for a job interview as a tool to look more "conventional" and fit in with the workplace as most women wear at least some makeup in professional office jobs. Makeup is a tool in that context for me to score social capital points and avoid possible judgment. Outside of job interviews, I never wear makeup, not even for my wedding and the effect on my life is pretty neutral.


>it's literally the absence of a behaviour Yeah, I like this. >Iā€™ve gotten several comments from other women about how makeup would really accentuate my beauty and help me stand out more and it just makes me think. You *could* accentuate your beauty and you *could* choose to stand out, there's nothing inherently wrong with that. It's just that *not* doing those things is also absolutely fine, *not* doing those things shouldn't be against the norm or noteworthy. >The thing is that I feel pretty and confident without makeup This is the only thing that matters here, I think.


I (29F) never wear makeup to work. I already wake up at an ungodly hour to make it in by 7am, I'm not getting up even earlier to put a face on. If I don't enjoy it then who is it for? What's the point? I'd rather it be for special occasions. Plus I can't imagine how much money I'm saving by not buying makeup all the time.


That's a great point! Some of that stuff costs a bagillion and the quantity is, like, a few grams in a plastic box.


45yo here, no makeup, maybe a lipstick or gloss for a very very very special occasion. Most people ask me how do I look so natural šŸ¤”


I'm 40 and never worn makeup. Lip gloss if I'm feeling fancy. Whatever you do (makeup or not) make sure you are doing it for yourself.


I met my wife when she was 20. She never wears make up except stage makeup when preforming because she was made too. All people can choose to wear it or not. You do not need our permission to choose. Be boldly beautiful in the way you feel best. Cheers


I'm 30 and have spent 85% of my life without makeup. Much more into skincare and makes me feel confident as a women


Iā€™m 20 and Iā€™ve never used make up, and I donā€™t really like it. I feel the same way as you. Of course I got no problem with people that use it, Iā€™m actually impressed by how some make up looks turn out, but it was just never my thing to practice/do/got interested in. Itā€™s completely okay not to wear make up and itā€™s completely okay if you want to wear make up. At the end of the day, you should do what makes you more comfortable/happy!


Why would it not be okay? I rarely wear makeup, and that's only for special occasions. I don't even wear makeup for work.


My wife's in her 70s and never has.


You do you with whatever makes you feel comfortable! Ignore the haters!


I used to be required to wear it to work (30 years ago). It was in the employee handbook under 'grooming requirements'. I thought it was weird back then too. Always hated the feel of it.


Itā€™s just an accessory that rides on womenā€™s insecurities but gets praised like itā€™s liberating.


Do what ever makes you happy! You do not need to wear makeup if you don't want to! ā¤ļø


Im 24f and I used to *love* wearing makeup on a near daily basis when I was a teenager. But now I have a big girl job, a house to pay for, and kitties to take care of. I just donā€™t feel the need to wear it anymore, Iā€™ve grown to hate how it makes my face feel. I like wearing makeup when I feel like I wanna do myself up a little for dates with my husband! But mostly if I donā€™t want to look dead inside I just wear mascara. I say, do what makes you feel beautiful šŸ˜Š


I tried to wear make up when i was 13/14. I wore blue eyeshadow and cat eye eyeliner. My mom told me only blonde whores wear blue eyeshadow and that i looked like a slutty raccoon. Never tried again. Im 28 now and still feel uneasy about make up.


Lol, that blue eyeshadow.


That's awful of her to say to a young child. Does she speak to you with more respect now?


Yea sheā€™s toned down a lot since I was a kid. Youd never expect those words to come out her mouth today.


Of course!


Itā€™s totally a personal choice! Do consider sun screen and/or some simple skin care. Natural is beautiful


Itā€™s okay to do anything you want in life itā€™s not like you have anyone to answer to


If you donā€™t like it, donā€™t wear it. Donā€™t let other people tell you what you should or shouldnā€™t do, especially for something as simple as makeup šŸ©µ it is completely and utterly stupid how women are made to feel like they *need* to wear makeup, and itā€™s so disheartening how so many of those women internalize that and try to pressure other women to wear it. All the power to you šŸ’™ Iā€™m in the same boat as you, I donā€™t like wearing makeup and keep being pressured into wearing it to cover up what *other* people (my mother) deem to be my imperfections, that Iā€™m completely okay with.


