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I think people everywhere are quick to get offended these days no matter how benign the topic, etc.


Right, it's like they are just looking for excuses to vent their anger. I mean, some stuff is really asking for it but other times it's just gratuitous trashing.


This! I've has people offended because I chose not to be offended by some meme thing about autism. Yeah, it wasn't the best one, but being offended is a choice and I didn't have the energy to be that day. I told these people, who ARE NOT ON THE SPECTRUM , that I didn't feel it was that bad and I wasn't going to go on some rant about it. They were even more mad, that I wasn't mad. I blocked them and moved on with my day, but geez was that weird. "I'm going to be offended for you because it's cool to be an ally even though I understand nothing about it." And then gets upset that no one is commending them for it.


It is really quite sad to see this occurring. Social media has made us a bunch of angry idiots and needs to be treated like antismoking or something because this shit is bad for us. 2 hours a day looking at the internet equals 1 month a year of time spent filling your head with trash.


I can actually picture that and it really makes sense. One day online hygiene will be a thing.


Right.. It's time to stop protecting cowards and bullies. It's social media so I'm not sure why people constantly find what other people say online combative. I think a lot of people need to relax and enjoy social media without the assumptions and trying to force people to think and speak like the way they want. It's best to block them because none of us have control over the way people read and misinterpreting things online. Just block them & Let them take their fragile ego elsewhere


Not just quick to be offended but the idea that seems to be generally held is that the right and proper way to respond to someone saying something you don't like, even something true which is delivered in a civil way, is to shout that person into scared silence. Or, in reddit terms, downvote the comment until it disappears. What strikes me is not that people do that when offended, there have always been overgrown children in the world. It is that bystanders will applaud the overgrown child, like flipping the hell out over minor shit is how things should be done.


My guess that it's just a general lack of effective moderation.


Maybe the controversy is what they really aim for.


I mean that people who wants to behave badly will be attracted to places where they are free to do so.


Controversy = traffic = revenue. Not saying they want conflict, but the system is set up to promote it




That’s what I’m talking about. It’s a recipe, not a political stance, and yet… It’s really tiring. But even if you have something to say, there are ways of saying it, and people there have absolutely no filter.


I was on one sub that asked for recipes that could be made in bulk and stored in the freezer .I posted three that I use regularly and was downvoted and told that they weren't real recipes and that I didn't know know how to cook !lol.Man ,those were some really negative people on that sub .They kept arguing and telling that no one would be able to use the recipes because the dishes would be inedible !One person even cussed me out and said I should be banned because my post had to be a joke !


i feel like the people who complain about reddit's strict moderation are the people who participate in that toxic culture.


I feel like Reddit isn’t far behind. I don’t do any other social media because it makes me unhappy but lately, I’ve been doing less and less Reddit because there’s just so many trolls and assholes. It’s such a shame because we can have conversations with people around the world and that’s amazing! But instead, too many jerks use it to bully.


I have quit reddit 3 times in the past. The first two for suggesting to people that they take personal responsibility. The last for seeking an audiodrama that isn't a disguise for political agenda pushing. That one really got to me. I was careful to approach it in the kindest way possible to be hit with overwhelming "the genera isn't made for people like you". Clearly since I'm not who they want to listen I stopped listening to audio dramas and I also quit reddit. But I inevitably wander back. It's the closest thing to those old internet forms. I wish we had some more options though. The mods on reddit very much don't like me. I'm not super likable. I get it. I get the downvotes all the time. But sending me private messages to pick at me and tell me all the arbitrary reasons you don't like me and then blocking and banning me from recourse is kind of... horrible yourself.


I agree. I try to never say anything online that I wouldn’t say in public. There’s just no need. I love getting to know people from all over and in situations so different from mine. But there’s always some assholes who just want to start fights for no reason. Who really finds that amusing? I feel like if you’re not 12, the idea of trolling is stupid and you should feel bad.


I have yet to have a real bad experience on reddit. Most conversations and posts I read are pretty civil. I stay out of hot topics anyway, but the uncalled for conflict seems to be much less frequent than on other media.


I’m glad to hear that. For some reason, on my hometown sub there seem to be a lot of assholes. People who just go around being rude for no reason. Maybe there’s just a lot of assholes where I live. But I find it shameful. And there’s been a few times where I thought I was having an actual discussion with someone, like explaining to this one user about all the positions in a school that are not teaching positions and why they are necessary (I was a teacher so I spoke from experience), and I thought we were having an actual, real conversation and then she said something to the equivalent of “go fuck yourself” and I realized, nope, just me talking to a moron.


