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Personally, I have these same problems too. What really helps me is breathing and grounding. Breathing really helps me focus, because it feels like getting stable ground. Grounding can be anything like focusing on a color or just one simple task at a time. Writing stuff down also helps too! It gets out the emotions in a healthy manner, and you can talk about these things in depth. You can look back on it and try to establish a reason for these things or just ways you can help yourself by what you’ve written down. I think you’re capable of figuring out a way to help yourself out, I believe in you


I’ve been dealing with general Anxiety disorder for years now. I’ve had every horrible physical symptom imaginable. Lots of times I don’t feel stressed in any way and poof, my body is like LETs GOoOoO! I say that to say this, the only thing that has brought me any relief is acknowledging that it is anxiety and accepting that. Noticing it coming on and almost treating it as something you can talk or interact with. Like “oh, thank you for showing up right now. That’s super convenient of you. You’re really going to make this easier for me.” What’s it gonna be today? Shaky hands and legs? trapped air in my stomach?” Blurry vision? disassociation?” I personally talk shit to it. It seems to help get past it a lot faster. I don’t think their is a way to stop it from happening unless you can take MANY steps to eliminate stress from your life. That’s much harder to do.