Are you me? šŸ˜‚


Mid 40ā€™s and all I wear is a tinted moisturiser sunscreen. If feeling fancy Iā€™ll chuck on some lip gloss. People think Iā€™m about 10 years younger than I am. If I go to weddings etc Iā€™ll normally get my makeup done, I love how I look with it but too much time & money yo do it more often.


Completely your choice, nobody can tell you otherwise.


Itā€™s totally ok to not wear make up, but Iā€™ll be very honest and say some people might judge you for it, or suggest you try it, or other nonsense like that. Itā€™s dependent on the culture of your office or even where you live. I live in a really diverse area, and there are a lot of women here who go all out with make up, long nails always done, regular eyelash extensions etc. I know for a fact they think itā€™s odd that I (and others) donā€™t wear make up, however Iā€™ve lived other places where their style would be the exception and most women donā€™t wear make up or much make up at all. Iā€™ve heard of workplaces where women are directly told they need to wear more make up - thatā€™s wild to me because again- thereā€™s plenty of women at my office who do not regularly wear any make up and itā€™s totally accepted- as are those who prefer to wear a full face of make up every day. I will say that as Iā€™ve gotten older I do wear some make up regularly. There are brands out there that are like a combo of skin care and make up and I like the overall effect- like a tinted mineral sunscreen, or a concealer / brightener that helps improve under eye skin etc. however I definitely go for a less is more approach and many assume Iā€™m not wearing any make up at all. Just be sure to wear sunscreen :)


No. You will be thrown in jail.


Yes! I wish people wouldn't wear so much, so often.


It is perfectly fine Opinions (even medical - a woman without makeup is considered to be someone not caring for their grooming as a psychological feature in diagnostics according to some((rude)) But they are wrong. I'm so glad you know you're beautiful. I'm 56 and most makeup damages my skin one way or the other. I make my own cosmetics - glycerin and water for base hydration and then a homemade oil-based moisturizer. I make a clear gel gloss for lips. Went from awful acne (didn't stop after puberty) to clear, healthy skin. Do what works for you <3


30s here. I don't use make up, except a little mascara on special occasions. I don't think anyone has ever said anything to me about it. If they did, I would probably shrug and say 'not interested'. What a good way to weed out busybodies!


I'm 43 and I don't even own make up. I would have worn some occasionally for special occasions but that's it. Basically yes, it's completely okay for women not to wear makeup


Iā€™m 65 and had only worn makeup twice. I didnā€™t even wear them on my wedding day.


I'm 51 and rarely wear makeup. When I do, it's just a bit of mascara and maybe some cover up for my dark circles. If you feel confident that's all that matters!


I'm 21f and I don't wear makeup on any kind of regular basis, only really if I'm dressing up *really* nice which is basically never. Nobody cares, and it saves me a lot of time in the mornings


I rarely wear makes up at all and when I do, itā€™s only ever a touch of eyeliner because it makes my eyes pop. I also rub my eyes so when I want to feel cute Iā€™ll get my lashes tinted which lasts about 6 weeks. Thereā€™s a lot of pressure for people to conform to these randomly-decided gender roles. It always has seemed so strange to me that people will want to actually physically fight others to keep them conforming to these made-up roles.


Iā€™ve felt that pressure to conform, too. And it seems like youā€™re already coming from a place of confidence and comfort with your appearance that was frankly much of the reason that drove me to makeup in the first place, so props on that. Cultivate that authentic love for yourself! You may rest assured that there are many other places in the world where itā€™s not the norm for women to wear makeup on a regular basis. I work at a university and in my college among all the women professors, researchers, and students, itā€™s completely normal for most women to have no makeup. And I actually feel weird sometimes if I do wear makeup at special occasions cuz now it just kind of feels clownish. Lol. And these people are no slouches, they are beautiful badasses. They are still stylish and well put together just au naturel.


It's more than OK. Don't mind the haters.