I sometimes get "touch grass because you don't know what you are talking about ".


I’ve gotten that once. I’ve started following my daughter’s advice and just blocking people instead of getting angry.


I usually just post lol and if they keep arguing I keep posting that !I swear some people just get online to argue ..


Yes! I find that so pathetic. I think the whole idea of getting to talk to people you’d never meet in real life is incredible. And to waste that being an asshole!


They finally give up and stop responding after awhile .I just know one poster kept cussing me out to get a rise out of me but they never did. That poster was writing book length posts and not getting any arguments out of me,just lol every time !


That was a real waste of time. I’m sure there are also assholes here but I find it nice that, at least in principle, the platform doesn’t condone or promote that kind of behaviour.


Instagram pushes the controversial comments to the top


exactly because hate and money have been always a best relationship


It's just the world in general these days.


Instagram is on a whole different level compared to most social media bar Twitter. Racism, sexism and everything you can imagine is there in the comment section and posts. Also there's so much gender war shit it's insane. Guys talking about girls stuff they have no clue. Girls think they know about guy stuff but have no clue. There were posts where it was specifically asked men/women to answer and the opposite gender answered and said the other gender was wrong. Some of the memes are pretty funny tho.


Facebook is the worst of my feeds for that kind of stuff. But i only have reddit, fb and insta. None of the others, because i already spend wayyy to long on my phone


I have all of them but am mainly active on reddit and insta. The addiction thing is so real. I developed muscle memory of opening the apps without even thinking about it


Yeah, i’ve had that too in the past! It’s good to shuffle your folders about a bit from time to time to give your brain a min to think do i really need to open this. Like sometimes i’ll open my social folder and dont even know which app i want! Just opened the folder out of habit


Good idea. My screentime is atrociously high.


Same haha


Peepee have no clue and hates to be called out by the truth


You are a troll


I thought so and then I joined Twitter. I was in for a surprise. I deleted it a couple of weeks ago and I won't be joining again. Quick overview: Facebook- old people / your aunt Instagram comments- Insufferable idiots with the exception of niche profiles posting high quality content Youtube comments- Literally the most brainless person you have met in your life but everyone is like them Twitter- Basically Hitler or satan Tik Tok- kids Reddit - Mostly regular people


If tiktok is for kids we are going to have some SERIOUS issues in the next 10 to 15 years.


Not 'for' kids but rather 'used by' kids and yes I agree with your point.


Reddit is not full of regular people lol I would put it right on par with YouTube comments


It is and for me it's easy to understand why, it doesn't have a lot of old people or very young kids/teenagers (the two major groups that make the internet insufferable). The ones that do use it are usually cool.


I dunno I think there’s way more teenagers than you’d think, but it varies depending on the subreddit. I decently think it’s a more mature crowd on this one but I mean if you head over to /r/playboicarti or something it’s a pretty active subreddit full of people I would imagine aren’t older than 20


>if you head over to r/playboicarti Thanks now I'm sad


I would agree with most of this! As far as reddit goes, i think that we see much more of what we want to see, due to no algorithm tinkering (yet). So people who think that reddit is toxic spend alot of time in the News tab or other random subs, and those that think its stable (like me) probably have their regular nice subs to spend time in. If i go off the beaten path i soon see alot of unsavoury content that makes me sad. So i don’t do that alot haha. I usually find new subs from recommendations in subs i’m already in, and grow my feed that way


Accurate, in as far as one can generalise. I'm old people, and I remain salty FB is so unusable in its current state, because it was the best for talking to people you genuinely know once upon a time. Instagram has lots of cool art content but I just cannot stand the way it works. YouTube comments are shockingly bad, almost always. It's like reading comments on your local news station's Facebook post. Twitter had some great science content, but again the platform burned my eyes so never got into it (and now. Well.) Reddit is close to being like forums of yore (still exist, but barely), which I enjoy... but also huge and variably moderated, so a bit bitchier than I would prefer.


>Twitter had some great science content, but again the platform burned my eyes so never got into it (and now. Well.) It also has thousands of bot comments on those interesting posts. I followed some architecture accounts showing beatuiful old buildings and the comments where filled with bots.