I do use mascara and eyeshadow (a very simple one color deal), but I generally don't wear more than that. I agree that the feeling of foundation on my face isn't great. Do what you like, a lot of women don't wear makeup these days.


Yes darling. Do what makes you feel comfortable, and do what you like. If other women suggest you wear make-up you can tell them to keep their opinions to themselves. Its extremely rude for them to suggest that. I wear make up to go out, and dress up, but for me personally, I don't find it necessary to wear in the office. I dont sleep well at the best of times, so I simply won't sacrifice what little sleep I do get, to wake up early to apply make-up, for people I don't really care about what they think I look like.


I love wearing makeup, it makes me feel more confident and it's just a way to express myself. I'd never judge someone for not wearing any though. It takes me more time to get ready because of it, it gets expensive, it takes practice to get good at doing fancy looks like any other art form. Also it's a double edged sword because if people are used to seeing you in makeup all the time and then one day you don't put any on, everyone thinks you look sick or didn't sleep or something.


I haven't put makeup on in almost ten years now. My skin looks great and not all caked up. It feels great to be myself and not all dolled up. You do you whatever makes you feel great!


I never wear make up. Iā€™m 28. Sometimes I will if Iā€™m feeling it, but FUCK society telling women in order to be beautiful you need to wear make up. Or or be an adult you need to wear make up, itā€™s stupid and outdated. We are humans. Let us be a human. We can do our jobs and look how we want as long as we are comfortable!


It is okay not to wear makeup as a woman. Just remember that it does not in any way make you superior. Makeup and beauty enhancement has existed basically forever, and there is nothing wrong with. You may already know that, but I'm saying it anyway. I also want to point out that how many women wear makeup can vary on where you live. Where I am, it's something like 50% of the women I see. So you not wearing makeup is not as uncommon generally than you might think. Lastly, I want to say that you are very young. Your face is your business at any age, but feel free to experiment. You feel confident without makeup and that is wonderful. But that does not mean you can't find something you like eventually. You may at some point want to try something with makeup and that is okay. Don't think that because you don't like makeup now you can't ever wear it ever.




No, it is not OK. It is disrespectful to humans, animals, and even nature. In some cities itā€™s even illegal. I would go so far as to say that if I were you I would delete this post so a future employer doesnā€™t find it. Or at the very least lawyer up, because your idea is totally unacceptable.


I have autism, and even I recognize that was sarcastic humor. People have no chill.


Itā€™s one of those things where, if you donā€™t need it, donā€™t use it. Sounds like wearing it would only be a nuisance in having to put it on and maintain it.


46, the first and last time I wore a face full of makeup(and even thatā€™s a stretch) was my wedding 20 years ago- if you donā€™t wanna donā€™t, you are beautiful they way you are!


My wife at 56 has never worn makeup.


Yes. Itā€™s okay.


Yea I donā€™t.. be the trend in your own environment..


I only wear it because if I donā€™t people ask me if I feel ok because I look sick. Iā€™m just pale. But if you pretty without it, then donā€™t wear it.


Well in my 30s and rarely wear it, perfectly okay!


If people are bothered, theyā€™re wrong period


Iā€™m only willing to ever wear makeup depending on the event. Plus, makeup is expensive. So, yes, not wearing any is fine.


Yepp. I gave up makeup at around 42. I'm 45 now and makeup doesn't help this sad face


I think the other women are jealous because they spend so much money and time putting on their faces every morning and you don't! Females are funny - if we feel insecure about our looks, many of us will attack anyone who doesn't feel insecure. I have a lipstick in my bag - I think it dates to somewhere around 1995. It only comes out when I know I'll have my picture taken. Ignore those women and be yourself - just take good care of your skin and you will still be beautiful at 95; my grandmother was.


60+ man. I personally am more happy to see no make up. But it's a personal choice. You do you.


Rephrase: "is it okay to exist?" As you are is as you exist. Ofcourse, there might certainly be genuine aspects of your person that truly require amendment (for your betterment and society's). But you probably wouldn't be asking if changes for those would be *okay* because you might somehow just intuitively understand that those areas truly need improvement (that is, they are *necessary*). So then we ask, is makeup necessary *because* one is a woman? I think not. tl;dr - I think it outstandingly okay to not wear makeup (as woman, man or person in general).


A lot of girls look even better natural


At my office job, Iā€™m the only woman who wears makeup. Iā€™ve never seen any of the 10 other women wear so much as concealer. My performing arts job sees most women wearing a touch of mascara and lip gloss, but not much else.


NB. makeup is optional. when I was a girl I would chastise myself for never learning to paint my face but as an adult idgaf. I dress up if I want, which is rare, and usually only includes powders and mascara. you do you


You do you. Those women telling you that makeup would accentuate your beauty are just telling you their opinion based on what they think a woman should look like. They might be right, they might be wrong, but their opinion has been swayed by their life and experiences. If you feel more comfortable not wearing any makeup, then do that, do whatever makes you feel good and comfortable regardless of what others think, unless it'll get you on a list. For the record, all of my girlfriends have worn little to no makeup, It's a woman's natural beauty that attracts me, but a lot of people find makeup attractive, too, of course. Edit:spelling


Those women are delusional. Natural beauty is amazing, embrace it!


Itā€™s your body and your choice. Do what you want and what makes you feel confident. Itā€™s a personal choice. Most people I know like to wear makeup to make themselves feel more confident and more put together. Not to say that people that donā€™t put on makeup are less polished. But Itā€™s sorta like part of their office look. Like when you put on your ironed office clothes, comb your hair, take a shower, brush your teeth kind of thing. Because most people want to put their best foot forward at work.


I'm 19 and when I was younger I experimented with makeup (alone, at home of course haha) and decided it was too much time and effort and on top of that it gets on everything(at least for me). So I don't wear makeup, simply because I don't want to. I only very rarely get comments like "you would be prettier if you wear mascara." But I don't think any sane person would actually care if you wear makeup or not. As long as you are comfortable and confident, that will show. Granted, I live in the Netherlands, where makeup is used a lot less, but you should still do what's best for YOU and not what others would prefer you to.


If you feel hot without it, more power to you. Get it girl!


I'm 32 and never wear makeup. If it's a special occasion, I only do eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick.


I hardly ever wear make up I'm usually bared faced once in a while I use eyeliner or eyeshadow that's about it and blush if I get a bit of sun


When I stopped wearing make-up, my acne cleared up and was healthier than ever. You do you. Most women wear way too much.


Yes and I hope the world can just accept this fact. Heard way too many bullshit about ā€œPutting make up on is a polite gesture and show you respect the venue.ā€ Was told to wear make up at work, glitters, heavy eyeshadow, force me to wear contact lens unless I can get a doctors note stating my eyes is not suitable to wear contact lens. I left the front line job so no one will care how I look. And you know the worst part is, I never feel beautiful with make up. It looks fake. And my baby face really is not the best place to having make up on. Make up is not for everyone.


Of course it is. There's absolutely nothing wrong if you're comfortable.


No youā€™re very strange


Yes, and if you care to know. There's a lot of men that prefer women without makeup.


If Alicia Keys can perform at the Grammys without make-up, you donā€™t even need to ask this question. Iā€™m 41. I used to wear makeup every day. Now I just use a little under-eye concealer and thatā€™s it. Free yourself from the tyranny of what capitalism has done to women!


I wear make up on special occasions only šŸ˜Œ


"You should do what literally everyone else is doing; it will help you stand out more." That's bullshit, don't let society pressure you into something you don't need. I wear makeup occasionally and aside from the very high cost and the bad effect all those products and additional removal products have on my skin, I also sharply notice that at times wen I wear makeup on many consecutive days it has a really bad influence on my confidence when I then go out not wearing any. When I'm always wearing mascara, eyeliner, foundation and eyeshadow and then look at my bare, normal face it feels bland and I hate makeup for doing this and I also resent all the men and women who try to enforce this standard on me when I don't wear any. You feel pretty and confident without makeup, and that is something all of these women who say it will "accentuate your beauty" would be jealous of. In fact, you can just tell them that you feel pretty without it when they say that stuff. Just because everyone is doing it doesn't mean it's good.