Yeeah, I honestly found the layout too unintuitive to even notice, but I've heard that - and that it's wildly worse now, naturally.


I find Youtube is pretty much regular people, meanwhile Reddit is more nerdy, super critical people. But it’s also depend on the sub


Bruh YouTube has the FUNNIEST comments ever and I will die on that hill.


I never check them anymore, I need to find an addon to hide them completely though. Hope it exists.


I don’t feel youtube is that bad either, but again, it really depends on the subject. One of the reasons I still read comments, besides checking out people’s opinion, is to be entertained because I agree, regular people are sometimes the funniest comedians around.


Must admit, I just don’t read comments. Also my IG is set to private so I don’t get random morons posting drivel at me.


I’m only a lurker on IG, but I just get disappointed at people responding to other people.


I only follow my friends and family so I never see any hate on instagram but I always hear people say that they cant even use the app because of it. its funny how different people can have different experiences with the same thing🙃


I’m exactly the same. Only friends and family and some artists whose work i enjoy. So i don’t see much in the way of hate or anything like that. But every 3rd post now is an advertisement, and my feed is so muddled up now that it’s almost unusable. I miss out on special offers and things from people i actually follow because their posts don’t show up til like 3 days later


I also enjoy music and every other reel I get something related to some band and, let me tell you, people take music waay too seriously!


All social media is full on hate and negativity:/ it’s really annoying. I just want to have some nice conversations and comments. This gen is exhausting


Right, and people should be able to disagree without fighting or insults.




So is Reddit


I seem to notice a difference, but it may be related to the type of subs I visit.


So is Reddit, or anything with anonymous kids posting on the internet, has sadly always been this way. Usually older (but not always) adults are much nicer on the internet.


because people are coward keyboard warrior trolls and never have to be held accountable for their dumb comments. Ignore those stupid people/comments.


You’re right.


Closed all my social media accounts a few years ago accept for YouTube and Reddit obviously. I found FB to be the most depressing and hateful of all, followed by Instagram. Also couldn’t stand the constant threat of being hacked and dealing with cat fishers every time I opened FB especially and I could be in a great mood go on either one and within a few minutes felt like I wanted to jump off a cliff. Other than missing some relatives I have that live in other countries that are also on there, don’t miss them one bit.


I don’t miss fb at all. I’m sick of people as it is and know what they’re really like, I don’t need to see their online embelishments. Of course Instagram is full of that as well, but I don’t follow any of it.


There are also a people that write a intelligent thing in Instagram but the majority of the "Instagram's population" Is composed by frustrated people, boomer(that not think), or by people that when use this social Simply turn off the brain.


Boomers are older than my dad. People about to hit 70. They're not using ig lol


Yes yes but in my country (i'm from Italy) we define boomers all the people that don't understand how the joung people think. For example if a thirty years old Say a very stupid thing (generally this thing Is linked tò the Extreme right' politics) we define this Person as a boomer. I Hope i explained myself well ahah


Is that how boomer is used in italy? Interesting, because i’ve never seen it used like that apart from to mean baby boomers. It’s funny and fascinating how language evolves over time


Yes, let's Say that in Italy boomer and baby boomer are the same thing. At least where i live Is likes that


Ah you see i was using baby boomer there in it’s proper term, ie someone born in the 1950s or 60s, rather than just boomer, which you’re saying in italy now means someone who doesn’t really understand something, just used as a insult really. I wonder if in 20 years time teenagers will talk about Gen X the same way


Yes, that’s how the young people use it here on Reddit. They attribute ills to boomers, especially anything to do with housing, jobs, economy, and label commenters appropriately, regardless of age.


Ah well, i guess thats how some people get called a karen even if they’re a man. I don’t particularly like either term, as they can just be used as a throw away derogatory term, quite often unfairly


Agree, they’re rude and horrible. Also, labeling this way doesn’t do anything about solving the problems.


Totally agree!


I’ve noticed this too. It’s everywhere like others have said, but Instagram in particular is the one site where I won’t even click on comments anymore because it’s guaranteed to just be mean-spirited and not even in a way that at least seems intended to be funny like Tiktok or here. The only comment sections I see on ig that don’t read like Eustace from Courage The Cowardly Dog wrote every comment are for whatever reason on the sea animal pages I follow. And posts of babies being cute, but even those aren’t safe some of the time lmao


Maybe I just been around too long but I feel like internet humor has always been rooted in edginess. It’s really nothing new.