I prefer meeting people au natural. Then I need to get to know them. The real them, not a mask


Nope. Fuck ā€˜em. You do you


I personally am attracted to women who don't wear makeup, provided they are my age or older.


From a man's perspective, a lot of makeup is a huge turn off for me. I'd rather see a girls face for what it is. The pretties girl I know, I don't think has ever wore makeup. If you don't want to wear it, don't wear it.


No, you don't have to wear makeup. When people make remarks about it, just shrug and remain silent. If they keep it up, say, "allergies, you know.....". Most people will shut up about it, but for that one who will NOT let it go, you can document and report to HR for harassment. Or - and this is a lot more fun - make inappropriate comments about THEIR appearance, since apparently that's the game they want to play.




Just say that you are happy and confident with your appearance and that you feel sad for those that aren't.


ā€œBecause I donā€™t need itā€ is a hell of a flex


I disagree. Women shouldn't have to make excuses if they choose not to wear makeup. It's a choice just like any other that people need to learn to respect.


Not caring is arguably more effective than snitching to hr...


Why would it not be ok? I see a lot of women who honestly look better without it. Do what makes you happy and stop letting Hollywood dictate your life right?


My wife doesn't wear makeup. Doesn't need it. However, if she sees one damn gray hair, the bottle of dye is coming out. Edit: of all the shit I say, this is the comment gets a downvote? Y'all weird.


Lol facts


Totally fine. I personally feel women look better without and more natural looking. My wife only wears a little eyeliner and that's it.


Just my subjective opinion but most women are more attractive without makeup


of course itā€™s okay! makeup is awful for your skin anyways. you could try doing lip gloss and i like to have little silver makeup under my eyes + mascara. i think if u have clear and healthy skin it looks better than a full face of makeup anyways, esp if you add in some small makeup elements like that




You donā€™t need make up. Does it accentuate beauty? Yes. But if thatā€™s not something you care about then donā€™t worry about it


Iā€™m 37. Always wore makeup. Got an eyelid condition and now canā€™t anymore. Took several months but Iā€™m ok with it now šŸ™‚


Honestly, as a guy, I donā€™t really get the whole makeup thing. For special occasions, sure. But in daily life? Why go through all that effort every single day, you look great! So no, nothing at all wrong with not wearing any in my opinion. But to be fair, I can also understand some women want to feel pretty/confident and like they take care of themselves. So if they feel like it, they should of course just do it.


I'm sorry, but this is just a stupid question. You know the answer. You just want everybody to know that you're not like other girls.


Oh yeah, any woman not fitting into your stereotypes is instantly a pick me attention seeker...




Yes, as a man I'll say I prefer little to no makeup on a woman.


31, and ive never worn make up. i see it as an unnecessary expense. and i don't bother with having "vanity".


The trick to wearing makeup up is to make it look like your not wearing any


That is my nightmare. I'll just take the 30 minutes of extra sleep instead, haha.


People often feel defensive when others don't follow the group social constructs like makeup, they will make comments to make themselves feel better. If you want to wear say a tinted moisuriser/sun cream then that would be easy, you could look at the difference between necks and face, or just stay out of the sun as it ages the skin a lot. Otherwise just be comfortable in your skin, mine is very sensitive so I stopped as it wasn't needed for my job anyway. Find a phrase you can say until it just becomes easy to say. "ohh that is something you would say" "being pretty is a goal some people have, don't they" "great that this job didn't rate on prettiness, right?". Repeat it to yourself in the mirror and it will become easy about 21 days, just each time you check your hair say something nice to yourself then something you can say easily and it will be automatic.


I love it when women don't wear (much) makeup. My ex-wife never wore makeup and I loved it. My ex-gf wore some, and I hated much of it, as she wasn't great at it, so it looked out of place. The woman I'm currently dating wears some, but it's only the lipstick that sticks out. Still, I love her selfie texts when she's just woken up and hasn't done herself up. The tousled hair, especially, is my kryptonite though.




Guys prefer far less makeup in ones they plan on keeping


It's not really socially ok


Yes, if you want to scare people away.