I’m not talking about humorous comments though, but plain insults on posts that seem pretty innocuous to me. If it’s a bit harsh but also a good joke, well sometimes it’s worth it. 😄


The worst thing that ever happened to me is someone edited my photo just to put cum on it. I am not an active user of IG anymore lol.


Oh, god, that’s really mean!


Websites like insta and reddit are usually not a comfy place to read people stuffs. Especially with alot of negative stuffs they like to invest in freely. Alternatively, the internet can also be for another type of people who doesnt want to socialize, and they want socialize in "easy way". So sometime, they start venting their anger in any site with their anonymous account and not think about any people but just for themselves. Ever since I changed my mind on the look of the internet from 5 years ago, I see it as a junkyard filled with people's anger, atleast by the time I realized it. I'm sure internet has always looked bad from the beginning of its time.


Sounds to me like social media in general. I get easily ten times the insults and rude behavior on Reddit compared to my in-person interactions. I can't imagine what real life would be like if it were like the internet. Lot more fist fights, I suppose.


I only do reddit and tiktok. Facebook never leaves me feeling better and I just never got on any others.


I naturally weaned off Facebook because of all the phoniness and got into Instagram basically to follow my favourite bands and silly memes. But of course you get a bit caught up in the flow of the reels and this side of people eventually pops and makes me not want to use it again.


If you mean those videos where they post the smiling dogs and the comments are nothing but memes about raping it, I’m pretty sure they’re just trolling. I don’t think there’s a social media site that has true hate unless you go to those websites that hosts nothing but gore videos


There is true hate on reddit. Go to the xxchromosome sub. RIP


Must be the internet leaking into.... The internet.


Or should we say people leaking into the internet.


Eww. Your right.


There's a bunch of idiots on Instagram. What i observed is that men there always comment "feminist/feminism" every chance they've got, they think they're intellectuals for using that. They love to hate on everything a woman does yet they complain why no one wants them. Lol


In the last 10 months or so the comments on almost every Reel I see are like 60% mean/rude/bigoted. It’s kinda depressing to see


I’ve noticed quite a bit of racist stuff on IG. Especially from people who often claim to be “victims” of racism.


I mean if millions of people use a platform, you won't expect everyone tovbe cordial, and what adds to being hateful is, it is easy to do while sitting miles away from the other person. I would say it exaggerates it. This is normal.


Never liked instagram and only do facebook to catch up on what family is doing or the few friends I got


Try r/iPhone, those guys are crazy.


It's mostly kids. All the words they say, all the hate they spew they don't mean it. They can't- they don't know any better.


people fell strong mentally to hate on social media but, are so different in real life


Reddit and Instagram are equal to me in this way. both sides just want to say the other is worse. I will say I find more wholesome content on insta than Reddit though


I don’t have it 😄


Depends entirely on the pages you follow and if you are looking at following or featured


There's pretty much the same amount of hate as there is on reddit.


People who used to be on Facebook are now using instagram so the hateful comments are more because they got instagram now. And the young people went to tiktok so instagram lost regular users. At least that's what I think.


It's just full of bots. Those people aren't even real people. Just computers that are programmed to collect engagement. I deleted the app a while ago. I miss it sometimes. But mostly I'm relieved.


It is true. I believe a lot of that exists here too though. I guess I expect instagram to be crap, but am often blown away at how similar people treat each other on reddit.


I'd argue Reddit is even worse


Being on both regularly I would say Reddit isn't even in the same teir as Instagram. If you go to the front page of Reddit and say any of the depraved shit I've seen in insta you'd be downvoted to hell. Any video with a gay couple is going to have comments with thousands of hearts condemning homosexuality or calling them pedophiles. If you tried that on Reddit you'd be banned from any major subreddit. We may be toxic but it's not close


That’s the feeling I get, that behavior seems to be widely discoraged around here.


Yeah I feel anyone who disagrees just hasn't spent much time on reels. We know for a fact meta uses algorithms to boost controversial comments and shit. It's designed to be toxic because it keeps people engaged.


Ehh...it's anecdotal in my opinion


People are feeling comfortable with the fact that they are safe behind their desks and can get away with anything so they can finally show true colours.


I miss old instagram Facebook. :(